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(The Jovian Concord: Update 25) “Disruption” Game Mode Feedback


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I think this game mode will slowly die away, unless you're planning to lock more content behind it. Currently the new resource farm is more efficient when done in survival than in this mode. 2 hexenon as a reward, are you serious ? I got 16 as random drop in survival.

It could be fun though. Some complains:

  • demolysts should be less tanky and show up earlier on the radar. If you got the "demolyst damage resistance" random effect you're pretty much screwed, Tigris Prime with a +dmg +multishot +crit riven couldn't put this thing down.
  • NULLIFIER EFFECTS EVERYWHERE, annoying, unfun and forces you to play Inaros or other tank
  • Hexenon rewards... please increase


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I love this new gamemode from a gameplay standpoint. The "sentry buster" style of defense is really fun and refreshing, especially after the changes to make their spawn location more varied. 

However, my main concern is with the replay value and rewards of the gamemode. I love being able to influence the tier of rewards I get, but it doesn't mean anything if the rewards are just standard fluff and some garbage (hexanon drops that are less than you get in normal gameplay). 

I fear that once the event passes, this will be just another one-off minigame node attached to old content people will pass by on their journey (Defection, Infested Salvage, Ambulas etc). 

I propose adding an elite node in a style to ESO, with much higher enemy levels and tougher or even more Demolysts to stop per conduit. Then, fill the reward table with treats that could keep any Tenno in the cocktail of unflinching violence and pseudo-random rewards. Things like pre-upgraded relics, large Endo packets, maybe even a shot at something like the rare Broken War parts. 

I would come back and play that all day. 

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I really love that mode overall. A tighter mobile defense, And while the normal monsters, besides the nullifies, dont provide any challenge for a long time, at some point they start to get in the way when you have to concentrate on the demolyst. So it is fine. I still dont really understand when and why the demolysts get unaffected by Warframe or other abilities.

Sometimes I believe that the demolysts dont make any noises. And even with the noises I often have a very hard time discerning the right location from where they come from.


I really want to see an expansion on this. Maybe with Grineer and Infested, but I cant judge at all how this works out when compared to the Corpus. But at least on different tile sets, so you can get different loot from it and not only Neural Sensors and Hexenon.

Disruption could work as a mini mission type on the open world maps. You just havet to limit it to the caves on Fortuna or the Plains.

I really want to see that game mode in the Fissure map type pool, for all four types of Relics, with an adaption of the reward pool in correlation to the difficulty level of the relic.

I will probably never play this game mode if it is added to the Arbitration pool. While it is an endurance mode, and with this a good fit for arbitrations, it will probably too much of an annoyance if an arbitration drone and a demolyst meet each other near the node. At least for people like me who like playing that mode with randoms, without voice chat or a coordinated party search beforehand.

But maybe all of this is just the excitement of the first week, which might wear off quite fast pretty soon.

Edited by Ein0r
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On 2019-05-23 at 6:53 AM, taiiat said:

i was expecting something much more painful and... well, punishing for existing feeling than what Disruption actually is. (funny how i expected opposite things from Disruption and the Ropalapalapa, and got opposite of those expected things)
this is pretty solid overall. it actually feels a bit different than most Gamemodes, and there's not that much of Game Mechanics being removed from the game, which is always a plus.

there seemed to be a surprising amount of new Enemy Variety, good good. since there's always dozens of Enemies around in Warframe, having most of them be different things looks a lot more appealing than them all being one of the same 2-4 things!


i'll come back with more detail in the future but for now i only have two main gripes.

  • while Keys falling into a pit respawn quickly, i had a key get stuck in the ceiling of a tile (so, impossible to pickup), and it took more than a minute for it to respawn or for a new Enemy with that Key to spawn (not sure which it was).
  • the Minibosses were described as "will make themselves known". they don't really seem to. many a time i've not even known one was on the map until it was already charging up to detonate on the Objective. no 2D or 3D marker, no sounds, nothing. which means it becomes a DPS check as to whether you can Kill it before the Animation ends or not. rather than what it seems like you're supposed to do, which is stay vigilant while defending the Objective(s), keeping a lookout for those TF2 Sentrybuster suicide units.
    • idunno if that's the bomber Spawning really close to the Objective that's causing the problem, or something else. no idea.
    • actually, are the Minibosses and suicide units the same thing? if they're not i'm saying that the suicide units can stealth themselves up to the Objectives which seems like it spoils things.

some other quick comments...

  • a few times i've had a Red Key Spawn when... i don't have a Red Terminal for that Wave yet? makes me scratch my head since i'm not full up on Keys already at that point. so i end up with a Red Key sitting on the ground for a while.
  • and long term Reward variety will definitely be an issue(it's... ok right now but just ok). content segmentation is already kinda crazy in this game sometimes, and if this is going to be an Endless Gamemode that wants to push Players, well that's going to attract the top of the ladder Players and you know the stuff they want. Riven Fuel, Void Keys/Relics (all 4 Tiers, 'unvault' stuff as well, pre-upgraded ones are always eye catching), Void Traces, a bit of Fusion Energy, Et Cetera.
    • for the Void Keys/Relics, pre-upgraded ones could exist as a different type of Reward in the Gamemode? thrown in here and there as bonuses or something. could be for numerous individual things such as for running all 4 Keys at once, getting a perfect wave completion (nothing destroyed), completing a wave under a certain time frame, Et Cetera. and not necessarily just one type of bonus, what i'm thinking is that there are multiple "bonus Objectives". like Venus Bounty bonuses but having a bunch of types of them. since the Gamemode is already kinda revolving around Players stretching themselves to see how efficient they can be with the Gamemode without failing, it seems like numerous bonus Objectives would sit well on top of that.

now with some more time:

while the Demolysts aren't just completely immune to everything, there is a bit to be desired, i feel. most non-Animation dependent CC does work on them, and a couple Animation dependent ones do.
however, i think there's a way they could allow all Abilities to work on them, without making them a joke? via the reduced effectiveness and Ability resistance type effects that Solar Map Bosses already have. i'd be happy with being able to apply Animation dependent CC but at a much reduced result than normal. i'd still be able to use it then.

Waypoints are frustrating as always, and i still wish that the Large Map would use the previous version of Waypoints where destinations would be shown at their exact location so i can just go to my destination rather than spinning in circles not knowing where to go >.>
(and for this Gamemode, not knowing which Terminals are where)
(this is probably why i was thinking i don't have a Red Terminal yet, because it doesn't show it as existing anywhere on the map from where i'm standing at the time, since the game smashes Waypoints into piles and won't just let me have them put at their exact location. seriously, it's like if you were going to tell someone that has lived in a certain city for their entire life about a place to go to. they would just want to know where to go, not turn by turn to get there, that would just frustrate them by how slow it is.)

the Amalgam Alkonost seems different than the rest, since it has Armor and is Status Immune currently. it's interesting that it's something unique, but then i have a proposition to make it more unique. being the only one with Armor and being Status Immune, i perhaps see an opportunity for spacekid to be able to weaken it or open it up for Damage? there is the problem that this Gamemode is placed before Second Dream but....

like with Power Cells and some other things we have to pickup, those were adjusted so that we can pick them up instantly after they hit the ground. perhaps these Keys could follow suit?

side note - are normal Body Part Multipliers in play for Demolysts? limited opportunity to do science so i'm not sure. if not then yeah ofcourse i'm going to request that they are :p


still pretty happy overall. we'll see if i have more to say in the future.

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We need a lot of hexenon and the only reasonable way to get a mildly decent amount is currently a group farming an endless mission efficiently (and even then a lot of people posting their numbers are using double boosters). 

It would be nice if this new mode that's most common round reward is hexenon actually gave a useful amount of it. Four is less than you can get from a random drop without a booster. I'd increase the hexenon reward values.  Even if you increased them by say 5x, it'd still take 20 tier c hexenon rewards just to have enough to build Wisp. 

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12 hours ago, BreakfastBaron said:

I love this new gamemode from a gameplay standpoint. The "sentry buster" style of defense is really fun and refreshing, especially after the changes to make their spawn location more varied. 

However, my main concern is with the replay value and rewards of the gamemode. I love being able to influence the tier of rewards I get, but it doesn't mean anything if the rewards are just standard fluff and some garbage (hexanon drops that are less than you get in normal gameplay). 

I fear that once the event passes, this will be just another one-off minigame node attached to old content people will pass by on their journey (Defection, Infested Salvage, Ambulas etc). 

I propose adding an elite node in a style to ESO, with much higher enemy levels and tougher or even more Demolysts to stop per conduit. Then, fill the reward table with treats that could keep any Tenno in the cocktail of unflinching violence and pseudo-random rewards. Things like pre-upgraded relics, large Endo packets, maybe even a shot at something like the rare Broken War parts. 

I would come back and play that all day. 

Completely agree

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Personally, I am in love with this! I have to say, for a free to play game, you certainly put a lot of effort into keeping things fresh and adding new content/updating the old. Thank you!!!

My clan and I have played through a few of these. Thank you for increasing the key drop. That has helped considerably. The biggest issue we have is differentiating the red tower and key icons from the bad guys. Also, sometimes difficult finding the one I'm hunting for as he too is marked in red. Other than that, I have to agree with others that it would be nice to see a better drops in the drop table. 

Overall, I would call this a major win. Good job, thank you, and keep it up! I usually do not spend my money on FTP games. I have on yours because you all deserve it! I'm officially a Warframe addict!

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The game mode is fun, but my issues are:

1.  Lackluster rewards table.  Relics should be Radiant.

2.  The target's movement speed is bonkers!  Even with Primed Animal Instinct, Enemy Radar, etc., it is very difficult to see/hear the target until it is literally right next to the console and about to blow up.

Edited by ESYLD
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1 - Small inconsistency in the Drop table :

Aero Agility is in Rotation A, should be in rotation C with the other Rare mods

Aero Periphery is in Rotation C, should be in rotation A with the other Common mods


2 - Alad V is telling CT to release a Demolyst 4 times each round... even if there are variations, it is still quite repetitive... (poor CT)

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As of right now, my biggest problem with Disruption is the fact that Demolyst enemies are virtually unseeable/indistinguishable from normal mobs. It's a huge hassle to be able to locate and see a Demolyst in the game mode and there is several factors that prevents to do this job fairly easily :

  • Demolysts are color-coded red (with some white with the two Moas). Most enemies in the new Gas City Map are color-coded either red, orange or yellow. So having "boss" enemies share the same color as fodders enemies is hard to locate, especially seeing higher level of the Endurance Disruption mode throws at you around 20+ enemies at a time.
  • They have a red-colored aura around them, Eximus enemies have an orange-colored aura around them. So not only are they color-coded similarly to mobs, they also share an aura that makes them look like Eximus, in a game mode where one of the debuff is Eximus Wave. This adds another group of enemies for Demolysts to blend into.
  • Until you shoot them, the Boss/Target icon on the mini-map doesn't appear and a Demolyst is virtually indistinguishable from any other red arrows mob indicators. Not only that, you have to shoot them YOURSELF for the icon to appear, otherwise it does not. I had a point where 3 of my friends were fighting a Demolyst but since I haven't still shot it, the Target icon never appeared until I finally shot it.
  • Some of the areas where the conduits spawn are bathed in a big orange-colored hue, making the color-coded red/orange/yellow enemies blend with each other.

This means that not only do you have to guess where the location of an enemy that can have upwards of 400k+ health (ignoring shield) relative to what conduit you activated but by the time you finally locate, it's probably already next to conduit, ready to blow it up. I don't mind having the guy be a damage sponge (I mean, yes and no) but I would really appreciate if I was able to locate him by using my eyes rather than by being lucky.


Also, I understand that the point of the Demolyst is to be a challenge to deal with but I really don't understand in what way their burst nullifying effect is beneficial to the gameplay in anyway. I've seen people report how some frame are negatively affected by this (from what I understand, Hydroid is useless against them) and some fairly decent and right now, it really feels the only good frame for the situation is Mesa. Seeing how you guys are trying advocate "choice" rather than "meta-driven" modes and actions (the whole discussion on bringing other Archwings to Itzal's movement), it's REALLY jarring to have a mode where multiple gameplay choices are actively neutered (e.g. I want to play Excalibur and use my Exalted Blade, I'm completely denied this gameplay option against all Demolysts).


I will say that the modular difficulty of the mode is actually really well done and I do like how you decide the pacing of the game mode, fractures was a beta testing on it and it wasn't really the best and while some effects in Disruption are kinda annoying, it's really great to be able to just go solo and slowly do it one by one at your own pace or go complete bonzo gonzo and just activate all 4 and facing the ensuing chaos.

Edited by ChipsLight
typos and stuff
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i dont like how tanky the demolysts are in solo. oh or how cc warframes could really shine here but are made obsolete by nullification fields. melee nullifiers are a new level in terrible gameplay development further removing the value of any warframes who are not tanks. Warframes with defensive buffs could remain viable through their own power but a new zerg rushing enemy combined with the focus on pumping magazines of dps into tankolysts makes me ask the question.... why do you create squishy warframes with abilities and then flood maps with ability immune bullet sponge enemies? Game mode is actually fun until nullifiers and chungus tankolysts enter the fray. rating of 5/10 mobile defense 5: electric boogalooist. loot is a bit garbo too but honestly im at a loss for what could be done to fix it, like yet another currency and list of 5 items to spend it on, or weapon/warframe parts that become redundant and tick off players, mods that are relatively valueless and become redundant and tick off... oh wait. well at least we have spectra vandal. kinda hope this one doesn't die and become forgotten like infested salvage, yet another gamemode sacrificed to the "content" gods. 

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Overall, I'd say that I rather like this game mode....but only for a few rounds.  I'd like to do endurance runs on this game mode, but after only a handful of rounds in, it becomes really annoying and frustrating.  There are a few reasons why it gets to this point so quickly.

The first are all the nullifiers.  There are just way to many as time goes on.  There are the regular nullifiers that walk up to you, as they are melee...  then the demolysts that have that pulse nullifying bubble thing...  I get that we're very powerful and strong and need some way to counter that, but I don't think throwing so many nullifiers at us, that it basically just turns off all of our abilities for the rest of the mission, is the way to do that.  Wisp is my new favorite frame and I love to take her into this game mode, but it gets to the point where trying to use her pods is just a waste of time and just gets you killed.  The second you cast it, there's a nullifier to just take it away instantly.  

Secondly, The demolysts are soooo tanky.  I just sit there and unload my rubico prime into them and barely make a dent.  How can my rubico take an eidolon joint down faster than these things???  So I feel there needs to be some improvement on that mechanic in some way.  You can keep them tanky, but maybe don't have them run so quickly to the defense objective. Or maybe have them way pointed as soon as they spawn so we don't have to run around trying to listen for them, only to find them when there pretty much at the defense objective.  Also, if you get an enemy buff modifier, you basically just sit back and let it destroy the objective... cuz no way you're gonna kill it before it destroys it.  

Finally, I can't go without mentioning the rewards.  Much like a lot of other content, the replay-ability is very limited.  You get the mods, and then move on.  Even if the relic rewards were radiant, not sure I would still farm it for the relics.  I know this is a well known issue throughout the game, so I'm not gonna ramble on about this.

But like I said before, I generally love the concept and flow of the new game mode.  I'd really like to spend more time playing it, but it just gets annoying too quickly.  Hopefully we see some changes in the near future so I can spend many hours in this game mode with the beautifully remastered tiles!! Nicely done on that DE.

Edited by CeejAttack
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After playing it a bit both Solo and in Groups, i gotta say this Gamemode is 90% Perfect! I am really impressed.

Let me explain what i like and what i would improve:



  • the gamemode feels fast-paced and has lots of action (but at the same time, everyone can choose the pace he wants to do it because we can chose how many terminals we wanna do at the same time)
  • many frames are viable - CC is viable! Because we dont have to think about efficiency (ESO), Life-Support (Survival) etc we dont have to focus on killing alone. So, we can chose to CC all the normal enemies to concentrate our power on the demolysts
  • because of the previously mentioned reasons, we have many different possible Loadouts that are viable. While most other missions demand us to bring weapons that kill as many enemies as possible, we can combine heavy hitting single target weapons with a good CC-Frame for example and do just as good as a room-clearing Frame.
  • The Demolysts are a Miniboss that deserve the name! The large HP-Pool combined with the improved resistance to abilities (Note: not complete immunity!) makes them a real threat and for the first time in a long time in Warframe, i really had to communicate with my Squad when doing a long run to take them down. Thats how it should be. Still, after after having a little trouble at first, i also found ways to deal with them while playing Solo. Btw: Minibosses have been something people constantly asked for as an addition to Arbitrations or ESO, so i am happy to see something like that now 🙂
  • we have lots of ways and possible tactics to improve our performance. Do we want to activate as many possible terminals simultanously or do we want to activate only one at a time but be as efficient as possible in finding the Demolysts? Which combination of Frames will be the best for this gamemode? While in other gamemodes there is only one strategy and combination of frames that provides the best results, this gamemode offers many ways to do it.
  • many different and interesting modifiers. Not much to say here, it simply adds a little more variation to the gamemode and makes sure we cannot always rely on the same tactic each time which also encourages bringing many different frames to the mission.


What i would improve:

  • especially in Solo-Play Demolyst's can really surprise you in a way that doesnt feel fair. I would suggest adding/increasing a Radius around a Terminal which automatically marks the Demolysts on the Minimap (maybe something like 25m, i dont really know what it is now but it feels too small if there is something like this at all)
  • the condition that spawns a Nullifier bubble around a terminal is annoying for frames like Rhino (Iron Skin), Chroma (buffs that even take some time to stack) and so on. I dont want this condition to be removed - i think its an interesting condition. But my suggestion would be to delay the spawn of the Nullifier bubble at the terminal by a few seconds so the player who activated the terminal has a chance to keep his ability running. (Edit: even after the Hotfix that made the bubble grow over time this is still an issue if you are the one activating the terminal)
  • just a minor thing - make the 4 colours more distinguishable. With everything thats going on, we should be able to tell the colour of a key liying on the ground instantly.


Things i hope for:

  • add a Grineer/infested version of this. It might need little adjustments because of Lore, but this shouldn't be a reason not to do it.
  • keep the scaling of the Clan-Operation-Version after the Operation Ends
  • add rewards after the Operation ends that makes us want to push ourselves as far as possible. Maybe something like Nightwave for Clans over many weeks? I love that the Clans have to get together again and feel like they are accomplishing something together. It would be awesome if we would have something like that up much more and longer. And it doesnt have to be anything special, just some small decorations for the Dojo for example would be awesome.
  • diversify the reward-pool just a little bit in general - it would love to farm Axi-Relics with this Gamemode for example, i am already flooded with all other Relics



Edited by DreisterDino
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Great stuff, keep it coming! Today's hotfix:

Hotfix 25.0.4

23 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
  • Demolyst marker changes:
    • Increased initial range of the attack marker from 25m to 30m.
    • The attack marker increases in range from 30m to 100m when the Demolyst is looked at by a nearby player, so that squadmates can see it without it being manually marked.
  • Added new flashing FX for the four marker colors to replace the default yellow flash FX.
  • Moved the extraction timer UI offset below everything else to make it more visible and not so easily confused with other mission timers.
  • Removed [PH] from 'mission timeout started' text, made the popup message red and last for 5 seconds instead of 3 to improve visibility.
  • Fixed in-world markers for active Conduits not showing up outside the tile they spawned in.
  • Fixed Aero Agility being in Disruption Rotation A when it should be in Rotation C with the other Rare Mods.
  • Fixed Aero Periphery being in Disruption Rotation C when it should be in Rotation A with the other Common Mods.


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Thank you for the fixes, but please...

please do something about the rewards in Disruption, currently it's totally not worth it 😕 15 minutes of soloing lvl 60+ and this is what I get



Eight. Freakin. Hexenon. EIGHT HEXENON WITH RESOURCE BOOSTER ! at this pace it will take 46 hours (92 without the booster) of playing Disruption non stop to grind enough for building new stuff, nice one


I need a break from this game, this reward screen feels like a slap in the face. Fck it, I'm out.

Edited by Harrock86
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Love it. Really fun and a new kind of challenge. Love the performance based reward tier system.

Sometimes bomb dude shows up REALLY close to terminal, like 2 seconds away, not really cool.

Agree with others about not having a reason to play it anymore after a short time.

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Hotfix 25.0.6

7 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Disruption Changes & Fixes:

  • The Health Drain effect from Conduits now only drains when your Health is higher than 20. This fixes the Health Drain killing you which is not consistent with other gamemode debuffs.
  • Fixed Loki being able to Switch Teleport enemy Demolysts/VIPs into pits and kill them instantly. VIPs are now teleported to safety if placed into a pit.
    • This issue specifically was wrongly overused in Operation: Hostile Mergers to gain a Leaderboard advantage. We’ll have more information soon that will speak to our action plans regarding the Leaderboards.
    • Fixed Disruption score not updating for the Conduits which were active when Host migration occurred.


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The game mode is very fun but I do not like how the demolysts' nullifying effects, many ability resistances, and one shot ability nearly forces you to play inaros with a strong melee. In endless survivals, defense, etc. status wins and enemies are still vulnerable to all abilities. Therefore, we have flexibility in what weapon types we use and which frames. In disruption the many nullifying effects and cheats of the demolysts just make inaros with a melee weapon the best since scaling crit wins against them and only melees do that. Because of the nullifying effects, inaros is the safest bet for going up to the demolyst with a melee because he doesn't need abilities to keep his tankiness unlike other frames. I don't think endgame should mean you having to use one frame and one weapon type just so you can finally have fun with high level enemies. 

The demolyst did not need to have so many resistances to frame ability damage mechanics and some debuff mechanics. I'd at least be happy if the game mode didn't spam a ton of nullifiers and have nullifying demolysts that block out other frames. It's to the point where party members (who want a high score) tell you to change to inaros with a good melee or leave. It's like that because the game mode really eliminates other frames/weapon types or gives them a low chance of success.

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Hey,I got a innovative idea to solve the"loki problem".

How about we made a corpus can't be melee finish(covert lethality),slowly fly across maps(loki trash dump),flash nuillify ten times a sec(khora 2 and magus lockdown),can't be crit,can't be proc......

Let's see what we left......like,a resource pile or a corpus space ship window?

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I get alot of fps drops in the game mode, it definitely needs a little more optimization, it seems as if any time there is a significant amount of enemies on the map my FPS drops from 72 to like 50 for no discernible reason. It only ever happens in this game mode, it makes playing the new mode really unfun

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This is my favorite endless mission now. 

Really great game mode, I loved it! I think you get the most of it by going for an endurance run, not a single round and out, because then you start to really appreciate how each amalgam and demolyst enemy is different from each other, and the whole thing kinda clicks together. Kuva survival used to be my favorite endless mission, but this one is definitely more dynamic and engaging. Between the nullifiers, all the different conduit modifiers (some of which can really be speed bumps for certain cheese builds and tactics), the need to constantly move around, the amalgams and the demolyst having very unique properties and requiring a different strat from the rest of the game, I thought it was really well designed within the context of WF. 

Btw this feedback comes from someone who's only played the game mode exclusively solo, I know 4-man squads can be a different experience, but I actually really enjoy the fact that you need a squad to make the most out of this game mode, the rewards and the event's scoring. WF was indeed lacking more coop content like this, well done. (thinking about it now, maybe these competitive events could have a separate leaderboard for solo runs only? Many ranked ladder competitive games have a separate queue for solos and premades)

The only thing lackluster about this game mode atm are the reward tables. Once the event is finished I honestly don't think I'll have any reason for coming back because the rewards are pretty terrible. I hope DE will add this to Arbitrations, at least then I can continue to play it! 

Edit: pls stop listening to the complaints about nullifying effects on the game mode and demolysts, that's a big part of what makes it more engaging. Ppl just want to afk faceroll this mission like they do with other ones


Edited by --END--Rikutatis
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