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What are your end game ideas?


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Bring raids back. Make em challenging, maybe put in limitations to what frames can be used for each one or a cap on abilities or something.  Give players a challenge to do instead of the usualy trololololo catchmoon/melee aoe room clearing.

Edited by Alexandrious
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Something that comes after a damage re-balance so that endgame can be more clearly defined by actions other than obliterating a level 500 Bombard in 5 seconds.

Overall it is hard to say what endgame would be in Warframe because there's nothing that can be thrown at players that the powercreep can't trivialize.

Raids were trivialized by CC, Eidolons are trivialized by Raw damage output from snipers, its hard to design content that players can't just ignore and get the rewards for.

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Just now, trst said:

The truest of end-games of having feedback posted in the correct sub forums.

This is a discussion of what endgame ideas would be, not feedback submitted to DE, its the correct forum.

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A boss fight where you suddenly you lost some of your equipment (maybe forced to paracecis) with you being scared of dying

Also damage reflection enemy type

Edited by Gruiz
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We need a endgame like avengers endgame: Bring everyone together as a community like old events similar to stalker events but with new mods/ weapons and cosmetics for tenno

And maybe a limited time event for prime vault like the old void keys. 

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38 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

a map combining multiple mission types. is endless and missions appear as incursions on plains. high level enemies, more type of resource drops than on other maps, more affinity

Rework ESO into something like this.

Edited by Voltage
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I see

42 minutes ago, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

Any content that would require the coordination of a number of high level well-geared players. If new players can do it, if mid tier players can do it, its not end game (And I am not simply talking about locking them out because of a lack of standing in a syndicate or other silliness)

So Maplestory Zakum/Horntail Pre-Bigbang. Or something like this, this is what I would want.



Where Bosses are actually a threat and need alot of damage and coordination to take down as a team, requiring movement and mastery of player, boss, and stage mechanics to reach the final boss which is the climax of the mission with its own set of attacks and mechanics to get down. Giving you only one life, if you die you die. This is what I was expecting PROFIT-TAKERS HEIST to be. But I was disappointed, same with exploiter even though people say its good, I don't enjoy one big ol cutscene I like them when I'm actually fighting the boss. Not chucking Orange juice at it.

8 minutes ago, Facadedestroyer said:

the game is in tight spot right now, this is a result of years of neglected old content and running away from core issues, railjack will 100% be a failure just like fortuna and thats thanks to DE putting things in the back burner without looking back and having next to no principles or direction on what the game is suppose to be.

I agree with this I don't expect anything out of Railjack nor do I really care about it.

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For a long-term player, everything else is easy to do or bypass, even arcanes. Double energize? Bought it with plat I farmed up, ended up never even using it. But chasing that perfect riven? Plat won't help you with that, because often the exact combination of stats you want simply doesn't exist, such a riven isn't available on either of the market websites or trade chat. You have to make it yourself, and that's where the game falls flat. Kuva farming gets old quick

So fix that boredom problem, make riven rolling more varied and interesting! Give people what they want, such as the ability to lock in desirable riven stats. But make them earn it by doing all kinds of high-level stuff. You gotta craft an item to do it, and the components drop from the orbs, BP is in ESO, etc. Oh, you wanna keep the same stats and just reroll the % values? That'll be a boatload of vitus essense, please. That sort of thing. Basically, take a page from Path of Exile's book on item crafting and apply it to rivens, then lock all the required bits and bobs behind all the various high-level content that already exists in the game.

Edited by SordidDreams
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2 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:


Everything else is easy to do or bypass, even arcanes. Double energize? Bought it with plat I farmed up, ended up never even using it. But chasing that perfect riven? Plat won't help you with that, because often the exact combination of stats you want simply doesn't exist, such a riven isn't available on either of the market websites or trade chat. You have to make it yourself, and that's where the game falls flat. Kuva farming gets old quick

So fix that boredom problem, make riven rolling more varied and interesting! Give people what they want, such as the ability to lock in desirable riven stats. But make them earn it by doing all kinds of high-level stuff. You gotta craft an item to do it, and the components drop from the orbs, BP is in ESO, etc. Oh, you wanna keep the same stats and just reroll the % values? That'll be a boatload of vitus essense, please. That sort of thing. Basically, take a page from Path of Exile's book on item crafting and apply it to rivens, then lock all the required bits and bobs behind all the various high-level content that already exists in the game.

If they did that they would have to reduce the amount of damage we do. Thats probably something they would look at after they fix damage. 

Edited by _Behemot
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Just now, _Behemot said:

If they did that they would have to reduce the amount of damage we do. Thats probably something they would look at after they fix damage.

I don't see why they'd have to do that. I'm not asking DE to make creating the perfect riven any faster, just less monotonous.

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So many good ideas I just hope they’re being read by people who have influence, my clan has discussed making a YouTube channel to try and get DE attention but idk because I’m slowly losing faith after all this and it’s sad, I really hope we can fix this soon because this is an amazing game with an amazing community but if we don’t start getting noticed more and more people are just gonna leave, I’m mostly on board with bringing back solar rails and raids because that's when I had the most fun and more stories and quests 

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il y a 30 minutes, Facadedestroyer a dit :

the game is in tight spot right now, this is a result of years of neglected old content and running away from core issues, railjack will 100% be a failure just like fortuna and thats thanks to DE putting things in the back burner without looking back and having next to no principles or direction on what the game is suppose to be.

Content , mindsets , understanding of the game itself (e.g. what makes a frame or a weapon good) - I could not agree more with this and even if railjack became something good it would just be a cherry on top of a mediocre sundae.

I believe that the developers should try re-experiencing their game and understand it before trying to create an endgame.
They seem to release out a bunch of thing without really knowing what's going on.

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New raids that drop exclusive gear and weapons, and arent tied to a pre-existing boss with added gimmicks. Also warframe specific set mods that tie a warframes kit together in different ways while requiring the completion of difficult content to obtain; Kinda like a challenge rift where you complete certain objectives as the warframe you want the set mod for, and as you advance you acquire more of the set, but the difficulty increases. Oh and they cant be traded.

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Endgame for me would be leaderboard competition for missions that could actually satisfy a leaderboard system.

I'll share my idea.

First, I'm gonna explain reasons why leaderboards don't work for me in their current state. And then, I'm gonna suggest how to make endgame missions that satisfy a leaderboard system.

Leaderboards for endurance missions are meaningless due to the nature of the endurance missions and the lackluster state of the leaderboards.

These are the reasons that make leaderboards for endurance missions meaningless:

1.- Endurance missions are endless. Take defense for example, no matter how fast and efficiently you or your team managed to complete say 60 waves. Another team comes in, takes 5h to complete 65 waves and they are placed higher on the leaderboard.

2.- Fissures and regular endurance share the same leaderboard, and leaderboards don't highlight whether the mission was done in a fissure or a regular mission.

3.- The leaderboards are lackluster. They don't show enough parameters to indicate how efficiently or competently a team performed. For the most part they only show the time it took for the run to be completed or the number of waves. Take kuva survival for example, one team defends and extracts all kuva for an hour and leave, not losing a single capsule. Then a lone tenno goes in with Ivara covert lethality, defends no capsule, gets 0 kuva, but stays for 1h 1min getting higher placement on the leaderboards.

4.- What is the point of having these leaderboards when one team composition will always be most optimal for a type of mission, making only one team composition competitive.

My suggestion: get rid of the meaningless leaderboards and create endurance missions that can actually satisfy a leaderboard system.

Steps to accomplish this suggestion:

1.- Create non-endless endurance missions that last for 1h or 1h 30min on average. Make them have a final time or wave. Of course, keeping the option to extract early, but no option to go further than the established time or wave. Auto extract once the final time is reached or final wave completed. Or, if auto extracting doesn't feel too smoothly in a survival for example, freeze timer and stop enemy spawn, so that players have no choice but to extract.

2.- Create leaderboards for these non-endless endurance missions that take into consideration more than two parameters to decide the placement on the leaderboard and to indicate the efficiency of the run. For example, in order of parameter importance:

Survival: time of the run (capped at 1h) > capsules activated (the less the better) > total number of enemy kills (the more the better)

Defense: number of waves completed (capped at 40w) > time of the run (the less the better) > total cryopod damage taken (the less the better)

Kuva Survival: time of the run (capped at 1h) > number of kuva extractors successfully defended > total number of enemy kills 

Excavation: number of cryotic extractors successfully defended > time of the run (capped at 1h) > total number of enemy kills

Interception: number of waves reached (capped at 16) > time of the run > number of enemy kills

3.- Apply to these missions the same format that elite sanctuary onslaught uses: the tilesets remain the same for a whole week (or two weeks?) until leaderboard reset. The intention behind this is to provide fairer competition. If tilesets were random some teams would be luckier than others because some tiles are better for enemy spawns or provide more strategic locations for fighting the hordes of enemies.

4.- Make the game assign what warframe and what type of weapons are allowed for the endurance missions, let the game dictate the loadouts (not the mods, just the loadouts so as to not undermine player progression entirely). And make this mandatory loadouts last for the whole week. Each endurance mission type will have its own specific loadout, and these loadouts will remain the same for the whole week, until leaderboard reset.

The intention is the same as above with the tilesets being the same every time, fairer competition. For example, take sanctuary onslaught. A team composed of atlas, trinity, loki, and titania, all armed with daggers, bows and pox, will never have a chance against a team composed of equinox, volt, saryn, and rhino, all armed with polearms and whips, arcaplasmor and catchmoon. So in order to make competition fairer the game will have every player or squad pick a specified loadout and warframe to participate in the missions for that week.

5.- These missions should also be either 4 man only or solo only. And have a separate leaderboard for solo tenno as well so that there is no confusion between group or solo placement. Players will be able to compete in a solo or squad category. Both categories, solo or squad, with their own loadout specifications.

There are at least 8 endurance mission types in game already, so this would mean that there would be 16 different non-endless endurance missions (8 solo, 8 squad) each week to pick from. Each with its own loadout and warframe requirements. They would reset weekly or bi-weekly along with the loadout requirements and the leaderboards.

6.- Make these missions extra challenging. Besides having the game decide what type of weapons and warframes are allowed, make the missions harder by limiting gear number and options (no 200 large energy pads, no specters), increasing enemy starting level, increasing scaling speed, adding mini bossess in intervals (assassins, rathuum, index, or orb vallis enemies), etc.

7.- Make these missions extra rewarding. A reward for mission completion and a reward to top 3 places on each leaderboard.

For completion of mission the reward could be a riven for one of the weapons that the game-mode required players to use.

For leaderboard reward the idea is a bit more complicated. First, make players pay a fee to be allowed to enter the missions. The fee can be a sought-after resource like endo, kuva, or ducats. 

Example: Say, 2 ducats per player to run the survival non-endless mission. After the leaderboard reset, reward top 3 players or teams on that mission with the accummulated resources (ducats in this example) that were used by all players to access the mission. For example, 50% of resources accumulated for 1st place, 30% for 2nd place, and 20% for 3rd.

These missions would accomplish a few things. They would require team play (for team category at least, and for complition reward) which is almost non-existent in the game bar eidolons. This would give a good reason to playing with clanmates and friends. The nature of the missions would also make it really easy for clans and alliances to organize contests and events based around these missions. And these missions would bring to the game a piece of content that wouldn't feel so repetitive as each week the requirements and tilesets (setting) change for each mission type. The game-mode would also incentivize players to build all weapons and warframes in order to qualify for the mission requirements.

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replace Arbitrations.


And add a second difficulty mode throughout the entire system map.

With levels of 80+ starting from the planet of the earth.

You can add a lot to this complexity.


I think it will breathe new life into the game.

Giving more resources / focus / special rewards.
And I'm not talking about these pathetic + 25%
I'm talking about + 100% / + 150% / 200%


Let all missions in this mode be random nightmares every day.

My friend is only lvl 12 now and he already wants to give up the game because it’s too boring and easy.

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Hmm... an ever evolving game mode that can keep up with the powercreep plus allow new creative future warframe to jump in that will be around for the next two years. Nope nothing comes to my mind on how to put together a type of mission which require all the tools availible to the players without restricting their progress.

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