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Will Umbra Forma eventually be sold in the market.


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Just curious if we will ever see the Umbra forma sold in the market. I would buy them right now if that was the case. I play as often as I can working towards the one we can get free but I don't think I will make it. I am only tier 11 at the moment. I do hope these become more available in the future and hopefully not just in PoE or OrbV. They are pretty places but I just don't care for either one of those places and don't play there. Which is kinda sad because you tied so much stuff to those areas and didn't make any other way to earn them outside of going to those areas.

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I think it's fairly unlikely Umbral Forma will be sold for plat any time soon. Right now it's one of the core motivators for high-rank players to go through nightwave, and will probably be near the top-end of the next few nightwave seasons as well. You might not get this one, but you will have other opportunities in the future.

The earliest I would guess Umbral Forma could be moved to be a marketplace item would be when they start repeating nightwave events - which won't come for a long time and even then I wouldn't count on it.

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There is also the potential murkiness of purchasable umbral forma being "pay to win".  From all appearances, It's going to be doled out sparingly and in fixed amount(s) for the foreseeable future, having a paid option to bipass this restriction while Umbral Forma remains timegated would lead to controversy.

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8 минут назад, (XB1)RDeschain82 сказал:

Maybe not in the market OP. But I could definitely see them implement a Umbra Forma bp as a RNG 2% drop at some point in some way. 

Most likely. I assume this will be the case since umbra-ish stuff is more effective in fighting sentients and we are  going to have full blown war against those soon™

So like a reward from sentient-centric game mode or mission or whatever. But god forbid 2% cause pretty much everyone will need those.

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Wouldn’t be surprised if it only dropped from some new sentient boss. Maybe even The Eidolons. 

What I want to talk about is new upcoming Umbra Mods. Like some Umbra Aura mod. Or like sacrificial Hornet, Serration, and Blank. 

Wish Umbra had his own primary and secondary. Like his own Bow and throwing secondary. 

Either way. Really doubt DE is gonna make such an important not so common forma so easy to obtain. Unless they replaced every single mod with a superior umbra variant. Wouldn’t hold my breath. 

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Just my opinion but I think they should stay time gated. I believe this is the best choice because Umbral Formas are providing a valuable service, which is preventing metas from diluting player investments.

For example, like an ironclad rhino, or saryn spore set up. For late game, anyone's frame is most often built to the same meta everyone else is running. Relatively, fitting in the last forma and mod to finish doesn't feel like ascending to some new power, but instead it just feels like you've caught up to the thousands and thousands of players that had already been running that build. An Umbra build though, to me at least feels like ascending. Umbrals exceed what most players have, putting whatever favorite frame you invest in to something that actually feels special. Rather than being 1 of millions of the same, you're now one of maybe hundreds, maybe less. The limited Umbra Formas gives us a chance to specialize among our peers.

It's how I see Umbra forma at least.

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