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Jester, The Laughing Warframe (Need Help)


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Hey this is not my official post for Jester yet; I really want some feedback before I post the official one. I would appreciate any feedback on his abilities, unique weapon, and stats. His kit is as follows.


Passive: Prop (?)
Jester wields a Baton in place of his Primary, Secondary, or Melee weapon. The priority of which roll the baton fills is Melee, Secondary, and then Primary. This means if you have no equipped weapon in any of your weapon slots, then the baton will fill the roll of your Melee slot, but if your Melee slot has a weapon equipped and your Primary and Secondary do not, then the baton will fill your secondary slot; if your Primary slot is the only one not filled then it fills that slot. The baton looks like a normal baton, except for the face that one end has a head on it, and the head looks just like Jesters head. All three versions of the baton can be equipped with mods.

PRIMARY FORM- Two arches of energy (same color as your Warframe's energy color) extend from both sides of the head on the baton, resembling that of a crossbow. A trigger made of energy appears halfway down the shaft of the baton, allowing Jester to fire arrows of energy at his enemies. Basic stats match the stats of the ATTICA.

SECONDARY FORM- A blade of energy (same color as your Warframe's energy color) float in front of the head on the baton, the blade is shaped like a playing card. By swinging the baton the blade goes flying forward at targeted area. Basic stats match the stats of the FUSILAI: AUTO.

MELEE FORM- Two bricks of energy (same color as your Warframe's energy color) float on both sides of the head on the baton, resembling the shape of a short hammer. Deal damage by swinging the hammer around and hitting enemies with the energy bricks. Basic stats match the stats of the FRAGOR.

Ability 1: Face Card (?)
Jester Selects a card from his hand, chose from King, Queen, Jack, or Joker, each with a different affect. Depending on the card you choose, you will either affect yourself, allies, or an enemy. You select witch card you want to use the same way you select which arrow or trip-mine you want to use on Ivara and Vauban. The ability can be reactivated as much as you please, but the same card can not be activated again until the duration of that card rounds out; each card has its own timer.

King: Increase Jesters armor and damage, buff last as long as ability is active

Queen: Replenish a portion of your and allies energy and health overtime, last as long as ability is active

Jack: Increase allies max shield amount and replenish ally shields to max, last as long as ability is active

Joker: Select target enemy, enemy mesmerizes other enemies around it towards it for several seconds before exploding and dealing damage, mesmerizes last as long as ability is active, once the ability is over target enemy will explode

Ability 2: Shuffle
A tornado of card shaped blades, begin to fly around Jester dealing damage. The longer the ability is active the faster the blades spin eventually sucking enemies into it and dealing more ticks of damage. Deactivating the ability sends the blades and enemies caught flying outward around you dealing additional damage. 

Ability 3: Hidden Compartment (?)
After activating this ability choose a target area on the ground and activate this ability again and choose another target are on the wall or ceiling. Enemies who walk into the first area get instantly teleport out the other area taking damage on landing. 

Ability 4: Infectious Laugh
Jester begins to laugh uncontrollably, becoming stationary. Enemies in the area become disarmed and begin to laugh uncontrollably, taking damage over time.


Primary: n/a (Scythe)

Long stick with a large arcing blade coming out of one end made of Obsidian.
Effect: The more damage you deal the more the blade gets covered in blood and insects swarm it, causing and increasing toxic damage. Alt. fire to swing a wave of insects forward dealing toxic damage.


So that's the jest of Jester. This is not my final post of him so no number stats, but would really like some feed back on the abilities, what ability augments i should do, and his weapon or weapons if i should add some more. 

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Kind of got me picturing crazy abilities like being able to summon a giant roller that he rides on to move at great speeds but less directional control. But it comes with other abilities such as being able sprout spikes for puncture or blades for slash. Could flatten enemies that are in its path. Basically a very Looney Tuney ability. Could also bypass nullifier bubbles but just function as a normal ball. Can be knocked off the roller but then it just keeps moving in what ever direction until it hits like a wall or something and blows up. Dealing impact and blast. Maybe energy color determines what special effects it has or could be one of those you hold the button to switch between different arsenals. 

I could see him creating a wall of rotating cards that deflects bullets. Basically the cards spin whenever bullets hit them. The more range, the greater protection. But short duration. When timer runs out or you cast ability again he sends them flying into nearby enemies and they explode. If no enemy is nearby then they just fly off in whatever direction they are facing. The more power strength, the more damage they could do. 

Now his laughing I could see being able to cause different effects. Depending on energy color or arsenal switching. Like a raging laugh that causes him to become the center target of all enemies. Even bosses and assassin hunting a specific target would target him instead. And their aim become sloppy. Range determine how far his ability can reach the enemies. Another one could be where makes the enemies laugh too. To the point they fall on the ground basically a ROTGLOL. And leaves them open to finishers like when you knock an enemy down and then you take your sword and stab them. Doesn’t work on machines. (Every frame has weakness). Could also see a crazy maniacal laugh where he sounds a lot like a manic and he gains a damage reduction. And he causes enemies to shoot less due to the fear he brings to them. Causing them to shake. 

Being that he is such a clown and no doubt is prepared for people to get violent. I could see his passive making him have the fastest recovery from knockdown. Like 400% higher than any other warframe. Which can make him such an annoyance to all enemy factions.

I can also see him having abilities similar to emotes where he does some sort of performance that distracts enemies before he unleashed some sort of trick. Like him sticking his hand out shocking enemies close enough for a handshake. Basically activates then you run up to any enemy for him to shock them. Or he gives them a card and quickly does like a black handspring before it explodes. 

I could see him throwing cards into the enemies weapons which disarms them. Could even inflict elemental damage to them based on energy color.

Last I could see him creating 2 separate portals where anything can pass through one and out the other. Including bullets. The range determines how far apart the 2 portals could be from each other. If placed right you can kill enemies around corners. Without the others knowing. Basically you throw a mark down and once you set it in the direction you want it to face, you set a second one down and establish a link. Otherwise you’ll just walk pass it. A different color on each side determines which direction it is facing. Now this ability would make him more like a magician than a jester. 

Many of these abilities could used together such as the rotating cards and his enraged laugh. His passive plus his giant roller. Basically the main thing about his abilities, is that he always has a trick or treat up his sleeves. 

But that’s just my opinion.

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Thank you, I appreciate your feedback. I agree with some of the changes you mentioned, but I don't want to this Frame to be a "joke", no pun intended. What I mean is I don't want his abilities to be overly goofy, because that's not how Warframe is. I will take a lot of what you said into consideration though, and again thank you.

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