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Quit Making Limbo's Abilities Affect Allies


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39 minutes ago, (NSW)Nintendork3D said:

Wow, this is pretty petty.  You guys want it locked for saying remove the negative effect on allies?  Guys, seriously get over yourselves. XD

Actually I don't want it locked but would rather have understanding. I was simply summing up what I've been seeing with people's replies in this thread. Case in point your reply to me.

As Limbo stands (at least on PS4 and Xbone, I have no idea where Switch is with patches).

While you are in the rift via Banish or Limbo's portal you are unable to pick up items or interact with objects such as security panels. In addition you also need to be in the rift to fight enemies that rift bound put there thanks to Banish or Rift Surge. Essentially this can provide you with temporary protection or be used to lower the number of guns being fired at you at any one time. However with Banish and the portal you can roll out of the rift if you so wish, the issue for some is the indication as to when you are in the rift isn't always clear.

Cataclysm on the other hand creates a bubble putting both enemies and items in the rift allowing the items to be picked up. Normal weapons fire can't penetrate through the bubble from either side however a number of frame's abilities (for example Ivara's bow) can. Security panels and Arbitration drones can't be activated or destroyed while in the bubble however, Tenno mode can be used for both (but not Mobile Defense since you can't pick up the activator as the Tenno) as they aren't in the rift while in the bubble. Ideally DE should make the Tenno workaround not needed by allowing objects to still be interacted with while in your frame in the rift.

Just a bit of an added joke you can in fact roll out of the rift while in the bubble (at least with Limbo, I can't remember if I did it with other frames) just don't forrget to end your yay with an ahhh as you are swiftly auto rifted again.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)ZERO_ghost90 said:

Now that i think of it, those trash limbo players were probably using the horrible augment that heals on banish, did you notice some kind of healing wben this incident happened?  Lol

Wasn't paying attention to their health in the heat of things.  But that wouldn't be a shock to me.

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16 hours ago, (NSW)TeddyTalks said:

Enemy of the tenno because you cannot shoot his bubble?

This is by far the stupidest take i seen about limbo. Expecting people to know something about how the game work is not arrogance. It is the bare minimum for good team play. Why would you bother creating team comps if you do not even know what frames does? Waste of time. Public lobbies are another matter as they are not made for you. If some saryn is making you mad because they are killing everything before you can do anything, to bad. It how public works, as it is public domain.

If limbo abillities are annoying to you then make a team composition that does not include limbo. If you are playing public, to be expected. A frame with unique abilities that are very effective should not be adjusted because whiners cannot adjust. Get over it. It how many good games have their balance destroyed.

The other warframes are do no harm to the others even if its teammates are fully understand its ability and what it can. Well, Mag seldom interfere the others by Magnetize, and Frost do by Snow Globe(you know, if it is not on the correct place it only blocks our bullets, not the enemy), but they are not terrible like Limbo.

But, Limbo is diffrent. He forces the others to must follow his way or can't do anything else, and he requires the others to fully understand what he can.

It is possible that play Limbo to not hampering the others. But it requires you to make the specialized settings and also requires to follow the strict code. Otherwise, he end up with protect the enemy, not the teammate. And only the teammates suffers the price of failure, not Limbo player, which is even worse.

I don't said that Limbo is simply useless - actually, he is an auto-win button on Mobile Defense. But, his mechanism can prevents the teammates to shoot stuffs, means usually his very presence already makes the others annoying because he forces to prevent it.


Hell, on recent a half of a year, I have a habit that constantly rolling on the game, just because of Limbo - rolling makes you out of the lift if you are trapped by the hole created by Limbo's roll or Banish. I can see some Limbos constantly trap me on the lift by Banish so I have to have the habit.... Understand how he does helps nothing on the problem.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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On 2019-05-13 at 1:04 PM, (NSW)TeddyTalks said:

The only thing you made clear is that you are really ignorant.

Go in the bubble and kill them. Not a big deal. If you cannot do that, leave the lobby. This is like complaining that frost snow globe is to large. Do you expect the world to bend over for you to? This is beyond just a reasonable argument and is really just whiny entitlement.

Get over yourself and learn to play warframe. It not yours, but everyone game.

Btw, a hole in your fallacy.  You can fire through Frost's snow globe, so that didn't help your case any.~

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On 2019-05-13 at 6:45 PM, (NSW)Nintendork3D said:

I'm starting to think you people have trouble reading.  So I'm going to spell this out in big bold letters.  Ahem.



Have I made it clear now?

OK based on what i have read above (and i am following the wording you have used), the ability BANISH does not have a bubble area of effect, it is a rift. The bubble applies to Limbo ultimate ability CATACLYSM which is like Frost Snow Globe. So when you say you cannot roll out of banish because the bubble is enveloping the area i'm understanding (after you were Banished to the rift and only through the ability Banish can you end up in the rift) you are trying the exit the rift inside the Cataclysm (effectively trying to exit the rift into another rift because the area inside the Cataclysm is the rift to which Limbo and his allies move to). So if what i mentioned above is the case, the way to exit the rift is for example if Cataclysms radius is 15m you must travel 16m and then roll out of the rift. Then you can run back into Cataclysm and you will be able to re-engage with enemies both inside and outside the rift whilst enemies outside will not be able to harm you unless they are inside the Cataclysm area of effect (similar to Snow Globe).


With regards to the loot, even if you are banished, running over the loot will cause the loot to follow you around and only once you have exited the rift will you actually pick up the loot. So again if my explanation above is in fact what you are doing then to avoid loosing loot you just run over them so they get attached to you and then exit the rift as mentioned above and you will pick up the loot. The reason why Cataclysm is spammed and (Banish by players who don't know how to use this ability is because of Limbo 2nd or 3rd ability (i cant remember which one)  called STASIS which effectively freezes all enemies inside the rift - so to break it down cast CATACLYSM / BANISH and then STASIS and all enemies caught inside are basically sitting ducks at a firing range, which can be really useful in an eximus stronghold mission. and when stasis ends cast it again, rinse and repeat.


However i cannot deny the annoyance with the ability Banish whether used by experienced or noob players. because when cast on enemies, squad members cannot see clearly which enemies have been banished and which haven't nor can they engage with enemies who are inside the rift whilst you are out of it. I can speak from experience when i was in a squad with Limbo and he cast Banish on enemies i could not for the life of me understand why i could not kill enemies until i realized those enemies had been banished, (and you cannot hurt enemies inside the rift whilst you are outside of it and vice-versa).


So if there is any re-work to be done on Limbo i.m.h.o it should only be on the ability Banish where when cast all enemies affected should have an icon (like Revenants Thrall) on top of them or more clearly highlighted that they have been banished as opposed to the faint aura that surrounds their feet to indicate they have been banished.

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And the worst part of Limbo is he become the enemy of Tenno even if his player don't want it to be.

Trolls, which is intended malefactor, are anywhere. But he hampers the teammate all the times unless his player have the correct settings as well as always care for the other players. He is the warframe that his very existence makes the player an unintended malefactor, because of his flawed mechanism that specialized at protect the enemy and interrupt the teammate.


That's why I don't blame individual Limbo players. It is DE who have the responsibility for it.

Edited by DroopingPuppy
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24 minutes ago, DroopingPuppy said:

That's why I don't blame individual Limbo players. It is DE who have the responsibility for it.

I blame the players too. Just because a game allows players to do obviously broken, obnoxious, obtrusive things that better games limit severely doesn't mean they should do them. Just because players -can- run max range Equinox through missions where lower players are playing, removing the fun of engaging the mobs for the whole team doesn't mean they aren't responsible for being $&*^ish tryhards for doing it. Just because players -can- run max range cataclysm doesn't mean they should do it. Just because players -can- choose obtrusive energy colors that cost the team a high % of ranged DPS doesn't mean they should do it. Etc., etc. Agree that WF is not well designed in the class power department overall in MANY ways, but players still share responsibility for crappy play choices IMO.

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1 hour ago, Buttaface said:

I blame the players too. Just because a game allows players to do obviously broken, obnoxious, obtrusive things that better games limit severely doesn't mean they should do them. Just because players -can- run max range Equinox through missions where lower players are playing, removing the fun of engaging the mobs for the whole team doesn't mean they aren't responsible for being $&*^ish tryhards for doing it. Just because players -can- run max range cataclysm doesn't mean they should do it. Just because players -can- choose obtrusive energy colors that cost the team a high % of ranged DPS doesn't mean they should do it. Etc., etc. Agree that WF is not well designed in the class power department overall in MANY ways, but players still share responsibility for crappy play choices IMO.

doesn't this just mean the devs should know their player base alot better to not include tools for people to use to troll? if people didnt have the tools to do it in the first place they just wouldn't be able to.

the devs are fully to blame here. the players dont make mechanics, the devs do. they made warframe a game that rewards passive play so you know what people do? they leech, they AFK , they get carried by frames that have excessive power creep.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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