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End of Nightwave - Life back in Warframe


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1 minute ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

BINGO!  Why don't people get this?  

See, when I was a kid...if I picked up a game I didn't like, I just stopped playing it and played other stuff till I found something I DID like.

I didn't demand the devs change the game to accommodate my tastes...I found the games that already did that.  These "players" have it all backwards!

They are talking about exclusives but I don't see them requesting things like Tethra's Doom brought back. Not to mention they have WEEKS to reach max rank, and you don't need all the weekly challenges to reach it.

My only concern about this system is the downtime we are getting until season 2, it's actually a horrible approach for anyone that would want alt helmets, auras, etc.

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WOOHOO! I finished Nightwave got to level 58 (would have been 60 but missed a few big missions) It was fun and the OH Crap here comes the Wolf was sort of fun depending on the mission type at the time but overall it was interesting and I'll be curious what comes next.

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1 minute ago, Pandigueiro said:

They are talking about exclusives but I don't see them requesting things like Tethra's Doom brought back. Not to mention they have WEEKS to reach max rank, and you don't need all the weekly challenges to reach it.

My only concern about this system is the downtime we are getting until season 2, it's actually a horrible approach for anyone that would want alt helmets, auras, etc.

  Indeed, the downtime thing I'm sure is something they have considered OR maybe overlooked and will adjust, as they do.  Still, people have made WAY too much of a commotion about NW, and it's really all over nothing.

I skipped the first 3 WEEKS!  -WEEKS- .... and I still got to Rank 33, without even hardly trying.  There were maybe a small few challenges I did specifically to do them, but most were just passive. AND I skipped things I didn't actually feel like doing..

Also, people forget that random Convicts net them some decent rep, as well.  Especially in Orb Vallis.

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Level 48 wolf here

2 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

WOOHOO! I finished Nightwave got to level 58 

I got to level 48 (30 plus 18) easy enough.
It took some time with the Catchmoon the first time I met the Wolf unprepared in a high level mission and beat him up with Baruuk in others before the wolf was changed, but a good event all in all.

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Truth be told I understood the rush, the worry & such when NW started, between the mass nebulous information on its run time 10-12 weeks? not a date instead? to what challenges to expect, it was hard for me to think bout that 65% when I wasnt even sure what the next weeks challenges would be, from simple kill x enemies, to some of the insanity that rivens bring up, latest for me was kill x number dargaryns while in bullet time jump mode with a bow, we had no idea what to expect, so that didnt assuage any fears, let alone missions that were buggy or broken, or involved PoE or Fortuna as alot of people have issues just getting the areas to load without disconnecting, this was a major issue on the switch.

There were alot of unreasonable or irritating challenges that a host migration could wipe out all the effort & time spent on one challenge that could have been spent enjoying the game, 40 & 60 minute survivals & defense, spending Forma you my be saving for something.

There was always that rush on Sundays to get as much done as possible, as there was no guarantee you would be able to get time to do more, so that was a case of its better to deal with the devil you know rather than the one you dont, so there was a rush there, no telling if you would get called for overtime, familial duties & so forth, so get it while the gettins good.

All this replaced Alerts & in my eyes the trade was nowhere near of equal value, we traded a random drop in drop out option, for a constant unavoidable carrot on a stick, theres no way not to participate & constantly get that big bright bold lettering stating HEY we got trinkets for you! if you jump through just a few more hoops you can get this Sigil! which is one rank closer to a stack of expiring credits that can buy a highly needed material, cosmetics, or & this REALLY pissed me off, Crappy easy to find mods! A new player just starting could easily spend those credits on a freakin mod theyd find in 3 runs or could have been given to them, instead by not knowing they spend the credits that could have gone to items theyd actually have use for.

Again it was unavoidable & smacked of bad choices, it always felt like you got enough marlboro bucks to buy a wallet, but now that youve done so you get text messages from a salesman that you cant block or ignore reminding you your just that much closer to another wallet, or a kayak! if you keep playing the game the way someone else wants you to instead of your way on your time & dime.

And at the start you couldnt shut that Putz up, telling you what a badass you were for mining rocks or fishing, or throwing up an emblem tag, at least that got fixed.

In the end there were ALOT of bad choices, nebulous information & a host of unknowns mixed in with count down timers & all the same issues alerts had but condensed down to a 1 day a week grind for less reward than the effort took.

But they listened & tried to do what they felt was right to make the game better, some things worked, some didnt & the community as a whole voiced their opinions repeatedly, feedback upon feedback upon feedback pages & a wealth of ideas, systems, rewards & general fixes has been dumped in their laps to test & see if they might help the game, be it good or bad, they got ALOT of people talking & from this the information can lead to some amazing new concepts.

We shall see if DE learned from this, i really hope they did, I hold out hope as I love the game & its potential.

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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Hatemachine said:

 Crappy easy to find mods! A new player just starting could easily spend those credits on a freakin mod theyd find in 3 runs or could have been given to them, instead by not knowing they spend the credits that could have gone to items theyd actually have use for.

Wrong, depending on the period a new player may have waited months to get an alert for a specific aura when they are online. And nothing prevent them to ask for those auras in trade/clan chat if they don't see it in the list or still don't have enough credits

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