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24 Hour Wait Pointless


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You may think by this title that I am complaining about a 24 hour wait. You’d be correct and I’m not gonna hide that fact because at least I’ll be honest. I’m not going to sugarcoat this a 24 hour wait for failing a mastery test is pointless and has always been. It serves no purpose and for those who argue that it’s time gate it’s a pointless one. I accept the fact of waiting after completing a successful mastery test so you don’t bum rush the mastery at least I can understand that not because you failed. I’m tired of people in various threads and posts made to get gud/get good those who say that aren’t listening and getting good has nothing to do with this. You can be best player in world and still bleeped over by the stupidest things. So, for those who will comment get good I suggest reading through this before you comment that. You’re free to do that but you will not add anything constructive to this conversation.

I’ve played Warfame based on my Steam profile 4898 hours if I was to be conservative 3500 hours give or take. So, I know this game I’ve played it for a quite a long time and I’ve done pretty much everything in this game with the exception of a the last few Amps and K-Drives. So, if you’re gonna say there’s stuff for me to do. There is not much left for me to do in terms of leveling. If I was early on player that would be a valid point and at least I would have something to do while I wait. But, I’m not a new player anymore I would consider myself a veteran of this game which is a loose title. I don’t even consider myself the best player in this game that would be pointless and vain. For those to say that I just want this 24 hour wait to just disappear because I’m selfish. I would want it to go for everybody and yes maybe there should be a punishment but not a 24 hour one. I could reasonably with 1 hour to maybe 6 hour wait which is more reasonable than 24 hours.

It’s an outdated system these waits serve no purpose beyond padding. I’m well aware this is a free to play game and yes I’ve spent money on this game because I do it to help the developers of this game and I genuinely want to support this game. But, it comes to a point where padding failures with a 24 hour wait is ridiculous for everyone. I’m not against waiting 24 hours or even longer which would be pushing it if you passed your mastery test and you’re ready to go up to the next rank. At least I can see that as a reasonable gate to wait before testing again to reach another rank provided you stocked up enough mastery for consecutive rank ups.

Again these wait periods make more sense if you’re player that has plenty to do? I ask this what is there for me to do when I am MR 26 stuck on the MR 27 test because points and enemies that carry points don’t spawn quick enough for me to pass it? I’ve burnt myself out long ago doing record runs in the void when you use to farm prime parts there and that was a standard. I’ve burnt myself out on the newer modes such as Disruption and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. I wish there was more content for me to do I would love and if that was the case I perhaps would not make post like this.

I probably still would because at this point why does it exist at all and I would love DE to say this but I doubt Rebecca or Steve will see this post. There is absolutely no point in a 24 hour wait if you fail a mastery test. If you guys are love with this why not wait 24 hours before start another mission or hey you can’t login for 24 hours because you alt tab 4 in a bugged mission. Would you guys love that kinda gating because I could see that happening. Yes some gates such as waiting to rank up again is acceptable but for failure even if it’s not your fault is unacceptable no matter how you look at it. You can say practice all you want but if something stupid happens even if it’s not your fault you still have wait no matter if you practiced for days. So, give me a break I see practice as a preview of the test before you do it, and yes you might be successful in practice but it may not transfer over to the real test. Hell you might be like me where you practiced it and passed it but hey the real test it screws you over.

It has nothing to with being good you can be the best player in the entire world and you can still be screwed over and hey you’ll have to wait. If there has to be wait which there doesn’t for this circumstance perhaps an hour to maybe 6 hours at least than it’s reasonable and hey maybe I could do something instead of waiting an entire day before trying again. Because frankly I’m not logging in till tomorrow till I can try again for the same song and dance unless the enemies and points want to spawn correctly. No I’m not quitting I’ve failed plenty of the tests in the past so this is nothing new to me personally and I’m willing to accept failure to a point. But, this is ridiculous you should not have to wait that long to retry a test to rank up. That serves no purpose at all except to make you wait as a punishment for something that may or may not be your damn fault and that blanket system serves no purpose in this game. As I said why not a make 24 hour wait mandatory for every action you do such as starting a mission, oh you failed a mission wait 24 hours before you can start that mission type again, or hey you alt tab 4 because a mission bugged or your Warframe bugged and you have to force restart, or hey did you just abort that mission sorry you have to wait 24 hour.

I doubt you’d play this game if you had to wait that long for basic stuff in this game and I doubt Warframe would be on top of the charts if it did that. Like I said I doubt anybody from DE will see this and hey maybe you guys won’t either it’s definitely gotten this off my chest but I will stand by what I say it’s pointless it’s time for it change if you fail test sure wait an hour or whatever but a day is way to long it’s simple as that...

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25 minutes ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

As I said why not a make 24 hour wait mandatory for every action you do such as starting a mission, oh you failed a mission wait 24 hours before you can start that mission type again, or hey you alt tab 4 because a mission bugged or your Warframe bugged and you have to force restart, or hey did you just abort that mission sorry you have to wait 24 hour.

Because this would be incredibly stupid. This is not remotely similar to the 24 hour wait on failing a MR test. That is something done very infrequently - I wont have another to do until DE give us another.

  • We have to build almost everything in this game. It all has wait time. Three days to build a frame, after days of farming. You can at least pay to skip this.
28 minutes ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

I’m not going to sugarcoat this a 24 hour wait for failing a mastery test is pointless and has always been

There is a point in it. It prevents people using fake accounts to trade plat and the like. This at least is a frequently mentioned argument (I don't see how it would work personally). 


I would like to read the rest of your post, but your text is a hideous green colour and hurts my eyes. So I wont.

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I suspect the 24 hour lockout is probably there because it's just a lockout no matter if you pass or fail. I don't think it would really matter if it was removed, but I also don't see any compelling reasons to change it either. 

I get that it's very frustrating to fail a MR test because of something you think is not your fault. It's a natural reaction to have, but it's not terribly helpful for getting you where you want to be. I doubt this "something" is solely responsible for you failing. It's probably more productive to consider what you can do better the next time, or how you can compensate when that "something" happens. 

As a final note, I don't understand how a MR test is locking you out of things to do if you've already leveled most of the things in the game. If you're that deep into the game, you're only getting very marginal benefits in the small bump to standing/focus/relic cap (and starting mod capacity).

4 minutes ago, krc473 said:

I would like to read the rest of your post, but your text is a hideous green colour and hurts my eyes. So I wont.

One of the few times Dark Theme hasn't made non-default font colors unreadable for me! Normally it's someone posting in some weird dark grey color and I have to highlight everything before I can even tell there are words there. 

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35 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Because this would be incredibly stupid. This is not remotely similar to the 24 hour wait on failing a MR test. That is something done very infrequently - I wont have another to do until DE give us another.

  • We have to build almost everything in this game. It all has wait time. Three days to build a frame, after days of farming. You can at least pay to skip this.

There is a point in it. It prevents people using fake accounts to trade plat and the like. This at least is a frequently mentioned argument (I don't see how it would work personally). 


I would like to read the rest of your post, but your text is a hideous green colour and hurts my eyes. So I wont.

I will reply in standard color if that helps Dark Emerald Green has never really bothered me and is usually what I do on here. That said, indeed it would incredibly stupid but that's my point there shouldn't even be a wait to begin with. Again I even stated an hour to 6 hours would be reasonable if you fail rather than a day that really makes no sense. Yes I agree there should be a wait in between mastery ranks I'm not arguing against that it prevent bum rushing of mastery so someone doesn't get to MR 27 in one day because they spend $1000's in plat to get everything. There's some out there that would do that for instant gratification saying I have everything in the game. 

Yes we do have to wait I frankly don't since I tend to support this game financially and I don't brag about that. I genuinely want to support this game when I can and I have luxury now to skip wait times for frames or weapons or I just buy them outright from the market. I didn't have that luxury for a long time and for the most part I've been a free to play player going through the grind like a majority of players. I'm selfish in the fact that I want the 24 hour mandatory lockout to just go away for me if you fail. I've failed plenty of times on earlier mastery tests but at least back than there was stuff to do not now. I can see frustrations from others it makes no sense there is no gain for anyone for locking off a failed mastery test. Again I go back to get good well it doesn't always work that way. You can be the absolutely the best player in the world establishing world breaking records but one stupid or dumb thing whether it's your fault or not will screw you over for 24 hours. 

I can re post what you didn't read if you want me to in standard text if that helps. 


42 minutes ago, Ascarith said:

I suspect the 24 hour lockout is probably there because it's just a lockout no matter if you pass or fail. I don't think it would really matter if it was removed, but I also don't see any compelling reasons to change it either. 

I get that it's very frustrating to fail a MR test because of something you think is not your fault. It's a natural reaction to have, but it's not terribly helpful for getting you where you want to be. I doubt this "something" is solely responsible for you failing. It's probably more productive to consider what you can do better the next time, or how you can compensate when that "something" happens. 

As a final note, I don't understand how a MR test is locking you out of things to do if you've already leveled most of the things in the game. If you're that deep into the game, you're only getting very marginal benefits in the small bump to standing/focus/relic cap (and starting mod capacity).

One of the few times Dark Theme hasn't made non-default font colors unreadable for me! Normally it's someone posting in some weird dark grey color and I have to highlight everything before I can even tell there are words there. 

Pretty much you're talking to someone who was here during the closed beta this is my second account I lost my first account because I stopped playing really early on because the game was dark and not every interesting and not worth investing $300 to become a Grand Master Founder at the time. If I had known where Warframe would be now I probably be a founder and still about the same in terms where I would be at in Warframe. I will stand by stand by what I and others have said there's no point for it it does noting to benefit the player or the developers. I agree a lockout in between mastery ranks after you passed is acceptable so you don't instantly get to MR 27 or whatever at least there is a waiting period to prevent instant gratification of unlocking all the ranks. 

I've failed before again I don't have a problem with failure I've failed plenty in my time. I've never agreed with the 24 hour wait and it's really prevalent now as there is nothing to do in this game to make wait bearable. You're talking to someone who has well over 3000 hours if I am conservative my Steam says 4898 hours where am I to go? If I was a new player I would get where you're coming from. It's not a matter of getting better that's a long the lines of getting good which is really a troll way to tell players you suck just get good and stop crying. That has nothing to do with why I believe this system is pointless especially now. Obviously after MR 15 or 16 there is not point in going higher unless you're after higher end locked rivens that require 18 or something I forget it's Irrelevant.  

Your point on considering on how to compensate when that something happens doesn't always apply. I can adapt to a changing situation if it's within reason just like how you change builds for a specific mission type when you're going in and you know there's armor and you either need to bring corrosive damage or corrosive projection in a full party to remove it completely. It's kinda hard when the something is when the test doesn't spawn what you need I can't force spawn the enemies that I need in an MR test I'm not a dev with admin abilities I'm a normal player I can only do so much but if the mission or test is bugged how is that my fault? I pose that question it's very frustrating to me and others when you fail because the mr test screwed you over. 

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It takes 24 hours to build a Forma, so 24 hours between re-levelling a weapon or warframe if you don't buy them or earn a complete one through certain RNG situations.

It takes 72 hours to build a Warframe. 12 hours to build a Warframe Part.

It takes 7 whole days to be able to go pop a Cyst off your neck on a new frame.

Do you know what the difference between these delays and the MR Test delays is?

MR means precisely... nothing.

You gain an extra mod point for your rank 0 gear, you gain an extra 1000 Standing with a Fortuna/Cetus Syndicate you can earn per day, you gain an extra 5000 Focus you can earn per day, an extra Loadout Slot sometimes, an extra Trade per day...

With the exception of limitations on when you can build certain weapons or use a Riven? That's it. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Yes, a 24 hour delay is annoying. I get that. Yes it's kind of pointless to you.

But you don't have any idea why it's there in the first place, and to be fair I only have opinions, so I don't think that you're going to get it removed just because you don't want to wait for something in a game where you wait for nearly everything.

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48 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

It takes 24 hours to build a Forma, so 24 hours between re-levelling a weapon or warframe if you don't buy them or earn a complete one through certain RNG situations.

It takes 72 hours to build a Warframe. 12 hours to build a Warframe Part.

It takes 7 whole days to be able to go pop a Cyst off your neck on a new frame.

Do you know what the difference between these delays and the MR Test delays is?

MR means precisely... nothing.

You gain an extra mod point for your rank 0 gear, you gain an extra 1000 Standing with a Fortuna/Cetus Syndicate you can earn per day, you gain an extra 5000 Focus you can earn per day, an extra Loadout Slot sometimes, an extra Trade per day...

With the exception of limitations on when you can build certain weapons or use a Riven? That's it. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Yes, a 24 hour delay is annoying. I get that. Yes it's kind of pointless to you.

But you don't have any idea why it's there in the first place, and to be fair I only have opinions, so I don't think that you're going to get it removed just because you don't want to wait for something in a game where you wait for nearly everything.

Have I said anything in my posts about build times or anything else? Yes those time frames were established but at least you can speed that up by trading or buying platinum. There’s is nothing new about that model of free to play and I expect especially in a free to play game. Cyst while annoying to fashionframe doesn’t lock you out or stop you from progressing much like MR lockout. 

I have been here for long time it was put into place because when MR became a thing you could only reach Mastery Rank 2 or 3 and that was it you couldn’t higher than that. During that time as there was not enough frames or weapons to get you where you can get to now. It was nothing more than padding because MR 2 and 3 was it that was highest you could ever get. Obviously now the highest now is 27 the game has come a long way since than and somethings from past don’t make sense now. It does absolutely nothing for the player or developers. If you’d hadn’t noticed de is starting to make MR more important or at least a focus especially assigning mastery ranks to weapons that never had any, and raising the MR to meta weapons so you can’t get the best guns right from the beginning which is actually mute if you buy the directly. 

We all have opinions and yes I doubt very much DE will remove it just because of me i’m naive nor vain enough to expect that. But’ at least I voice my opinion that wait now is pointless It served a point early on but the game has moved on for that. As I said if you earlier if you like 24 hours waits how would you like waiting 24 hours to start a mission or wait 24 hours because you either aborted/quit a mission. Those kind waits would be stupid but hey those kinds waits could’ve happened where fortune it never did as that would be dumb as this timer now. 

I’m not saying remove it entirely an hour to 6 hours would be more reasonable if there absolutely had to be  a timer which now there is no need for one. I’m not saying remove the timer once you’ve ascended at least that timer prevents you from leveling up multiple times in a row blowing through ranks. At least those versions of time gates have a purpose this one does not at least not anymore.

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1 hour ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

At least those versions of time gates have a purpose this one does not at least not anymore.

Please take this as it's meant, not as just a silly clap-back; it does not have a purpose that you know of.

Neither of us knows why it's still there, when DE have actually changed up the system more than once over the years.

From opinion, though, I don't see that there's a problem with a delay, because it's not a block, in progression when the entire game is full of deliberate progression delay. Yes, many of those progression delays have a way to bypass them, but only if you pay, and many of them also can't be bypassed.

To me it's no different than Baro not bringing the particular cosmetics I want that week, or missing out on a Stalker beacon that I could be using to get that Smoking Body ephemera.

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8 hours ago, krc473 said:

There is a point in it. It prevents people using fake accounts to trade plat and the like. This at least is a frequently mentioned argument (I don't see how it would work personally). 

This is quite possibly a good reason for it.
After all say you wanted to create a new account and start trading.  It will take you at least 2 days before you can start trading, and even then only twice per day.
With a full day minimum between each increase in daily trades it makes creating RMT and similar trading accounts much more annoying, and simply not worth all of the extra effort and hoops to jump through.

I mean, think of pretty much every other F2P game out there.  You have trading bots and RMT everywhere...and one of the reasons is that it only takes 5 minutes at most to create a new account and get it set up so that it can start trading.
Warframe on the other hand?  Its simply much harder to do because it takes days and days and days and days, for every single account.  You can't even use other accounts to bypass those time restrictions.
And every time you need a new mule account?  Be ready to spend all that time over again!

And really that small amount of annoyance can cause a ton of spam accounts and similar to just avoid the game.  Why spend days upon days for every profile in warframe when you could spend 5-10 minutes on another game (and likely multi-box it) and have an account (or a dozen) ready to go?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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2 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Please take this as it's meant, not as just a silly clap-back; it does not have a purpose that you know of.

Neither of us knows why it's still there, when DE have actually changed up the system more than once over the years.

From opinion, though, I don't see that there's a problem with a delay, because it's not a block, in progression when the entire game is full of deliberate progression delay. Yes, many of those progression delays have a way to bypass them, but only if you pay, and many of them also can't be bypassed.

To me it's no different than Baro not bringing the particular cosmetics I want that week, or missing out on a Stalker beacon that I could be using to get that Smoking Body ephemera.

That is true we don't know but at least I remember MR never existed and when they first introduced it you could only reach a maximum of two or three. Also the mastery tests than were more terrible than the revamped ones they did when they upgraded the simulacrum from an ugly orange black to void colors now. 

At least all those delays have a purpose blocking someone because they failed doesn't. If you succeed sure wait 24 hours or even longer before you can reach the next MR I have nothing against that. At least that would make sense again so you don't bum rush mastery ranks. Oh, I am well aware of how this entire game is a progression it's probably the reason I've played 1000's of hours. 

Baro has always been random and yes it does suck when he doesn't bring what you or I want but at least most of his items can be bought through other players. Cosmetics that you really want missing out is a pain for fashion frame. 

2 hours ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

Imagine, if you didn't fail you wouldn't be wasting your time here making a pointless thread.


I can deal with failure I've failed mastery tests in the past it probably won't be my last time either. That's, your opinion o found it rather helpful. Even if I did pass I would've likely still posted this as a friend and I discussed it. 

59 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

This is quite possibly a good reason for it.
After all say you wanted to create a new account and start trading.  It will take you at least 2 days before you can start trading, and even then only twice per day.
With a full day minimum between each increase in daily trades it makes creating RMT and similar trading accounts much more annoying, and simply not worth all of the extra effort and hoops to jump through.

I mean, think of pretty much every other F2P game out there.  You have trading bots and RMT everywhere...and one of the reasons is that it only takes 5 minutes at most to create a new account and get it set up so that it can start trading.
Warframe on the other hand?  Its simply much harder to do because it takes days and days and days and days, for every single account.  You can't even use other accounts to bypass those time restrictions.
And every time you need a new mule account?  Be ready to spend all that time over again!

And really that small amount of annoyance can cause a ton of spam accounts and similar to just avoid the game.  Why spend days upon days for every profile in warframe when you could spend 5-10 minutes on another game (and likely multi-box it) and have an account (or a dozen) ready to go?

I have nothing against waiting a day if you pass the test or even longer. That in itself prevents what you're talking about in terms of trade scammers. You also need to have 2fa on now to even trade. So, that on top of waiting a day after you pass is enough to delay or stop scammers or bots because 2fa is required. 

The 24 hour wait if you fail does nothing beyond punish someone and serves no purpose beyond that. It just adds on to something that already takes time to. You just don't get a mastery rank by doing nothing you already have to do leving and only get 3000 mastery a weapon at rank 30 and 6000 from a Warframe at rank 30. Early on that stuff takes work and the great leveling spots are locked off to you unless you're ferried. 

Again those waits and mini time gates are acceptable and to be expected because as a F2P you need to keep players as long as possible.  I'm not against a hard timer if it makes sense failing a master test whether your fault or not doesn't warrant having to wait 24 hours. I even entertain the idea of you need a wait to be an hour or 6 hours something more reasonable like waiting for old nitain alerts. 

Again just because I failed is not why I am writing this. It comes to a point where you have to question pointless systems. Here's a system you may have forgotten buying revives if you ran out you were done and you had to wait. You were heavily punished for dying. Not only would you fail the mission like you would now but you couldn't even play till you forked up money. 

Trading was also never going to be a thing till DE changed there minds on it. So, back than you needed to buy it out right as trading wasn't fully established because DE didn't want it. 


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4 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

And every time you need a new mule account?  Be ready to spend all that time over again!

Mule accounts are not allowed. You can have multiple accounts, but if they interact in any way, you will be caught and banned eventually.

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41 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

Mule accounts are not allowed. You can have multiple accounts, but if they interact in any way, you will be caught and banned eventually.

Yep, so mule accounts, bots, and scammers are not really a concern. I support waiting a day or even longer after you've successfully ascended to a higher mastery rank. But failing should not punish you for 24 hours. Again an hour cooldown or 6 hours seems more reasonable than a day. It's an outdated system from a time when MR was in its infancy. 

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11 hours ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

Your point on considering on how to compensate when that something happens doesn't always apply. I can adapt to a changing situation if it's within reason just like how you change builds for a specific mission type when you're going in and you know there's armor and you either need to bring corrosive damage or corrosive projection in a full party to remove it completely. It's kinda hard when the something is when the test doesn't spawn what you need I can't force spawn the enemies that I need in an MR test I'm not a dev with admin abilities I'm a normal player I can only do so much but if the mission or test is bugged how is that my fault? I pose that question it's very frustrating to me and others when you fail because the mr test screwed you over. 

That's not at all what I'm talking about when I say "compensate." Bringing CP or corrosive is something you do when you are planning. Planning is an important part of the process, but "compensating" happens when your plan falls apart (which it often will). The general vibe I'm getting from your posts is that any time your plan doesn't pan out how you want, you blame the game. That is what I'm trying to get you to move past.

Specifically: Why do you think the mission/test is bugged? Why do you assume there's nothing you can do to compensate? (Which MR test are we even talking about? XD).

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8 hours ago, Ascarith said:

That's not at all what I'm talking about when I say "compensate." Bringing CP or corrosive is something you do when you are planning. Planning is an important part of the process, but "compensating" happens when your plan falls apart (which it often will). The general vibe I'm getting from your posts is that any time your plan doesn't pan out how you want, you blame the game. That is what I'm trying to get you to move past.

Specifically: Why do you think the mission/test is bugged? Why do you assume there's nothing you can do to compensate? (Which MR test are we even talking about? XD).

Planing is very important and this isn't my first rodeo in this game. You speak as if I know absolutely nothing I've played this game well over 3 years actively and much when the game was still in very early development. However, I did really restart Warframe with a new account till Angry Joe played it with delrith convincing me to give Warframe another shot after it didn't impress me enough to spend $300 to be a Grand Master Founder. I regret that now especially where Warframe is at now ye of little faith. But, back than it would've been hard to sink that much money into a game that didn't impress me enough. Also for exclusives while they were at that time nice speaking of Excal Prime, Skana Prime, and Lato Prime it didn't seem worth that much. However, now I support the game when I can through Prime Access and un-vaulting's to get the cosmetics. 

You're terribly misinformed this isn't the first time I've failed in a mission, quest, or mastery test. I'm MR 26 I've been around the block for quite sometime and if you read my post the only few things I have left to do is the last few amps on Fortuna and the K-Drives that's about it when it comes to stuff involving mastery. If you need to know it's the MR 27 test where you have to gather points. I don't have control of when the enemies that have the points spawn and when the points spawn on various platforms. I have no control over that no matter what planing or adapting you do you don't have control over that it's that plain and simple. Do you really think I care about Mastery? At this current time no but for a majority if you haven't gotten the vibe DE is gradually making Mastery important. Look at the new Tau System tileset that will either require a set number of hours or mastery rank. How many has not been determined yet. It could be 100 hours could be way more than that and that's total hours played whether that's in mission time or not I can't be certain but it will be locked off to a majority of players who are just starting out as it should be as it will likely be geared towards more established players. 

Compensation is irrevelent when you really on spawn rates you can't change them you can only kill so fast with a weapon or warframe and my choice was Mesa Prime geared out with mods that makes her exceptionally decent in kill enemies fast. I know how to prepare and compensate for missions I've played countless of them and failed a few and quit a few. That's not in denial and to say that I blame the game solely you got that entirely wrong. I accept failure when in it's justified and I accept failure if I was completely ignorant on the task at hand but that seldom is rare. 

I do appreciate your attempt at moving me forward even though your wrong on a few points. Even if I pass which I more and likely will provided the test spawns the enemies and points I need I still stand by that it's pointless to have 24 hour lockout if you fail. Perhaps if it was an hour or 6 hours or something along those lines I could see that as more reasonable. At least you could several decently length survivals or defense before you try again not a full day. There's frankly not enough content in this game for that especially where I am at. For a new player there is plenty to do but for veterans not so much. 

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42 minutes ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

If you need to know it's the MR 27 test where you have to gather points. I don't have control of when the enemies that have the points spawn and when the points spawn on various platforms. I have no control over that no matter what planing or adapting you do you don't have control over that it's that plain and simple.

Compensation is irrevelent when you really on spawn rates you can't change them you can only kill so fast with a weapon or warframe and my choice was Mesa Prime geared out with mods that makes her exceptionally decent in kill enemies fast. I know how to prepare and compensate for missions I've played countless of them and failed a few and quit a few. That's not in denial and to say that I blame the game solely you got that entirely wrong. I accept failure when in it's justified and I accept failure if I was completely ignorant on the task at hand but that seldom is rare. 

I was actually specifically afraid you were talking about the MR27 test, because I didn't want to be the one to point that you maybe you did miss the point of the MR27 test.

The objective of the MR27 test is to collect 100 points. It's not just about killing enemies, and it doesn't have to be about killing enemies at all (depending on your game plan). Enemy spawns (or lack thereof) do not in any way impact your ability to complete the test, as you can complete the test without killing a single thing. There are points that spawn on the ground, and these points are always in the same place (go for the white/orange ones, as they are worth the most). These points respawn if you bank them, which means you can complete the test by doing nothing but picking up the points on the ground.

I actually assumed you were pretty well versed in how to play the game. What I worried about was your experience making you comfortable enough not to challenge certain assumptions you just accept as true. This is a character flaw I suffer from in real life (not just in WF), and it can result in some pretty ugly situations, so I try to point it out to others when I think it might be happening to them. 

While none of this has anything to directly do with the 24 hour lockout on failure, I will point out that the lockout gives you time to re-asses the situation, instead of just constantly banging your head against a wall until you get lucky. 

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11 hours ago, Ascarith said:

I was actually specifically afraid you were talking about the MR27 test, because I didn't want to be the one to point that you maybe you did miss the point of the MR27 test.

The objective of the MR27 test is to collect 100 points. It's not just about killing enemies, and it doesn't have to be about killing enemies at all (depending on your game plan). Enemy spawns (or lack thereof) do not in any way impact your ability to complete the test, as you can complete the test without killing a single thing. There are points that spawn on the ground, and these points are always in the same place (go for the white/orange ones, as they are worth the most). These points respawn if you bank them, which means you can complete the test by doing nothing but picking up the points on the ground.

I actually assumed you were pretty well versed in how to play the game. What I worried about was your experience making you comfortable enough not to challenge certain assumptions you just accept as true. This is a character flaw I suffer from in real life (not just in WF), and it can result in some pretty ugly situations, so I try to point it out to others when I think it might be happening to them. 

While none of this has anything to directly do with the 24 hour lockout on failure, I will point out that the lockout gives you time to re-asses the situation, instead of just constantly banging your head against a wall until you get lucky. 

Everything I said did point into gathering points I was more specifically talking about the red enemies who spawn that have 3 points a peace and the various other points that spawn on various platforms. So yes, it was a lot of running around gathering points and killing specific enemies. I did pass it last night but that doesn't change my mind on the lockout which is entirely outdated now given there is 27 mastery ranks possible. Again 24 hours seems excessive perhaps an hour to 6 hours would be more reasonable because you can easily figure out a mistake and do it over again. But, you can practice till your blue in the face and still fail no matter what you compensate or plan for especially when the test does not revolve around technical skill such as parkour which just takes practice or those auto detect b.s. where I cheesed it with a glaive.

I've played this game an exceptionally long time and yes the auto detect enemies was a pain in the ass but after cheesing it the untended way I got through it. 

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51 minutes ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

Everything I said did point into gathering points I was more specifically talking about the red enemies who spawn that have 3 points a peace and the various other points that spawn on various platforms. So yes, it was a lot of running around gathering points and killing specific enemies. I did pass it last night but that doesn't change my mind on the lockout which is entirely outdated now given there is 27 mastery ranks possible. Again 24 hours seems excessive perhaps an hour to 6 hours would be more reasonable because you can easily figure out a mistake and do it over again. But, you can practice till your blue in the face and still fail no matter what you compensate or plan for especially when the test does not revolve around technical skill such as parkour which just takes practice or those auto detect b.s. where I cheesed it with a glaive.

I've played this game an exceptionally long time and yes the auto detect enemies was a pain in the ass but after cheesing it the untended way I got through it. 

Maybe I'm just having a really hard time piecing together what your actual argument is. What exactly is the problem with having a 24 hour lockout, and how exactly does removing it make WF appreciably better?

I get that you think the 24 hour lockout is unnecessary, but I don't get why exactly. It sounds to me like you have a good guess as to why it exists. You've already noted the game is F2P and the 24 hour lockout is an arbitrary time gate that artificially extends the lifespan of game content (and is generally only relevant to accessing content at low MR). Removing this lets low MR players blaze through more content more quickly. But you yourself pointed out that low MR players probably have more to do while waiting out a lockout. And allowing players to blaze through content isn't necessarily good if they aren't learning basic mechanics or are just burning themselves out. 

You say that "6 hours would be more reasonable because you can easily figure out a mistake and do it over again," but again, isn't that the entire point of practicing in the relay? Yes, a player can still fail in execution no matter how much that player practices, but I would argue that's on the player...

You say that you wish there was more content for you to do, but you are MR27, and even when you were MR26, there is no content being locked behind any mastery test. As a side note, is your frustration with the MR27 test just a tangent? That is a test of "technical skill," so my guess is it has nothing to do with why you think the 24 hour lockout is outdated. 

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It physically pained me to read this post, between the color of the text and the constant straw-manning.  Like, dude, if you expect certain arguments to be brought up against what you have to say, then save it for when you see them and keep your OP on point. No one wants to read through a block of you arguing with yourself in preparation for people who will ultimately come in and say what they will anyways.

Anyways yeah I think the 24 hour progression gate is a fine way of preventing newer players from bumping up through mastery ranks faster than they're going to be ready for, it helps keep the amount of information spam lower, and it's already quite a large amount of info spam.
(And the effect the wait has on veteran players is negligible at best, like oh no I can't have more standing cap til tomorrow)
Edited by KochDerFrettchen
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4 hours ago, Ascarith said:

Maybe I'm just having a really hard time piecing together what your actual argument is. What exactly is the problem with having a 24 hour lockout, and how exactly does removing it make WF appreciably better?

For one it's not really necessary beyond punishing players and if punishment is absolutely necessary which it isn't than why 24 hours? It's in same vain as when you had to buy revives and DE changed that if they hadn't I doubt people would still be playing because trading for platinum was not thing than and you had to wait or pay. It's the same as waiting 24 hours to start a mission, wait 24 hours because you either aborted or failed the mission, and as it was pointed out by someone else on here that would be exceptionally dumb but hey that would really pad out a game. I am not arguing that waiting 24 hours or even longer if you a pass a test is a bad thing that at least has a purpose in preventing level spree or bum rushing ranks. 

How would it make it better well for one thing you shouldn't punish players to such extremes if they're not very good. Yes maybe a cooldown ranging to an hour would be a good thing to allow player to rethink a strategy but at least giving them a chance to try again within the same day. There's no real reason to have a 24 hour lockout from mastery test because you failed. Either way you still waiting even if you do pass so why double or triple wait. Developers and games shouldn't punish players if they're not as good as others and yes there is some players who are fundamentally better in some aspects than others.

4 hours ago, Ascarith said:

I get that you think the 24 hour lockout is unnecessary, but I don't get why exactly. It sounds to me like you have a good guess as to why it exists. You've already noted the game is F2P and the 24 hour lockout is an arbitrary time gate that artificially extends the lifespan of game content (and is generally only relevant to accessing content at low MR). Removing this lets low MR players blaze through more content more quickly. But you yourself pointed out that low MR players probably have more to do while waiting out a lockout. And allowing players to blaze through content isn't necessarily good if they aren't learning basic mechanics or are just burning themselves out. 

Again I'm not arguing against a time gate in between Mastery Ranks. I agree that is necessary it prevents players from bum rushing ranks and there are some that play 24 hours a day who would get dozens of ranks if they could. Obviously at least there is 27 days provided you can go up one rank a day gaining all the mastery you need for those ranks. So, yes I'm not arguing against waiting if you pass the mastery test you still wait either way. It's the fact you have to wait 24 hours before you can even try again making you effectively double wait. 
It has no real viable purpose other than punishment. You should be allowed to qualify for the test as many times as it takes for some it's usually the second attempt because you can adjust slightly and boom you passed. But hey, you still have to wait that 24 hours before you can even take the test for real again. It's basically saying you suck get good and in a lot cases it's not matter of being good even the best players can fail. Whether it was their own mistake or something they couldn't foresee or effectively change. The enemy you needed to spawn won't so you fail how do you prepare or foresee that? You can make 100's or 1000's of changes and if that one enemy doesn't spawn you're still gonna fail. 

I don't have control over that it would be up to the developers to fix that and for the most part DE should be commended for the work they do on fixing bugs. However, I stand by the fact it makes no sense to punish players because they fail. If you like punishment perhaps DE should change it so you're locked out of the game entirely for rage quitting, disconnections, or failures in normal missions. You know why they wouldn't do that it would be incredibly dumb and a lot players would leave. Yes perhaps some punishment is needed which is why I've suggested maybe an hour to 6 hours if you fail the mastery test. Again it doesn't take me an hour or a day for that matter to fix what I did wrong. It has nothing to do with waiting after you pass a Mastery Test you're enevitably going to reach that timer. 

5 hours ago, Ascarith said:

You say that "6 hours would be more reasonable because you can easily figure out a mistake and do it over again," but again, isn't that the entire point of practicing in the relay? Yes, a player can still fail in execution no matter how much that player practices, but I would argue that's on the player...

You say that you wish there was more content for you to do, but you are MR27, and even when you were MR26, there is no content being locked behind any mastery test. As a side note, is your frustration with the MR27 test just a tangent? That is a test of "technical skill," so my guess is it has nothing to do with why you think the 24 hour lockout is outdated. 

I pass that test yes I did fail but it's nothing to do with my technical skill in this game. I'm sorry if points or enemies that I need to spawn don't yes I knew full well because I practice before every test. I view practices as previews to the main test and a way to gauge what you need to do. But, as I've stated you can be best player in the world and still fail should you be punished for failure? Some would argue yes but I've brought paid revives which was a real joy. If you ran out revives for the entire day you were done effectively until they reset or until you paid up and there was no freeway to get platinum as trading didn't exist yet. Again DE for a while was against player trading but they thankfully added that in. 


2 hours ago, KochDerFrettchen said:

It physically pained me to read this post, between the color of the text and the constant straw-manning.  Like, dude, if you expect certain arguments to be brought up against what you have to say, then save it for when you see them and keep your OP on point. No one wants to read through a block of you arguing with yourself in preparation for people who will ultimately come in and say what they will anyways.

Anyways yeah I think the 24 hour progression gate is a fine way of preventing newer players from bumping up through mastery ranks faster than they're going to be ready for, it helps keep the amount of information spam lower, and it's already quite a large amount of info spam.
(And the effect the wait has on veteran players is negligible at best, like oh no I can't have more standing cap til tomorrow)

Again I don't care about waiting I've done plenty of that in this game. I've played a long time and yes a majority of my time was spent waiting for Warframes to build, weapons to build, and obviously everything that requires a timer. By virtue of getting mastery points you're ready for the next rank and I have not argued against waiting for the next mastery test. That has been a good way to prevent people from speeding through ranks. At least with standing caps you can double dip if you play before the daily rest happens so you can effectively double what you could get in one day. Those standing caps do serve a way so you don't immediately get to make rank in one day by turning in all your fish or ores. At least standing caps have a purpose to prevent rushing. A lockout because you failed doesn't beyond punishing you. 

I must say I appreciate the rainbow perhaps I should do that for you next time hahaha.  

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3 hours ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

The enemy you needed to spawn won't so you fail how do you prepare or foresee that? You can make 100's or 1000's of changes and if that one enemy doesn't spawn you're still gonna fail. 

I pass that test yes I did fail but it's nothing to do with my technical skill in this game. I'm sorry if points or enemies that I need to spawn don't yes I knew full well because I practice before every test.

I'm not sure why you keep coming back to this enemy spawn thing.

The MR27 test is not RNG dependent at all. The points that spawn on the ground always spawn in the same places, it is not random. Once you pick a point up, you can force that point to respawn in the same place as before (by banking it). The test gives you plenty of time to gather just points on the ground, so I'm having a hard time seeing a player failing the MR27 test because "one enemy doesn't spawn" or "enemies that [player] need to spawn don't." 

Is there another MR test where this bothers you?

3 hours ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

For one it's not really necessary beyond punishing players and if punishment is absolutely necessary which it isn't than why 24 hours? 

How would it make it better well for one thing you shouldn't punish players to such extremes if they're not very good. Yes maybe a cooldown ranging to an hour would be a good thing to allow player to rethink a strategy but at least giving them a chance to try again within the same day. There's no real reason to have a 24 hour lockout from mastery test because you failed. Either way you still waiting even if you do pass so why double or triple wait. Developers and games shouldn't punish players if they're not as good as others and yes there is some players who are fundamentally better in some aspects than others.

It has no real viable purpose other than punishment. 

Generally this is because "success" and "failure" go hand in hand when it comes to games. One way to give players a sense of "success" is to create a real possibility of "failure." If a player isn't "as good as others," they can practice in the relays until they're ready to tackle the MR test. At best, removing the lockout removes the pressure to execute. 

The part I'm missing is where you seem to essentially agree that some kind of "failure" state needs to exist, but you think 24 hours is arbitrary (and on the long side). I don't get how 6 hours is any less arbitrary, and how you would respond to someone who simply says "that's too short."

As I said before, it's possible it's this way because DE just made it a 24 hour cooldown once you take the test (pass or fail). It probably wouldn't be game breaking if they shortened the lockout for failure, but I still don't really see a compelling reason to change it either. 

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Been in this argument before and still of the opinion that there is literally no difference with the skill level of the player if they are allowed to hammer at the test endlessly until they pass or if they have to run a practice test endlessly and then take the actual test. The literal only difference is one is needlessly inconvenient for no significant reason. 

Soooo yeah I'd be 3000% fine if they just got rid of the 24hr cooldown, it's great on paper but makes no practical sense. 

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It's DE saying "git gud".
MR tests can be cheesed and if you can't pass it even with all the different ways you can cheese it, then you shouldn't really be getting a Mastery Rank up. XD
24 hours penalty, it's either you practice more during that wait period or it frustrates you enough so you just give up climbing the mastery rank ladder, ahuehue.

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1 hour ago, Ascarith said:

I'm not sure why you keep coming back to this enemy spawn thing.

The MR27 test is not RNG dependent at all. The points that spawn on the ground always spawn in the same places, it is not random. Once you pick a point up, you can force that point to respawn in the same place as before (by banking it). The test gives you plenty of time to gather just points on the ground, so I'm having a hard time seeing a player failing the MR27 test because "one enemy doesn't spawn" or "enemies that [player] need to spawn don't." 

Is there another MR test where this bothers you?

Generally this is because "success" and "failure" go hand in hand when it comes to games. One way to give players a sense of "success" is to create a real possibility of "failure." If a player isn't "as good as others," they can practice in the relays until they're ready to tackle the MR test. At best, removing the lockout removes the pressure to execute. 

The part I'm missing is where you seem to essentially agree that some kind of "failure" state needs to exist, but you think 24 hours is arbitrary (and on the long side). I don't get how 6 hours is any less arbitrary, and how you would respond to someone who simply says "that's too short."

As I said before, it's possible it's this way because DE just made it a 24 hour cooldown once you take the test (pass or fail). It probably wouldn't be game breaking if they shortened the lockout for failure, but I still don't really see a compelling reason to change it either. 

The only difficult mastery texts that took more than two attempts was instant detection by enemies where I had to cheese it the unattended way with a Glaive. Still a melee weapon but could be thrown from a great distance which got me through it. Obviously those tests were intended for stealth kill finishers which while could be done it was always the middle zone and third zone where it got more trickier. That said, at least those tests were more of technicality than anything else. Yes the points do spawn but obviously for me they didn't spawn quick enough nor did the enemies who carry the points. There's at least a soft timer before points will reappear on their own and is depended on how many points you bank. Again I've rarely done previous mastery tests unless it was to help someone else who had trouble with it and figure out what stumped them. Again I've failed tests in the past so I can handle failures when they do happen. 

Pressure to execute what because many will state mastery does not matter and in way they're right. Especially after you reach 18 or higher or whatever the higest locked riven is there is not point in doing mastery at all. So, there's really no pressure at all and in fact that's a mute point if and when Mastery actually does benefit you to higher degree than yes there would be the pressure you're talking about. For example if mastery ranks rewarded you with platinium and you got a higher bonus if you did it your first try which would incentivize you to actually practice. As I've said practices are more of preview and give you an idea what you need to do basically first look. Yes you can use them practice which is why it's there otherwise you'd just be thrusted into the real test blind. 

Failure is failure and that has always been true no matter how you look at it. But, the question becomes should you punish failure and I say no it serves no purpose beyond that and that has remained true sense it's inception. I was here before mastery was even a thing there were no mastery ranks and when it first came out the highest you could get two or three if I remember correctly and for a lot 2 was high. It's in the same vain as paying revives which by the way still existed I doubt many people would still be playing. You were effectively done with the entire came if you lost all of them your daily revives. Not just for one mission but across all so the game was effectively over for you and you had to pay or wait to bypass it. Not like rushing where you get an item faster no you had pay to get back to playing. You could wait but you wouldn't playing at all except sitting till you can play again in which case you would just do something else. 

You may not see a compelling reason and you're entitled to that. The primary reason is it doesn't even need to exist in the first place you still wait irregardless why double wait and for some people who fail more than once a triple or higher wait? It's already 27 days provided you go up one rank a day which already takes a grind in leveling, building, and playing the game. That's already a wait but it's progressive one and is more meaningful than just waiting arbitrarily because you failed. You still play the game irregardless the fact they lock you out is insulting just like how you paid revives which they changed. Yes it made money it was a system that helped make them money but they changed it because it could killed their game. This doesn't it's annoyance for sure one that is not necessary in game you already farm and wait. There's already time gates you don't need double time gate or a heavy time gate for how you play. 

14 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Been in this argument before and still of the opinion that there is literally no difference with the skill level of the player if they are allowed to hammer at the test endlessly until they pass or if they have to run a practice test endlessly and then take the actual test. The literal only difference is one is needlessly inconvenient for no significant reason. 

Soooo yeah I'd be 3000% fine if they just got rid of the 24hr cooldown, it's great on paper but makes no practical sense. 

Yes it makes no sense other than punish players because yes you can repeat tests indefinitely banging your head against your keyboard. You could also burn yourself out on it for 24 hours before you can actually attempt test again for real. There's been no reason for the failure lockout even when mastery came out hell even weapons didn't have mastery ranks until way later on. Mastery was just added on thing at that time now it's gradually gotten more important as DE is pushing it more. 



8 minutes ago, Yxivi said:

It's DE saying "git gud".
MR tests can be cheesed and if you can't pass it even with all the different ways you can cheese it, then you shouldn't really be getting a Mastery Rank up. XD
24 hours penalty, it's either you practice more during that wait period or it frustrates you enough so you just give up climbing the mastery rank ladder, ahuehue.

Yes I've cheese plenty of tests especially the unintended way. Even so you shouldn't be locked out from trying again if you failed you just try again and more times out of not you will pass your second attempt. Fundamental tests that require stealth, parkour, or speed even does require some level of skill but I don't hold people's lack of skills against them even in a video game. 

It's very much DE saying git gud which is really troll way to say you suck. Frustration is a part of life we get frustrated that's being human we all get flustered by something. Whether or not you let that get to you is another matter and for some it does and in a lot ways could lead people to quit. Oh, yes quit if you get upset enough you may never return and that applies to anything not just this game. As I've said previously you can practice till your blue in the face and still fail because of something technical or yourself. I doubt DE intended a 24 hour lockout to be frustrating to the point where it would make you give up because early on there's still stuff to do. Higher ranks not so much it's just an unnecessary wait that you and I shouldn't have to do. 

If you like waiting just don't die we could bring back paid revives and see how fun that would be on top of removing trading so you had to actually buy platinum. 

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20 minutes ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

If you like waiting just don't die we could bring back paid revives and see how fun that would be on top of removing trading so you had to actually buy platinum. 

Oh, I honestly would like limited revives so people will actually try to be good at the game.
And why are you assuming I love the waiting game? I don't like that I have to waste time by the foundry just so I can craft hundreds of energy pads for tridolon, though I understand those foundry timers are there for plat sink. But that doesn't mean I don't want some QoL change, maybe a "build queue" or a x100 energy pad bp lol but not a complete removal because I understand the purpose.
As for the MR test wait time, IDK why there's really complaints about this. You can practice the test until you perfect it and you have ways to make it a cake walk. It is a test after all so idk, at least make the players work for it a little bit (emphasis coz seems like DE is afraid to make the game difficult). MR in this game is losing its meaning already, idk, maybe if they'll remove that then just remove the whole MR thingy coz it would really just be a number to gate you from standing/trades/weapons. 

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1 hour ago, Yxivi said:

Oh, I honestly would like limited revives so people will actually try to be good at the game.
And why are you assuming I love the waiting game? I don't like that I have to waste time by the foundry just so I can craft hundreds of energy pads for tridolon, though I understand those foundry timers are there for plat sink. But that doesn't mean I don't want some QoL change, maybe a "build queue" or a x100 energy pad bp lol but not a complete removal because I understand the purpose.
As for the MR test wait time, IDK why there's really complaints about this. You can practice the test until you perfect it and you have ways to make it a cake walk. It is a test after all so idk, at least make the players work for it a little bit (emphasis coz seems like DE is afraid to make the game difficult). MR in this game is losing its meaning already, idk, maybe if they'll remove that then just remove the whole MR thingy coz it would really just be a number to gate you from standing/trades/weapons. 

If it was that way still I doubt many players would still be playing because it was a terrible idea and DE changed it. The system did make them money so from a perspective of profit it was a good idea but it didn't translate well over with the player base at that time and they changed it. If they didn't well Warframe might not be here today that was how serious it was there was no mechanic other than waiting or paying out of pocket to get revives. There is already limited revives in a mission so yes in someways yes you should try to avoid dying but sometimes that inevitably happens. I tend to die when I'm 3 or 4 hours into a survival with my clan and of course that's when my resistances to damage wear off and the enemy damage output is high enough to kill me. That's not a lack of skill I can obviously one shot them with a dagger but if they damage me quick enough I go down. But, again were talking when enemies are in the 600 to 1000 range which normally you'd never see unless you go 4 hours or longer in a survival. Do I recommend doing that no there's no scaling rewards so it's kinda pointless besides getting on the leaderboards. 

At least build times have a purpose this is a free to play game and those timers are necessary to incentivize platinum purchases. Again there is already a wait to get to a mastery rank to begin with so you shouldn't have to effectively double wait because you fail. Irregardless you'll be waiting 27 days provided you get one rank a day which is possible provided you have no outside life and play an unhealthy amount. That's also provided you farmed the necessary resources or paid out to get all those items immediately. That said you're still waiting 24 hours and that at least has a purpose to prevent bum rushing through ranks. Waiting 24 hours because you fail is nothing but a punishment for something you already worked towards getting to. You still have to physically level weapons even if you buy them outright which means playing the game. You still have to work towards getting enough mastery points to even get the opportunity to ascend. 

Again players already work for it and you still have to pass the test until that happens you won't reach the next rank and wait 24 hours till the next rank. Again if a wait needs to exist it should be far less than 24 hours even though at this current time I don't see any reason for it to exist. It does nothing beyond punishing you and offers nothing more than a even longer wait to something I already worked towards. It's a slap in the face to someone who has already earned enough points to take the test which provided you farmed everything out and than leveled what you needed or more you should be able to take it. The game is already long enough with all the gates it already has but at least those gates have a purpose and a need for them to exist. MR has no real meaning other than being a gate to weapons, frames, and content beyond that it's nothing more than a number. 

The only way I could see a failure gate existing if they actually gave you something significant such as platinum instead of what it currently does. If MR gave you a small amount of platinum every rank and a higher amount if you passed first time I could see that as a reason to maybe block off the test again. At least that would incentivize you to try harder and actually make you practice and "get gud". However, MR doesn't do that and what MR does offer beyond access to certain weapons and small trace cap, standing cap, and focus cap it's not enough to justify a 24 hour wait if you fail. 

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