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what happen to just having fun playing the game?

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just watched the recording the the devstream on youtube and again DE shows something that they promise will have difficulty or challenge to it. only for the players who use meta builds to blur past it and say they are bored and that they want more challenge. kind of wish DE would take a little bit of time to improve early to mid game, and if those players that are rushing the game mode run off the metaphorical cliff. then let them. besides once DE has solved their issues with frames and weapons scaling they are going to have to go through all of their difficult content they made and scale them to according to their new scaling of the frames or its going to be a headache playing with the game modes. i mean ever since them showing the idea of having eximus units have invincibility phases till you shoot off what look like pineapples or bamboo shoots growing out of them, i grew more and more anxious. and ever since then when i hear DE promise "this is going to be difficult and challenging." i get extremely nervous.  i stressed a lot when DE said we where going to fail arbitration a lot. i mean this is a video game, video games are so pose to be fun and relaxing, not cause you to panic about whether somethings going to stress you out.

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5 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

"this is going to be difficult and challenging." 

I wouldn't give too much thought into what DE thinks is a challenge or not

5 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

i mean this is a video game, video games are so pose to be fun and relaxing, not cause you to panic about whether somethings going to stress you out.

people have fun while they have this stress, this is their fun....why should yours be prioritized?

DE is simply addressing a certain player base's issues, and they can't do that without affecting others. they made their choice, simple as that  

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You're error is to assume that everyone has fun with the same things.  I don't find easily completing missions fun, it's not why I enjoy gaming.  I enjoy gaming because it can push me to get better at something that can have depth (which is why I don't often use meta strats).  You can still have fun and push far into missions without touching the meta if you have proper knowledge of the game, proper experience playing around with it.  I get extremely nervous whenever something is obviously casualised and I have to think to myself "Is this what stops me playing?"

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you clearly didn't play the arcade video games of old.. where failure was the only outcome especially if failure in wf stresses you out.

and rather than wish they'd improve the early to mid game.. why not just play the current late game?

and lastly  - why cant they introduce content that is hard? why does everything have to be achievable for everyone? 

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11 minutes ago, Jiminez_Burial said:

You're error is to assume that everyone has fun with the same things.  I don't find easily completing missions fun, it's not why I enjoy gaming.  I enjoy gaming because it can push me to get better at something that can have depth (which is why I don't often use meta strats).  You can still have fun and push far into missions without touching the meta if you have proper knowledge of the game, proper experience playing around with it.  I get extremely nervous whenever something is obviously casualised and I have to think to myself "Is this what stops me playing?"

The problem with non meta frames for example is that they do crap for damage against high level enemies if your going into high levels.  frames like banshee,ash,ember won't make a dent against those enemies but frames like saryn,chroma,mesa all handle high levels a lot better but those are meta frames anyway,

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Just now, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

The problem with non meta frames for example is that they do crap for damage against high level enemies if your going into high levels.  frames like banshee,ash,ember won't make a dent against those enemies but frames like saryn,chroma,mesa all handle high levels a lot better but those are meta frames anyway,

my banshee would strongly disagree with the above.

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Just now, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

my banshee would strongly disagree with the above.

so you're saying your banshee can take down lvl 100-150+ enemies with ease ? 

this build i'd love to see so i could try it out myself lol.

I named off banshee,ember and ash because of the reworks they all got which were more or less nerfs and i rarely see any of them in high end stuff.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

so you're saying your banshee can take down lvl 100-150+ enemies with ease ? 

this build i'd love to see so i could try it out myself lol.

I named off banshee,ember and ash because of the reworks they all got which were more or less nerfs and i rarely see any of them in high end stuff.

Lol yeah it can. With a MK 1 Braton mate. It's only the highest damage buff frame in the game.. 

Edited by Zilchy
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20 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

video games are so pose to be fun and relaxing

Games are supposed to be engaging. Relaxation is only a part of that. Easier options allow for relaxation, but that alone isn't why people play action games. A lot of people, knowingly or not, buy action games for flow: For the state of being stressed, but also skilled enough to overcome it. That Zen-like state when you take on a hard task and are immersed in it. That's the ideal in a lot of cases for action games, or in fact, many games.

So why does DE have problems implementing this?

Technical debt.

DE have left the enemy, damage and ability systems untouched for too long and it hurst the game even outside of lack of difficulty. Enemies need to feel more meaningful to sell the power fantasy - if what we defeat is worthless, then what's the point? Abilities are too useful in too many situations - we win without creativity, either in builds or in action.

Steve has reported on a rework to Damage being tested with Railjack, which may help, but more is needed.

If enemies had logical case-by-case resistance to individual abilities (and possibly the ability to extend that to nearby enemies, at least for very powerful abilities), so as to reduce the effect of certain abilities, that might help. Individual frames could no longer dominate in the same way because they wouldn't be universally effective. Things are only OP if they're powerful in all, or almost all situations. Warframe only has one situation: Kill everything with one button/strat because everything is vulnerable to everything. Selective resistances as an intentional system changes that, and in every horde you'd have a few enemies that matter to you. They may not be the same enemies that matter to everyone else.

More teamwork and more exciting moments of peril and subsequent moments of triumph. Less press-4-to-win and less 'I want to play but there's a nuke/CC god preventing me from getting any enemies'

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Just now, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

honestly i haven't used my banshee prime in quite awhile sooo i should probably dust it off and mess with it lol

Ok I'll explain it. So currently with a max strength build you get a sonar damage buff of about 1200% So if your gun did 50 damage per bullet you would do 6000 damage. Since even a MK 1 Braton can do thousands of damage you can make even that humble weapon do over a million easily. On top of this, sonar points stack..   so imagine what happens when you hit an enemy with a weapon that does say 20k damage standard PLUS hitting 5 or more overlapped sonar spots...

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On 2019-05-04 at 3:21 AM, GinKenshin said:

I wouldn't give too much thought into what DE thinks is a challenge or not

people have fun while they have this stress, this is their fun....why should yours be prioritized?

DE is simply addressing a certain player base's issues, and they can't do that without affecting others. they made their choice, simple as that  

yeah i know their are people who like to have fun while their stressed. but just about every single update is garnered to these people while the rest is just trying to keep up.

On 2019-05-04 at 3:22 AM, Jiminez_Burial said:

You're error is to assume that everyone has fun with the same things.  I don't find easily completing missions fun, it's not why I enjoy gaming.  I enjoy gaming because it can push me to get better at something that can have depth (which is why I don't often use meta strats).  You can still have fun and push far into missions without touching the meta if you have proper knowledge of the game, proper experience playing around with it.  I get extremely nervous whenever something is obviously casualised and I have to think to myself "Is this what stops me playing?"

yes. i know the comment was same as the other one. your error is believe every single content warframe dishes out has to be very difficult or its not fun at all. i mean most if not all the content warframe has been releasing as far as i can remember has been either update this or that, open world maps, and content with a emphasis on challenge. plus where are the steps to get to these challenging content for players that drift through the game with ask any player for guidance. it is for sure not in the game. i mean half of the time i was flying on the seat of my pants through this game watching youtube videos on how to mod this or that warframe, and what is viable and what is not, because warframe for a long while now  never gave you options. you just have to wander blindly in the dark till you found something useful or looked up some build on youtube and then go through tons of web pages to find a trail or path to go to. mods didn't even show where  you get them until you scanned that target. how is someone going to be able to improve if they are push to improve but have no direction to go to improve?

On 2019-05-04 at 3:35 AM, (XB1)Tucker D Dawg said:

you clearly didn't play the arcade video games of old.. where failure was the only outcome especially if failure in wf stresses you out.

and rather than wish they'd improve the early to mid game.. why not just play the current late game?

and lastly  - why cant they introduce content that is hard? why does everything have to be achievable for everyone? 

i am aware of arcade video games of old, yet video games have grown into a wide variety now that just focusing arcade video games of the old is not helping to improve

because there is no clear pathway to get to current lat game.

not saying they can't intruduce hard or challenging content, just saying that they have been introducing a lot of challenging content lately with no relaxing content in between.

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hace 34 minutos, maddragonmaster dijo:

 video games are so pose to be fun and relaxing, not cause you to panic about whether somethings going to stress you out.

Ahh ... the definition of the new generation of snowflakes "gamers" ... Games from day 1 (in old games if you were bad you just couldnt progress at all ... no forum to cry , no people to carry you , etc ... i have no idea how you came with the idea of "games are sopuse to be for relaxing" ... most likely you are pretty young and you dont even know real games ... you only know the interactive movies we have now ) were about improve and go above your limits to defeat a challenge .... sadly in the last 8 or so years this generation of sad attempts of "gamers" started to appear , that for some reason thinks that the game need to adapt to their lack of skill and effort so they can be "relaxed" .

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1 minute ago, Yagamilight123 said:

Ahh ... the definition of the new generation of snowflakes "gamers" ... Games from day 1 (in old games if you were bad you just couldnt progress at all ... no forum to cry , no people to carry you , etc ... i have no idea how you came with the idea of "games are sopuse to be for relaxing" ... most likely you are pretty young and you dont even know real games ... you only know the interactive movies we have now ) were about improve and go above your limits to defeat a challenge .... sadly in the last 8 or so years this generation of sad attempts of "gamers" started to appear , that for some reason thinks that the game need to adapt to their lack of skill and effort so they can be "relaxed" .

ahh the definition of the type of player that walks in to rip on anyone that makes a comment about the issues of related to warframes lack of difficulty balance.  claiming that i am yong and what ever. for your knowledge i have played some good games, spyro, crash bandicoot, final fantasy games, bioshock. i even tabbled in a assassin creed game. batman arkham games, monster hunters is a nice game series i have gotten use to. 

but when ever i hear that warframe gets new challenging content i eye it like it is a mad scientist not sure if their experiments are going to flop, turn out ok, or end up in disaster.

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29 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

yes. i know the comment was same as the other one. your error is believe every single content warframe dishes out has to be very difficult or its not fun at all.

Except did I say that?  All I said was what I enjoy.  There are LARGE parts of the game that have no challenge to it and I'm fine with that, but if the developers intend to bring another area where we can go for something other than a cake-walk then let them.  I don't want everything in the game to be raw challenge, just as much as I don't want everything to be easily finished while focusing on something else (eg for me it's learning song drum patterns while almost subconsciously running missions).

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Just now, Jiminez_Burial said:

Except did I say that?  All I said was what I enjoy.  There are LARGE parts of the game that have no challenge to it and I'm fine with that, but if the developers intend to bring another area where we can go for something other than a cake-walk then let them.  I don't want everything in the game to be raw challenge, just as much as I don't want everything to be easily finished while focusing on something else (eg for me it's learning song drum patterns while almost subconsciously running missions).

fair enough.but my comments were based on the recent and a lot more frequent amount of challenging and their degrees of it. i even conclude fortuna being more garnered into this attempt with all the knock back and ability canceling enemies. i mean if you get a full wanted meter there is a mob that knockbacks or cancels a frames power hiding under every rock even when  just a few are just enough. and then there is saryn onslaught, whoops i ment sanctuary onslaught and eso where people don't bother going past wave 4 because they are using it to level up their dang weapons or gaining focus exp. and then their is arbitration the mother of host migrations and over convoluted reviving system. 

like i said before, i have recently looked at warframes recent new difficulty content as an mad scientists experiment worrying whether it is going to flop, succeed or blow up in everyone's faces.  while i love DE and enjoy playing warframe i can't help but worry about warframes convoluted concept of difficulty. there are still stuff that the game leaves you in the dark when there is no need for it.

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22 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

I mean if you get a full wanted meter there is a mob that knockbacks or cancels a frames power hiding under every rock

So destroy the beacons.  They've given you a way to control the alert level, so use it.

22 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

And then there is saryn onslaught, whoops i ment sanctuary onslaught and eso where people don't bother going past wave 4 because they are using it to level up their dang weapons or gaining focus exp

That's the public meta, it doesn't mean you can't recruit for an endurance group or one specifically not using Saryn.

And may I ask what Warframe leaves you in the dark about?  The only thing I can think of is that for the PT fight it doesn't say you can cycle vulnerabilities and it's not a logical connection you can make based on existing mechanics.  Everything else is either told to you or expects you to be able to put 2 and 2 together and doesn't treat you like you're entirely new to self propelled thought.

And regarding the mad scientist, that's just the nature of trial and error.  I'd be more worried if they decided to stop trying.  (unless I'm misinterpreting that metaphor)

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One of the major issues I see with Warframe is people don't understand that there IS a ceiling, inevitably, they will reach in skill or power that DE just either cannot or does not wish to keep up with.

If you're a football player, and you win the Super Bowl....You've arguably reached the pinnacle of your career's "skill" level.  There's no higher award to pursue.

But do we then create SUPER Super Bowls?  NO! Of course not! That'd be silly.  Those players either keep playing additional seasons (repeating the same content, more or less) or they retire. That's it. ..they've won.

The issue you have in Warframe is players not accepting they've "won", and demanding "There must be more!" when DE just...isn't there yet.

THIS is exactly why, personally, I just play for the sheer fun of playing.  I shoot and slash hordes because it's fun.  Not because of the reward at the end...that's just icing on the cake, as it were.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

One of the major issues I see with Warframe is people don't understand that there IS a ceiling, inevitably, they will reach in skill or power that DE just either cannot or does not wish to keep up with.

If you're a football player, and you win the Super Bowl....You've arguably reached the pinnacle of your career's "skill" level.  There's no higher award to pursue.

But do we then create SUPER Super Bowls?  NO! Of course not! That'd be silly.  Those players either keep playing additional seasons (repeating the same content, more or less) or they retire. That's it. ..they've won.

The issue you have in Warframe is players not accepting they've "won", and demanding "There must be more!" when DE just...isn't there yet.

THIS is exactly why, personally, I just play for the sheer fun of playing.  I shoot and slash hordes because it's fun.  Not because of the reward at the end...that's just icing on the cake, as it were.

I recruit new members to my clan, teach them how to play, help them along the way so i'm not doing high end content with just randoms 🙂

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1 minute ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

I recruit new members to my clan, teach them how to play, help them along the way so i'm not doing high end content with just randoms 🙂

Same!  Just like how retired Football stars might mentor/coach new players 😉

Man, I just don't get why people expect to be bribed to PLAY A GAME.  That'd be like expecting someone to pay ME to eat THEIR cake!  Like...I enjoy eating a cake slice.  I don't need to be begged to do it...nor should one expect I would.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Same!  Just like how retired Football stars might mentor/coach new players 😉

Man, I just don't get why people expect to be bribed to PLAY A GAME.  That'd be like expecting someone to pay ME to eat THEIR cake!  Like...I enjoy eating a cake slice.  I don't need to be begged to do it...nor should one expect I would.

well i talked to a member of my clan that was playing Destiny 2 earlier and asked if he was gonna get on Warframe at all to play since he hasn't been on in weeks and he said "Nah" and i was disappointed in hearing this but i also understand if your enjoying another game and or too far behind in content on a game its hard to wanna play it again.  I'm not even entertaining the thought of begging people to play the game but if they just don't even try anymore and say are inactive for 30 days or more i message them and if no response they get the boot. I don't have time for players that don't enjoy the game or players that can't dedicate some time to a free game that has more content then most full priced games. 

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