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Wukong Prime Access Available Now!


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Are there any official reveal pictures of Wukong Prime? Like the ones previously shown in previous Prime reveals, which includes a picture of the accessories worn by a blacked-out version of the prime warframe. I need to show these pics to a friend.

Nevermind, found them.

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15 minutes ago, (XB1)GryffsDeadCorps said:

Try $103 Canadian! I'm sorry DE, but I will never buy another Prime Access at this price. $85 was already a steep ask for a frame and two weapons without getting the 90 day boosters, at $103.... well, I won't be buying these again. 

I'm surprised that no one Is talking about this, not DE, not the partners, not even players ...


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The Kubrow skin is absolutely disgusting and terrible. Majority of the ''armour'' set is part of the skin meaning that the customization must be done through the limited kubrow color palettes. That is misleading marketing because you cannot distinct the 2 from one another from the one tiny screenshot provided at the Prime Access page.


3 hours ago, (XB1)GryffsDeadCorps said:

Oh I love DE, but I don't love the cash grab for the New Price for Prime Access in Canada. It went from $84 including tax to now $103 plus tax. I think they've been smoking some of our fine Canadian products if they think most people will pay that for A WARFRAME and two Pretty Mehhh weapons. . 


So what is the final exact price including the tax? The price has been 125,99€ in Europe which converts to 185 CAD or 141 USD. You were getting it for half the price essentially unless you're paying 100% extra in taxes.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

That is misleading marketing because you cannot distinct the 2 from one another from the one tiny screenshot provided at the Prime Access page.

Nothing is stopping you from previewing it in game. Sure it could be more straightforward, but I knew exactly what I was buying.

1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

The Kubrow skin is absolutely disgusting and terrible.

Also, something about tastes.

Not saying it couldn't have been designed in a better way to allow a new proper armor for all Kubrows and get a skin too because it's absolutely true. But definitely not horrible.

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb Wyrmius_Prime:

The Kubrow skin is absolutely disgusting and terrible. Majority of the ''armour'' set is part of the skin meaning that the customization must be done through the limited kubrow color palettes. That is misleading marketing because you cannot distinct the 2 from one another from the one tiny screenshot provided at the Prime Access page.



So what is the final exact price including the tax? The price has been 125,99€ in Europe which converts to 185 CAD or 141 USD. You were getting it for half the price essentially unless you're paying 100% extra in taxes.

Console users don't have the 125 pack we just have the Access (80€) and accessory (60€) pack. 

But the old prices are 70€ and 55€ 

And they said nothing about this change that's sucks.

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Well I just checked as I bought the last pack with Loki and Volt for $62 Canadian (PC). The price has gone up $20 for Wukong but it also includes almost 1500 more platinum for that same $20. Actually if you're someone who buys platinum it's a good deal.

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20 hours ago, (XB1)Ryuck00 said:

I'm surprised that no one Is talking about this, not DE, not the partners, not even players ...


I'm shocked to be honest. You'd have thought they'd mention this, but obviously thought they'd sneak it in under the radar. Maybe they've decided to increase the cost to make up for the "Exchange Rate" lmao oh yeah, they're Canadian too so there isn't one. So I guess you have to pay for Trips to Space and fancy Advertising somehow, but I won't be helping out with those expenses I'm afraid as I'm not ever going to pay that much for a Prime Access. Sorry DE, but, that's not in my budget anymore. 

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54 minutes ago, (XB1)GryffsDeadCorps said:

I'm shocked to be honest. You'd have thought they'd mention this, but obviously thought they'd sneak it in under the radar. Maybe they've decided to increase the cost to make up for the "Exchange Rate" lmao oh yeah, they're Canadian too so there isn't one. So I guess you have to pay for Trips to Space and fancy Advertising somehow, but I won't be helping out with those expenses I'm afraid as I'm not ever going to pay that much for a Prime Access. Sorry DE, but, that's not in my budget anymore

Is just not fair for console players, sadly I wanted to buy this Prime Access but Is way too much and not worth it for the new price.  I would buy on Steam, it seems that the price is the same but it can't ve reedeem on console...

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's cool and all but 102$ pre taxes. For the Warframe and the 2 prime weapon some plat and booster ??

And the accessories 76$ pre taxes. For 3 time the stuff with 90days of boosters plus plat.

Either something is wrong with the pricing or it should be reverse.

I expected the Kubro armor with the ephemera to be at least included with the bundle. Boy was I wrong. I get that you need money for the job but it should have been reverse. I feel rob. And that's a first coming from Warframe. Finally decided to buy the prime access and I dont think I will ever again if you pay almost double for less then the accessorie pack.

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On 2019-07-09 at 10:08 AM, cmacq said:

Well I just checked as I bought the last pack with Loki and Volt for $62 Canadian (PC). The price has gone up $20 for Wukong but it also includes almost 1500 more platinum for that same $20. Actually if you're someone who buys platinum it's a good deal.

Bruh I'm also canadian and its 102 before tax for the prime access alone. But the accessorie access is 76 also before taxes. The price jump like no other.

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On 2019-07-09 at 12:01 AM, (XB1)GryffsDeadCorps said:

Oh I love DE, but I don't love the cash grab for the New Price for Prime Access in Canada. It went from $84 including tax to now $103 plus tax. I think they've been smoking some of our fine Canadian products if they think most people will pay that for A WARFRAME and two Pretty Mehhh weapons. . 

Yeah the price should have been reverse as it make no sence I feel rob. As in I could have bought 3 to 5 good game thanks to sales but I decided to help De and I regret every penny.

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On 2019-07-27 at 10:32 PM, (XB1)FrozenMiasma said:

Bruh I'm also canadian and its 102 before tax for the prime access alone. But the accessorie access is 76 also before taxes. The price jump like no other.

I don't buy prime access. I bought the frames and plat with Volt and Loki. As I said Wukong and that much plat for $82 (and that includes tax) is not a bad deal if you buy plat. I have no need to play fashion frame so there's a lot of things there that don't matter to me. I also do not need 3 months worth of boosts especially at this time of the year. Nobody forces anyone to buy this and it's certainly not essential. I got Wukong Prime from playing the game and made some plat in selling extra parts I collected so that's part of how I play the game.

I do agree that the big price increase with no explanation seems a bit shady but people can provide their answer to that but simply not buying things. If they don't sell DE will lower the price or offer deals to incentivize buying.

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