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Can't find a flow mod



21 answers to this question

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Ignore him....

He's clearly a Try hard Narcissist who pride himself on aquiring things the pointless and hard way....

I suggest getting it from your clan or a friend.... Flow isn't  essential anyway....alot of builds reach a point where they just can't make that mod fit.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:

You can be entitled and lazy , like some, and just ask your clan to just plainly give you all the mods for no other reason that you want it or.....novel concept, you play the game, do the quests, open up the star chart and actual have a sense of accomplishment.

If you choose the latter course of action chances are that you'll have more fun and will keep playing the game for far longer.

No need to be a $&*^.

OP, if you still need one tonight message me, same username as on here. I can give you a copy of Flow. Screw it, if you have the million credits for trading tax I'll give you a free Primed Flow.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:


So actually playing the game is pointless.

Are you really one of those guys that if there was a button that was marked 'win the game' that would be stabbing it over and over just to be able to declare that the game is easy because you can win it by pressing a button.

You know perhaps if you spend less time on this forum and more on the game you would be better at it.

I mean +3k posts in half a year. Most of them filled with utter nonsense that don't address the quesiton of the OP.

And you call me narcissist?


Reread OP.

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Been there..i remember when i started playing, i had the same problem..i had a corrupted Flow..and it took many time before i had the normal one....1 month till i get it..in a cetus bounty, i think...
The grind is strong in this one!


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3 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:

OP asked for help getting it.

To qoute

Asking for help isn't the same as begging for a hand out, the latter being what Lutesque is all about.

Excuse me for thinking that joining a clan just to get freebies is lazy and cheap. It's something altogether different if a clan mate on occasion offers it out of his own volition.


Anyways, go for it, give everyone that asks for x,y and z what they want. But if you think that you actually are helping them then you've got another thing coming. In most cases you'll just end up making the game trivial to them, so much so that they'll quite within days because :

a/ it's too easy (having all the right mods)

b/ pointless because anything can be gotten for free, handed to them on a silver platter, if you just ask the 'right' people

c/ making them feel entitled to everything, as well as making their friends entitled. Afterall, if A got for something for free then they should get it for free as well and anyone that doesn't comply to that is a (fill out with any kind of expletive).



I have tu support this..!
I remeber when i got flow, i was super happy! 
For me, i feel rewarded when i get something that is difficult to get. When i finnaly farmed OCTAVIA, i was realy happy, not because of Octavia, but because it was very difficult for me to get her (many hours of farming), and the reward it wans´t her, but the reward for many hours spent...
If it is difficult to get, then it will be more rewarding when you get it...! No pain, No GAIN!!

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9 hours ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:



Ah so giving away stuff so as to create even more entitled snowflakes is a good thing?

Even giving away a primed maxed flow (= 200 to 250 plat worth) is something that you think should be the norm?

If you have any more maxed primed mods I'll gladly take them, I have a few 10's of millions I could use for that.


You do realize this is a game forum. Where we talk about a game we play. Game. To have fun. This is not a job. 

If you were a struggling new player or not acting like an a$$ I'd give things to you too if you asked or I felt like it, because that's what I like to do. I also give away OP rolled rivens to good to burn for endo, syndicate mods, forma bundles. Now I get off on gifting Drones 

Sowing a trail of Snowflakes in my wake. One gift at a time.

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3 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

I have tu support this..!
I remeber when i got flow, i was super happy! 
For me, i feel rewarded when i get something that is difficult to get. When i finnaly farmed OCTAVIA, i was realy happy, not because of Octavia, but because it was very difficult for me to get her (many hours of farming), and the reward it wans´t her, but the reward for many hours spent...
If it is difficult to get, then it will be more rewarding when you get it...! No pain, No GAIN!!

Getting Octavia was Difficult ? 


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14 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Getting Octavia was Difficult ? 


He/she already said that it was difficult because of the amount of farming involved. Pretty sure this is regarding the derelict mission where her part is on rotation c and dog knows how awfully boring derelict survival is.

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18 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

The grind is strong in this one!

Same for me, but with continuity.
To OP:
Play moar, you will get everything you need from the game, from Baro and from special events.
Look for endless missions(survival, defence, excavation) and what is rotation C - there are the good rewards.Just don't give up on the first time, because rng is rng.

Edited by vegetosayajin
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45 minutes ago, Yxivi said:

He/she already said that it was difficult because of the amount of farming involved. Pretty sure this is regarding the derelict mission where her part is on rotation c and dog knows how awfully boring derelict survival is.

Yep! the derelict survival 20 min..many tries..after more than i remember till i get it.. RNG was not at my side in this one..

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3 hours ago, Yxivi said:

He/she already said that it was difficult because of the amount of farming involved. Pretty sure this is regarding the derelict mission where her part is on rotation c and dog knows how awfully boring derelict survival is.

Well yeah....its extremely tedious I wouldn't call it Difficult....

Well I guess it was difficult not stabbing myself in the thigh just just keep myself awake...

That counts. 

In any case I get the concept of Feelinging Rewarded after doing something difficult.... but how does one feel happy after doing something Tedious ? 

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On 2019-07-02 at 12:11 AM, (PS4)kite9000 said:



Ah so giving away stuff so as to create even more entitled snowflakes is a good thing?

Even giving away a primed maxed flow (= 200 to 250 plat worth) is something that you think should be the norm?

If you have any more maxed primed mods I'll gladly take them, I have a few 10's of millions I could use for that.


Sir.. its called Empathy, and Kindness..
something apparently you know nothing about..

Shame you weren't raised better. smh

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)kite9000 said:

No sir, empathy is helping people in need. Give a fish, teach a person to fish and all that.

No one is in that much need that they just have to have a particular mod right this second with no effort put in to it whatsoever.

Giving away stuff just because someone is asking for it isn't being empathic but is being a sap, a clown and undermining other peoples means of making a bit of plat as well as , and far worse then the previous reasons, undercutting the reason to play the game in the first place and taking away the enjoyment they can get from actual achieving something by themselves.

Shame you don't have empathy with new players that actual want to get ahead with the game instead of wanting to smother them by giving them things.

All to often you're kind of kindness turns into a quid pro qou. As in, I give you this but you join my clan or do this for me or owe me in some way, that dear sir isn't kindness.

Much more honest to either lend a hand, which cost your time, and actual get the new player far more then just the 1 thing, or to actual sell it. In which case it's clear what both parties get out of it.


The OP frankly stated he wanted help with getting it. GOOD. He didn't ask for a hand out. GOOD. If someone then feels generous to give it to him, okay that I understand. That is being generous, not smart but generous.

Telling people that they should get it for free from someone else, like some of the people prior to my original post however sends the wrong message.

If you don't understand that, then your parents, your school, your society failed you.





All can be summed up as a greedy player will always demand plat for even the simplest of duplicate mods. Pushing real life ideologies in a game claiming being smart is making people pay is hilarious. He's a new player. Probably hasn't made any tradable plat and you're here saying "if he wants a hand out sell it to him". On your hypothetical why should a simple mod I have 50 of cost plat, pray tell? What does this statement say of the community? Most importantly what does it say of you?

You're speaking here of not joining clans for freebies yet you did and are saying elsewhere you sell those freebies you had no hand in earning. Hypocritical viewpoints are rather hilarious, but the funniest bit is when they claim they're smart for lying about themselves in doing so.

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On 2019-07-01 at 9:25 AM, Lutesque said:

Ignore him....

He's clearly a Try hard Narcissist who pride himself on aquiring things the pointless and hard way....

I suggest getting it from your clan or a friend.... Flow isn't  essential anyway....alot of builds reach a point where they just can't make that mod fit.

Too many of those anymore. Most of them want stuff that newbies just don't have yet. I've got a ton of flow mods, but if the op is asking simply to get help running for one, I don't see how demanding plat for a common mod is even relevant.

Edited by (XB1)Almighty Deity
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A few months ago I decided to create a PC account, coming from PSN I knew what I wanted straight away, I got a bundle with around 300 plat if I remember correctly and remember doing 2 things, bought octavia and with the rest once I reached MR2 I went to the trading chat and ask for 4 mods, flow, continuity and augur message and stretch. Hoping I could get them in one trade for whatever platinum I had left (I think I had around 15p).

A guy messaged me saying he had them all and would sell them for the price I wanted.

When I started the trade he said, "hold on, you are mr2?", he then said dont worry about platinum, just put any mod you dont need like ammo drum and we will trade. 

He gave me those mods, maxed them for me, open a new trade, added a few more mods, including an aura mod and also added an anasa ayatan sculpture

Help me a great deal that day. I only wish I would have come across someone like him when I started in PS4 a few years ago. 

I agree that giving everything for free to a person who has just started is not good, but a little help never hurt anyone. 

This game doesnt really help newbies, it is a pretty lonely place for someone who doesnt know whats going on or who wants to learn and just needs a little push. 


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