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Code Orange Valkyr Rework


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    Passive, Relentless Mist:


+30% melee damage per Status Proc Valkyr is afflicted with. Duration is tripled but potency is halved, negates dot that isn't slash. Frenzied enemies killed by abilities add Frenzy Venom counters aka FV Counters. Immune to hard falls outside Ripline aoe. Combo Counter affected by Ripline hits. +150% innate combo duration. Inflicts Frenzied status on enemies hit with her abilities excluding Warcry. 

  • Ripline:


    • Pulls you to enemies/objects or enemies to you fully. Enemies in the way are knocked flat. Use midair to pull you to anything. If cast again at the ground while target in animation to be launched they are hurled at the reticle doing aoe damage based off their hp x FV Counters/ 50. 
    • Loses cast delay, casting speed dropped to .2 seconds, flight speed is tripled for Ripline. Unaffected by bubbles/nullifier bubbles. Loses current damage multiplier and duration window.
    • Free to cast in Hysteria; Range of Ripline, tether count and cast speed doubled. 
    • Using Ripline charged: Can pierce marked target(s) and pick them up allowing for different attacks using Ripline. Can store multiple, if all lines are occupied can't use Ripline to rappel pull.
    • Using Ripline while being knocked down nullifies it and pulls Valkyr towards whatever the reticle is pointed at. Velocity of the pull is doubled as flight speed is tripled when used this way. Usable even midair while knocked down. 
    • Ripline affected by range only. 




Ripline Attacks:

  1. Spoiler


    1. Midair: Enemies below you can be hurled towards you, cast again to hurl them downward. Otherwise they are launched skyward for true damage. Enemies take damage from Ripline via FV Counters x3 before enemy resistances are calculated, deals Slash damage w/o proc. Enemies thrown downward through this knock all enemies nearby down.
    2. Full charge on ground: Sweep Horizontally with affected targets dealing damage based off FV counters x targets stored. 
    3. Charged version Hysteria: Requires 4 snared enemies to use. Can be used to add slam attacks during Hysteria's combos. Deals impact damage. Normal cast to rip the lines out hitting them with permanent slash procs nonstackable. Does only base tick damage of Ripline w/o modifiers. Charge cast again to pull the ensnared around Valkyr as a shield against most forms of damage. Charge cast again to shred through them sending the parts in every direction. Enemies shredded this way drop no loot, enemies hit by parts from this are marked. 
    4. Charged aerial version Hysteria: Huck 2 snared enemies towards your reticle, Shoot Riplines piercing any nearby enemies within range of 50m, stitching them together. Enemies hit with this suffer bleed procs scaled off FV Counters. Charge cast again to perform a group finisher from above. 
    5. If used during Hysteria; Normal use causes Valkyr to somersault through enemies in the way of her target granting punch through. Enemies hit with this are stunned. 
    6. Normal cast and melee immediately after; intercept lined targets with melee attack dealing double dmg. If used midair will lead to a melee aoe slam using pulled enemies hp as aoe damage.



Ripline ability Interactions:

  • Spoiler


    • Enemies affected by Warcry are prone to being pounced on by Valkyr for a knock down grab attack while running or while flying from Ripline. Pounced enemies take 100% more damage.
    • If used while Hysteria is up slices through the enemy before lobbing them to spread Frenzied status. Corpses made this way emit Frenzy mist. If used after Warcry and Frenzied Roar while in Hysteria can use group finishers in place of normal finishers. 
    • Marked enemies are pierced through if hit with Riplines and transfer stored damage into all pierced through with a Ripline that seeks out marked targets within 50m of Valkyr before being pulled together. Enemies that die after this exude a slash aura dealing 30% of that dmg per tick for 1 minute. Ideal for setting up group finishers.




  • Warcry:


    • Strips armor, slows enemies, buff allies atk/movement/sprint spd, buffs allies armor in range of aura. Including Frenzied enemies.
    • Warcry during Hysteria; makes non frenzied enemies flee, Duration and range are doubled, cost cut in half. Cast speed doubled. If Hysteria is used while Warcry is up will extend it's duration to it's duration while doubled via Hysteria being up to begin with. Warcry's range is affected by range mods, base range of 30m capping at 50m around Valkyr through mods only. Duration is fixed at 30 seconds but buff is refresh-able. Cast time fixed at 1/2 second.




  • Paralysis renamed Frenzied Roar:
  • Spoiler

    All hit are marked. Enemies are drawn in as Valkyr exudes sanity corroding mist around her. Hostile guns of all types are jammed and when misfired deal true damage to the wielder upon detonation. Enemies in range are Frenzied. Deals damage based off all FV counters used X 3. Afflicted are stunned for 5 seconds flat. Range mirrors Warcry if used in tandem. Guns are perm destroyed. Finisher multiplier buff applicable only during Hysteria and will count towards group finishers. Range is fixed at 20m but covers 360 degrees around Valkyr.



  • Hysteria:


    • Set energy per second rate of 20 can drop to 10 energy per second with mods. Frenzied enemies are constantly prone to finishers as Valkyr can execute group finishers when using Riplines if criteria is met. Tendrils will home in on Frenzied enemies and transfers damage into them multiplied by 3x when not in use. These enemies can be used in some of Riplines attacks. Loses Invulnerability but gains 95% DR. Take received damage value as true damage if you run out of energy with enemies in aura. Take full damage after resistances if Hysteria is nullified or uncast while enemies are in the aura. Aura range still drops per kill. Aura range is 50m fixed. Lifesteal only usable on Frenzied enemies while Warcry is active, 1% dmg done while channeling is healed.
    • Gains more in depth combos as her FV counter goes up. +150 FV Counters = a new combo in Hysteria's Stance. Riplines will seek out enemies while she's attacking with nothing near her. Tendrils will be used in her attacks giving her more hits per movement.



Valkyr's Talons

  • Spoiler


    • Does lethal damage to Frenzied enemies.
    • Valkyr's Talons gain critical chance times combo counter and cd multipliers based off how many Frenzied enemies killed ie FV Counters. +100% cc times combo counter and 50% cd per every 100 FV. Bonuses calculated like their mod counter parts. Bonuses reset if Valkyr is downed or killed. FV Counters needed to get next bonus are doubled if hit with nullifier bubbles/fields. 
    • Valkyr's Talons range is doubled if using Claw melee weapons.
    • Valkyr's Talons not affected by Gladiator Set bonus, acolyte mods, melee range mods, lifestrike/healing return.
    • FV Counters used will not take away bonuses or stance evolution, but will reset progress to the next tier.



Frenzied enemies:


takes double damage but deal triple damage. Will not attack Valkyr till no other uninfected are nearby. Will attack other players too but will not spread the Frenzy status to them. Drop health orbs upon death unless killed via Ripline shredding move. Loses hp at 1% every second. This status is incurable without dying. Should Frenzied enemies die after dmg is transferred into them via Valkyr's tendrils/Riplines will exude FV mist 10m around their corpse for 30 seconds dealing slash based dmg based off how much damage was transferred into them x FV counters/5. Frenzied enemies that die otherwise leave a 5m radial puddle of FV that infects other enemies.

Valkyr notes: 

  • Spoiler


    • Lose all FV counters if knocked down or killed. Range and strength of all abilities halved for 2 minutes. Cost of abilities are doubled in this time span.
    • While in Hysteria Duration of status procs Valkyr takes are multiplied by 10 but debuffs are negated. Dot will hit for double value.
    • The Frenzy Venom secreted by Valkyr is a by product of her abilities. It's limitless but corrodes shields and firearms removing the ability to use them. Infects those it comes in touch with the same limitless blinding anger she is stuck with.
    • Valkyr loses her shields from this. 
    • Firearms used by Valkyr take a fire rate and magazine debuff while her FV mist is around her.
    • All enemies in aural range are tinted while Hysteria is up. 
    • Frenzied Roar consumes all FV Counters in reserve.
    • Hysteria still stockpiles dmg received and stores it. 
    • Hysteria uncasts itself after 60 seconds of continued use, cooldown of 20 seconds.
    • Frenzied Roar has 10 second cool down.




Her augments would need remaking as they would be rendered moot by these changes.

Gotta keep up the theme of uncaring elegant cruelty in the form of this Infuriated Berserkress.

Just a fun Valkyr Rework with spreadable rage in form of the Frenzy Venom. Code Orange to regard how the venom she secretes is hazardous material.

Edited by (PS4)chibitonka
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3 minutes ago, AirMaskNinja said:


i mean in exchange for dr and obscene armor growth during hysteria + armor boost from warcry, double lifesteal and a kit that plays nicely together now it's a fair trade off. 

Playing her just for the invincibility is like playing wukong for defy. Undermines everything else they are. 💔

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

i mean in exchange for dr and obscene armor growth during hysteria + armor boost from warcry, double lifesteal and a kit that plays nicely together now it's a fair trade off. 

Playing her just for the invincibility is like playing wukong for defy. Undermines everything else they are. 💔

Valkyr without invincible is like cake without sugar and butter. And I also play her for the Rip Line 

Valkyr is perfect as she is and shouldn’t be changed






i beg u don’t apply this rework


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21 minutes ago, AirMaskNinja said:

Valkyr without invincible is like cake without sugar and butter. And I also play her for the Rip Line 

Valkyr is perfect as she is and shouldn’t be changed






i beg u don’t apply this rework


I love being able to ripline too but let's be honest it's kinda a dead ability for fighting outside really weak crowd control. Plus that delay between firing it and being rappelled over hurts it even more. Yeeting enemies off their feet is fun and all but it leaves alot to be desired. 

Her 4 is fine minus a couple things, the lack of melee range/combos/mobility which is corrected by her hooks pulling enemies towards her during attacks, the Invincibility gets in the way especially when it's penalty is so easy to get around. Plus if you run it alot on her you end up having to forgo range if you use rest of her kit at all otherwise you risk getting killed by the penalty dmg when it's undone.

Dialing it back so she still gets dr of almost 100% and two means of armor boosting is a solid replacement. Especially if you play rage/hunter adrenaline on her. 

Then again we wouldn't get the benefit of her passive regarding status effects too if she stays Invincible. Meaning her Hysteria's getting buffed in that sense too.

So if anything Ripline in this rework would be getting a colossal buff lmao. Losing the Invincibility in the big picture isn't even a loss.

Shouldn't be making the Invincible status be her defining trait. There's alot more to her than just that.

Edited by (PS4)chibitonka
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

I love being able to ripline too but let's be honest it's kinda a dead ability for fighting outside really weak crowd control. Plus that delay between firing it and being rappelled over hurts it even more. Yeeting enemies off their feet is fun and all but it leaves alot to be desired. 

Her 4 is fine minus a couple things, the lack of melee range/combos/mobility which is corrected by her hooks pulling enemies towards her during attacks, the Invincibility gets in the way especially when it's penalty is so easy to get around. Plus if you run it alot on her you end up having to forgo range if you use rest of her kit at all otherwise you risk getting killed by the penalty dmg when it's undone.

Dialing it back so she still gets dr of almost 100% and two means of armor boosting is a solid replacement. Especially if you play rage/hunter adrenaline on her. 

Then again we wouldn't get the benefit of her passive regarding status effects too if she stays Invincible. Meaning her Hysteria's getting buffed in that sense too.

So if anything Ripline in this rework would be getting a colossal buff lmao. Losing the Invincibility in the big picture isn't even a loss.

Shouldn't be making the Invincible status be her defining trait. There's alot more to her than just that.

I beg u don’t apply this rework

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Going to have to say no. Paralysis is her worst skill yet,but it works for her kit. Rip line is for the shielded enemies,warcry is fine,hysteria is in a even better spot due to CO build being viable now.

Leave the kitty alone,no one wants her to become a liability over a asset.

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I enjoy Valkyr for her simplicity, and because all her abilities are good on their own.

Not every frame needs to be this needlessly complex synergy BS completely dependent on their energy.

To me this rework doesn't seem fun for Valkyr players. Might as well create a new frame at this point.

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12 hours ago, swiftasacoursing said:

This sounds...unnecessarily complicated. I don’t know how you would even code half this stuff, let alone prevent bugs or exploits with double checked values

Valkyr needs a rework but I don’t think this is it

only real exploits i can see being possible are the infinite loop for Hysteria since you can loop that with rage/hunters adrenaline and the armor calculations if warcry and Hysteria are used together. Might just omit the armor boost on Hysteria and up the eps. Or keep the eps the same and put a cool down on Hysteria's use. 

As for it being complicated... idk it's really tame. Most of the rework focusing on Ripline/Hysteria interactions. 

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12 hours ago, swiftasacoursing said:

This sounds...unnecessarily complicated. I don’t know how you would even code half this stuff, let alone prevent bugs or exploits with double checked values

Valkyr needs a rework but I don’t think this is it

This x 99999

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Ripline: tbh I can't think of any way for this ability to truly be good but ppl always seem to use it for fun, interesting ideas tho.

Warcry: armor stripping sounds good as one of Valkyr down points is not being able to efficiently put out status procs when you already have excal but he doesn't require running to enemies either. Double duration I'll take but not double slow range, I need enemies to run to me as fast as possible to keep up dps to gain more orbs to stay in hysteria longer so I run negative range for a reason. If anything i would prefer if say in hysteria mode would trade armor buff for a attack range buff. 

Paralysis: gonna be honest this ability need more improvements still. Cast time is bad, with hysteria energy drain barely gonna use it anyway, and is only set to a cone when other frames have full 360 nuke. 

Hysteria: removing invulnerability is very very very bad especially for an endurance Runner since she is one of the few frames that have to get up close to enemies that can 1 shot you. I'll name off this ability weaknesses such as energy cost (i can work with at times but probly most annoying downside), low status (when others garenteed procs for less work), her attack range (again others get full map dmg when she has to run to each one), finishers aren't gonna beat other frames finishers like Ash for example cuz covert lethality that takes less work to get done, and stance as a whole might need work as in a real try hard endurance run I only find spin to win really useful. 

It doesn't really need to get over complicated cuz all they need to do is understand what are her weak points, what she falls behind in compared to others, and what role is she meant to play. From there buffs/fixes are enough bring meh to really good almost the same can be said about most low tier frames. 

Edited by SutomuDrgn
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В 17.05.2019 в 17:09, AirMaskNinja сказал:


HA! That's the main reason she was nerfed to the ground. God mode is bad idea. Remove it completly or find a new way to use it. Harrow and his ult are good example here.

As for rework idea itself - I dunno, it sound unnecessarily complicated.

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12 hours ago, NoLazyShadow said:

HA! That's the main reason she was nerfed to the ground. God mode is bad idea. Remove it completly or find a new way to use it. Harrow and his ult are good example here.

As for rework idea itself - I dunno, it sound unnecessarily complicated.

yeah that's my bad lmao. Very lengthy so it doesn't help it's case there D:

best summary probably is:

Ripline can be used to attack/capture enemies along normal things. Parameters are improved for more fluid usage. Brutal interactions with rest of kit. 0 cost when in Hysteria. Primes for group finishers.

Warcry gets armor stripping, +movement speed on allies. Cast time reduced and specs double during Hysteria. Renewable.

Paralysis Frenzied Roar gets pull towards her, not reliant on shields for dmg. Casting time the same. Range swells to match Warcry's when it's active. Primes for group finishers. 

Hysteria loss of invincibility for 95% DR, stance evolves as you kill with her claws ie FV counters. Riplines home in on enemies bringing them to her if nothing there when attacking. Riplines can pump stored dmg into lined enemies. Hysteria interacting with all abilities. Criticals get stronger based off FV tier reached.

Passive swapped for FV Counter system to strengthen valkyr as she kills with abilities. Can infect enemies, making them prone to more dmg and deal more dmg. Infected enemies drop orbs upon death. Status debuffs strengthen melee dmg. Combo duration enhanced. Retains immunity to hard falls. 

Group finisher = finisher on all affected ie one finisher attack. Not ash's finisher antics.

Much neater but doesn't flesh it out so much X:

Edited by (PS4)chibitonka
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14 hours ago, SutomuDrgn said:

Ripline: tbh I can't think of any way for this ability to truly be good but ppl always seem to use it for fun, interesting ideas tho.

Warcry: armor stripping sounds good as one of Valkyr down points is not being able to efficiently put out status procs when you already have excal but he doesn't require running to enemies either. Double duration I'll take but not double slow range, I need enemies to run to me as fast as possible to keep up dps to gain more orbs to stay in hysteria longer so I run negative range for a reason. If anything i would prefer if say in hysteria mode would trade armor buff for a attack range buff. 

Paralysis: gonna be honest this ability need more improvements still. Cast time is bad, with hysteria energy drain barely gonna use it anyway, and is only set to a cone when other frames have full 360 nuke. 

Hysteria: removing invulnerability is very very very bad especially for an endurance Runner since she is one of the few frames that have to get up close to enemies that can 1 shot you. I'll name off this ability weaknesses such as energy cost (i can work with at times but probly most annoying downside), low status (when others garenteed procs for less work), her attack range (again others get full map dmg when she has to run to each one), finishers aren't gonna beat other frames finishers like Ash for example cuz covert lethality that takes less work to get done, and stance as a whole might need work as in a real try hard endurance run I only find spin to win really useful. 

It doesn't really need to get over complicated cuz all they need to do is understand what are her weak points, what she falls behind in compared to others, and what role is she meant to play. From there buffs/fixes are enough bring meh to really good almost the same can be said about most low tier frames. 

tbh still confused why ppl say it's complicated x: it's really not x:

Kill enemies with abilities get FV counters, FV counters impact ability dmg on ripline and Frenzied Roar/Paralysis. 

Riplines can be used offensively.

Group finishers.

Hysteria uses riplines in stance attacks and to pull enemies towards her while attacking. Stance evolves based off FV count. Criticals grow deadlier per FV tier. Trades invul for 95 dr

Hysteria more involved in rest of kit.


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14 hours ago, bubbabenali said:

People still play Valkyr with perma Hysteria? I thought that stopped with the release of Eternal War. 

yeah apparently. hence uncasting after 1 min continued use xD 

Stinks eternal war wasn't a passive trait of warcry tbh lol

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