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Warframe: Throwback Mode


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How cool would it be if there was a special gamemode where we had classic movement, stamina, heck, maybe even visuals(And plox coptering ;3)? Give older players like myself nostalgia and newer players who didn't experience movement 1.0 a taste of the past... Lately I've just been thinking about the past of Warframe, simply because at the moment, I don't really have much to do in Warframe currently. Except... Wait... And I completely forgot that in some aspects, Warframe used to actually take some considerable skill. You had actually manage your ammo since this is before we were all declared spin to win Demi-Gods, and you had to use your stamina wisely since you could very easily find yourself in sticky situations if you just sprinted the whole time. And, let's be honest here, wall RUNNING is much more badass than wall HOPPING. You honestly just felt more like a ninja back then. And I want to feel that feeling again, you know? I just can't seem to grasp that same ninja-like gameplay like the past. After all, NINJAS PLAY FREE!!!!!! Right...?

Bu- But, why would you want to send Warframe backwards?!?!?!?!

I in fact, don't. Instead it would be a good way to show how Warframe has changed. Just imagine that kind of thing for the next Warframe Anniversary or something? It would just be amazing if instead of the usual "Play these missions and at the end get the new thing," each mission would instead represent every large step Warframe has taken so far. Like each mission representing each year, showing each large accomplishment throughout. That's just a thought though. Do I think this will ever happen? No, I do not. As the time it would most likely take up wouldn't be worth it. And plus, balancing issues, of course. They would have to somehow make every weapon, Warframe, and companion feel like it would if it were made in 2012-2014, and since Something that did 10 damage back then was "decent" and 40 damage being pretty fricken' good... Now we're getting into what? Hundreds of thousands of points in damage? Either they would have to buff the enemies or nerf our damage. Make it seem equivalent to what would be considered a lot at the time.

Either way, I just had a lot more fun in Warframe 2013-August of 2015 when movement 2.0 was created. As time goes on, my respect to the simplicity of the past grows, as I realized there is almost no challenge in this game anymore... And I just want to capture those moments again, Anyways, as I already said, this will never, ever happen, but just an idea this old Ember main wants to throw out. And what I said is just a rough explanation... I get that it would be pretty complicated to somehow make this current version of Warframe feel classic.


Just whatever you do DE, do not bring back the Xbox 360 Mic the Lotus used to talk to you through...


Edited by --CV--Agilis
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Wall hopps are better for columns, while wall run is better for actual walls....

So, i think it must transit from hop to run on the second hop in same direction if you keep holding [space] .   That would combine best of both.    Want to hop? Tap. Want to transit into wallrun? Hold.


Stamina.....i dunno.   Not sure.

   But ability cooldowns would be great. Balanced ones.   For example, Frost's Snow Globe would have 4 charges, 30 sec. cooldown each.  So you can cast all 4 and wait 30 seconds, or distribute them to minimise downtime. 

If enemies destroy your globe before you can cast it again, then you need a better build...  Cant just spam energy pizza and keep it up even with weak build like now.

How is it better? Look :

Now you can cast 100 energy abilities one after another if you have constant energy supply.

With cooldowns, even if you reduce 100 second cooldown to 25 sec (efficiency), you will not be able to cast ability faster than minimum cooldown allows. Will have to hold out for those 25 seconds, using other abilities and weapons.

That would improve difficulty and increase skill requirement....coz there will be much more things to manage.  Teamplay will be better too...coz others will have room to cast their stuff.


About ammo....I think that "Damage per ammo pool " must be relatively equalised in each weapon Tier.  Example:  Gun with 1 damage per shot has 100 ammo pool, while gun with 50 damage per shot (same tier) can carry only 2 ammo.   Stuff like that.  If applied per weapon tier, it would work i think.

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14 hours ago, Kainosh said:

Wall hopps are better for columns, while wall run is better for actual walls....

So, i think it must transit from hop to run on the second hop in same direction if you keep holding [space] .   That would combine best of both.    Want to hop? Tap. Want to transit into wallrun? Hold.


Stamina.....i dunno.   Not sure.

   But ability cooldowns would be great. Balanced ones.   For example, Frost's Snow Globe would have 4 charges, 30 sec. cooldown each.  So you can cast all 4 and wait 30 seconds, or distribute them to minimise downtime. 

If enemies destroy your globe before you can cast it again, then you need a better build...  Cant just spam energy pizza and keep it up even with weak build like now.

How is it better? Look :

Now you can cast 100 energy abilities one after another if you have constant energy supply.

With cooldowns, even if you reduce 100 second cooldown to 25 sec (efficiency), you will not be able to cast ability faster than minimum cooldown allows. Will have to hold out for those 25 seconds, using other abilities and weapons.

That would improve difficulty and increase skill requirement....coz there will be much more things to manage.  Teamplay will be better too...coz others will have room to cast their stuff.


About ammo....I think that "Damage per ammo pool " must be relatively equalised in each weapon Tier.  Example:  Gun with 1 damage per shot has 100 ammo pool, while gun with 50 damage per shot (same tier) can carry only 2 ammo.   Stuff like that.  If applied per weapon tier, it would work i think.

They will never implement power cooldowns again. They said it killed pacing because people would always wait until the cooldown was over before going to a different room.

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20 hours ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:

They will never implement power cooldowns again. They said it killed pacing because people would always wait until the cooldown was over before going to a different room.

Yeah, rrrrrrrrriiiiight.

Like, in Defense or Survival.... totes gonna wait it out....  XP farm and Index....  yeah, instead of using other abilities and weapons, or playing with proper team, i will sit and foken wait.....


Nope. In that kind of game nobody will ever sit and wait for ONE foken ability to recharge. Its not even possible in most cases. And there are MANY other ways to kill stuff.   While one on CD, you simply use another.

It worked Perfectly in Titanfall 2.  Very fast gameplay (in def mode vs waves of bots), cooldowns never got in the way. 



Also, i do not remember any Cooldowns existing in Warframe before....I play since open beta.  Maybe i missed some alpha testing of cooldowns, but im totally foken sure it was ages ago.  You know...Warframe is different now.  If it was no good before, does not mean it will be bad in current situation.


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6 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

Yeah, rrrrrrrrriiiiight.

Like, in Defense or Survival.... totes gonna wait it out....  XP farm and Index....  yeah, instead of using other abilities and weapons, or playing with proper team, i will sit and foken wait.....


Nope. In that kind of game nobody will ever sit and wait for ONE foken ability to recharge. Its not even possible in most cases. And there are MANY other ways to kill stuff.   While one on CD, you simply use another.

It worked Perfectly in Titanfall 2.  Very fast gameplay (in def mode vs waves of bots), cooldowns never got in the way. 



Also, i do not remember any Cooldowns existing in Warframe before....I play since open beta.  Maybe i missed some alpha testing of cooldowns, but im totally foken sure it was ages ago.  You know...Warframe is different now.  If it was no good before, does not mean it will be bad in current situation.


Cool try to play warframe with you idea. Self impose those challenges you mentioned. I'd love to see how bad you start sucking. I love the last part if it was bad before doesnt mean it will be bad now. Apply that logic to anything and you'll see how truly stupid that sentence was. 

Edited by (XB1)Demon Intellect
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4 hours ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:


What challenges? You mean 30 second cooldown on each of 4 globes i can place?  Thats actually pretty normal.  Good modded globe lasts much longer than 30 seconds....and even if it fails, you still have 3 charges ready to use + one half recharged.   While one globe eats damage, charges keep recharging....so there is almost no downtime unless you burst all 4

How is that a challenge? Its just average usage of globes.  Its not necessary to cast it more often than this, but you still can shorten cd by "efficiency" mods....so yeah. Its not as "challenging" as you imagine.

You seem to have wrong impression about cooldowns.  Cooldowns will not change normal gameplay.  They just prevent certain power abuse, like spam casting Discharge in defense to keep enemies constantly stunned.


And yes, i play exactly like that most of the time.   Its totally ok not to spam 4 every second.    Even if you are Trin in Eidolon hunt, you dont really have to spam Bless that much, as damage from eidolon is not that constant and massive if team is OK in general.


And yes, i tried playing like that.  It plays just as it usually does.  I went with 40 second cooldown on Discharge, and 30 second per charge (6charges total) on Electric shield.  Feels just fine almost in every situation. Yes, i had to use a bit stronger weapons because on Sortie defense/survival i could not rely on Discharge stun as much....but it was good.  

As in....not sucky at all.     I mean... ability CD is a classic, time tested mechanic. It feels exactly as it does in any other game with abilities and cooldowns. 

Tried it in Eidolon Hunts too.  Frames like Trin and Harrow may suffer from it a bit....but on the other hand it will make Eidolons a bit more intimidating, as there will be no Bless spam and additional tactics will be required to keep lures healthy.  But that is how it should be when you fight big boss, no? 

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2 hours ago, Kainosh said:

What challenges? You mean 30 second cooldown on each of 4 globes i can place?  Thats actually pretty normal.  Good modded globe lasts much longer than 30 seconds....and even if it fails, you still have 3 charges ready to use + one half recharged.   While one globe eats damage, charges keep recharging....so there is almost no downtime unless you burst all 4

How is that a challenge? Its just average usage of globes.  Its not necessary to cast it more often than this, but you still can shorten cd by "efficiency" mods....so yeah. Its not as "challenging" as you imagine.

You seem to have wrong impression about cooldowns.  Cooldowns will not change normal gameplay.  They just prevent certain power abuse, like spam casting Discharge in defense to keep enemies constantly stunned.


And yes, i play exactly like that most of the time.   Its totally ok not to spam 4 every second.    Even if you are Trin in Eidolon hunt, you dont really have to spam Bless that much, as damage from eidolon is not that constant and massive if team is OK in general.


And yes, i tried playing like that.  It plays just as it usually does.  I went with 40 second cooldown on Discharge, and 30 second per charge (6charges total) on Electric shield.  Feels just fine almost in every situation. Yes, i had to use a bit stronger weapons because on Sortie defense/survival i could not rely on Discharge stun as much....but it was good.  

As in....not sucky at all.     I mean... ability CD is a classic, time tested mechanic. It feels exactly as it does in any other game with abilities and cooldowns. 

Tried it in Eidolon Hunts too.  Frames like Trin and Harrow may suffer from it a bit....but on the other hand it will make Eidolons a bit more intimidating, as there will be no Bless spam and additional tactics will be required to keep lures healthy.  But that is how it should be when you fight big boss, no? 

Try not posting a wall of text. It's easier on everybody. If you are going to be hostile dont expect the person to read a page of stuff.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Demon Intellect said:

If you are going to be hostile

Im not.  Where did you get that from? I just went a bit skeptical about your argument. Did that got you all spiky? 

Dont be like that and read your walls properly.....no...i mean...Sorry.

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26 minutes ago, Kainosh said:

Im not.  Where did you get that from? I just went a bit skeptical about your argument. Did that got you all spiky? 

Dont be like that and read your walls properly.....no...i mean...Sorry.

How something is read is dictated by word choice. There are ways to be concise with what you are trying to say. Personally I dont think a cool down would work in how warframe is today. It would just make weapons like the amprex even more common to get the highest killing speed possible. The other thing is, why would someone want a throwback mode or a mode to limit power usage? WF is far to grindy to try to make something 'fun' when you know this is the first of 20+ missions to get the item you want out of a rotation.

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I miss super jump and coptering. I now also miss being able to control block, and channel that is not on a stupid toggle, well as aim glide with melee. and not having to re equip my scanner every time I do anything other then scan.


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On 2019-07-02 at 12:45 PM, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

This sounds like something could be implemented temporarily during the Halloween event.

You though it was easy to kill pumpkin head juggernaut before the timer ends? Try it with a stamina bar!

What about amalgam juggernaut with lasers and other fireworks built-in? Oh and it makes nullifier gas clouds! Fun!

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On 2019-07-02 at 6:34 AM, --CV--Agilis said:

How cool would it be if there was a special gamemode where we had classic movement, stamina, heck, maybe even visuals(And plox coptering ;3)?

I'd prefer they didn't spend developmnet time reimplimenting previous mechanics now missing from the code and undoing subsiquent work, to satisfy som weird form of nostalga.

I mean I was there, I played the gabe back then... it was bad, really bad.

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On 2019-07-02 at 6:34 AM, --CV--Agilis said:

And plox coptering 

To be honest with you, after the new melee changes, I've been getting some weird coptering-like movement when I hit high attack speed. And I mean weird, like vertical edge to edge fly-through. Or shooting myself up with Baruuk's exalted weapon and landing on a higher ground - sort of like doing a really high jump. 

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This isn't World of Warcraft. There's nothing to show but a game still growing. Perhaps weapon balance was more interesting back then, can't really remember, but the stamina bar sure as heck doesn't tickle my sense of nostalgia.

The only thing I'm missing is the regularity of events.

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