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(The Jovian Concord: Update 25) New Boss Fight: Ropalolyst Feedback


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Personally, I find the fight to be a bit unintuitive coming off of eidolons, given that it uses eidolon mechanics, like shooting the shields off, and synovias, but don't have any indication that they suddenly work differently than eidolon parts. when I first fought it, I thought the fight bugged because it was playing the limb break sound during the post generator crash phase, and the creature stumbled like an eidolon when it breaks, only to regenerate its' health.

I also think the laser is kinda unnecessary as a phase ender, personally. It doesn't really add much to the fight, IMO. It gives you plenty of time to actually fire the laser, which kinda makes me wonder why it is there to begin with. Maybe as a final phase thing, it would work, but doing it every phase seems kinda unneeded. It's also kinda barely noticable, looking like a part of the scenery in a corner that you're not likely to be in during the fight due to it being on the edge in a fight with a lot of knockback from mobs, and needing to be mobile. If the lines that do a good job of informing the player what to do with the laser played after the crash phase, it'd work a lot better.


Also, the absolute nully spam makes the fight even more unfun. I understand you don't want people bypassing mechanics via op dash, but at least let me get my Zenurik out. Anything that relies on abilties to survive that aren't special cases, like Oberon just kinda get screwed because basically everything during the fight will randomly reset your abilities.

In addition, having to spam x to get on the wire gets really awkward when rapidly swapping between. Any chance you could simply jump on them in order to move between?

Edited by HealingMind
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9 hours ago, CeejAttack said:

Best example I could give is how the eidolons have arcanes.  Gives plenty reason to keep farming them.  That's the main thing I'd like to see change.  Just feels lacking, especially since you can't do this fight until you've gotten pretty far into the game.  But it's a cool fight, and I just want a reason to keep doing it.  

I think the main problem here is players comparing this assassination mission to something like the Eidolons, even though DE have given it an Eidolonish name. ☺️

If you take General Sargas Ruk as an example, most players won't return to this boss once they have the Ember parts, apart from Sorties or a nightmare mission perhaps, this is for me personally by far the best assassination mission in Warframe with a nice bit of lore running through it, but it should be treated as any other assassination mission.

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Overall, I really liked this fight! I like the lore that we get out of the fight, I like the feeling of parkouring through the new tileset in the leadup to the fight, I like how cinematic the whole thing is. Given all that, there are also a few things where I can suggest some improvements.

1. The laser cannon button needs to be signposted more. I went into the fight solo and without looking up any information prior, because I wanted get a completely fresh experience. I was largely able to figure out the fight as I went along, but I got stuck after breaking the first synovia over and over again without progressing the fight. I restarted the fight a few times before I figured out that you need to activate the laser cannon after breaking the synovia. The issue for me was that Alad V doesn't give his "shoot the laser now!" hint line unless you used the laser before, but I never knew there was a laser in the first place because it's never mentioned unless you activate it first. Honestly, I thought the panel button was for the elevator that you ride into the fight in the first place, so I didn't bother to interact with it until my third try at the fight. In terms of communication info to the player, that was the one blind spot I felt.

2. The grab attack. I don't have any issue with the grab itself, but many times I will break the synovia, hear the distinctive ringing sound, bullet jump directly towards the laser button and get grabbed by the ropalolyst as it is collapsing to the ground, which I find kind of dumb. The audio cue should be a clear signal that the enemy has been temporarily subdued, and having it still be able to grab you is mixed messaging to the player. I feel like the grab should be disabled from the moment you hear the sound.

3. Consider adding some type of worthwhile recurring reward to this fight. Right now there are 4 Warframe components and 5 mods that drop from the ropalolyst. That means that after farming these 9 things, there's very little reason for players to replay this fight, which is such a shame! This is such a cool fight, and I'd like for there to be a reason to revisit it. Maybe give it a chance to drop a small amount of sentient cores? There's a well-known issue with Quills progression that you need a crafted amp to reliably hunt eidolons and gain Quills standing, but you also need Quills standing to craft amps to hunt eidolons. If the ropalolyst is an alternate source of sentient cores, that would let players break this cycle.

4. Natah's face taking up half the screen at the beginning of the fight. I understand that Natah's reveal is a big reveal and story beat, but it also obstructs your view while you're trying to look around and parkour in unfamiliar terrain. I feel like if you keep the big facecam for the initial reveal, then change to the smaller camera for the rest of the monologue, you preserve the impact of the initial reveal without sacrificing visibility afterwards.

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Con: I wish I could finish the fight half the time. The boss glitches out too often during its damage phases - not checking if its health is depleted. Instead, it just heals itself again over and over and over.

Con: Grab attack - Let us shoot our secondary or do something please. Think of it like King Kong has you and you bite his hand so he can drop you.

Con: The distance (1000-1500m) is a bit absurd to cross repeatedly - especially when this fight bugs out all the time.


Pro: Neural Sensors are easy to get now

Pro: droprate of warframe parts is even. Preferred to me.

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9 hours ago, AKTKWNG said:

Consider adding some type of worthwhile recurring reward to this fight.  Maybe give it a chance to drop a small amount of sentient cores? There's a well-known issue with Quills progression that you need a crafted amp to reliably hunt eidolons and gain Quills standing, but you also need Quills standing to craft amps to hunt eidolons. If the ropalolyst is an alternate source of sentient cores, that would let players break this cycle.

AKTKWNG Your entire feedback post was so eloquently written and I agree with you, the sentient mobs you fight already drop a few cores but maybe adding 50 to the Ropalolyst loot table certainly wouldn't hurt, if, and only if they were an additional loot drop and not instead of other items. I remember the Quills standing being such an uphill struggle as a solo player, I think something like this could help take a bit of the sting out of it.

I think another nice addition to the fight which would give a fairly large section of the player base a reason to return there for loot would be to add 4-5 Conculyst to fight complete with War hilt and War blade in the drop tables, it would make a nice change and alternative to farming Lua for hours on end, especially if you were to make these Conculyst a little special with higher percentage drop chance hilt and blade. ☺️

As an edit, just managed to solo this in 8 minutes and the sentients are Conculysts, so if these share the same loot table as those in Lua then this to me will be a great alternative for farming War Hilt and War Blades for War. ☺️


Edited by Tyanya
Added a bit
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5 hours ago, Tyanya said:

If you take General Sargas Ruk as an example, most players won't return to this boss once they have the Ember parts, apart from Sorties or a nightmare mission perhaps, this is for me personally by far the best assassination mission in Warframe with a nice bit of lore running through it, but it should be treated as any other assassination mission.

Then all of assassination missions should get the same treatment of adding recurring rewards (Relics, Rare resources, endo, etc) to the drop table, giving a reason for people to do the fight again and more things to do in Warframe while waiting for the next update.

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16 hours ago, Azrael said:

Actually, later on I tried that and it kinda worked, in the sense that I went operator and used the floor laser to force him to drop my frame. 😄

But I've also been dropped without dying, I guess just after a set time?

After further testing, I've learned a few things.  It does indeed drop you after a fixed time but unless you're a very tanky frame/invincible due to an ability (Hysteria, for example), you will most likely not last that long.  I've also tested using transference to escape with mixed results.  When using a controller, transference is disabled entirely while held for reasons unknown.  I suspect that since abilities are disabled while grabbed, it's disabling the right bumper entirely (which is a prerequisite for activating transference and warframe abilities), but that's just a guess.  When using mouse/keyboard, it seems to work intermittently; sometimes it will work, other times I'm stuck in the frame.  I cannot be sure if that inconsistent behavior with the keyboard is something inherent to being grabbed or if it's the same random power disabling that happens in the entire fight.  And, as mentioned in another post, the Ropalolyst keeps holding your warframe in the meantime anyway.  Honestly, I wouldn't even mind being grabbed if something interesting happened but you just get held until you die or the game decides you're allowed to play again.  Or decides that transference will work for a few seconds.


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8 hours ago, Tyanya said:

but it should be treated as any other assassination mission.

that's exactly how i treat it - but it still removes all Game Mechanics from the game, which means it effectively removes the game from the game.
the other Solar Map Bosses... they're generally kinda boring because you spend most of your time standing around waiting for Timers, but.... standing around waiting for a Timer is less offensive to the Player than having the entire game turned off. if you have to delete 95% of the game to make the Mission "not to easy" or whatever, then i think there's a problem with the design of the Mission.

a game challenging the Player based on the rules it has created and set already, is how to make an excellent game. in say... Breath of the Wild, the game doesn't just delete previously created Game Mechanics just because reasons. no, it gives you tools and you are being challenged to apply those tools. 
which is most definitely a part of why that game exploded with such positive reception. because the Development of it was quite literally (as described by Nintendo) making cool Game Mechanics that were interesting and fun to use first, making it a particular type of game second. for 80-90% of the Development, Breath of the Wild wasn't actually a Zelda game. it was made one after everything else was already created. and that worked out exceptionally. because the game established the rules it wanted to run by, and it stuck to those rules. they did not randomly change or cease to exist at some point later in the game.

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57 minutes ago, taiiat said:

that's exactly how i treat it - but it still removes all Game Mechanics from the game, which means it effectively removes the game from the game.
the other Solar Map Bosses... they're generally kinda boring because you spend most of your time standing around waiting for Timers, but.... standing around waiting for a Timer is less offensive to the Player than having the entire game turned off. if you have to delete 95% of the game to make the Mission "not to easy" or whatever, then i think there's a problem with the design of the Mission.

a game challenging the Player based on the rules it has created and set already, is how to make an excellent game. in say... Breath of the Wild, the game doesn't just delete previously created Game Mechanics just because reasons. no, it gives you tools and you are being challenged to apply those tools. 
which is most definitely a part of why that game exploded with such positive reception. because the Development of it was quite literally (as described by Nintendo) making cool Game Mechanics that were interesting and fun to use first, making it a particular type of game second. for 80-90% of the Development, Breath of the Wild wasn't actually a Zelda game. it was made one after everything else was already created. and that worked out exceptionally. because the game established the rules it wanted to run by, and it stuck to those rules. they did not randomly change or cease to exist at some point later in the game.

That little snippet of mine you quoted was in relation to loot tables opposed to mechanics and such.

I think most people would agree that large loot tables full of unique drops make the most enticing carrots in terms of replayability, there are some cases in which fun mechanics squeeze extra replays out of content, but doing most things 50 plus times and the mundanity sets in, hence why the Eidolon fights are done 100's of times because of the potential tasty carrots on offer. ☺️

But the loot tables in Warframe are finite and DE have that battle to balance loot with every new bit of content they release, the loot rains from the skies, within a day or two everyone has everything then complains about content drought, content is released with tiny percentage droprates and the player base is disgruntled about the crazy grind, poor old DE. 😩

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First of all I must say that I really enjoy the fight but I feel that it needs to be more challenging but by that I mean challenge our player skills/reactions/parkour and not our mods/weapons/frames.


1. Give more hints regarding what you need to do, barely on my 3rd run did Alad V 'suggested' I bring the ropalolyst to the generators (took me a bit to realize that and by then it was too late)

2. The electric cables when trying to reach the generators, make it more difficult to reach the generator... right now it's very easy and predictable... make the ropalolyst spawn those electric surges more frequently and depending on where the player is standing instead of a predefined path, make the boss adapt to our moves

Also loved the parkour as you need to reach the extract point, I want more of that. Keep up the good work!

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Heya DE. Here to give the feedbacks for the boss fight:

For a Starchart boss fight, it is very good. Comparing to all other starchart bosses, this is a major upgrade from other star charts boss fight. I'll elaborate in points bellow:

  1. The mechanics are fun. It's not just be there and just shoot or spam skills. Player has to do other stuffs.
  2. The boss fights back. Comparing to exploiter orb boss fight, the Flydolon pose some threat. It has some deadly attack, but the players know it's coming and can react by dodging it, which is nice.
  3. Again, the cinematic are nice, but tbh, I kinda have a mix feeling about this. More on this below.
  4. Inclusion of lore is also nice.
  5. For some weird reason, I also find the boss's ability to disable operator very nice inclusion. There are some parkour aspect in the fight and it can be easily cheesed with operators. Glad they found a way to disable it.

In a nutshell, the flydolon has unique and fun mechanics that sets a new standard for starchart boss fight. As a bonus point, it has the good points of exploiter orb fight, but better because it's way more challenging.

That being said, from my point of view (maybe you can call it 'veteran' point of view), its disappointing. Again, elaborate below, along with the things I don't like

  1. There's no need to group up for this fight because it's relatively easy. The boss can only target a person at a time with it's shot. It does has some missile, but most of the time it won't hit the players. And even if it does hit the player, it barely damages the player.
  2. The boss doesn't change behavior every time we 'fried' it. I feel like the boss can have more dynamic in it if it has different behavior or different and deadlier attacks every time we damages it to the generator.
  3. It's 'grab' move is very awkward. I mean, I don't mind it can grab me, and I even finds it unique and fresh as it is something that I've never seen before in warframe. But, it feels very... Out of place. It comes out of nowhere, idk what triggers it, I don't think I can dodge it or react to it when I get caught. And after the boss caught me, it just... hold me? Kinda wish it slams me over and over to the floor, or throws me or something. But nope, just grab me to release me a few seconds later.
  4. The small arena kinda limit the design. I understand that the boss fights has some parkour element in it, but it does limit what can be included to the fight. Because of the small arena, the boss can't have big AoE attacks, enemies can't spawn too much because it will clutter the little space that's available. Larger space would be nice, and if DE still want to keep the parkour aspect, instead of horizontal space, maybe make a vertical space, utilizing wall latch mechanic.


Overall the boss fight is a major upgrade from a star chart boss and it can set a new standard for other star chart boss fight. But it's definitely not the endgame boss fight that the veterans wants so much.


I hope one day, DE will make a boss fight that keeps the fun from exploiter and flydolon, but have more difficulty that suited for endgame players.


PS: Yes, I didnt tell how to make an endgame  boss that suidet for endgame players, cause I dont think this is the right thread to write about it.

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Hollowfires:

Con: I wish I could finish the fight half the time. The boss glitches out too often during its damage phases - not checking if its health is depleted. Instead, it just heals itself again over and over and over.

every 2nd run i did this happened, so i decided to stop playing it until it gets fixed, and i dont wanna give a final verdict on this until then.

There have been many other bugs, for example my screen continuosly faded to black and back to normal view as if i was falling out of bonds although nothing happened.


From a beginner standpoint and compared to some other star-chart-bosses, i guess this can be a fun bossfight.

For a more experienced player, this bossfight is a bit boring though (Edit: i dont mean the presentation, The Design of the Arena, the Effects and so on are well made, the boring part is that you dont really do much besides quickly shooting down shields, hide behind a pillar, shot the weakpoints, repeat)

In general, i would say that you have focussed to much on making the fight look cool, the mechanics itself dont really convince me in regards to gameplay.


Some things that are absolut No-Go's for me:

  • Natahs face covering half the screen during the whole parcour part of the mission (seriously, this is not a good idea in any mission - maybe its just a bug)
  • forced cutscenes which interrupt the flow of the gameplay and place us in a different spot when it finished (Suggestion: keep the animation which makes the Ropalolyst fall onto the platform and destroying parts of it - but let each player who isnt riding it react to this change with normal gameplay instead of a forced cutscene)
  • randomly disableling of Void-dashes - this is simply annoying, nothing more. I get the idea that our Operator-abilities shall be restricted so that we have to use the cables and so on to move around, and i have no problem with this. So my suggestion is: 
  1. completly disable our ability to use Voiddashes (if its always off, we can adapt to it and dont make the mistake of trying to use it and then noticing "oops, didnt work for whatever reason" - i will use normal parcour always then and it will be fine and makes the fight a little more challenging)
  2. give us a visual indicator for when these abilities dont work - if its random i at least want to know if it will work before i try


Well, i guess i am a bit disappointed by this boss because i was expecting something along the lines of the other Eidolons, so something that is more complex, takes longer and takes a bit of teamwork to do it. I dont want to say this is a bad boss-fight per se, and again, most players probably enjoy it the few times they run it. Meanwhile, the Eidolons are something you will do A LOT because you can improve yourself which is fun and because there is a lot of loot and focus you can farm. I'll just keep dreaming that one day a Flydolon enters the Plains of Eidolon that fits more what i was hoping for more...i dont know if any of you has ever seen my concept for the bossfight (i doubt it^^) - but anyway we had at least one similiar thought....that it would be a cool mechanic if the players have to mount the flying Eidolon 😁 in the following spoiler you can see what my concept was, maybe there is an idea or two you think might be worth to implement:


General Thoughts:

  • the Aerolyst spawns at Daytime above the ocean either on the West- or Eastside (random)
  • that way he will fill the empty spot when you cant hunt the other Eidolons
  • Fighting heavily relies on Archwings and their mechanics (you might be able to do everything from the ground, but it will be much harder)
  • multiple stages, final stage on the ground
  • he has shielding mechanics, but you wont need the Operator to kill him


1st Phase:

  • at first, the Aerolyst is travelling slowly above one of the oceans, the team has to find him (should be easy^^)
  • at this time, he is invulnerable to normal damage
  • he is guarded by multiple, strong condrocs that are vulnerable to gunfire (could be any enemy, i've simply chosen condrocs for fun^^)
  • while he is travelling, we have to kill the condrocs first (which also have some sort of melee attacks)
  • when we start to kill them, the Aerolyst gets more active and starts ranged attacks - you can avoid them with certain Archwing-abilities like Ameshes bubble, Itzals Penumbra and so on when you get targeted by one of his attacks
  • if we are way too slow at killing the condrocs, the Aerolyst can call for support
  • when we have killed all condrocs that are protecting him, the 2nd phase starts


2nd Phase:

  • now that we have killed all Condrocs, the Aerolyst starts to "get nervous" and we go on a Pursuit
  • he will be able to fly a bit faster and will travel towards the Plains so he is above land now
  • he is still invulnerable to gunfire
  • on top of his body there will be one spot that one of the players have to mount onto him, this will look like this:
  • you have to follow him - aim at the spot (somewhere on his neck) - leave your Archwing and press X when you are in reach of this spot to mount it
  • (i imagine this to be really fun - one of the things i like when travelling in OrbVallis/PoE is to leave the Archwing high up in the air and then use my momentum to land as precise as possible to the next objective - which works surprisingly well btw 😛)
  • in this phase there will be coming a few condrocs to his help, but not too many so its annoying and they will not protect the Aerolyst from getting mounted, we cannot fall back into phase 1


3rd Phase:

  • now is the time where the Aerolyst can finally be damaged on weakspots with normal weapons
  • the one player that mounted him might have to perform multiple hacks on a console that is placed on the collar of the Aerolyst
  • while he is succesfully hacking (or doing another form of "mini-game"), the Aerolyst can be damaged
  • all other players have to shot the weakspots
  • the Aerolyst is stationary in this phase!
  • he will launch strong ranged attacks and maybe AoE-attacks like the Eidolons
  • once again, the team can avoid taking damage with Archwing-abilities
  • once we have damaged all weakspots (maybe both wings, the tail and his jaw or something), the last stage starts


4th and final phase:

  • after damaging all his weakspots, the Aerolyst will fall to the ground
  • he can now be damaged just like Eidolons in their final stage
  • he still will have some strong attacks to prevent getting killed
  • because it is daytime, some grineer might appear alongside some more condrocs that get called for support
  • done, we have killed our first Aerolyst 😉


Final Thoughts:

I imagine this to be a fun bossfight that gives the Archwings a new purpose.

Also, some mechanics like the mounting of the Aerolyst might sound "weird" at first because its not like anything else we have in bossfights right now, but like i said, i have a lot of fun using my momentum to fly trough the air to land precisly on certain spots and this will be just like that, but with a reason to do so.

And lastly, this bossfight will not be dominated by endless AoE-attacks and kockbacks/staggers, we can counter all attacks by simply using our Abilities.


Edited by DreisterDino
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On 2019-05-23 at 2:25 AM, Daiwulf said:

Natah message covers half of the screen all the way to the elevator, so it makes parkour hard to see what you're doing.

Fix: Make it small like all the other dialogs.


The Ropalolyst can use the high damaging beam right after the cutscene for the shocking animation (less than half a second), making it impossible to dodge.

Fix: Make it only start charging beam after the cutscene is completely finished.

Or even better, let us skip it after we've seen it once, I have no reason to hear Natah and Alad V talking for the 50th time about the same crap while covering half my monitor. Actually I have no reason to care about Natah until we get the next part of the main story.

Oh and please fix the out of bounds crap, you jump 5 meters and you're suddenly out of bounds, makes the parkour so trash in this new tileset.

Edited by Stavik96
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There is ONE bug during this fight that trumps them all .... after you put the boss into the first bug zapper everyone is teleported to the center where we are supossed to shoot those metal kneecaps once they are vulnerable.  everything up to here is fine except for some reason it is VERY common to have this part get bugged and no matter how many times you shoot his knees out you cant destroy them, just get stuck in a loop of shooting them > having them go into their invulnerable state + insta heal > shooting them over and over.  5 games in a row currently and from the comments of the other players its happening to everyone ... ALOT

sorry i just saw the link for the bug megathread but i dont know how to move this there

Edited by Tasaio-Minwanabi
im a dummy
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I like the fight, but it has a few issues that make it annoying.

The first is the grab attack. It is unavoidable, there is no signposting, and there is no way to escape it, at least when playing solo. I usually died during the grab attack because I could not do anything. It would be nice if we could attack the eidolon's hand to excape.

Then the nullifying scream. It would be okay, if the eidolon did it once, but at a certain point of the fight it spams it, which leads to 1-hit kills from the enemies, often for no apparent reason. I think the scream should be limited, or at least on cooldown.

Adds should spawn with a delay after the mid-fight cutscene. Combined with the nullifying scream you can die immediately after the cutscene, without chance to dodge.

Grabbing the ropes is quite awkward, especially when we need to run on them to win the fight. Increase the range of grab back to what it used to be, maybe? And disable the "grab" prompt from the eidolon while it is on the ground. It happened a few times that I wanted to grab the rope, but the game decided I wanted to grab the eidolon instead.

The lore is great, but it gets old after the n-th time. It would be nice to have a choice between the full mission or just the boss fight. Maybe after completing it once divide the node into 2, like with nightmare mode? One could be full mission, the other just the boss.

And finally, give this thing more health. As it is now it dies too quickly.

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I was actually pretty disappointed by the boss fight. It really didn't feel good to go on the ziplines to get to where I needed to go. I think part of this is me coming off of the new A Hat in Time DLC where landing on tightropes was an automatic process that didn't require a button. The other part of this is that the controls for getting onto ziplines were not built for this kind of situation in mind. For my first few runs, I was constantly being frustrated by the final set of ziplines at once since the electrical currents then covered three ziplines at once and it was hard to dodge them since I needed to jump from the zipline, air dash to the other end, and then press the X button. I think this situation could have been avoided if there was wither a way to jump from one zipline to another with ease or have the player automatically land on the zipline even if it was only for this section of the game.

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Let us be able to disable the Lotus transmissions, they are blocking 40% of my view.

It is okay that they are there the first time around but seriously, give her a tiny picture afterwards, or give us an option to disable the transmission visuals.

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I enjoyed the fight and felt that it came off as very satisfying, which I never thought I would say in warframe! The build up as you travel towards the boss, the visuals, the mechanics are all epic. 

There are a couple of wrinkles atm, such as being one shot while getting up from knockdowns, etc.

But, given the build up and significance of the fight I would like to see a 2nd 'prestige' type fight, if you will.

Give it

>Rotating elemental weakness/buffed health pool

>More aggressive

>Full blown Eidolon shield mechanics

>Hyper aggression in final phase

>Parkour challenge phases with more intensive laser attacks and pressure

Rewards wise, have it's own arcanes or share the eidolon arcane pool (because it is an eidolon!), focus rewards, etc-something to keep me coming back for more!



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  • Nice new cinematics
  • Strategy involved, no shoot and win (looking right at you, Phobos Sarge)


  • Overpowered boss attacks, nigh impossible to survive without a tanky frame
  • Crowded enemies on platform make the fight even more frustrating
  • The hitbox is inconsistent, sometimes shots register but sometimes they don't show any damage numbers at all, even if you did aim correctly with a hitscan weapon
  • Boss HP bar doesn't reflect whether its health is depleted, makes determining when to use the final Terren charger shot difficult
  • Boss sometimes refuses to use its superlaser on the power capacitors
  • Takes a while to reach the boss fight room


Making the Ropalolyst grabbable only when a nearby capacitor is damaged should clear up some confusion, as teammates wouldn't grab it right after the shields are depleted and waste the opportunity.


On another note, can Wisp's main blueprint be made available in the market again? Farming three components is already time consuming enough (and the main BP has an even lower drop rate)

Edited by Cadrua
additional boss grabbing suggestion
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2 hours ago, Cadrua said:

can Wisp's main blueprint be made available in the market again? Farming three components is already time consuming enough (and the main BP has an even lower drop rate) the shields are depleted and waste the opportunity.


DE have been more than generous with the droprates and acquisition of Wisp, more so than most of the farmable warframes in the game.

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In terms of the fight, I feel Ropalolyst is probably the best boss in the game so far. It is very to the point and doesn't have any sense of padding (ie, the second best boss, Exploiter, needs a bit too much time spent on tossing cans at it), there is a very appropriate amount of adds (as another comparison, it isn't an endless swarm like with Profit-Taker), it avoids the player DPS trap by being based around platformer-style phase goals, and its main attack while devastating to any frame is also telegraphed in a manner that works with Warframe's gameplay and visual information presentation. It's also solo-friendly, which is much appreciated.


Another thing I feel was very nice is that it felt really fun to figure out. All the steps to beating it were ultimately what I feel was an intuitive process of elimination building up on prior experience of the player. It felt good to feel like you were using your brain.


If there's any problem, the boss has a habit of firing its laser attack immediately after capacitor hit cutscenes which can potentially down the entire team before they can even react.

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В 23.05.2019 в 03:25, Daiwulf сказал:

Natah message covers half of the screen all the way to the elevator, so it makes parkour hard to see what you're doing.

Fix: Make it small like all the other dialogs.


Or just make it NOT APPEAR after first time you see it. Why would I need to hear this monologue 10+ times?

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Some personnal throughs on this boss

The fight has quite some potential. It can be fun - note that i don't say it IS fun, but it CAN be. Having to move around a lot, jumping, running on lines ... That can be fun. The boss is huge and has a nice look. The cutscene when you see your "little" warframe landing on the platform, then that HUGE flying monstruosity coming at you is quite a sight.

It's not some sort of bullet sponge like the Wolf was, and that's good - well it could use some durability through, or maybe harder modes ?

But, there are some problems. Some BIG problems.

The first time i went here, i listened to all cutscenes, and when i faced the ropalolyst, i looked at it ... and i died just at the end of the cutscene. One hit KO attacks are not a problem by themselves, but they are when you get targeted by one of them just as the starting cutscene end. Well, i got killed once, and now, i know i must move right away. But it's not a good mechanic.A ohko attack is something that you must see coming, and know you must avoid it. Not something that catch you right after the very first cutscene showing the boss entrace !

Same thing when you're stuck in a cutscene after throwing the boss on the generator, and you can see the various adds around you, ready to shoot at you. So, last time i had control over my character, i was riding that flying monster on a generator, and when i get control back, i'm surrounded by enemies ? My warframe was tanky enough to take it most of the times (through i sometimes died when i took a viral status just at the end of the cutscene), but depending on the warframe played it may be a big problem ... Please DE, be careful of that sort of things.

Another thing that wasn't necessary. The exit area where you get your orbiter. I was stuck in a mission and was forced to abandon it because i died just as the ropalolyst died (killed by an ad during the boss dying sequence). I respawned on the boss platform instead of the sort of wrecked area near the exit. And since there is no way to reach it (well actually it would have been possible since i played zephyr, but those "fadeout invisible walls" prevented it). Why did you implement a teleportation to an exit zone after this fight ? You just had to create some kind of path (like a wreckage) for the tennos to use.

Lorewise, it's ... debatable. I really enjoyed seeing Natah and hearing her speach, through i disagree with some of it (what ? You say i'm killing your family and eradicating your history ? Well, can you first stop trying to kill me so that i don't have to fight you back ???). The first time, that is. It's really annoying after some runs ...

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On 2019-05-24 at 4:57 AM, Hollowfires said:

Pro: droprate of warframe parts is even. Preferred to me.


8 hours ago, Tyanya said:

DE have been more than generous with the droprates and acquisition of Wisp, more so than most of the farmable warframes in the game.

Not really. Mag, Rhino, Ember, Frost, Trin and Nyx (true, you need to wait for a phorid node, but those aren't particularly uncommon) are much easier to get. Loki ain't bad either, though hyenas can be annoying to fight. Hydroid... yeah, but that's more a case of "this boss is utterly terrible". Saryn, Excal, Nekros (perhaps slightly less so in this case) and Mesa (now *that* sucked) - yeah, screw them, grinding tokens to fight a boss is just plain retarded. Crafting component-wise, I don't care much for this current one. Hexathingy doesn't seem to drop very often.


Also, having now finally gotten all the parts (18 runs...), I also do not like this boss.

-Firstly is the random and frequent nullicancer - not only waves, but your powers get stripped when you need to do the ride the dragon phase. Erasing a large part of what makes frames different from one another indicates that you really don't care for the game that you've made.

-Secondly, and related to the first point, is the spawning of high level enemies during the (unskippable) cutscenes as you're put back on the centre platform... and having those enemies active at the same time. Coupled with the above point, unless you have one of a very few frames, you're going to get oneshot as soon as you get control back because everything will be immediately firing guns at you. In at least half of my 18 runs against this boss, I distinctly remember hammering away at the keyboard in frustration while watching two sniper amalgams standing there right next to me pointing their guns at my head during the cutscene.

-UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES. WHY. This is one of the most critical points of game design - you do NOT actively get in the way of or actively frustrate players. Especially when you know that the players will be running this mission again and again and again and again and again BECAUSE YOU DESIGNED THE WHOLE GAME THAT WAY.

Just like the previous boss (wolf) and two bosses before (profit taker), you are basically mandating that we should use maximum armour and health Valkyr, Chroma or Inaros and nothing else. Our powers are either taken away from us entirely (ropething), or are completely useless against the boss itself (wolf, profit taker ignores invisibility, I didn't even try loki against ropething because of how the previous bosses were).

I've got the parts now. My best time on this mission is 4m 15s. I could probably get it down a little more with some extra forma on my Opticor Vandal and Valkyr Prime. I don't care. I've no interest in going back.

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