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what happen to just having fun playing the game?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

One of the major issues I see with Warframe is people don't understand that there IS a ceiling, inevitably, they will reach in skill or power that DE just either cannot or does not wish to keep up with.

If you're a football player, and you win the Super Bowl....You've arguably reached the pinnacle of your career's "skill" level.  There's no higher award to pursue.

But do we then create SUPER Super Bowls?  NO! Of course not! That'd be silly.  Those players either keep playing additional seasons (repeating the same content, more or less) or they retire. That's it. ..they've won.

The issue you have in Warframe is players not accepting they've "won", and demanding "There must be more!" when DE just...isn't there yet.

THIS is exactly why, personally, I just play for the sheer fun of playing.  I shoot and slash hordes because it's fun.  Not because of the reward at the end...that's just icing on the cake, as it were.

this is a similar mindset that i have. at times i am aweful at explaining what i mean.  sure i know difficulty can make a game fun. i even play monster hunter for a little bit of thrill it gives. though i think what gives me the anxiety the most is that DE doesn't specify the difficulty, is the difficulty geared to people who just run the meta builds. is it going to be difficult for the average player, is it going to be a new players first difficulty spike, is it going to be like wolf in the aspect of everything is going to take lots of bullets or what ever you got? are they going to have amped up damage numbers. is my health as a chroma going to drop really fast. am i going to be forced to run a specific frame or weapon, am i going to have a tough time running with anything i have a preference with. is there going to be anything of value in this game mode that i am going to be interested in.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Same!  Just like how retired Football stars might mentor/coach new players 😉

Man, I just don't get why people expect to be bribed to PLAY A GAME.  That'd be like expecting someone to pay ME to eat THEIR cake!  Like...I enjoy eating a cake slice.  I don't need to be begged to do it...nor should one expect I would.

I think you need to factor into consideration, the thousands of hours invested on the game that encourages us to keep playing and to be despondent when there is nothing interesting to play.

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2 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

I think you need to factor into consideration, the thousands of hours invested on the game that encourages us to keep playing and to be despondent when there is nothing interesting to play.

this is a current problem for me because no new games are out atm that i'd really dedicate time too so i stay focused on running my clan and helping my members. I had a new member join today ask me about if i get bored with the game and i replied with yeah i'm bored right now with it in fact and i told him i do play other games. but i enjoy playing with people on the game and all so i can deal with my boredom as such.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

this is a current problem for me because no new games are out atm that i'd really dedicate time too so i stay focused on running my clan and helping my members. I had a new member join today ask me about if i get bored with the game and i replied with yeah i'm bored right now with it in fact and i told him i do play other games. but i enjoy playing with people on the game and all so i can deal with my boredom as such.

I do that too, I help run a competitive clan and a casual moon clan as well but contrary to most people here, I like to occasionally fail a mission. Why? Because it means I'm being tested, pushed, instead of sneezing too violently and wiping the map clean of enemies.

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2 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

I do that too, I help run a competitivr clan and a casual moon clan as well but contrary to most people here, I like to occasionally fail a mission. Why? Because it means I'm being tested, pushed, instead of sneezing too violently and wiping the map clean of enemies.

My clan is a shadow clan thats been around for a long time on PS4 and i don't think i fail often but i like to set an example of what a player can do once they get enough gear together and learn the ropes. I have a couple guys that joined the clan last month or so and went from MR 2 or 3 to now 12 & 13 because they enjoy the game and listened when i explained things how to level up MR. 

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14 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

I think you need to factor into consideration, the thousands of hours invested on the game that encourages us to keep playing and to be despondent when there is nothing interesting to play.

Going back to my Football metaphor, though... does the award-winning pro not already HAVE "1000s of hours" invested?

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Going back to my Football metaphor, though... does the award-winning pro not already HAVE "1000s of hours" invested?

yeah most do i would think but the pro's do a lot of stuff with their time on the game as well.

i have well over 3.4k hours in the game and i stay busy, especially this week with building stuff in the dojo 

anyway i do think the pro players do get jaded and burned out and take breaks to recharge and play other games and return when they are ready.

but myself as a clan leader i can't take breaks really or people may just fall off on playing enough to get anywhere in the game but then again i don't get paid for being a clan leader so it doesn't really matter if someone continues to play or not.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

this is a current problem for me because no new games are out atm that i'd really dedicate time too so i stay focused on running my clan and helping my members. I had a new member join today ask me about if i get bored with the game and i replied with yeah i'm bored right now with it in fact and i told him i do play other games. but i enjoy playing with people on the game and all so i can deal with my boredom as such.

I mean this in the nicest way, so please don't take it as an attack... but your boredom is more a reflection on you and your life choices than it is on the game.

I mean, I get bored watching sports...doesn't mean sports are bad.  Clearly there are HUGE fanbases for them, so my boredom is just me not knowing what to do with myself.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with playing other games, too.  I'm not sure why so many posts on these forums seem to make it seem like "it's either them or Warframe!"  Like, why choose?  Warframe isn't even a DISC, so you can very easily have another game ready to load at all times!  Noone is wedded to it.  Play what you feel like playing when/if you feel like playing it.

But DE, nor any other dev, can realistically be expected to ALWAYS keep EVERYONE entertained ALL the time.  That's just way too much to expect from -anyone-.

When I got my start in entertainment (I'm a career magician), I began practicing by going to local tourist spots and boardwalks and performing for crowds I had to work to draw in.  Sometimes, people would walk away, apparently either not into my style of performing or maybe they couldn't see from several rows back once the crowds had grown...

...regardless, at first it bothered me.  "Oh no! They're not having fun!" I'd think, and I'd struggle to please THAT person, but then I'd lose others as it pulled my attention away...  I began juggling the attention of everyone, trying to please the whole crowd, seein those who left as "evidence of my failure to entertain".  

It took some time, but I eventually realized... As long as I'm doing the best I can to perform my material, and I'm confident in it and some people are engaged... it isn't my JOB to entertain -everyone-, because not everyone will be my audience.  Those who wanted to watch, stayed.  Those who didn't, left... and I let them.  What resulted was my crowds became more about quality than quantity (and eventually more of BOTH!).

---- The reason I say all this is to point out  that just because we see people vocalize their complaints about DE on the forums does not mean DE isn't doing a good job with Warframe...or more specifically, it doesn't mean they aren't doing what they -intended-.   It's more likely those people complaining just aren't meant to play Warframe...pure and simple. 😕

Some feedback is legit, but hey...at the end of the day, it ain't for everyone...and THAT'S OKAY!!!

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Going back to my Football metaphor, though... does the award-winning pro not already HAVE "1000s of hours" invested?

You seem to have forgotten they get reimbursed for their time hence it's not time wasted.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

yeah most do i would think but the pro's do a lot of stuff with their time on the game as well.

i have well over 3.4k hours in the game and i stay busy, especially this week with building stuff in the dojo 

anyway i do think the pro players do get jaded and burned out and take breaks to recharge and play other games and return when they are ready.

but myself as a clan leader i can't take breaks really or people may just fall off on playing enough to get anywhere in the game but then again i don't get paid for being a clan leader so it doesn't really matter if someone continues to play or not.

One clan leader to another:  That's why you bring on co-leaders/ managers, etc.  Bring on "staff" who are willing to reinforce the clan's (your) goals/beliefs and take action to engage the members regularly.  

All the responsibilities don't have to saddle on the shoulders of one Tenno...nor should they.

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2 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

You seem to have forgotten they get reimbursed for their time hence it's not time wasted.

The reimbursement here is we get to play the game.

DE promises there will be a game to login to.  They don't charge us to access it.  When I want to play it, it's there, and I enjoy all that I do when logged in.  

I don't see where my time was "wasted".   

If it stresses me out, I  turn it off and do something else.  Simple as that.

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

The reimbursement here is we get to play the game.

DE promises there will be a game to login to.  They don't charge us to access it.  When I want to play it, it's there, and I enjoy all that I do when logged in.  

I don't see where my time was "wasted".   

If it stresses me out, I  turn it off and do something else.  Simple as that.

Not everybody will see it that way, you have to allow for the perspective of everybody.

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2 minutes ago, maddragonmaster said:

anyways my anxieties about this new game mode may be moot for all i know, maybe it might be challenging yet i might be able to handle it and enjoy it, i just feel nervous about any unneeded complications that wont make the game mode fun.  

I will ease your anxieties then...

...if you don't like it, you don't have to play it ^_^  The entire rest of the game that was there previously still WILL be, so don't get too wrapped up in what -might- be.

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Just now, Zilchy said:

Not everybody will see it that way, you have to allow for the perspective of everybody.

I don't have to allow for anything 😕  People are allowed to think how they want, naturally (as am I, may I point out), but by no means does that make them "correct".  

Fact:  DE delivers the game at no cost.  

Fact: It is worth every penny 😛

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I don't have to allow for anything 😕  People are allowed to think how they want, naturally (as am I, may I point out), but by no means does that make them "correct".  

Fact:  DE delivers the game at no cost.  

Fact: It is worth every penny 😛

You realise that doesn't make you correct either right?

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I mean this in the nicest way, so please don't take it as an attack... but your boredom is more a reflection on you and your life choices than it is on the game.

I mean, I get bored watching sports...doesn't mean sports are bad.  Clearly there are HUGE fanbases for them, so my boredom is just me not knowing what to do with myself.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with playing other games, too.  I'm not sure why so many posts on these forums seem to make it seem like "it's either them or Warframe!"  Like, why choose?  Warframe isn't even a DISC, so you can very easily have another game ready to load at all times!  Noone is wedded to it.  Play what you feel like playing when/if you feel like playing it.

But DE, nor any other dev, can realistically be expected to ALWAYS keep EVERYONE entertained ALL the time.  That's just way too much to expect from -anyone-.

When I got my start in entertainment (I'm a career magician), I began practicing by going to local tourist spots and boardwalks and performing for crowds I had to work to draw in.  Sometimes, people would walk away, apparently either not into my style of performing or maybe they couldn't see from several rows back once the crowds had grown...

...regardless, at first it bothered me.  "Oh no! They're not having fun!" I'd think, and I'd struggle to please THAT person, but then I'd lose others as it pulled my attention away...  I began juggling the attention of everyone, trying to please the whole crowd, seein those who left as "evidence of my failure to entertain".  

It took some time, but I eventually realized... As long as I'm doing the best I can to perform my material, and I'm confident in it and some people are engaged... it isn't my JOB to entertain -everyone-, because not everyone will be my audience.  Those who wanted to watch, stayed.  Those who didn't, left... and I let them.  What resulted was my crowds became more about quality than quantity (and eventually more of BOTH!).

---- The reason I say all this is to point out  that just because we see people vocalize their complaints about DE on the forums does not mean DE isn't doing a good job with Warframe...or more specifically, it doesn't mean they aren't doing what they -intended-.   It's more likely those people complaining just aren't meant to play Warframe...pure and simple. 😕

Some feedback is legit, but hey...at the end of the day, it ain't for everyone...and THAT'S OKAY!!!

I'm not offended or anything, sorry if that post came across like i was bored out of my mind and all. I used to play a lot of WoW years ago so i replaced WoW with Warframe and as such probably beaten my hours played on it as well. 

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Just now, Zilchy said:

You realise that doesn't make you correct either right?

I do.  My points aren't based in opinion, though.  I'm only pointing out that people aren't chained to Warframe and forced to play.  It isn't costing them a monthly fee, nor is it threatening to ruin their lives if they log off for a few hours/days/weeks.

People act too much like there's more on the line with games than there really is.

It's just a game. If you aren't having fun, don't play.

When I'm not in the mood for Chess, I don't break out the Chess board.  If I were a pro competitor it'd be different, but that's not the case for most, if any, Warframe players.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

I'm not offended or anything, sorry if that post came across like i was bored out of my mind and all. I used to play a lot of WoW years ago so i replaced WoW with Warframe and as such probably beaten my hours played on it as well. 

Oh, no, to clarify, I didn't read your comment as "triggered" or anything of the sort... I just understand that text doesn't always clearly communicate intended tone, and so I prefaced it such that you'd know I was trying to be constructive, and not a jerk.

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I do.  My points aren't based in opinion, though.  I'm only pointing out that people aren't chained to Warframe and forced to play.  It isn't costing them a monthly fee, nor is it threatening to ruin their lives if they log off for a few hours/days/weeks.

People act too much like there's more on the line with games than there really is.

It's just a game. If you aren't having fun, don't play.

When I'm not in the mood for Chess, I don't break out the Chess board.  If I were a pro competitor it'd be different, but that's not the case for most, if any, Warframe players.

That's fine, just seems you tailored your chosen analogy to suit your view only which seemed a bit short sighted.

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Just now, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Oh, no, to clarify, I didn't read your comment as "triggered" or anything of the sort... I just understand that text doesn't always clearly communicate intended tone, and so I prefaced it such that you'd know I was trying to be constructive, and not a jerk.

yeah i figured as much and its cool 🙂

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1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

That's fine, just seems you tailored your chosen analogy to suit your view only which seemed a bit short sighted.

Well, at the end of the day, I can only truly speak for myself.  I am only me.

That being said, I've been gaming since video games were a big thing, and I've been on internet forums since they've literally existed....and so speaking on observable trends?   I feel like I've enough experience to do so with some accuracy.

Though, this is an open forum, so feel free to debate the contrary, if you like.  I'm happy to do so, as well. 

I'm under no illusion that I'm perfect or have all the answers...but I also understand that it's pointless to just play Pong with this back and forth on the forums of "He's not allowed to be right, but neither are they!"  

What's the point of debates if we're not coming to a conclusion?  My conclusion?  Too many people play for some expected reward and not just for the sake of playing, and are therefore guaranteed to eventually be disappointed , because rewards and skills and progression are all finite.

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anyways sorry if my thread miss informed anyone or if i was terrible at getting my point across. i just feel like recent content that was made with some form of challenge in mind was negatively received in some way or form. i mean wolf is a good example. he is a tanky boss that can spawn at anytime or anywhere though i am not shy to fighting bosses that take lots of ammo or slashes to defeat. just managed to get the final part of the sledge today from him. now i can yeet hammer.  now just need to get mask and my mission is completed with wolf. 


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

Well, at the end of the day, I can only truly speak for myself.  I am only me.

That being said, I've been gaming since video games were a big thing, and I've been on internet forums since they've literally existed....and so speaking on observable trends?   I feel like I've enough experience to do so with some accuracy.

Though, this is an open forum, so feel free to debate the contrary, if you like.  I'm happy to do so, as well. 

I'm under no illusion that I'm perfect or have all the answers...but I also understand that it's pointless to just play Pong with this back and forth on the forums of "He's not allowed to be right, but neither are they!"  

What's the point of debates if we're not coming to a conclusion?  My conclusion?  Too many people play for some expected reward and not just for the sake of playing, and are therefore guaranteed to eventually be disappointed , because rewards and skills and progression are all finite.

So have I, been  around for a long time of gaming. I play for the joy of being challenged by a game, I don't actually care if they give me a reward for it. I just want the game to offer me an apologetic middle finger occasionally because I ran into a challenge that defeats me.

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3 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

So have I, been  around for a long time of gaming. I play for the joy of being challenged by a game, I don't actually care if they give me a reward for it. I just want the game to offer me an apologetic middle finger occasionally because I ran into a challenge that defeats me.

Like, say... a super tanky, impossible-to-predict-when-he'll-show-up mini-boss with invincible minions?   Sounds like f-  oh wait, nope, forums ranted about that, too lol

(I know you and I already talked about how easy he actually is once properly prepped for him.  Making more of a general point here)

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