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Nightwave: Series 1 End Date


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3 hours ago, (NSW)MasterDarkwingz said:

There's no human way that anyone can pierce through 68k shield and 1k armor.

Are your programmers alright? Cause there needs to be some serious difficulty rework before anything goes anywhere.

Sorties aren't that difficult. You should be getting matched up with teams that can carry you through them at least half the time if you don't have potatoes on your frame or weapons. I'll agree it's a bit unfair on people who just started and haven't done the quests to unlock sorties, but anyone more than a couple weeks into the game shouldn't have any trouble. 

15 minutes ago, GruntBlender said:

Sorties aren't that difficult. You should be getting matched up with teams that can carry you through them at least half the time if you don't have potatoes on your frame or weapons. I'll agree it's a bit unfair on people who just started and haven't done the quests to unlock sorties, but anyone more than a couple weeks into the game shouldn't have any trouble. 

All I have are mods, Forma gets spent on Dojo until Research nodes are placed.

The other junk is wasted on saving for Chroma Prime crafting or weapons. (I'm out of weapon slots now. Nothing is useful at the 40 level.)



The nightwave challenges could be used to draw attention to things in warframe that some people never knew were in the game like kuria. Or just hints for beginners that would be an easy challenge for others.

Mark 3 Kurias: Maybe you need to look them up but who doesnt look stuff up all the time especially with warframe.

Color your warframe/landing craft: Let's make the world more colorful, you can't ignore fashion frame can you?

Place a specter: Maybe Clem? Clem!

Place a decoration in your dojo or orbiter: Not worse than play a mission or?

Mark a somachord, cephalon or framefighter: If you don't need them then maybe your teammates

It maybe could help others or just be an easy challenge, so why not? Would bring in some variety to it nonetheless. 

3 hours ago, kwlingo said:

Also take out have a friend/ clan mate missions taken out.

While I actually enjoyed those, I recognize they are useless from an objective standpoint. And I believe you'll be happy to know the friend and clan challenges will indeed disappear, per the Dev Workshop, along with some others. 

5 hours ago, Twisted_Intent said:

Can still get through Nightwave without doing Forma's and Gilding. Its not required to do every Nightwave act to be able to progress.Just as with the old Alerts, newer players were not able to do all of them, and again, didn't have to.  It just takes a bit longer to gain the currency for the acts to be able to buy the offerings.
Having said that, it is nice to be able to work through all the acts instead of having to leave some undone.
I'm not a fan of doing missions with friends/clan mates, as they (the players) are often not available.

I do not mind most challenges, but they are removing several other ones I did enjoy. And some that truly made no sense. So I can't understand why forma and gild would stay, knowing even newer players aren't always ready to forma and gild, when other easier and less punishing challenges are going away. Besides now that we'll have less challenges for the same amount of rep it means that skipping a challenge means a bigger loss of points.

And for example I did enjoy the friends/clan challenge, despite my best friend never being availabe and that I can't play with my gf atm. Bjt I do have dear alliance mates and can still find someone in recruit for a quick "artificial friend", so it wouldn't really mean an effort to anyone and people could simply skip it as well. Which is why despite liking those challenges I do admit that they are pretty useless in the bigger picture, and add little to nothing. And so I don't mind them being removed.

Not that I mind too much about forma/gild staying, tbh. Since I did every challenge in season 1, and still got to Prestige 15. My point is mainly that if other "less worse" challenges were removed I really don't see the point in no removing forma/gild as well, seeing how I find these specific 2 challenges to be the absolutely more useless among all things in season 1.

14 hours ago, (PS4)Hikuro-93 said:

They are extremely punishing for those who do not have gear to forma and gild, and put pressure on players without any need, when compared to other challenges.

They're punishing for people like me too, who have already Gilded everything, and so have to make, level and gild something just for the challenge, then sell it.

13 hours ago, BelialEliatron said:

They will only be available on "the wolf of saturn six" so, you can't spend them on the Series II but the wolf series might come back imo (and i hope so)

Think they said creds wont carry over even if event comes back.


I unfortunately will not be able to reach the umbra forma, having started too late. And it really irks me because I will be ~15k faction away from it, one more week and I would have it. or about 40 hours of grinding for the fugitives, maybe longer.

I hate that gameplay affecting items are locked behind the both the time and resource gate that is the nightwave ranks. Some of these missions are near impossible for the people that have yet to participate in those game modes or don't have time to play.

Currently there are 7 acts valued at 3k, 3 at 5k, and 1per day for 1k. This is 43k per week, or 7 weeks to max not counting fugitive captures. I would rather see 5 1k acts per day, with the catch up mechanic available so if you miss a day, didn't finish all the acts, or were unable to finish all the acts because you didnt have the solaris united standing to fight the profit taker for example, you could go back and complete them. This would incentivize people to play each day, could be used to introduce different game modes or objectives to new players, and provide veterans something to do each day, rather than getting all the weekly ones out of the way.

Additionally, I hate that the items able to be obtained by the creds are less reliable to obtain now than they were with alerts. Before, I could reliably get 5 nitain/day in addition to any cosmetics or vauban parts that appear. Now, I got 300 wolf creds over 6ish weeks, and there was an additional wolf cred granting alert for I think 375 creds. that is 375 during 42 days, which could have been 210 nitain. 375 creds can only obtain 125 nitain and are also needed to be used on the other rewards, whereas previously they weren't mutually exclusive. Not to mention the down time between seasons. This slows down the gameplay time gating people worse than they were before. If the intention was to make it easier for new and veteran players to obtain the items from alerts, without the chance of missing the alerts, then Nightwave fails horribly.

My recommendation would be:

  1. Create the 5 daily acts worth 1k faction, as outlined above.
  2. Implement a catch up mechanic,
  3. Save the progress for acts that timed out. I.E. If you have to complete 3 spy missions on a daily act, and you complete 2 before the timer runs out after 3 days, then once you complete the current acts and go back, you dont have to restart the act to complete 3 spy missions.
  4. Keep the faction ranks, but remove the rank rewards from them.
  5. Instead, place all of the rank rewards in the cred offering store.
  6. For the rewards that are exclusive to a season, such the umbra forma, or wolf cosmetics, make them only able to be purchased from the cred offerings store once. Or once per season in the case of Umbra Forma. This way gameplay affecting items like the Umbra forma aren't locked behind a 7-week long wall. Additionally, players can choose their purchase order priority. I for one would rather get that umbra forma rather than cosmetics.
  7. When creating a new season, just create a new story, reset the ranks, and add the items to the cred offering store.
  8. Rank ups now grant creds every rank, much like when you prestiege after rank 30.
  9. Since Rank ups now take a minimum of 2 days, grant 30-50 creds per rank. If 5 Nitain are 30 creds, this is on par with 10 nitain per 2 days + cosmetics from previous alerts, but arent as time gated.
  10. Do not make a new credit every season, unless they are only used for the credit specific items such as wolf creds for wolf of saturn six cosmetic items so that people wont stock up the creds before the season and buy out the store immediately. I.E. Wolf armor requires Wolf Creds, Umbra during wolf season requires wolf creds, umbra during season 2 requires season 2 creds.
  11. Periodically release events like wolf hunt after the season and grant that currency as a reward. This allows new players to be able to obtain the older rewards that they missed out on.
  12. Generic items such as Nitain, Aura mods, alt helmets, etc., can be purchased for any cred type, and the creds don't expire.
  13. Remove acts that require players to spend resources. Especially the potentially expensive ones such as Forma 3 Items, Gild a modular item, etc.
  14. Instead, promote the gathering of resources such as collecting x amount of resource. Completing relics. maybe crafting items. Kuva farming, etc. With catch up, anything blocked could be unlocked before the end of the season, and if not, it is one 1k act, not a big loss from 5k per day.
  15. Introduce new acts to complete game modes that didnt have acts before, such as ~shudder~ archwing missions & defections ~shudder~, orokin derelict missions, assassinate(specific or general), Infested Salvage, whatever mission. Or to kill specific types of enemies(Corpus, Grineer, Infested, Corrupted, etc.) This promotes diversifying the players' experience and gets them to try new things or retry old things.
  16. Controversially, keep the w/ friend acts as it promotes socialization and group finding.
  17. Potentially monetize it by selling for platinum act packs, that provide a series of acts that can be performed for already completed season creds. Since with number 11, creds come back periodically, this only pays for convenience, not pay to win. Or maybe have them sellable by Baro or through the Cred Offering store.
12 hours ago, Arkennstar said:

Lemme know how far doing just those 1k or a couple 3k reputation tasks gets you.. I'll answer that.. not very far... not even worth getting 1 potato each and 10 nitain.. 

Not to mention, unlike the old alerts, you cant just get a nitain whenever you want one.. you gotta wait until you get to a rank where you get wolf creds, then get the nitain.. which could very well take days if not weeks if you already used your wold creds and dont have enough... newbies dont have enough experience to plan ahead with resource gathering.. this game is hard enough on newcomers as it is..

I still haven't finished the whole star chart yet and haven't done the War within yet, but am MR 9 now and only play solo.

During Nightwave I unlocked Orb Vallis and learnt how to mine, fish and capture animals (standing is not high so limited as to what I can catch but as had Loki was able to so P10 Perfect Captures, still not figured out the rare fish yet), unlocked (and do) the Clem weekly.quest and unlocked Sanctuary Onslaught (so glad that act is not all in one go and that you can do a couple of rounds twice to get it marked off, especially when I was figuring it out and could only get past round 1 the first week)

I was able to do all the daily acts. Weeklies and Elites were hit and miss.
Weeklies could always do ~4 of them - things like Sorties, Gilding Modular items, struggled with bounties and invasions and skipped some of the 10 syndicate missions (often because I had a set a goal of unlocking X and that would be too much time away from that) and never managed the 8 rare mods (possibly need to unlock higher star chart for that).

With the Elites could only do the Unlock 10 relics, Kill 1500 Enemies and Kill 100 Eximus.

Last night with the new acts I hit Rank 28 - just got the Syndana.
Now that they are extending it to Sunday I should be able to get the Umbra Forma (although bit like the Arcane I may need to wait until I finish other things to work out/unlock how to use these) with the extra daily acts, plus have more time to do the  3 caches in sabotage act and maybe look more at the rare fish
If I spend time farming fugitives may even make it to 30, but probably not.

Spent wolf creds on the 2 missing pieces of Vauban, 3 or 4 aura mods (had never seen an alert for these in the weeks I had played before nightwave, didn't know they existed), 1 orokin reactor and the rest on Nitain (if I did see alerts for this probably didn't know what it was and ignored them)

Also got the extra 10 nitain as was able to solo the first Wolf Alert this weekend, and managed to farm the wolf sledge hammer.

For me Nightwave is a positive as a new(ish) player, I get to see all the rewards and decide what I want rather than have to have the rng of an alert popping up for something I want when I am on and in a planet system I have already unlocked - I only got the 2 weapon skins from the last Gift of the Lotus alerts because I haven't unlocked Eris yet so didn't see that alert only knew about it due to the news article.


So as a assassin, will it be the same? Just with too high hp and too hard to kill! Had to take a radiation weapon every time only for him and spend too much time in killing him!!! If you are in a defense mission, it’s even better to restart, than kill him! Will you guys think about it?

37 minutes ago, (PS4)Yderil said:

I still haven't finished the whole star chart yet and haven't done the War within yet, but am MR 9 now and only play solo.

During Nightwave I unlocked Orb Vallis and learnt how to mine, fish and capture animals (standing is not high so limited as to what I can catch but as had Loki was able to so P10 Perfect Captures, still not figured out the rare fish yet), unlocked (and do) the Clem weekly.quest and unlocked Sanctuary Onslaught (so glad that act is not all in one go and that you can do a couple of rounds twice to get it marked off, especially when I was figuring it out and could only get past round 1 the first week)

I was able to do all the daily acts. Weeklies and Elites were hit and miss.
Weeklies could always do ~4 of them - things like Sorties, Gilding Modular items, struggled with bounties and invasions and skipped some of the 10 syndicate missions (often because I had a set a goal of unlocking X and that would be too much time away from that) and never managed the 8 rare mods (possibly need to unlock higher star chart for that).

With the Elites could only do the Unlock 10 relics, Kill 1500 Enemies and Kill 100 Eximus.

Last night with the new acts I hit Rank 28 - just got the Syndana.
Now that they are extending it to Sunday I should be able to get the Umbra Forma (although bit like the Arcane I may need to wait until I finish other things to work out/unlock how to use these) with the extra daily acts, plus have more time to do the  3 caches in sabotage act and maybe look more at the rare fish
If I spend time farming fugitives may even make it to 30, but probably not.

Spent wolf creds on the 2 missing pieces of Vauban, 3 or 4 aura mods (had never seen an alert for these in the weeks I had played before nightwave, didn't know they existed), 1 orokin reactor and the rest on Nitain (if I did see alerts for this probably didn't know what it was and ignored them)

Also got the extra 10 nitain as was able to solo the first Wolf Alert this weekend, and managed to farm the wolf sledge hammer.

For me Nightwave is a positive as a new(ish) player, I get to see all the rewards and decide what I want rather than have to have the rng of an alert popping up for something I want when I am on and in a planet system I have already unlocked - I only got the 2 weapon skins from the last Gift of the Lotus alerts because I haven't unlocked Eris yet so didn't see that alert only knew about it due to the news article.

I am really confused here because you contradict so many of your own points..

How are you doing sorties without completing War Within.. if you've got Loki means you've not only completed the star chart until Neptune which is pretty high, but also farmed him so youre beyond that till Pluto I'd assume.. gilding an item in either Cetus or Fortuna requires rank 3 which is not what newbies have, etc etc..

Even allowing all your claims, you do realize like 70-80% of casual players dont take this game as seriously as you do.. people play only on weekends or only a few hours everyday.. many people take months to clear till Jupiter and beyond.. The old alerts were beneficial to everyone from Earth to Sedna... the Nightwave missions get more better and useful the more you progress in the game.. if youre a new player struggling to gather credits for blueprints or resources on Mercury or Mars, the only Nighwave missions you CAN do are the 1k ones and the VERY few 3k ones like as I said, the ones like do 3 exterminate missions, 3 spy missions...

So I will strongly disagree that new players find Nightwave remotely welcoming compared to the old alerts.. the game is complicated/tedious enough for starting players. It doesn't help to make it worse.


Nightwave doesn't need to be dumbed down for the casual crowd imo, what it needs is missions like gilding removed because some of us have to build new amps/moas just for the mission. Also more transparency as to when the event will end will help a lot

14 hours ago, kyori said:

1... and we still don't know why he was imprisoned together with millions of those fugitives.

2... we also don't know why is he taller and bigger than other fugitives... plus how he broke out of Saturn Six jail.

3... we also don't know whether is he wearing the wolf armor and has wolf sledge when he was imprisoned or he got them after breaking out of jail.

4... we also don't know how Alad V revert to his human look.

5... we also don't know how Wolf became friends with the Sentients.

6... we also don't know why Wolf wants to hunt Tenno. Thought he only wants to Wardens responsible for his... no wait, those Wardens in Nora's story are Corpus, not Grineers!!!

Too many things not told and the series just ended like this.

  1. He was just a prisoner, no need for explanation, just ended up stronger than the others
  2. He was experimented on, that's why he went back for Gharn. Gharn was selling experimental access to Grineer prisoners to the Corpus
  3. We don't know where he got the weapons and armour from, true but I'm not so bothered that he found weapons and armour given how it reminds me of other unique Grineer armours.
  4. Alad V's story events happen at specific parts of the starchart progression for each player (Jupiter -> Eris -> (Tubmen Or Regor) -> Second Dream) , Nightwave happens independent of player progress, given that it's supposed to segue into the Jupiter revamp I assume that this will all happen before his Mutalist experiments canonically.
  5. He didn't, he was captured by Alad V and the amalgam process was applied to him.
  6. First the Wolf was cutting a swath through the system to find Gharn, kill anyone in his way, including Tenno if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. After Act 4 he was fused with Sentient tech and hunting Tenno for Alad V. Gharm is the Grineer in the diorama for Act 4, the Corpus in Act 3 were the experimenters that Gharm was selling access to the prisoners to.




Will the rewards like the armor be available in the future if we can't get to 30? I feel dumb that I'm not 30 since it's only because I kept thinking it was the last week the last 3 times lol T.T

56 minutes ago, Arkennstar said:

I am really confused here because you contradict so many of your own points..

How are you doing sorties without completing War Within.. if you've got Loki means you've not only completed the star chart until Neptune which is pretty high, but also farmed him so youre beyond that till Pluto I'd assume.. gilding an item in either Cetus or Fortuna requires rank 3 which is not what newbies have, etc etc..

Even allowing all your claims, you do realize like 70-80% of casual players dont take this game as seriously as you do.. people play only on weekends or only a few hours everyday.. many people take months to clear till Jupiter and beyond.. The old alerts were beneficial to everyone from Earth to Sedna... the Nightwave missions get more better and useful the more you progress in the game.. if youre a new player struggling to gather credits for blueprints or resources on Mercury or Mars, the only Nighwave missions you CAN do are the 1k ones and the VERY few 3k ones like as I said, the ones like do 3 exterminate missions, 3 spy missions...

So I will strongly disagree that new players find Nightwave remotely welcoming compared to the old alerts.. the game is complicated/tedious enough for starting players. It doesn't help to make it worse.

Sorry for the confusion, that sentence was supposed to say list the weeklies I Couldn't do ie sorties, gilding, bounties, rare mods, rare fish,orokin derelict vaults,  etc train of thought went a bit sideways as I was writing that and then replied without checking it as had to deal with an incident at work.

Loki I bought with a plat when I had a login 75% discount on console as seemed like a fun warframe and to help with spy mission as I am still farming the final Ivara part on Neptune and have bought Mesa and Baruuk since. I already had the Trinity prime set from twitch drops and the platinum came from me buying the Ember/Frost Prime pack.
So I have Loki for spy missions, Frost for protect point missions (mobile defense, defense etc) and Rhino to bulldoze through capture and exterminate missions.

At the start of Nightwave I think I had just unlocked Phobos to get the plastids so I was able to build Rhino.
I am now upto Sedna, but haven't unlocked Eris yet, and just about to do the War Within, but that has been over the 11 weeks Nightwave has been running.

After the second week (first full week) I reckoned I could hit rank 13-16 and set expectations based on that (7 dailies and 2-3 weeklies each week)
But as time passed I was able to do more of the missions plus there was a week when the Elite missions were kill 100 eximus and kill 1500 enemies and that week felt like getting a rank for free as it was an unexpected boost and of course the extra rep from killing the fugitives when they showed up in missions helps the levels creep up. Still not entirely sure how I have made it to 28 and possibly 29 or maybe 30 by the end of the week.

I only play 1-2 hours a day when I can during the week and get a few more hours over weekends and days off like Easter, Bank Holidays etc.
I play solo, mainly because I can pause a mission as I am on call with work every night.

Nightwave works for me as it fits the way I like to play.
Seeing something I can't do and finding out what I need to do to unlock it gives a goal for either that week if it is achievable that quickly (mining ores was one of those), to perfect captures which the first time I set myself to do this I ended up with 2 perfect captures on the Sunday but by the time it came around again was able to complete it (which gives a sense of achievement and progress).
I treat Nightwave as an additional tool that helps me work through everything warframe has to offer whilst rewarding me on the way, it is similar in a way to rewards from planetary junctions,where there are planetary missions you have to complete to unlock access to get to the junction plus additional tasks you have to do to unlock the fight itself.

It may be that with Nightwave series 2 I feel I will realistically be able to do one more of the weeklies each week, so will be looking at level 16-19 from the start, probably level 20 if we get rep from killing mobs again, and treat any rank I gain above that as a bonus.


17 hours ago, [DE]Marcus said:

There will be a gap of time between the end of Series 1 and the start of Nightwave Series 2. 

This is partially because we’ll need time to sync on all platforms, but also because we don't want to simply lead right into another schedule. We are confident the changes to Acts and structure will make Series 2 more enjoyable and well paced, and we're also confident some week's downtime will help. 

Let me get this straight, players who need nitain or auras, or new players who need basically everything in the NW credit shop won't be able to get anything at all for some weeks of downtime until the new season starts, and THEN some more time until they do enough acts to get to the first tier that gives credits? And this is supposed to be better than old alerts? Why would you make the new player experience worse?

4 hours ago, chaotea said:

They're punishing for people like me too, who have already Gilded everything, and so have to make, level and gild something just for the challenge, then sell it.

Hence why with both camps i've given Warframe a hard pass for most of this season. *aside from actual content drops*


@[DE]Marcus Ending on the 19th so that means no challenges next week but: 
will we still be able to access the nightwave "store" to use the remaining creds in the downtime between season 1 & 2 or should we spend or creds this week ?
If we can spend in the downtine between seasons, will the store offers continue to rotate ?


@[DE]Marcus This makes absolutely no sense, you want to remove act 1 and have a massive gap of time of nothing in between acts? Why would you do this? You are punishing low level players that could use this downtime to keep earning the wolf credits they need and you are also punishing the players that don't have as much time as the rest of the player base by locking them out of the Nightwave rewards. Hopefully you will listen to the feedback and keep Nightwave going until the next act is out or at least extended a couple of weeks more for the benefit of new and veteran players alike.  


Wow thanks for telling us when it will end less than a week before it ends.  No armor for me.

Please no more "Do a thing with a friend or clanmate."  No more tasks that need an hour long play session to complete.  And offer more things to buy with creds for us veterans that have everything.


I'm going to be deeply upset that I wasn't able to grind enough to get the umbra forma, and I feel like there are a lot of other players in the same boat as me. 


Please DE, some of us have full-time jobs and aren't able to put in as much time as we'd like. I don't mind having to grind Nightwave standing again but PLEASE let those who missed out on season 1 Nighwave rewards have a chance to grind out some of the rewards they missed in the upcoming season.


Hell, you could have those who failed to complete season 1 have an option to re-do the first season before grinding out the second. I just want to grind for that umbra forma and hate that I was absolutely caught off-guard by the time and commitment this new system required.


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