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(The Jovian Concord: Update 25) New Boss Fight: Ropalolyst Feedback


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Some genuine feedback from a fan with 4K+ hours and happily growing.


Overall this boss fight is a step in the right direction. An open area, a massive threatening enemy, some interesting terrain and a fight that makes you feel as if you're on the low ground. It's a solid start to making interesting boss fights, and you've steadily been growing to this. However, there's a few growing pains that I want to point out.


1: Any boss with an instant kill move should use it sparingly and under certain circumstances, with reasonable gap to avoid it. The Ropalolyst seems to have a lot of either inescapable or instant kill attacks that shred Rhino Prime at full health/shields, with Iron Skin, and little chance to dodge. Instant death does not make for challenge, it makes for frustration and punishment for even random occurrences, like being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it comes across as highly unfair. Adding the ability to escape it's grab attack, and/or dropping the damage (Or even just making the projectiles slower) on it's rapid fire beams would fix that problem promptly. Similar to this is there being enough of it's minions to one shot you before you're even allowed to move after smashing it into the pylons/chargers. I've died instantly to this several times before even being able to dodge.

TL;DR: Any boss that has a 1 hit kill move should use it very carefully. Ropalolyst has 3, plus minions.


2: When guiding it into attacking the pylons/chargers, I ran into the problem of... it does not make itself very available to be hit. That sounds counter-intuitive, but it does this by firing that super beam you need to direct at the pylons every 10 seconds, ducking backwards at random, and the amount of shielding it has VS the damage your operator can pump out. Perhaps it's partially my fault, as I almost never use operator mode unless I'm dealing with Sentients, but playing this fight solo it seems to be stacked to annoy you and waste your time during this period, rather than be an actual threat.

TL;DR: Getting the bloody thing's shields down to slam it into the pillars is an annoyance, not a feature.


3: The arena is simply... uninspired. A central platform, 3 extended platforms with a set of wires to each, and a conveniently placed super laser above. It was mentioned in a devstream that this fight would bring in parkour as a requirement. I don't believe running on a set of wires counts. The Ropalolyst should be TRASHING the place as you go, creating problems in getting to these platforms and new corners and holes for it's minions to flood through, while also creating a more intricate play area. Use fallen debris as cover and jumping platforms, run through burning tunnels, shoot down rigging to use as ramps! This is a floating city on a planet of gas with a MASSIVE flying enemy. Blow the place to bits and make it a playground.

TL;DR: The arena isn't very interesting. Break it to fix it. Literally.


The Ropalolyst (I have to keep looking up to make sure I'm spelling it right, where did you get that name?)  has the potential to be very fun, and unique in games. It's huge, grotesque yet reminiscent of feminine beauty, is a genuine threat and inspires players to think differently to fight it. These set backs have fixes, and with it this could be a really fun node. As is, I'm farming Wisp and never touching it again.


Post note: Though I will say, using Umbra and playing Neffex: Myself as background music makes this fight bloody epic.

Edited by Dequire
TL;DRs, as people don't like walls of text.
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41 minutes ago, DoomFruit said:

Not really. Mag, Rhino, Ember, Frost, Trin and Nyx (true, you need to wait for a phorid node, but those aren't particularly uncommon) are much easier to get. Loki ain't bad either, though hyenas can be annoying to fight. Hydroid... yeah, but that's more a case of "this boss is utterly terrible". Saryn, Excal, Nekros (perhaps slightly less so in this case) and Mesa (now *that* sucked) - yeah, screw them, grinding tokens to fight a boss is just plain retarded. Crafting component-wise, I don't care much for this current one. Hexathingy doesn't seem to drop very often.

Picky 🐵

I got everything Wispy under an hour so to me that's more than reasonable, Ivara took me 4 months. :tongue:

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After destroying a capacitor, respawning at the center platform can get you immediately killed, whether by Ropalolyst's own attacks or those of its adds (which spawn at the same time, sometimes even right next to you). Sometimes you don't even get a chance to react, you're dead the instant you get control back after the cutscene. Unlike falling from the map, which can be avoided by improving your parkour skills, this respawn is inevitable if the fight is to progress, and surviving it contains no element of skill check, just dumb luck. Please consider adding a small invulnerability period after it.

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I have encountered several bugs/glitches/whatever while fighting the Ropalolyst(no idea how to trigger them):

1. My warframe was stuck in the "grab stance" after having been thrown off from the Ropa, making all further combat impossible. I could still move around and jump, but I was always stuck in that pose and couldn't attack.

2.I coulkd no longer grab unto the Ropa or fire the large gun, hitting X would do nothing, yet I was still able to walk on the ropes.

3.After the capacitor crash scene my screen went black, Icould still see the chat window, my health and other stuff, but the mainscreen was useless, until I died.

4.My Operator started walking through  the air, unable to get back into the Warframe until killed, and getting pushed further up by the Ropa.eb0359-1558811032.png

Also, the insta-kill after capacitor crash that people mentioned before. The only times I managed to avoid that was because Oberon's Renewal(w Augement) can be activated fast enough, only to see the revive kick in.

Edited by Flet_Zesnan
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Finally tried this fight out today, and I have to say that despite some huge, glaring flaws, I was pleasantly surprised.

The Bad

  • Bosses built on jumping through hoops are, IMO, never fun in games requiring players to grind them repeatedly. They quickly become a matter of going through the motions, and what may have been novel the first few runs is inevitably reduced to tedium that makes players not want to go back. Ever.
  • Using parkour cables to navigate the boss arena? Neat. Cables that run in the most unimaginative directions possible? Snore. Timed jumping puzzles while running on said cables? Groan.
  • I am against OHKO attacks as a matter of principle. The infrequent use and reasonable telegraph help prevent it from being a complete dealbreaker on this fight, but I don't think "you messed up once, you are dead" is ever particularly compelling to the player in a game like Warframe. I Wanna be the Guy? Super Meat Boy? Okay fine, because the game is built around those and pretty much everything is OHKO. But in Warframe? Nah. It's not "challenge," it's just "difficulty." And by itself, that only causes annoyance/frustration rather than fulfillment.
  • This might just be me, but I absolutely detest boss fights where the player must use the environment directly to damage the boss. It is a recipe for instant destruction of the power fantasy Warframe sells itself on. One thought instantly sticks in my mind: how would we beat it if we fought it somewhere else? I dislike Kuva Guardians and Eidolons for the same reason. These things would have absolutely destroyed us before finishing TSD/TWW, so how the heck are we supposed to believe we won the Old War... and why didn't the Grineer just crush us early on with a few dedicated shock troops? We would have been helpless!
  • Big 'ol Natah transmissions, but other posters have covered those in-depth already.
  • It can be really awkward to get in range of grabbing the damn thing on occasion.

The Good

  • I appreciated that the staple "homing missile spam" of what seems like every damn Warframe boss is toned down somewhat.
  • I was delighted to see that the Sentient shields were nowhere near as spongy as those of its POE siblings.
  • Smashing it into the charged towers is honestly pretty funny. I don't actually see that getting old (though perhaps shorten the delay before it actually becomes steerable), though I would prefer this as one optional strategy of many (tying back into my point about power fantasy).

The Amazing

My absolute favorite part of this fight is that the boss becomes vulnerable to melee during stage 3 and that it's big enough for me to climb on top of and commence the slice-and-dice. The most efficient method? Nah. But more fun than just wiping the thing with guns for the nth time, IMO. More bosses that support both gunplay and melee, please.



Welp, went back and tried it solo... and at that point the OHKO lasers were just bleeding annoying. Easy enough to avoid on their own, but the damn thing fires them off so fast that once your pet goes down you can't pick it back up again without it getting nuked immediately after. Void Mode is the only safe way to revive, and that means the boss is just constantly targeting your pet.

Can I take a sentinel? Sure, Carrier Prime works fine. But c'mon.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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The new map tileset is foo-king amazing!  

I love how you guys made an obstacle-course type of map, which actually enabled us to use our awesome ninja-like parkour. It's a really great integration of the mobility in warframe, and a great unique aspect in games. 

I also liked how the boss insta-killed me when i first didn't take it seriously lol. I was quickly humbled and thought "oh Sh!t, I actually need to try for this guy!" lol that was really entertaining, even if the fight was short-lived. 

It was a lot of fun, I hope to see a lot more of the awesome parkour tileset, and similar bosses/fights like these in the near future!!!



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11 hours ago, Dequire said:

1: Any boss with an instant kill move should use it sparingly and under certain circumstances, with reasonable gap to avoid it.

I disagree with this. While it could've had more of a pause in between the instagib, and have more interesting dynamics like a knock-down which lead into another instagib, I thoroughly enjoyed the ruthlessness of it. It made things a lot more exciting and fun--Similar reason why dark souls & monster hunter are such coveted games--so please keep it up. 

11 hours ago, Dequire said:

Getting the bloody thing's shields down to slam it into the pillars is an annoyance, not a feature.

It's not an issue if you have a good solid amp, already have focus nodes unlocked, and good arcanes (magus?) for your operator, and you can keep your operator in void mode pretty frequently. 

If anything, this is great incentive & reason/purpose for players to invest time into their operators... It gives us a great reason to gear up our operators, outside of eidolon hunting; they're no longer a "oh look another nice feature we're barely going to use"

11 hours ago, Dequire said:

The arena is simply... uninspired. A central platform, 3 extended platforms with a set of wires to each, and a conveniently placed super laser above.

While while It is a great idea to have more interesting stages, I think it was a good call for the arena to be "plain" and simple... it's literally the first boss stage requiring some parkour, so it makes sense to keep things simple.

The simplicity of the arena also works, because the boss fight is already brutal. You sorta need to have something simple to allow players to actually have a fighting chance. Even still, I found it hard to land on the wires sometimes, and jump mid wire so the lazers wouldn't hit me. While the parkour aspect was basic, it was still something I wasn't used to. So I much appreciated the simplicity of it.


However I will add that for future bosses, It would be awesome for us to get a growth progression towards more complicated & interesting stages. Overall I think this player's points are very valid for future potential bosses, as they get more complicated. I do agree with him on the general thought of it, but just not 100%. I think this game needs more things to challenge players, and keep them on their toes so they have a purpose for their said over-poweredness or tankiness.

The ridiculous challenging aspect of it, is what makes it feel so rewarding and fulfilling. Though it's also important to have actual unique rewards to show for the effort invested in the fight/boss... warframe parts and unique mods seem like a good option for boss fights, but it would be great to see umbra forma, universal forma, omega forma, legendary cores, unique blueprints, or unique arcanes, added to the drop table of future challenging boss fights. 

Edited by Maka.Bones
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9 hours ago, ToaMimrik said:

After destroying a capacitor, respawning at the center platform can get you immediately killed, whether by Ropalolyst's own attacks or those of its adds (which spawn at the same time, sometimes even right next to you). Sometimes you don't even get a chance to react, you're dead the instant you get control back after the cutscene. Unlike falling from the map, which can be avoided by improving your parkour skills, this respawn is inevitable if the fight is to progress, and surviving it contains no element of skill check, just dumb luck. Please consider adding a small invulnerability period after it.

Yes, absolutely. I would've died, if i didn't have such a spongy build. This specific part of the fight, could be transitioned slightly better. 

1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

This might just be me, but I absolutely detest boss fights where the player must use the environment directly to damage the boss.

I actually think this is really fun. But I do agree that it would be nice to have us be more directly involved in the damage of it, in different ways. (like using the environment to open them up for weak points, or paralyze them, or trap them and drop a pre-built bomb or something)

1 hour ago, DiabolusUrsus said:

My absolute favorite part of this fight is that the boss becomes vulnerable to melee during stage 3 and that it's big enough for me to climb on top of and commence the slice-and-dice. The most efficient method? Nah. But more fun than just wiping the thing with guns for the nth time, IMO. More bosses that support both gunplay and melee, please.

This sounds like a lot of fun. Having more melee-engaged aspects, like needing to jump on a boss to attack it, or engaging in a duel with an enemy/boss, or its weak points are only accessible if we mount and attack/shoot it from close up (Maybe not for every single boss though)... this would be pretty amazing. 

TBH it would be awesome if we had a melee-only, duel type of boss, that required us to think about how we attacked/approached and defend against it. 

Edited by Maka.Bones
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I have faced Ropalolyst 11 times now. I have only been able to complete 4 of those fights due to the boss no longer taking damage. We complete the first phase and he runs into the first pole, and then we damage him and damage him and damage him, and he doesn't "die" and go to second phase... PLS FIX. 

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20 hours ago, Tyanya said:

DE have been more than generous with the droprates and acquisition of Wisp, more so than most of the farmable warframes in the game.

Well, frames that can be obtained from regular bosses are much easier to farm (like Mag or Valkyr), so I wouldn't say DE is making this any more trivial, considering how quite a few players still haven't understood the mechanics of the boss fight.

All in all, it's still not too bad, but giving all of Wisp's BP drops the same drop rate would be nice.

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34 minutes ago, Blarguarded said:

I have faced Ropalolyst 11 times now. I have only been able to complete 4 of those fights due to the boss no longer taking damage. We complete the first phase and he runs into the first pole, and then we damage him and damage him and damage him, and he doesn't "die" and go to second phase... PLS FIX. 

You need to use the lazer.... on the platform, there's a console you interact with to shoot a lazer once he's weakened from breaking it's sinovia on its back

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I kinda wish the boss would drop something other than Wisp components. After acquiring the new warframe, there is no point in fighting the boss again. The fight is great, probably my favorite boss fight in WF though. I just wish there was some reward behind it after you get wisp, like for example new Toroid (even with just +500 rep) or a guaranteed amount of the new resource.

Edited by Harrock86
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16 runs in on old Ropy and pleased to say I'm still quite enjoying it! Which is fortunate given I've yet to see a single neuroptic despite the even parts drop percentages. 

Must also concur that the Natah spammage is visually impairing as hek on the lead up. During the boss fight she appears smaller on screen in a much preferred way.


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4 hours ago, Cadrua said:

Well, frames that can be obtained from regular bosses are much easier to farm (like Mag or Valkyr), so I wouldn't say DE is making this any more trivial, considering how quite a few players still haven't understood the mechanics of the boss fight.

All in all, it's still not too bad, but giving all of Wisp's BP drops the same drop rate would be nice.

Yeah admittedly I could have worded that better, I was thinking of it in terms of a well geared player running it in 5-6 minutes, there's plenty of Youtube guides for it now which should help, if I was to have any criticism on this mission boss I'd say it's not exactly intuitive if you go into it blind as I did, took me a while to blunder through it.  ☺️

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Quite possibly the first time that I've modded my frame to use maxed out arcanes (for the +1 revives).

Robot Jox was one of several video rentals in the 90's that I regret. But... I can't wait until they use green laser 😛

Edit: and right after posting this I managed a complete solo run for the first time (didn't need the extra revives after all) - go figure.


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I kind of made an earlier post about how parts of the fight where the fight is overly difficult. The electrified zip lines being one of them since the game's controls work against you by requiring you to press a button to get onto the zipline. It's a situation that's way more uncomfortable than I'm making it out to be. One other thing that I forgot to mention is how the ads seem to one shot me once I spawn back onto the central platform. This is me in an Umbral Chroma set up with my buffs. That really just makes things unfair since it forces me to mash the 5 key during the cutscene to get out of my operator form just to avoid getting one shotted. One quote has been popping up in my mind ever since the Profit Taker first came out. It's from Matthewmatosis' Dark Souls 2 critique. Though they are completely different games, game developers can learn from this quote when adjusting for difficulty. The quote is as follows: "In Dark Souls 2, I got the impression that the developers were asking themselves 'how can we make this fight difficult?' when they should have been asking 'how can we make this fight interesting." In my opinion, Dark Souls 2 was a major disappointment because of this mishandling of the difficulty and the janky controls but that's a different topic entirely. The point is that in the past 6 months, the newer Warframe bosses have been constantly falling into the trap of making bosses overly difficult rather than giving clearly telegraphed and dodgeable attacks that the player can avoid. I was hoping to see less of this in the new boss fight; not more. In their defense, it is really easy to become OP in this game and it makes it all the more difficult to make things challenging but still satisfying. However, I feel that this still needs to be mentioned because the latest boss fights to come from Warframe have been causing me to fall out of love with Warframe for the past 6 months whether it would be the Wolf of Saturn Six having way too much armor and invincible henchmen or the Profit Taker with way to many ads spawning in at once with crazy amounts of crowd control (they did nerf the crowd control from the ads but there is still way too much crowd control from the spider). I only hope that the developers learn from this and improve in future updates.

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My feedback:

1. Lore-bomb was awesome, but it's very difficult to see and navigate the level with Natah taking up half the screen for so long. If we could skip the dialogue or minimize her window, that would help.

2. The fight overall feels too easy. The jog to the boss is often longer than the fight itself, which can easily be done solo. If we had to break the glass for the conduits ourselves before the Ropa could overcharge them, if the sinovia had about double the health, and if it's attacks were more powerful so that it posed more of a threat, then I think the fight would be more interesting.

3. The idea of riding it is cool, but the animation isn't nearly as polished at the Exploiter. As soon as one person successfully hits the button to ride him, we should immediately go to a cutscene where the character climbs on, flies it toward an available conduit and jumps away at the last second. The actual flying is clunky and looks bad from the perspective of other team members. It's also totally unnecessary since there's nothing to do but drive it to the target. If we needed to force it shoot targets, that would be worth actively riding it, but the way it is, it would be better for it just to be part of the heroic cutscene.

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I've done the fight about 15 times and had fun every single run.


-Lore before the boss fight ( Natah a bit too big after the 1st run)

-Alad V is used very well imo (also I LOVE HIM)

-attacks and behavior a lot more interesting and diverse than the orbs

-use of parkour 

-stage based

-HUGE FRIGGIN LASER (use of environment)

-different waves of enemies spawning

-use of operator but low shield amount




-OHK without much counter-play (I personally don't mind this as much but indication and attack delay should be a bit more fair)

-no fighting > I like the the new "heroic moments" BUT I can pretty much finish the fight by using 3 of my sniper bullets (more on that later)

    >can be done in around 3 Minutes without any effort

    >my gear is not used at all

-no incentive to go back after you got the mods and wisp

-doesn't feel like something you would do with other players

THEREFORE: Fight feels not like a giant battle that you want to do again and again but more of a last boss of the planet (which is fine if that's the goal)

                                  >maybe there can be other variations of the Ropalolyst used as a more repeatable and deeper activity


Suggestions   (I would love to see those used maybe as an improvement of this fight and especially all future ones)

    >more aiming at a longer and more rewarding nature of boss fights (more Dungeon-like)

-rooms filled with enemies (Amalgams or other sentient could be used here very nicely) with locked "kill gates" to the next room (ofc not every room or it'll get annoying quickly. Leave   some breathing space in between. New parkour tiles are great for that)    >I enjoyed this in the wolf fight a lot even though it was very basic

     >other task ideas:   -mini sabotage

                                     -opening a door like you do in assault

                                     -in Devstream 128 in the sentient tile set they showed an enemy that also was a transportation gate. Could be a great "mini-boss kill gate"

-more interesting parkour mechanics. Using parkour was fun but ziplines weren't quite enough

-long-term rewards like Rivens(Kuva), Arcanes and the likes are

   >I also feel like getting the drops feels a lot better and is a lot better long-term than just "dropping standing" to buy the rewards afterwards

   >no "omg I got it"-moments

-epic boss music


What could this achieve? 

-more use of weapons and Warframe abilities in general

-more diversity, because:

           >the goal is not to instantly burst something (like the other Eidolons)

           >you need AoE/single target abilities and weapons for enemies in kill rooms and the likes

           >using CC is more encouraged in other situations (would use CC frame for JUST the boss fight because of 5 enemies)

           >Supportive abilities are used more

-have a great experience leading up to a satisfying balanced fight

            >not the problem of very specialized players powering through it (like other Eidolons) a lot faster than other players

            >gear doesn't feel useless




❤️:clem: I enjoyed this fight a lot and I'm very thankful for your continuous work. (also bring back Mom) 


Maybe I'll try to update this a few times and I'm happy to hear comments from other players






Edited by SpiritForger
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On 2019-05-23 at 10:25 AM, Daiwulf said:

Natah message covers half of the screen all the way to the elevator, so it makes parkour hard to see what you're doing.

Fix: Make it small like all the other dialogs.

Its really annoying when doing Ropalolyst mission how Natah takes up a large part of the screen while am trying to move across the map to the Boss chamber. This makes parkour more difficult, because it interferes with depth perception, so have to wait until her dialogue finishes and she disappears before moving from spawn point..                
Natah in the next pic as she appears later is much better size...          
Would be great if she was always this smaller size for the mission.                    

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Well, I mistakenly took Loki into a (lower level) ropethingy fight after clicking on the wrong mission (I thought it was the phorid node)... and wow, this is some horrible design.

One-shot through 700 energy of Quick Stagger while invisible in mid-air after changing direction.

I suppose that DE really don't want us using anything other than Valkyr from now on.

EDIT: and oh god, the spam. Get out of my face, Natah. Who the hell gave you permission to block off 1/3 of my screen?

Edited by DoomFruit
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8 hours ago, Harrock86 said:

I kinda wish the boss would drop something other than Wisp components. After acquiring the new warframe, there is no point in fighting the boss again. The fight is great, probably my favorite boss fight in WF though. I just wish there was some reward behind it after you get wisp, like for example new Toroid (even with just +500 rep) or a guaranteed amount of the new resource.

It does. It drops "amalgam" Mods. There's one in particular I would like as a Shotgun User (the Ripkas one) so I'll probably redo the Boss fight to get it.

I will say however they the worst part for me was the trip from spawn to the boss itself. I can't do it. Everyone else seems to and no-one else seems to think its a problem, but for the life of me I cant figure out how you cross those vast expanses of nothing, and the trip up the pillar. I've tried and the only result is either be respawning back at the start or being stuck on some walkway 300 meters down while everyone else is at the objective. I've tried watching other people and they seem ti vanish from one side and appear on the other. Its maddening and humiliating. One guy literally disappeared right beside me. Thinking about it I assume he void dashed over and resummoned his Warframe, but come on.

The only way I was able to get to the damn boss in the end was to use Titiana and fly there. AND the 2 jumps to the objective when the fight is over were impossible. I mean I'm an MR 21 player so I've played the game an hour or 2, but this is just depressing. And no-one actually seems to understand what I'm talking about when I ask them how to do it. "Did you see the lines you are supposed to run on to get to the capacitors?" "YES! That's not what I'm talking about!!!" <- repeat 5 times at least before I gave up asking the secret about how you get across the chasms.

As for the fight itself, meh. It's a mechanics fight. Do this, do that, A to B to C to D. You could program a bot to do it, and people probably already have. Boring as hell once you look past the shiny curtain. I was bored with it after the 3rd time, and thankfully I got the Wisp pieces in 7 runs and I have no interest in repeating it, bar getting the Amalgam mods i don't have. Lephantis is more fun to me, and that's saying something. At least there you are actually doing something and exhibiting a bit of skill, and its a bit different every time. YOu dont even have to think with this boss once you have figured out the components.

At least Titiana's pistols wreck the things Synova. That was the only bit of fun I had with the entire boss, butterfly flying around it and dakka dakka.

Edited by Himodor
Spellung iss gud
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5 minutes ago, Himodor said:

It does. It drops "amalgam" Mods. There's one in particular I would like as a Shotgun User (the Ripkas one) so I'll probably redo the Boss fight to get it.

Still no point of playing multiple times in terms of rewards after you get all 5 or 6 mods. Look at other Eidolons or Orb fights, most people replay these fights for the rewards. With this new boss there is nothing to make you wanna come back. Make it drop like 100+ Hexenon and I'd farm the sheit out of it.

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Firstly, a boss fight where you don't just sit on your thumbs while the boss goes through the motions of invulnerability is welcome. Feels like a mix between the Kela fight, Exploiter and Teralyst fight with the frustrating bits cut out. 

So overall I like it. 

Detailed feedback:


The buildup to the fight creates good anticipation the first time. 

No invulnerability waiting phase, we can actually do something to remove the invulnerability. 

No need for dedicated Meta, can manage with pretty much any frame but some are obviously better than others. 

Focus on mobility, some level of skill needed. 

Good gameplay flow, a clear A to B to C to D flow with hints given by the NPC. 

Boss is not a bullet sponge, but is having enough hp. 

Shield stage is manageable with most amps. 

Sufficiently telegraphed attacks that are strong. 


Lotus taking half the screen in her monologue, this gets annoying after a few runs. 

No exceptional cores or shards being dropped by the boss, would be nice of some exceptional cores can be obtained upon breaking the synovia. 

Cutscene can cause player to be downed as enemies are primed and already aiming at you (suggest to have them spawn after the cutscene instead of before it.) 

The grab animation is nice but feels lacking, needs more stabbing and slashing, 

Alad V helping us during the fight feels weak, as if a core lore element is missing, did the Sentients take his profits or something?

Being ragdolled off the platform can cause frame to be stuck in a loop for some time. 

Debatable things :

Stalker doesn't mark us? Is that a con? Or pro?  

Rewards are rather... Weak, no reason to fight again once we have the wisp parts, the amalgam mods are really lacking too (except maybe the daikyu) 

No archwing dependency for a flying boss. Guess you have accepted that AW is just not worth further investment. 

The different pylon destroy phases are exactly the same. A little variety to get to the pylons at least would be much more fun. Eg: before the first pylon is hit you can get to any pylon using the wires, when one is destroyed the wires get cut and part of the above floor falls, you can reach the other two via wall jumping off these upper floor parts, (like the one Lua spy mission) and once you destroy the second one you will need to Traverse through beams (think prince of Persia). You can always skip all this by just grabbing the boss and flying to the uncharged pylon. You do of course have to deplete his shields again. 


That's just for me though. I am pretty experienced and have powerful load outs, may be different for different people. 


Edited by 0_The_F00l
Added feedback about the arena
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