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Possibly More Kuva Rewarded.


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I’ve been thinking for a while now that kuva is something people farm a lot for and get so little. So I’ve been thinking of a possible way to get more during Siphons and Floods.

I was thinking that the more Kuva the machine absorbs before being destroyed, the more Kuva you get. Basically 50-100 per cycle. 100-200 for Floods. Of course the most you would get would be 7 cycles since 8 would be the end. 

It would be a decent way to benefit from the mess ups or for players to put in extra time to gain more kuva per mission instead of constantly resorting to survival. This would be a risky move if you’re not that good at preventing kuva from entering the siphon. Especially in close space. But it would be an option.

Just something to think about I guess. Running in circles during survival gets boring over time. But that’s just my opinion.

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Encouraging players to not actively play the game is not good mechanics, my friend, and all it would take is for one greedy team to be let down by a player that's not really all that aware, and you lose it entirely anyway.

I mean, think about it, you get to a Siphon and you want the max out of it, what do you do? You stand around while one Kuva cloud spawns every 1-2 minutes, adding anywhere from 7 to 14 minutes to just stand around waiting, not even really gaining the benefit of killing the enemies since they just spawn again instantly anyway and it's easier to just stay invisible out of the way, and only then can you start catching the clouds. Adding another 4 to 8 minutes to the mission while you do that. That's anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes extra in a mission that may already be taking you 5-10 minutes to run just for the base objective.

And at every turn, you might have a newer player who doesn't know about this function and isn't reading chat because they're concentrating, catching the clouds while you don't want them to, possibly only getting you 'minimum' rewards anyway, even though you could have gotten more, just like that new player who keeps activating Life Support towers as soon as they arrive not understanding that it's a percentage, not a stacking timer. Sure, once you explain it to them, they get it, but that mission is still ruined.

Back to that 'time' function, by the way, did you notice that for the same time investment a player gains more or less Kuva based on the difficulty of the mission? So for a Survival, you might spend 5 minutes in mission on a Kuva Siphon and gain around 550-750, because the mission type is only level 30 or so, while on Taevuni Kuva Survival you would gain 200 per pod, so you could get 400-600 in the base 5-6 minutes because the first 5 minutes on Taevuni is only 1 objective, not the double objective of a mission plus a Siphon (this then improves a bit so you work out at around 1000-1200 for 10 minutes, which is how long some base Siphon missions can take so it's slightly better rewards for that 10 minutes). Meanwhile that same 5 minutes on a Kuva Flood will earn you 1100 -1500 for the increased base level of 80. Meaning that it's quicker to gain Kuva on a Flood than on the others because of the higher base difficulty, but if Floods aren't available it's more reliable over time to use the Survival on Taveuni than it is to get base Siphons.

What I'm getting at with this is that you would be adding up to 20 minutes to a base Siphon, and your only reward would be up to around 700 more Kuva? It wouldn't be worth it. You could go and do another three whole regular siphons in that time, and even if you only get the very lowest reward of 550 on those regular Siphons, you would get 2200 in the same time it took your new method to gain 1250. 20+ minutes on Taveuni would grant you 2000+ Kuva as well. 

So this time extending method for more Kuva? Doesn't add up to more Kuva.

Maybe back to the drawing board, my friend? Sorry if that came off as overly harsh.

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11 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

You stand around while one Kuva cloud spawns every 1-2 minutes, adding anywhere from 7 to 14 minutes to just stand around waiting, 

Clearly you haven’t waited for the siphon to fill up cause the mission only took 5:30 minutes to complete even when we allowed the siphon to fill up 7/8 to see if it did anything, which it didn’t. So no it wouldn’t take that long. Roughly 30 seconds per braid destroyed and like 10-15 seconds per cloud if allowed to be absorbed. 

So that’s about 4 minutes tops. And with the right squad, the mission can be done in 1 minute or have 2-3 stay behind to deal with the siphon while 1-2 go and complete the mission. So no, it will not even be 10 minutes. And even if it did, it would be no different than spending 10 minutes in a survival. 

Then the whole “standing around waiting”, you do that in Kuva Survival. Waiting for the kuva to be collected then move on to the next. But kuva missions also take time to appear especially if you complete them quickly like I do. So “waiting” to gain a bigger kuva reward is worth it. Especially if that gives the Kavat more time to activate its double resource/affinity ability and gain a whole lot in one go vs “standing around waiting” and dealing with other players in a kuva survival. 

I don’t just throw posts up without testing to see how things currently work. And I don’t know what DE is doing. I may play the game but I’m not watching every single twitch video that gets thrown up. That’s the point of the forums. So commenting to basically say “you’re wasting your breath” is not very constructive. And the awesome part is you don’t have to respond to posts that you disagree with if the suggestion wouldn’t affect you. 

The suggestion would be an option for more coordinated players. And encouraging players to be lazy is false cause they already do that in defenses, Mobile, kuva survival, interception, etc. there’s no encouraging that other missions or forms of Kuva farming don’t already do. And if players are impatient then they can gladly go ahead and destroy the braids. Instead of making everybody else do the work. 

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

So commenting to basically say “you’re wasting your breath” is not very constructive.

Commenting back saying 'you're wasting your breath isn't very constructive, no, but commenting back saying 'this doesn't sound entirely thought out, here's why I think so' and then taking the time to back up the comment with what I understand about the game, however? That's called actually responding to the post.

You're on a public forum, as you've said, you get public feedback. And showing that you don't agree with somebody else's opinion is entirely valid in the context of showing that this opinion is not universally held or supported.

That said;

45 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

And encouraging players to be lazy is false cause they already do that

Just because they do, doesn't mean it's encouraged. The comment was meant to say that a method that deliberately makes a player wait for a timer, that's a perfectly normal mechanic, but a mechanic that says that if you specifically don't complete the objective a few times, if you specifically do not perform this action, you get more? That's not good design.

A good design is something that takes the wait timer that you have, and makes you do more in that time, a secondary objective as it were. Take the Bounties from the Orb Vallis as an example; Objective A, secure a set number of boxes, Bonus objective, do not let the enemy secure any boxes at the same time. You get more reward for doing more, not for doing less.

When I said 'back to the drawing board', that's the kind of thing I meant. Change the aspect you're wanting to affect from a passive to an active. So, want more Kuva out of a Siphon? Put in a secondary objective like trying to overcharge the Siphon with specific drops, so it draws larger clouds and you gain a percentage more for every over-charge you give it, up to say 100% extra for four overcharges.

That's an active objective, as opposed to a passive one. Try that kind of idea instead of 'just don't do anything while it fills up'.

And finally;

51 minutes ago, (PS4)chris1pat8twins said:

Clearly you haven’t waited for the siphon to fill up

Clouds can, and often do, take up to two minutes to spawn again. I've waited up to eight minutes just to complete the siphon normally. Yes, they can take as little as fifteen seconds, that wasn't my point. My point is that you could waste far more time than you're predicting and not get the same kind of reward you're expecting.

With an active method, however, you add a layer of complexity to the mission instead of standing around, and can net greater rewards from the same time expenditure.

Now, I know text is a tricky medium to read any kind of intent or emotion. But I came here with a level intent to say, 'hey, does this have merits?' and found that the possible deficits outweighed them.

So my feedback was not meant to be a bash at you, but a disagreement with your idea as part of a discussion.

Your response, however? Maybe you should take a breather.

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