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Scarf as reward from future events~ NUUUUUU~

Finally, items that're purely cosmetic that I can spend plat on... and they turn out to be available through non-plat means anyways~

I'll never get to spend plat on anything besides slots TT_______TT



for what i understanded will be "a scarf" purely as a reward in an event, a special one, not the ones in the market...


would be nice to see the boat turn again to giving things away for grinding as it was in the beginning, nothing plat only....

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I'd like to respond to Scott's response regarding Ember:


I think the Ember feedback has been kind of misrepresented tbh. I don't think a lot of people want the near-invincibility crutch back. At least I don't. I think what people are taking issue with is the fact that we had a frame who was capable of offensive *and* defensive playstyles, and that her defensive capabilities were so radically stripped that it changed her overall playstyle, and took her out of a niche that not only distinguished her from other frames, but allowed her to be competitive.


I'm glad to hear that she will be looked at again, but I really think this kind of feedback should be taken more seriously than people whining about their lack of god-mode.


Using Scott's comparison of Rhino, yeah, he got really gimped and people were upset about that, but he has always been adjusted and improved with his core playstyle (Basically tanking) in mind. While I get that Ember wasn't intended to be a tank, I think that rather sudden and drastic change in her playstyle is what people are most upset about. In short, I think there's a lot of potential for a design that would reach a compromise between the dev's vision of an offensive caster, and the player's expectation of a close-quarters brawler/tank.


Again, just to be clear: I don't want the 90% DR back. I agree that it is absurd for a character to have any kind of damage potential alongisde that much defense. What I would like to see is an ability that would make Ember harder to kill, that would encourage players using her to get up close with shotguns, the Ignis, and/or melee weapons- whatever. I would then like to see a variety of offensive and CC capabilities (Powers) that synnergize with and are balanced around that kind of playstyle.


At least you acknowleged the rather huge flaw in her power kit right now. 4 abilities that all do the same thing without any kind of utility is frankly unacceptable at this point in the game. That just isn't a formula for a competitive  or successful warframe.




All that said, I want to say that Ruk looks very cool and I absolutely cannot wait for more scarves AND that amazing Infested Whip+Sword. I can't wait to use that on Saryn, it's basically the perfect weapon for her. I'd also like to see a Grineer version of that weapon (Maybe a skin?) for Ember ofc :)

Edited by SnazzyWolf
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I would like to hear a lot more about why Nekros's abilities don't need an change. I've made my feelings on them fairly clear and would like to hear more of a counter argument than "They work and that's final." I want to know why they work. Is there a fundamental change to how bodies disappear after hitting the ground coming with Armor 2.0? Cause that would be an amazing step in the right direction for his abilities. That and a tiny bit more range, and maybe some more interesting visuals. Cause other than his ult he's.... a little unimpressive.

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A Forma and a Reactor if you're a high level player.  Welp, I guess I won't be getting any of these.


I'd be happy to give you a ride :) I just happen to be getting home at 1am CST. :( 


I may spend the night as a Rhino for hire tonight and beat down the alerts for folks :P

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I kinda felt sorry for the DEVs in the last few days following U10. Some people really go on rants and hate posting on the warframe forums (using not very good words and calling the Dev's this and that) and that really came through on Livestream #14 (Scott being called to blame). 


I'm not excusing DE for what i consider to be mistakes and major turn-offs that came with this update but i can see things (new and updated content) that i really enjoy with this latest release. 


P.S. And the fact that they work all night and dawn to bring us this huge update is reason enough for haters to keep some inapropriate language and feelings in check.



Edited by Bazools
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Heh..so Ember will get dissected more.

Corpus styled dissection. No mercy nor remorse.

I would love to see what Hell she can raise after the REAL fixes came in.

Hopefully she won't be a fragile prick anymore.

Also elemental mods don't deal damages anymore? Geez, I wonder IF that will break everyone's build.

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so... have a one proble with mi online friends... hes dont apeared online... i add my friend and he apeared off-line... its the olnli thing with i dont like in thi game... the other things about the game?... i say,.. the game is osome.

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Thanks for the live stream.


Any chance of getting a forum (one we cant comment on) where you answer more of the livestream questions.  Very few actually got answered, and allot of good questions were asked by many people.


Also like DE_Rebecca mentione, please do add reasoning for major changes (ie like stamina, golem and mutagen) in patch notes, it helps allot to see where the Devs are coming from in making the decision to change aspects.


Also with Ember, like SnazzyWolf mentions, its not just about the "invunlerability" of the damage reduction on Overheat, its more about that she got changed from a close quarters offencive caster (something no other frame does) into a long range caster (abet with close range powers) which is something both Nova and Banshee both do better, and other frames (like saryn and even volt and mag) can also be made to do that are also better than Ember.   The result puts her into a backseat (maybe even the boot/trunk) damage caster, with no realy unique role that she had before.


I really do appreciate the work you are all doing and would love to see warframe reach the potential it can.

Edited by Loswaith
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Hey, good show guys.


I asked this but as you know there were a LOT of questions.


[QUESTION]  Any thoughts on adding additional drop based Warframe specific ability/MOD? (to be clear I mean abilities like "slash dash")


In my head I'm seeing these as rare or ultra rare.  Thanks.

Edited by cedekane
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Anyway, Scott said that well-thought, NO H8 feedbacks will be focused on?

Ok. I respect that.. And of course being civil is genuinely nice..


Is it's a 100% chances you will read it throughoutly? Consider its points? And communicate with, at least, the OP if the point catches your interest, asking more laid-out informations regarding the suggestions?

Because if so, I see a lot of threads with polite and well-thought points got disregarded for days.

And even if it is don't disregarded, and the community kept bumping it with more and more well-thought and polite posts, it seems that YOU guys don't want to hear.

Please, guys. At least show us that you really care.

It's just like.. No matter how polite we suggests, you guys never seems to even consider it.

That's heartbreaking..

It makes us angry..

We're irritated that you guys kept trying to fix contents that was already fine, and ends up breaking it..

I won't say Ember as example for "breaking fine things", because I couldn't argue with Scott's vision.

It's his vision that Ember should be a glass cannon, and I respect that.

I will respect it more if Ember ACTUALLY have the cannon, and not just "A glass cannon without cannon."

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Rebecca, I've already sung your praises for the fantastic work you do speaking for the community and actually not sugar-coating the problems like every other CM has done in other games. THANK YOU!

That said, I've been very cautiously optimistic of this 'mod codex' implementation. Here's an idea that uses existing assets and would only require some coding to implement. At least one terminal on a level (which becomes visible as a secondary objective when you are within X distance of it) has information on ALL mods AND drops for the enemies on that level. Who drops it and possibly how often they drop it (or at least a personal % droprate based on the number of drops specific to you).
This would encourage exploration for completionists and codex seekers. Unlike some other similar suggestions it is not based on playing whack-a-mole to find the ONE person carrying a 'key' (terrible idea), nor does it lock you out of obtaining it if you set off an alarm or kill someone (not punishing non-stealth warframes).

Basically I envision it similar to getting information from a terminal that you find in Super Metroid for the SNES. In addition to a (possible) map layout that you can access (which will need to be found every time you replay the level), there is also more persistant data you obtain with the mods and drops for every enemy in that area.

Poke your puzzle guy and come up with something that is more fun and engaging/challenging than the typical hacking minigame. Or if it has to be the hacking minigame, have it be a bit more complex and with more time to complete it. Such data would be heavily guarded and encrypted so hacking it should be an achievement of sorts. Ciphers wouldn't work on these specific terminals.

Edited by Xenrax
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