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The new melee System is garbage and has taken the fun out of Warframe for me

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I have been gone for a few months taking my customary break from the game to wait for new content to binge and I just came back after seeing the new Deluxe Atlas skin. So I buy up the skin and jump into the game to see it in action and as usual I take my trusted Galatine Prime with Tempo Royale. Literally my favorite weapon in the game and my favorite stance in the game and has been for a LONG time. The block combo ending in the slam being one of my favorite combos in the game. 95% of my time in this game has been spent running around with my melee weapon permanently out. That not an exaggeration. I have 4 times as many melee kills as I do any other kind of kill. I have over 5 times as many melee weapons as I do guns. I was a purely melee-centric player. Thats all I have even known in Warframe and it was AWESOME. Its why I have poured so much time and money into the game! No other game gave me the feeling Warframe did when it came to just pulling out a melee weapon and just going to town on the enemy hordes. 


But I now I find out that the melee system has been completely and utterly screwed beyond belief? Are you serious? You changed the ONE thing I loved about the game more than any other aspect. The melee system. Not only did you take away my block combo's, but you took away my ability to glide with my melee weapon out? Oh and I can no longer manually block either? Aiming brings out my gun whether I like it or not? Are you ****ing kidding me? Who the hell thought any of this was a good idea?



If I wanted my Primary/Secondary weapon out then I would use the switch weapon button! THATS WHY THE BUTTON IS THERE


If I wanted to block then I would just press the damn block button! THATS WHY THE BUTTON WAS THERE


I don't need the game holding my hand like I am some kind of infant just trying to assume what it is that I want to do! If I want my melee weapon permanently out unless I myself press the switch weapon button then I should have that option. Thats not even mentioning the fact that by removing the ability to glide with my weapon out you have completely borked my ability to properly navigate the map like I used to be able to. Sliding and gliding around the map with my Galatine out or my Glaive out and picking off hapless enemies along the way was one of my favorite things to do. It made me feel like I was practically flying. Not anymore though! Its gone! Can't have any of that nonsense no sir.   



And then you have also removed some of my favorite combos as well! I can no longer just string together block combos through waves of enemies and just cut them down like a farmer harvesting wheat. No now I have to just press a SINGLE BUTTON and the game just does it for me like I am some kind of idiot that is completely incapable of doing proper combos on my own. The block combo's were fun. I liked the block combos. In fact I busted my *** farming and spent quite a bit of platinum on certain stances for the sole purpose of having access to those block combos! 


The new system is not fun. It is not engaging. It is boring and broken. It feels nothing like the system that was in place before and since that was my very favorite part of the game that is gonna be it for me when it comes to Warframe. I am officially done with the series if this is gonna be the melee system going forward.I am MR 16 and I have well over $100 spent on this game in just the last year or so.And I have even been one of Warframe's biggest champions. I have been telling anyone and everyone for years that if there was ever a free-to-play game that was worth your time that it was Warframe, but not anymore. This is a gamebreaking change for me. You took away the one thing I loved most about the game and you replaced it with a system that doesn't even come close to replacing what you took away. You took what was a fun way to mow down enemies and turned it into a hand holding system that makes me feel like the game is trying to tell me how to play. 



At the very least give us the ability to toggle back to the old system. Or even just let us have the block combos and gliding back. If you can't even give me that much then I have no reason to come back to the game. 

Edited by (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk
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5 minutes ago, S.Dust said:

I agree its a far from perfect system and I have only commented to say good luck with the wave of people that are gonna start saying "bye" or defending DE with the lives.

I just don't understand how ANYONE thought  that this was a good idea. Especially this ridiculous "Quick Switch" system that they implemented. Its absurd! Why even bother letting me have my Melee weapon out at all outside of attacking if you are just going to automatically take it away from me the moment I press any other buttons aside from Circle? That is just stupid. 



If other people like it then whatever that's fine, but at the very least give me the option to select the old system. Or at the very least give me the ability to turn off auto parry so I can use my block combos again. 

Edited by (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk
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This game has never had an in-depth melee system. The current implementation is halfway between what DE considers a melee overhaul and the previous system, so we really have no idea yet how it'll shake out. Also, just saying, the block combo consisted of holding block and then mashing, on nearly every weapon (so we're talking two whole buttons that did not require further input). Anything with a delay was almost immediately overwritten by attack speed increases. The system was garbage, and continues to be until they figure out how they actually want combos to work.

I'd say having aim-gliding with melee back would be a plus. Having blocking back as a specific action is kind of whatever for me, since it doesn't seem like there was any reason not to beyond movement, which is now moot. I agree with @S.Dust though, good luck with this one m8.

EDIT: for clarification, it's not that delay combos were overwritten (though it can certainly happen at VERY high attack speeds) as much as they become inconsistent. Obviously most players using heavy blades are very familiar with spin-to-win.

Edited by Tekky
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On the flipside, while this new system really hurts melee-only players, for me, as a player who would switch between weapons similar to what we have now, it augments my playstyle perfectly, and makes for some of the most fluid combat I have experienced.

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I enjoy the combat a lot more since the change, but that's just my preference. I hope DE can give you an option that  better suits your playstyle. Do keep in mind however, that this is just the first phase of changes. They will be reworking channeling and all combo move sets, so there is a good chance that they will try addressing criticisms as well.

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The main issue I have with it is the no block button it ruins valkyr's block combo in her claws and is just a waste we should just be able to block with our melee out and switch weapons instantly using the switch button instead of overriding gun aiming with blocking I find this decision quite foolish actually

auto blocking itself is ok but can get you killed in higher levels fortunately just switching to a gun stops you from auto blocking 

instant switching was my favorite in this change combat flow has never been more engaging for me I have no complaints here if I want to use me melee it's always accessible and can switch on the fly for nullifier bubbles

Stop asking to revert the change you won't get it and not everything in melee 3.0 was bad you know just put back manual blocking in melee and add the instant weapon switching button  doing that and melee would be perfect

I don't care about auto block either way it's not a problem unless you get into those higher levels and if i'm using melee the warframe i'm using probably can already take the hit even without the extra DR blocking gives



Edited by (PS4)CodyXSavageX
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Constructive response: While it takes some adjusting, the new system is a LOT more streamlined IMO. Hitting Melee pulls melee out, clicking is an instant return to shooting, better helping the flow of game play. While I can see where you're coming from as someone who had things changed suddenly, but granted, slightly.. I do however find the gameplay a lot more enjoyable now that I've had time to adjust and make it second nature once more. Change can rattle the proverbial cage when you have done something one way for so long, but it can also open up new avenues and expand game play styles. Also, keep in mind this is the first step toward a new system, so it's subject to change or be itterated and expanded upon when Melee 3.0 finally drops.

GD response: *raspberry* From the beginning of time with this tittle everything has been ever evolving and no system is set in stone, no matter how much you spend or time you have invested. DE gunna do what DE wanna do.

Edited by RetroNomad
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29 minutes ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

How is me commenting on how much I have spent immature? I am trying to point out that I have been a big fan of the game and have supported it as much as I could since I started playing it. Yeah I have had some problems and complaints here and there before, but for the most part I have loved this game. 

Never said you acted immature.

Ofcourse you can point out that your are a fan and love the game but money you spent has nothing to do with subject. I have seen players demanding things in forums many times just because they spent money in game. I can't say you did same but its better to not bring out how much you have spent as it causes unnecessary quarrel and makes you seem like those entitled people.

Edited by Aeon94
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4 minutes ago, (PS4)CodyXSavageX said:

The main issue I have with it is the no block button it ruins valkyr's block combo in her claws and is just a waste we should just be able to block with our melee out and switch weapons instantly using the switch button instead of overriding gun aiming with blocking I find this decision quite foolish actually

Actually there is a workaround. You can use block combo , just keep mashing your melee button then hold aim / block. As long as you keep meleeing with block held , you will be fine.

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I like the quick switch, its one step to my DMC meets Warframe fantasy/wet dream coming to life in warframe, due to this I'm willing to endure, endure the pain that is auto parry. 

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2 hours ago, Aeon94 said:

Actually there is a workaround. You can use block combo , just keep mashing your melee button then hold aim / block. As long as you keep meleeing with block held , you will be fine.

That is a good suggestion until this is resolved thank you, but I still find my suggestion should be implemented, using the switch button to get to my gun without shooting because snipers exist will not be a huge burden for me quick fire(just shooting from melee) is good enough for me I don't need to quick aim as well if it sacrifices my block button mixed gun and melee play won't suffer too much based on my own play-style

Edited by (PS4)CodyXSavageX
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I can't figure out why these changes make people so upset. I actually like the smoother transition between weapons. The autoblock makes blocking happen more often without effort, so I just keep my melee weapon out when I'm not shooting to reduce damage.

Now, what I don't like is the host of bugs and issues that came with the melee changes which remain unresolved.

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The melee system is fine for me and far less clunky than it use to be. It fits my playstyle and I too am often a melee main. I also re-configured my controls like the second day I ever played Warframe, making it closer to what the COD, Destiny, and Apex games control schemes are. It's a very fluid system that reduces much of the inconvenience in the previous iteration of melee.

My concern now is all the other stuff they're looking to implement later. I'd be satisfied if they just left it as it is now.

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Let's not pretend that anyone even used blocking , save for some sword&shield fans..

And i sure as hell don't miss having to wait for the pull-out animation to finish before i could actually fight with my melee weapon.

Block combos are still there , not sure what you're on about.

This whole post looks like someone that hates change in general and as soon as it happens they lie about it in every way possible just to dump on it.

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This reminds me of the guy that blew his cap in 2013, pointed out that he sells adult diapers for a living and has spent over $10,000 on Warframe, back when Frost Prime was the first openly available Prime frame. He didn't like a change to the modding system and demanded it reverted, or he would stop buying plat. Went on a crusade, virtually shouting at anyone disagreeing with him.

In the end, he went so far over the edge, he got banned. Money spent don't mean bull if you can't put a lid on your over-inflated sense of importance.

Feedback goes in Feedback.

Concise, precise, polite.

Everything else, no exception, is chaff in the wind, ignored as the temper tantrums of people that can't control themselves, act rationally, and summarize their opinions into actionable iterations. No one cares how your cat looks at you during Baruuk's ult. No one cares about that one time, in ESO, where you clutched a stimulus pickup with a melee air glide.

"Re: Melee 2.75 - I'd like a toggle option for the melee switch, and a way to bind block separately from aiming. Thanks."

There's your entire feedback post. Not this rambling, ranting, frothing wall of inane foot-stomping.

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ah right I don't mind it that much altho it's annoying, but seeing what they want to do with the range and such in the future will totally kill melee play in the game which sucks hard. 

I soft quit anyway since I got to 26mr and am really blocked by the login rewards mostly with the weapons and stuff I don't really care much about like pets(besides kitties) and it was two things keeping me really in game. 

Modes got so tired after a bit, rewards are horrible, my rng is horrible, the new game mode and boss did disappoint me quite a bit even tho I didn't really have expectations set, I just went few times to have everything and am never going there again. 

I don't get where they are going with melee changes, they will make people just run with ignis instead which is probably most boring thigh I the game to hold left click since start to the end of most missions. 

Well at least new players are having fun, I guess 

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19 minutes ago, Ced23Ric said:

This reminds me of the guy that blew his cap in 2013, pointed out that he sells adult diapers for a living and has spent over $10,000 on Warframe, back when Frost Prime was the first openly available Prime frame. He didn't like a change to the modding system and demanded it reverted, or he would stop buying plat. Went on a crusade, virtually shouting at anyone disagreeing with him.

In the end, he went so far over the edge, he got banned. Money spent don't mean bull if you can't put a lid on your over-inflated sense of importance.

Feedback goes in Feedback.

Concise, precise, polite.

Everything else, no exception, is chaff in the wind, ignored as the temper tantrums of people that can't control themselves, act rationally, and summarize their opinions into actionable iterations. No one cares how your cat looks at you during Baruuk's ult. No one cares about that one time, in ESO, where you clutched a stimulus pickup with a melee air glide.

"Re: Melee 2.75 - I'd like a toggle option for the melee switch, and a way to bind block separately from aiming. Thanks."

There's your entire feedback post. Not this rambling, ranting, frothing wall of inane foot-stomping.

Nicely put.

I much prefer the changes. I melee far more now because of the changes and the improved fluidity of the quick attack nature. You can still do the combos that you’re looking for (as a Tempo Royale Paracesis main I can say that with confidence) and it allows for the quick “oh crap” moments when you need to get your gun out quickly. 

The old system was cumbersome and outdated. This is a stop gap until a final update which is probably some way off. If you want to add your feedback, trim your post way down into a suggestion with a concise explanation and head over to the feedback section. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Coyote_x_Starrk said:

I have been gone for a few months taking my customary break from the game to wait for new content to binge and I just came back after seeing the new Deluxe Atlas skin. So I buy up the skin and jump into the game to see it in action and as usual I take my trusted Galatine Prime with Tempo Royale. Literally my favorite weapon in the game and my favorite stance in the game and has been for a LONG time. The block combo ending in the slam being one of my favorite combos in the game. 95% of my time in this game has been spent running around with my melee weapon permanently out. That not an exaggeration. I have 4 times as many melee kills as I do any other kind of kill. I have over 5 times as many melee weapons as I do guns. I was a purely melee-centric player. Thats all I have even known in Warframe and it was AWESOME. Its why I have poured so much time and money into the game! No other game gave me the feeling Warframe did when it came to just pulling out a melee weapon and just going to town on the enemy hordes. 


But I now I find out that the melee system has been completely and utterly screwed beyond belief? Are you serious? You changed the ONE thing I loved about the game more than any other aspect. The melee system. Not only did you take away my block combo's, but you took away my ability to glide with my melee weapon out? Oh and I can no longer manually block either? Aiming brings out my gun whether I like it or not? Are you ****ing kidding me? Who the hell thought any of this was a good idea?



If I wanted my Primary/Secondary weapon out then I would use the switch weapon button! THATS WHY THE BUTTON IS THERE


If I wanted to block then I would just press the damn block button! THATS WHY THE BUTTON WAS THERE


I don't need the game holding my hand like I am some kind of infant just trying to assume what it is that I want to do! If I want my melee weapon permanently out unless I myself press the switch weapon button then I should have that option. Thats not even mentioning the fact that by removing the ability to glide with my weapon out you have completely borked my ability to properly navigate the map like I used to be able to. Sliding and gliding around the map with my Galatine out or my Glaive out and picking off hapless enemies along the way was one of my favorite things to do. It made me feel like I was practically flying. Not anymore though! Its gone! Can't have any of that nonsense no sir.   



And then you have also removed some of my favorite combos as well! I can no longer just string together block combos through waves of enemies and just cut them down like a farmer harvesting wheat. No now I have to just press a SINGLE BUTTON and the game just does it for me like I am some kind of idiot that is completely incapable of doing proper combos on my own. The block combo's were fun. I liked the block combos. In fact I busted my *** farming and spent quite a bit of platinum on certain stances for the sole purpose of having access to those block combos! 


The new system is not fun. It is not engaging. It is boring and broken. It feels nothing like the system that was in place before and since that was my very favorite part of the game that is gonna be it for me when it comes to Warframe. I am officially done with the series if this is gonna be the melee system going forward.I am MR 16 and I have well over $100 spent on this game in just the last year or so.And I have even been one of Warframe's biggest champions. I have been telling anyone and everyone for years that if there was ever a free-to-play game that was worth your time that it was Warframe, but not anymore. This is a gamebreaking change for me. You took away the one thing I loved most about the game and you replaced it with a system that doesn't even come close to replacing what you took away. You took what was a fun way to mow down enemies and turned it into a hand holding system that makes me feel like the game is trying to tell me how to play. 



At the very least give us the ability to toggle back to the old system. Or even just let us have the block combos and gliding back. If you can't even give me that much then I have no reason to come back to the game. 

Wow dude, sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better the current state of warframes melee system is by no means a finished change. For whatever reason DE decided to roll out melee 3.0 in different phases. And right now were at phase 1 out of 3 (at least I have a vauge memory of Steve mentioning it was 3 in total), in which the change was the new directional slam, going back into combos that have already been started within a small window of time(idea being that you can start shooting in the middle of a combo, automising the block function (to my understanding this is mostly in preparation for future changes) and the weapon swapping changes.

While now that you mention it I guess I can see how to one unaware of the changes intent they would appear to be a bit hand holding-ish. But the train of though in DEs mind that led to the change was about the question of flexibility and fluidity. And that is what the change was meant to acheive. And in my personal opinion it succeded, now allowing for pretty much seamless transistion from gunplay to swordplay back and forth as much as you want instantly! Which unerstandably isnt as interesting to somone who goes pure melee so I can see why this wouldnt really be a good change in your eyes but for someone who was always frustrated by the everpersent limitation of having to choose to be in either melee mode or ranged mode with primaries and secondaries this is just purely amazing and freeing! Of course I again understand if you dont feel the same the same way, I just thought that I woud mention how things look from my perspective.

Oh and as for the block combo not working and not being able to aimglide with melees anymore. Aimgliding with melee can still be done IF you only have your melee equipped(which still might not be all that good since your forced to only bring the melee if you want it but hey at least its something i guess) and  as for block combo I think thats a bug cuz my block combos are all working fine. Im still a ballerina of death with tempo royale!!! 😄

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7 minutes ago, Sigma-118 said:

Wow dude, sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better the current state of warframes melee system is by no means a finished change. For whatever reason DE decided to roll out melee 3.0 in different phases. And right now were at phase 1 out of 3 (at least I have a vauge memory of Steve mentioning it was 3 in total), in which the change was the new directional slam, going back into combos that have already been started within a small window of time(idea being that you can start shooting in the middle of a combo, automising the block function (to my understanding this is mostly in preparation for future changes) and the weapon swapping changes.

While now that you mention it I guess I can see how to one unaware of the changes intent they would appear to be a bit hand holding-ish. But the train of though in DEs mind that led to the change was about the question of flexibility and fluidity. And that is what the change was meant to acheive. And in my personal opinion it succeded, now allowing for pretty much seamless transistion from gunplay to swordplay back and forth as much as you want instantly! Which unerstandably isnt as interesting to somone who goes pure melee so I can see why this wouldnt really be a good change in your eyes but for someone who was always frustrated by the everpersent limitation of having to choose to be in either melee mode or ranged mode with primaries and secondaries this is just purely amazing and freeing! Of course I again understand if you dont feel the same the same way, I just thought that I woud mention how things look from my perspective.

Oh and as for the block combo not working and not being able to aimglide with melees anymore. Aimgliding with melee can still be done IF you only have your melee equipped(which still might not be all that good since your forced to only bring the melee if you want it but hey at least its something i guess) and  as for block combo I think thats a bug cuz my block combos are all working fine. Im still a ballerina of death with tempo royale!!! 😄

I appreciate the well thought out response. When I made the thread I was unaware of the system coming in phases so I appreciate you letting me know. 


I guess I just have no other choice, but to uninstall and wait to see what the next changes bring and hope that one of the next 2 phases the mess. Because in the state that its in right now the game is just unplayable for me. I am too used to the way I played before and the way I played before was not only more fun to me, but it felt better as well. 

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