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Feedback on the new Relic screen UI


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I have so many problems with the new Relic UI i don't even know where to begin.

-it is so overly cluttered and polished that it is challenging to focus in on one specific thing
-having all of the text gold after years of 'gold = rare' is pretty much the dumbest thing I've ever seen 
-there is no option to 'not see' relics you don't own, more than half my screen will be relics I don't own therefore do not care about 
-it kicks you back to the main relic menu after doing anything making it take several minutes just to radiant a dozen relics
-why do I have to hover over every single reward to see how many i own, not like I'm on a time limit? 
-I can barely tell what reward I am selecting and end up spam clicking what I want just to be safe
-did you even listen when we asked to see Ducat values when selecting rewards
-why on God's green fricking Earth am I seeing previews of relics I don't own when I have 10 seconds to pick a relic between rounds

Feel free to add anything I may have missed, just let it out, this is a place to vent

In all seriousness though the new UI update is an overall disaster in so many ways beyond that of just the relic menu. I find the changes to
the relic interface to be the most frustrating because it is an important menu that we have to use on our orbiters, and in the midst
of a 60 minute survival, and being able to navigate it quickly and easily is critical. 

Edited by Arcbound00
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While I wasn't a huge fan of the Relic UI before, I think the general reaction to the new Relic UI is worse so I threw together my dream UI flow for selecting rewards at the end of a round. Its a bit extra, but is just an initial flow concept. Also added a QOL function for getting Ducats (low+high item sum) rather than taking the extra step to put it into the console at a relay.


Thoughts on flow or less/more info people would want more than welcome. I killed the void traces part of it since I don't think its significant enough an element to include.

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It's nice that you can now see the ducat value of the item, but it's very troublesome to have to mouseover for information that previously was available at a glance, (like have "2 OWNED"). It's really not difficult to fix, just have the information showing even without mouseover, so you don't have to assess each item individually, but can do it all at once.

And the relic overview screen doesn't have a big enough contrast between relics that you own and the ones you don't. The latter should be more dim or greyed out. It's mighty confusing at the moment. On a positive note, it is cool that you can refine in navigation when chosing, and don't need to go to void relic in the ship's back.

Also, while the extract/battle screen looks nice, it is not self-explanatory enough and has little contrast between the two images, especially for somebody who hasn't already seen it or brand new to the game. Just have the words "extract" and "battle" somewhere over there.

Edited by Laxativus
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i gotta agree, the new relic menu is a maze of insanity.

dont get me wrong, sometimes i like the small changes the devs do, but this isnt one of them. I miss the old UI, much easier to find relics im looking for, and also at the end of a mission, i have to hover over each reward to see if i have it already or not, vs the old one you can just look. 

Kinda hope enough people agree that the old UI was better, then DE might change it back to the old one. 

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I can also agree, the new UI for relics is too much of a maze. its hard to find relics im actually looking for; already had a mission where i couldnt find a relic in time and played the next defense mission with nothing, and i've been a member for a few years now, i should know where to find what im looking for. O_o There's also the rewards after the end of a mission; the old UI you could just see "2 already owned" above the reward item, but now you have to hover over each and every item to see if you even have them or not. 


DE we love you, but try to be careful with some things O-o 

Edited by ChibiNinja
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17 hours ago, AwkwardLazarow said:

Forma looks rare reward to me on that image


17 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

pretty sure it is only you that has a problem with things being harder to read when there is space between text.

No, it's scientifically proven with eye tracking software that this "Metro" design is harder to read and make sense of because it has no guiding lines, various padding and alignment, huge blank space for no reason, no consistency in size. Not to mention that most professional Designers outside of Redmond agree.

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I wish there was a option we can switch to the old UI, I like it way more and didn't need this new version of it at all, but its been forced on me:(

Edited by trun4o
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New UI is a mess:

-Reward tier color coding is way too small - would make much more sense if the reward names were color coded
-No reason for having to hover over a reward to see how many of it you already have, especially when you have a limited time to do so
-Way too much screen space wasted - rewards are too bunched up and tiny in the middle.


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Another +1 from me.

  • Rarity bars would be ok but the rare / uncommon look like they apply to items from the row above not below.
  • Not having amount owned displayed on reward screen is a pain. Having to mouse over each one and then make a decision takes too long with the time allowed.
  • Why put unowned relics in the refinement / selection screens. In either case you don't need to know what you haven't got and it just clutters the whole thing up. If you want to know what relics you need use the codex.
  • Putting a vaulted indicator on the content list display rather than having to tab would take away the fear of using a vaulted relic you have been saving to refine by accident. Especially in endless missions where you are picking in a rush. An indicator for vaulted items in the rewards screen would be nice as well.

Overall I like the new look and file, just a few QoL features have been lost along the way.


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I agree completely, it's measurably worse than the previous UI. It's not just "it feels different" -- you can quantify the problems.

On the upside, feedback that the changes to the Relic and relic reward selection are a major downgrade is extremely consistent. I hope they make changes soon - like, "by Monday" soon.

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I just finished my first relic run after UI update and immidiately decided to hit forums if there already is better ideas to improve visibility for drop tiers and other things and your mockup adressed everything i have a problem with new UI. I hope dev team takes a look  on this thread.

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On 2019-05-23 at 6:53 PM, xMarvin732 said:

Relic Refinement needs a new UI ASAP too, the old one was better ,the current one looks so odd! looks almost like the inventory

It would be good if both are consistent and work the same. But they don't, which makes this design even worse. Inconsistency is everywhere now and the need to hover over everything while screen real estate is wasted for that ridiculous "Metro" look.

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Pretty much agree with OP on these points. The UI looks nice but some of the same issues with the first UI update have come back, specifically on the relic selection screen requiring a mouse hover to see the number owned and other details.

Just a tip on the relic screens to deal with the un-owned relics, you can sort by 'owned' in the drop down left of the search bar. This way the relic you have the most number of will always be first. It may need to be sorted this way on each screen but it should stay sorted that way after setting it.

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Thank-you DE for slowly rolling out the slick new Vitruvian-themed UI, and for listening to our feedback (and wading through the swampy rage of gamers) as you continue to develop and polish your game.


Here are a few things I like about the new Relic Refinement UI and Fissure Mission UI:

  • I really enjoy the combination of all Relics in a single page. We can now just type in "Rubico" and see every Relic that contains the Rubico Prime.
  • Being able to further refine partially-refined Relics is a minor boon, but an appreciated one.
  • Being able to Refine relics in-mission is great, especially during longer Fissures. I'll notice players playing a particular Relic and I can help them out by Rad-ding a Relic that might get them what they need, and vice versa. Very nice addition.
  • You put the Ducat values into Reward Selection! Thank-you for listening to us and giving us this.


Here are a few things I would like to see added or changed about the new Relic Refinement UI and Fissure Mission UI:

  • For the Refinement UI, it'd be nice to connect the "previewed but not owned Relics" seen in the UI to the Codex's info about where to find them. Right now those previews don't really do anything sitting in the Refinery UI if you don't have any of a particular Relic, other than letting you know it contains a Rubico part and you don't have any. But the Codex already does that. Combining the information on unowned Relics into the same UI (or providing a link from one UI to the other) would help the player plan their Prime hunts without having to refer to the wiki quite as much.
  • I'd like to be able to refine Relics in fewer clicks.
    • Refining Relics en masse in your Orbiter takes a long time.
    • The countdown between rotations in-mission is a bit too short for this process -- finding a Relic, selecting it, choosing the refinement level, clicking "Yes I'm Sure", and finally equipping it for the mission. If the "Yes I'm Sure" popup were omitted, I think this would help a lot, both in and out of mission.
  • We'll get used to the banners indicating rarity in the Reward Selection Screen (little crest on top), but it would really help if the Item Name text were coloured Bronze/Silver/Gold also, as in the previous iteration of the UI. This makes it that much quicker to know what's lucrative.
  • The "How Many Owned" tag was moved from instantly visible to visible only in a mouse-over. Reverting this change would make selection of rewards a more streamlined process, as you'd instantly recognize what you don't have a copy of.
  • Some kind of texturing of the mouse-over windows would help in making information "pop". Right now everything is the same colour and on the same level, so it can take a little while to find the information you're looking for (how many of an item you have, Ducat value, etc.) in that window.
  • I'd like to (once more) be able to see which player rolled which reward. Often times, when taking any one of the rewards doesn't make a difference to me (if they're all same-value drops for items I already have, for example), I'll usually select someone else's reward to give them an extra Void Trace (or now Traces, thank-you for the buff!) if I enjoyed playing with that player specifically -- if they were helpful, co-operative, generally nice, or if their FashionFrame was on-point. However, now once people start selecting rewards, I can't tell whose is which, so I can't gift a specific player for making the rotation extra enjoyable. Having the player's name attached to their rolled reward lets us more reliably do the "gifting of honor" that I (and I'm sure others) have been doing for a long time.


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The whole UI since 'The Sacrifice' needs a bit of TLC in my opinion. Many players are still complaining that it is not as clear as the old UI. Here are a couple of suggestions.

Relic Screen update:


Separate the rewards into separate rows for their rarity and colour coordinate the colour of their text to the standard Bronze/Silver/Gold based on their rarity (as has been standard in Warframe for a long time).

Personally, I preferred the old larger tabs between Lith/Meso/Neo/Axi relics, but standardising the tabs is fine.


Basic UI TLC:


DO NOT grayscale the icons as it makes the UI looks very bland and makes everything look the same. Also, show Forma count & mastered item icons on their icon overviews as we used to have previously as can be seen in the top 2 rows in this example, it makes the UI a lot more appealing.

Also, turn item labels on by default. Having so many icons be the same (Systems, Chassis, Barrels, Stocks, Receivers etc), and only knowing what they are till you hover over them (unless players find the "item Label" toggle in the options that many casual players may not find) can be very confusing for both veterans and new players alike.

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Almost all of the current UI not only lacks a ton of quality of life features and is needlessly complicated, it's also less clear than the previous one. Everything looks the same, therefore you have to spend way more time looking for the information you want. Here's how I'd change the current fissure reward screen to make it more clear and easy to understand, especially for a new player




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hace 23 horas, JessiThrower dijo:

Hello everyone

First of all thank you for this wonderful game.

I am a person with albinism that has something less than 10% that a person without problems in the vision and the truth that your game is one of the most comfortable I am playing, for the possibility of expanding the hud in the missions.

In the last update with the relics it has happened to me that I have many difficulties to see the content of the relics as the name of the same. I have tried to change the themes and I found one that more or less I can manage.

What happens is that when it comes to taking the reward after finishing the mission is not distinguished if it is common, rare or rare loot that comes out. And on the other hand you do not see how many you have in the inventory as before, or what person is each reward.

I would suggest the following options as a solution:

- the line was a little thicker and ran through the entire square

- in the upper part as it was before those in the inventory

- And regarding the relics menu, the letters are now smaller, I do not know if you could put fewer relics per row or put the option that users could expand the menus, apart from the hud.

A thousand thanks for all your work and time invested in this wonderful game that gives us many joys and fun

PS: If you have questions about possible adaptations you can write me privately and ask if they wish.

I left the same post in Spanish:https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1094954-el-acuerdo-joviano-actualización-25/


Totally according to the suggestions. First time I chose reward was harder for me. 

Thanks for the initiative! this will make a much bigger and happier community.

Much Love.

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