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Wolf Fight Feedback


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I'm going to preface this with I don't mind Wolf's design. Do I find it annoying? Of course. I think having him scale worse than normal enemies and/or index enemies is obnoxious in and of itself. But, I'm prepared to deal with it so whatever.

That said, with Wolf in his current form I'm starting to notice that the more he spawns, the more people are not willing to fight him. In the few encounters I've had with him normally it's me and 1 other player attempting to take him down while others continue the mission normally.

Now that's all fine and dandy, but with his current design that makes this fight even longer.

Again, I'm all for challenge, but this is a bit eh. Example is level 64 Wolf who seems like he's level 300+. A bit much. Enemies in the Index don't have this kind of insane scaling. Hell, Profit Taker and Eidolons are easier.

Once again, I'm fine with him overall. I truly don't care that he's a bullet sponge, but with his increased spawning making him manageable in a public setting might be at hand. Otherwise it backs players in to a tiny corner of "don't play in public" and/or "always have a rad-ready weapon". Neither seem like a reasonable option as it takes choice away from the player. We already have enough of that as it is, let's not make it worse.

Just my thoughts.

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I'm just frustrated that more than once my teammates and I have fought him most of the way down his health bar, only to have him either A ) disappear without dying, or; B ) on the couple of times we did beat him, he dropped Ammo Drum or something equally useless. Only once so far have I gotten one part of his hammer.

I think it's fair to say that none of us are fighting this guy for anything other than his Wolf-specific drops. So let him drop what we're looking for, not dreck we can get many other places with a lot less effort.

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Although it is not an unbeatable for, but still level 75 Wolf is ridiculous and normally requires 20+min to beat... if all four members are participate to it. That's nonsense for the assassin type of enemy that randomly spawned on the missions. Such ridiculously powerful enemy is only acceptable on the mission that solely aim for deal with it personally.

The funny thing is, level 75 Wolf do exists, while DE announced that his level is capped to 70 on co-op missions.



Edited by DroopingPuppy
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Actually, Dani and Helen were talking about this on today's PS4 stream. They mentioned how so many people drop from the mission when they encounter the wolf and a lot of people in the chat said the same thing. But that's exactly because the Wolf is way too overpowered.

I was in an extermination relic mission with three others a week or two ago.We were in a level 30-40 mission relic run. Suddenly here comes The Wolf at a whopping level 74! One of the guys admitted that they were bringing leveling gear, so he was not going to be helpful; the other had relatively weak gear and admitted that he's not equipped for the Wolf. I was definitely the wolf of our team having brought a Rhino and some decent gear. So the third player and I ended up carrying on the majority of dealing with The Wolf and restoring the other teammates when they got dropped. What should have been a simple hit-and-go extermination run ended up being a 25-minute slog because of the Wolf being so ridiculously leveled up compared to the rest of us.  We finally defeated him .... and he dropped a useless mod.

Okay, so the drop is all because of the RNG gods. I get that. But it ended up being a useless drop after a ridiculously more-difficult-than-it-needed-to-be Wolf appearance. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE DROP OUT WHEN THE WOLF SHOWS UP!

Edited by WidescreenRules
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Agreed. While I predominantly main Inaros who has NO problem surviving the fight, the Wolf is just the BULLET-SPONGIEST enemy of all time! It doesn't even matter what we have equipped, you just shoot the guy for an hour and a half. NO FUN AT ALL. Especially when you're in a survival, he pops up, and you not only have to mitigate the other scaling enemies (e.g. Mot), but you've got to deal with the fact that your other party members have just bailed on you.

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So, I just had another run-in with the Wolf. This time i was in an Ivara with a Dread that was taking out level 35-40 enemies in one shot with thousands of damage per hit. Then The Wolf shows up. I went invisible and started hitting him in the head at point blank range for a whopping .... 25-30 damage per hit, even when critical.

The only benefit is that he couldn't see me, so I managed to scan him without incident. After that, mission aborted.



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22 minutes ago, WidescreenRules said:

So, I just had another run-in with the Wolf. This time i was in an Ivara with a Dread that was taking out level 35-40 enemies in one shot with thousands of damage per hit. Then The Wolf shows up. I went invisible and started hitting him in the head at point blank range for a whopping .... 25-30 damage per hit, even when critical.

The only benefit is that he couldn't see me, so I managed to scan him without incident. After that, mission aborted.



its as i said. a fight like wolf should be just like acolyte (since he is almost as strong as they are). shadow stalker and vor dont force specific equipment setup on every single mission. its gotten to the point i just use garuda or <insert unkillable tank> or <insert stealth frame> or <insert exalted melee frame> and the usual meta primary to deal with him. i shouldn't have to do that.

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