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Feature forgotten for Clans : NPC's & Room somachord features

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Back around June of last year Digital Extremes mentioned briefly about adding NPC's to our Clan Dojos, around new years of 2016 I believe, DE also mentioned around when they were releasing Octavia and the Personal Quarters room for our Dojo that they would also be adding a Somachord jukebox prop to our Dojo, allowing us to edit and play music in our Dojo from the OST.

It is now 2019 and we have not heared yet from DE about either feature.
Today i'll be going into my own ideas on how to easily implement both features for our Dojos. This post is on behalf of me, a dedicated Clan owner, as well as the hundreds to thousands of clan leaders across Warframe, especially those who I've spoken to ingame, on forums, ect who are also waiting for these features.

NPC's & usage In the Dojo: NPC's will simply fill the emptiness of our Clan dojos. Even with the new contest abound showing off various user's creatively made Dojos, this does not fix the emptyness- the void if you will of our Dojos. They currently are at best, a pretty room where players grab free blueprints, maybe trade and forget they ever existed. I have no fear in outlaying the flaws of our clans, and I know not even railjack or kingpin will exactly increase the player count in a Dojo room at any given time. With this in mind- let us fill our void with NPC's !

The three ways you can have NPC's placed in a room is idle, walking from Point A to Point B, or to have them walk around in a designated somewhat small area highlighted between each NPC in a circle. If this seems difficult I'll also mention a game as basic as Spore handles all three of those features with simple tools anyone can understand. If idle, the NPC could pose with one of many animation sets designed already in game for them based on their faction. Tenno relay NPC's do their usual Praise the sun, idle chatter, ect poses; Corpus or Grineer units can use poses already from Cetus or Fortuna. walking NPC's simply can walk around from point a to point b with a simple walk animation that Solaris NPC's can already do. Running wouldn't be much harder. NPC's walking in an area set for them simply idle and walk about, avoiding obstacles or walk up designated stairways. If it's too difficult they can ignore the custom player made stairways or stairs all together. 

Somachord Functions & Uses in Dojo Rooms: The Somachord could stay as a placeable object for each room that can be accessed the same way as you access your own in the Personal Quarters. If not a prop, it can easily be tied into the panel located in each Dojo room. By accessing the menu, you can simply click on "Somachord", from there you can choose from the songs you have unlocked to play in that room. From there it can be set to shuffle, in order or on loop with a specific OST song. When entering a room not playing music from one that is, it will quickly fade out and begin playing the normal Dojo OST. When walking between two rooms that have different songs it will simply quickly fade out and into another song. Walking between two rooms playing the same song will keep the music playing without pausing or restarting. Now then, this feature would help to apply specific ambiance to a room to control it's design for the player. Allowing more eerie, intense or relaxing rooms simply through the power of ambient influence.

With what I've posted here today, this might come off a bit rude or on the nose. I'm sorry. 
I'm trying to give great detail into how i believe these features can be implemented, and to show it's simplicity. I might not work for Digital Extremes but im confident in saying these would be easily implementable features and VERY welcomed features for our Dojo. Outside this I left out any fully abstract ideas like an Aquarium room to put our fish in or a semi requested Simulactrum feature inside part of our Dojo- say conclave rooms or elsewhere. I wanted to keep this to just what you have brought up in the past with my and others views not ramble about purely concept ideas.

These features could also have been in the works but we simply never heared back, but that brings up the clarity issue. After months of various posts no one fro DE has replied to these questions or ideas, leading us to think it was scrapped without being told or at worst, that we're being ignored. This post is again not meant as any attack against parts of DE, I understand you are a busy company and you have a smaller team to handle everything that most other top gaming companies. If either of these features are in a sense canceled, all we'd like is o know so and we'll stop asking.

Below are various alternate forum posts about both topics.
I'd like to thank everyone for reading this post, and would encourage ou to help bump this post to help get it's attention by Digital extremes. This will very well help determine if we get any responces, answers, ect. LAstly Thank you to @meerai, @Twilight053, @MasterProtector & @ExplicitContent.vK as well as our reddit and steam posters for helping with this topic.
( MasterProtector isnt wanting to pop up my appologies I couldn't get it to tag you )

Thank you for reading~

Clan Dojo npc forum posts: proof that others have considdered the possibility of npc's for their dojo rooms- even going into how they might impliment these features given the chance for an audience with DE. 


I put a recent post i made about this in here too- focusing on replies more than the repeated sitations of meerai and explicit's posts. VVV VVV VVV





Clan Dojo Somachord forum posts
: Proof that others have talked about, are asking about or are fully awaiting somachord music features for Dojo rooms

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Probably because this isnt as important as you want it to be.

And when literally no one replies or leaves a like it probably means that not many others care about this aswell.


Am 11.5.2019 um 02:22 schrieb (XB1)Esper sparks96:

This post is on behalf of me, a dedicated Clan owner, as well as the hundreds to thousands of clan leaders across Warframe, especially those who I've spoken to ingame, on forums, ect who are also waiting for these features.

If you can speak for hundreds to thousands of clanleaders, i think i can do that aswell:

I (Dojo Architect of our Clan) couldnt care less for something like a somachord in the Dojo, and i am sure thousands of others agree with me 😛


Am 11.5.2019 um 02:22 schrieb (XB1)Esper sparks96:

Even with the new contest abound showing off various user's creatively made Dojos, this does not fix the emptyness- the void if you will of our Dojos.


Am 11.5.2019 um 02:22 schrieb (XB1)Esper sparks96:

They currently are at best, a pretty room where players grab free blueprints, maybe trade and forget they ever existed.

Having some music play over the emptiness wont change this aswell.

And having NPC's run around in the Void also doesnt change it.


Am 11.5.2019 um 02:22 schrieb (XB1)Esper sparks96:

After months of various posts no one fro DE has replied to these questions or ideas, leading us to think it was scrapped without being told or at worst, that we're being ignored. This post is again not meant as any attack against parts of DE, I understand you are a busy company and you have a smaller team to handle everything that most other top gaming companies. If either of these features are in a sense canceled, all we'd like is o know so and we'll stop asking.

If you understand that they are busy, you should probably understand that they cant reply to everything someone requests, even if its just a "no, wont happen".

Something getting mentioned in Devstreams doesnt mean a thing, lots of things have been mentioned and went straight into the Void after that.

There are many good ideas in the forums which get completly ignored, nothing you can do about it.

Dont take this personal, but if you have nothing to add maybe just let the topic die instead of pushing it before it gets archived.

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