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(The Jovian Concord: Update 25) New Boss Fight: Ropalolyst Feedback


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My biggest complaint from me and my viewers is the lights and effects from the new boss fight.  It is way to much from and needs to be toned down a lot.  I'm not asking for the effects to be changed for the majority of the community but for the those like myself who suffer from non-epileptic seizures.  The lights on this fight is the most intense of all the other boss fights in the game.  So my request is to have a way to have this to be able to be turned off.  After playing around with my settings I finally got it to were I could play the boss fight with glasses that reduces the light intensity. 

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When you transition between scenes after you ram his head into the capacitor, I have to turn sprint back on. Whats the point of having set to toggle if I constantly have to turn it back on. Don't know if that's an oversight or intentional. Plus if you fall off, it will put you in front of those lasers and you die in like .5 seconds. Gotta do the Dory and keep on swimming, keep on swimming or zap you be dead QUICK! LOL! Maybe I gotta Limbo Jimbo!

Oh and on another note is there any way to turn her voice over and image off? Blocks the view when you are trying to jump around to get to the fight. How many times do you really need to hear her story?Get out of my grill girl!

Also the drop rate seems off. The wiki says: 22.56% for the over all and 25.81% for the components. I have 5 overall and 4 chasis and 4 neuroptics and no system. Seems skewed. My dice just keep giving me snake eyes. The wiki does say 30 ties (roughly) give or take 8. I'll keep at it. On the up side I do have all the Amalgam mods.

Other then that I like the fight mechanics and the new Jupiter look. I had to do it solo because every time I got in a public group no one seems to know the fight. Youtube kiddies! Tactical Potato has a good video on the fight.

Edited by Meatsikle
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Finished my solo grind of this boss on a Rhino and I came away with several things. Sprint shouldn't be turned off ever! The other is the cut scenes when you transition to the platform after doing the head ram. You can't move for 2 seconds while the boss and adds are attacking you. Coming out of that scene many times with the red lasers on me and died. I'm sure I could rethink my setup but not being able to move or respond only to die instantly is messed up. No skill there. I ended up grinding most of the day for one piece (systems), so I can only conclude that the wiki drop percentages are way off. The wiki says the overall blueprint has a 3% less chance to drop then the components and I ended up with more overall then everything else. I also notice when you are behind the capacitor you'll have issues transitioning in and out of your warframe. If you fall off you have a 30% chance of getting instantly smoked by the red lasers depending on where you end up back on the platform. I do like the fight you just need to be able to respond to things with forethought and skill. I guess it could have been worse; glad that grind is over!!

Edited by Meatsikle
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I have a handle on it and have done it several times now but just gotta say those first few times are JANKY AF. Very confusing experience, getting teleported around with seemingly random cut-scenes.

Now that it actually makes sense here is some additional feedback:

1. Newly added required parkour:

  • Can be really fun when navigated succesfully.
  • Can be very frustrating and break immersion or be discouraging and time consuming for entire squad if you make a slight mistake. If its like a cool ninja movie in your head think of how much it would ruin the movie to accidentally fall of the trip wire and fall to your death and have to try over again 7 times. No longer cool ninja movie.

2. Flow/Continuity and lack of:

  • Players teleported from elevator to arena.
  • Boss instantly teleports from platform to platform as players land on zip-lines.
  • Boss instantly teleports away from giant lazer beam, and back to main platform.
  • Cut-scene interrupts play when boss hits explody thingies.
  • Players teleported to main platform after boss hits explody thingies.
  • Players teleported to different extraction zone at end of fight.

All of the above bullets for point 2 break continuity, immersion, and flow. The fight is fun but I feel like some shortcuts were taken to make the development easier or faster (as a developer I have been there, but noooo warframe is so great don't cut corners!). Think with railjack it showed the player in the enemy flagship could look out the window and see the other player out in space fighting, that is AWESOME!!!! I want more things like that, not less!

3. Maybe this is more of a bug but several times everyone on the team died before being able to move upon being teleported back to the center pad because the sentients or whatever enemies were there killed them before they could actually control themselves again (except me, yay Hildryn shield gating!). I've since started turning on Hildryn's 3 to extend my passive to them for this portion of the fight but it seems kind of bad that everyone dies without being able to control it.

Edited by TwistedSteel
Tried to make it more concise and readable
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I shot at the ropalolyst with my radiation based spectra vandal and was doing about 210 to its body, but anytime I hit the head of it, it took 21 damage. Is it intended to take only 10% damage at the head?

Edited by Overlorddarkwolf
better wording and less misspelling
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Kills my operator then one shots me the second I get back in my frame, don't even have a chance to move, boom, dead, that is so unbelievably cheap it's not funny, if I cant even move what on earth do you expect me to do? 

Dialogue takes up half the screen for no reason. 

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So as of last night the Ropapopolyst still charges its 1 shot 1 kill laser during its cut scene and proceeds to kill 1 or 2 players instantly coming out of the cutscene. Is this supposed to encourage team work or just a bug?

You can also mount the Ropadopealyst while it has shields preventing people from shooting off the shields. You can stay on it near indefinitely preventing the mission from continuing. I'm sure some people just don't know better but I'm also certain some people are jerks and trolling. Especially when they navigate the Rololololyst under the center playform.

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Did it 5 times, got Wisp, never touch it again as there's no reason to.

Completely and utterly pointless "boss" fight, except for lore purposes.


Nothing explained in-game (as usual) as to how to kill it, so you either watch a YouTube video or go to the wiki. You then come back with the strat and can solo it in sub 5 minutes with the right loadout.

The hardest part about this boss fight is the other enemies that spawn alongside it.

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Just tried to solo it with Inaros.  Didn't die but mission timed out.  Ropalolyst would completely regenerate it's health once it hit zero (this after destroying all three pylons, body was vulnerable).  Eventually ran out of ammo and repeatedly took it down with my mote amp just for it to regenerate with full health 😫

I just want to unlock Jupiter again!!

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2-manned it for Wisp and found it manageable, but not very fun.

Failed three times out of 10-15 tries, always due to bugs.

Once the boss got stuck inside a pillar and couldn't get free, once one of us was sent back outside the boss area with forced re-spawn outside when trying to enter and boss then locked up because it was trying to go after the person outside (probably), finally it got stuck running at high speed in circles on middle platform.

Killed it all other tries but was downed a couple times because of cutscenes, it was easy enough with one of us clearing trash and the other playing with boss. Seems that the boss one-shots just about everything though so need to be quick with those rolls after cutscene.

Abilities were generally unreliable with all the dispels/silences and I had to wait a few seconds to be able to use void dash after entering operator (no idea why, seemed to be almost always), would be nice to have some sort of indicator when skills are disabled.

Haven't tried it since first day so bugs may have been fixed by now.

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Please disable to freeze time after ramming the ropalyst into the bug zappers, every time ive tried this mission i always die during the freeze to the amalgams chilling around me on the center platform... either disable the freeze time or take all the other enemies out. 

Also ive had several times where ive had to sit and wait for the ropalyst to get close to me after taking his shields down to grab him, all he does is stay around the outside of the arena and whenever i get close to him he just goes to the other side... ive seen people do this boss fight in 3 mins, my quickest one is about 11 mins just because i have to sit and wait for him to get close... easy fix is to just set a range limit on how far he can go from the tenno after destroying his shields. 

Also the Natah dialog at the beginning of the mission is very annoying, either decrease the size of the message from half the screen to the normal size that the lotus or ordis talks to you in or just make a toggle to disable to dialog, maybe just a lore bypass for anyone who doesn't want spoilers or someone like me that thinks its annoying to have something that stretches across half your screen while trying to dodge enemies and do parkour.

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PLEASE for the love of everything good in the world, stop having Natah's transmission covering up half the screen while we get to the fight. It's fine for the first time for story purposes, but it's just infuriating for repeating the mission. 

I'm just happy I finally got a wisp BP, but that made the experience notably worse.

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I tried it 4 times now. On different days. Failed every single time without even coming close to winning the fight.

I gave up. Insta-gib rays and the need to wiki the mechanics...

I just give up. If I can't solo it without a walk through and a lot of failed tries, I don't see the point of doing it.

If the process of playing a mission gives me nothing but annoyance, rage and disappointment, I have no interest in ''gitting gud''.

And I really don't see how something like this can be fun. But it seems like a lot more people enjoy this kind of thing than I thought possible.

Guess I'll just have to deal with not having that one node completed and that one warframe mastered.

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Okay, throwing in my 2 cents. My big issues are...

1) The Grab attack is broken

It has zero animation and instantly disables me with no way of escaping other than death. That's just... disheartening.

2) The Grab attack is broken

I'm supposed to be able to escape via Operator mode, but since I'm using a controller, I can't. And from the sound of it, even that is a futile gesture because the frame stays stuck in the grab even when you kiddo out

3) The Grab attack is broken

It simply does too much damage. Even with maximum Vitality, maximum Steel Fiber, and Shatter Shield, my Mesa Prime dies JUST slowly enough for me to futilely hammer the Operator button

4) The Grab attack is broken

Did you know that leaving Operator Mode STILL causes the R1/RB button to get stuck? That bug has been there since War Within hit. Does nobody even care?

5) The Grab attack is broken


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So, I really feel the need to *@##$ about this at this point.  The drop rates of the amalgam mods is messed up for me (at least basic knowledge of statistics says so).

I've run this fight 43 times now, and a simple estimates says that I should have 8-9 of each of the 5 amalgam mods it drops.  I am missing one of them.  Now I know it's never going to be exactly even, and I can't expect to get exactly 8-9 of each in that many runs.  However, when the odds of me having gotten that last mod are 99.999999999999999999999999999912 percent (-100 * (1-0.2^43)) it feels completely wrong.  Hell, if I'd seen even 2-3 drop by now I wouldn't question it, but the average number for getting that last drop after the first four mods is about 4 runs, for a total of about 10-15 runs to get all five mods (no real math for the 10-15 runs, just a rough estimate).

Now, I know the math should work out to a 20% drop chance for each across all players, but this is getting #*!%ing ridiculous from my perspective.  I feel like I'm back in the original boss farming times, when I took a literal week of farming to get the last drop I needed for rhino.


On a fight balance note, the lasers being able to fire the instant after the cut scene ends is just broken, since they're effectively a one shot and hit every player in a  line.


Edit: Well, I posted this, did run 44 and it finally dropped...

Edited by souldead341
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Not much to say about it, it's a very good bossfight, maybe abit extreme on the oneshoot like we have not that much way to realise we're getting oneshooted. On keyla there is an indicator that orbital strike will occures with a timer and ground targeting, on Eidolons we have audio dialogues indications, animations indications and sound indications. But the ropa, I feel that the moment between you realise he's casting his beam and that he's targeting you, if you even have him in your screen as he fly all arround, you're pretty dead within 1 or 2 sec if you don't have any invulnrability capacity (rolling guard, wisp 2nd ability, operator mod, etc)

To me it's not the fact that he oneshoot which is kinda bad, just that it's extremly hard to realise you're getting oneshooted soon (tm).

Outside of the gameplay, he's abit heavy in term of particle performance, between enemies and all the fx there and there, but that's not really realted to the boss itself, more to the fx issues from the update and the mobs themselfs.

I'm impatient to see the next bosses, bosses reworks, whatever, they're more and more amazing and more and more enjoyable ! Keep on it.

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Tried it for the first time today.

Felt broken as hell.

Not sure what is supposed to put it in the player's heads that you're supposed to


A. jump onto the Ropalolyst to make the fight progress or B. that once you jump onto it, you can now steer it to where you want it to go.


Throughout the fight, playing as Rhino, I would cast Iron Skin and repeatedly it would just not exist. Apparently touching any of the ziplines, and each time the fight progresses, completely resets all Warframe buffs/abilities much the same way that 'off-limit' portions of the map or touching water does - which makes a Warframe like Rhino an absolute death trap. Let's not forget the huge damage spike that occurs mere milli-moments after the fight phase progression cutscenes.

Damage-wise it didn't take more than 5 Rubico Prime shots to kill.

Overall unimpressed. Only upsides I can give is that at least it's not like Profit-Taker with the knockdown spam or rotating damage invulnerability.

p.s. Dislike for the unskippable dialogue. Toggle for this and in all areas of the game would be very valuable.

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On second run (using Inaros), it seems that killing the Ropalolyst too quickly in its final phase (as in the instant it's vulnerable to damage again, yay for 4 Rubico Primes) causes a hard progress stopper. Mission objective is to get to extraction but there's no extract and


the map fails to change in order to provide said extraction area

.edit: Between this and the absolutely frustrating time I've been having with Vox Solaris & Profit-Taker (both bounties and the boss fight), I'm taking a break from the main part of this game until this stuff gets fixed up properly. I've nowhere to progress currently except for the things locked behind these fights.

Edited by TheGreenFellow
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