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Gift of the Lotus Alerts


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Three Gift of the Lotus Alerts are here to spice up your Fashion Frames!

From now until May 15, 2 p.m. ET, log in and complete the Gift of the Lotus Alerts to earn the Paris Abra Skin, the Glaxion Polar Skin and the brand-new Rhino Palatine Sigil. Don’t delay -- if you don’t claim them, these rewards will be cast back into the Void from where they came.


Alert #1: Defense 

  • Enemy: Grineer
  • Enemy Level: 10-15
  • 10 Waves
  • Eurasia (Earth)
  • Reward: Paris Abra Skin & 10K Credits


Alert #2: Survival 

  • Enemy: Grineer
  • Enemy Level: 15-25
  • 15 Minute Duration
  • Draco (Ceres)
  • Reward: Glaxion Polar Skin & 10K Credits


Alert #3: Hive 

  • Enemy: Infestation
  • Enemy Level: 20-40
  • Brugia (Eris)
  • Reward: Rhino Palatine Sigil & 10K Credits

Log in and get those rewards, Tenno!

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Nice! Even though the skin came out in 2015, this sigil looks cool. Thank you.

Maybe next alerts can feature Mantle of the Lotus Armor, Nvidia Braton Skin, or something 😄

Also, this was the perfect opportunity for a level 40 Grineer Shipyard Interception Alert on Draco, Ceres 😞 

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3 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Nice! Even though the skin came out in 2015, this sigil looks cool. Thank you. Maybe next alerts can feature more old skins from past events and such. Maybe even the Nvidia Braton Skin.

I agree, I'm liking this whole idea of bringing back older skins and stuff. Not that it particularly has to be old stuff.

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13 minutes ago, Namastyler said:

"Sorry, no update this week, here, 2 skins and a sigil, have a nice day"

That sounds quite harsh and ungrateful if you ask me. Free stuff is free stuff. DE already said that the mainline was sometime in May, and it's currently the 8th. Also, that sigil has never been released before.

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9 minutes ago, Aldrr said:

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, it's amazing, gonna get right on it! 😛

But... what's the occasion? :3


15 minutes ago, Namastyler said:

"Sorry, no update this week, here, 2 skins and a sigil, have a nice day"


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2 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Free stuff is free stuff.

Depends if you've been around long enough. And I know full well someone is going to say the sigil, but how many of us are going to use it beyond previewing? I appreciate the sigil, but it's not something that will appease a lack of content, otherwise I'd be jumping for joy that Baro is bringing a new prisma accessory set.

I really wish people would stop using the "it's free" argument.

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1 minute ago, Zahnny said:

Depends if you've been around long enough. And I know full well someone is going to say the sigil, but how many of us are going to use it beyond previewing? I appreciate the sigil, but it's not something that will appease a lack of content, otherwise I'd be jumping for joy that Baro is bringing a new prisma accessory set.

I really wish people would stop using the "it's free" argument.

I never said it excuses lack of content. I simply said its ungrateful to comment that. It isn't May 31st without Gas City, it's the first week in May when DE said they plan to release the update. We haven't even gotten news on the next Operation yet lol.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Radagosh:

I mean, I don't wanna be an ungrateful C***, but why not also release some new skins along with these old ones?

Also, any ETA on the Jupiter stuff would be appreciated, am really hyped for the new content.

here you go ^-^

Probably the reason behind those 7day-long Lotus-alerts ingame.

Still: Thank you DE for the free stuff (I like the new Sigil, the 2 skins are already in my collection^^')


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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Fabpsi:

here you go ^-^

Probably the reason behind those 7day-long Lotus-alerts ingame.

Still: Thank you DE for the free stuff (I like the new Sigil, the 2 skins are already in my collection^^')


ohh cool ty a lot, guess I was a bit too early on checking the latest staff replies.

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Rhino Palatine Sigil, an interesting design sigil.

Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Dutchman's pipe cactus[2] or queen of the night[3]) is a species of cactus and one of the most cultivated species in the genus. E. oxypetalum blooms rarely and only at night, and its flowers wilt before dawn. Though it is sometimes referred to as a night-blooming cereus, it is not closely related to any of the species in the tribe Cereeae, such as Selenicereus, that are more commonly known as nightblooming cereus. All Cereus species bloom at night and are terrestrial plants; all Epiphyllum species are usually epiphytic.


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Wikipedia about this flower

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