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Last Chance for Rhino Prime and Nyx Prime!


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Isn't it time to make some sort of predictable rotation with unvaulting? A lot of gear is stuck in the vault with no way to get it without essentially buying it for real cash (you or someone else is paying for the platinum), the amount is also increasing every three months.

Personally I only miss the dual kamas (like so many others) but new player may get overwhelmed by the sheer number of items that are unobtainable just by playing the game.


I have to say that I am super disappointed in having to see the exact same thing again the 2nd year in a row. Please change up the accessories for once e.g. Liset prime, saita prime suit, nekros prime armour set etc. These have not been unvaulted or made available for a long time. Just something to consider taking note of DE.

14 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Rhinos accessories could do with being lowered in price, no offense.

Comparatively speaking, it's not a good syandana for the price, and I don't even know if people use extractors anymore. (plus still can't automate them)

The likely wont lower the price, as anyone who bought it before would be short changed. (Its actually a good syandana too, one of the better prime ones.)

11 hours ago, Avss said:


Veterans: "Give us the frames we are missing"

Newbies: "Its fine, I don't have any frames"

Super Vets: "Don't listen to those older players, unvault the last 2 primes and cosmetics I am missing!"

Newbies: "But I...."

The only way they can satisfy all your pokemon collection needs is to offer a shop where you can buy all the frames at once. Or just keep playing for a year and you might just get what you're looking for (which is DE's plan).

Funny that everyone forgets that Newbies will have a hard time to keep up with the heavy Grinding and RNG in void interception and Void survival especially since its T4 for Axi.
The worst is Interception since barely anyone ever joins on Interception when i went on it doesnt matter if Europe region or North America Region.

I had that same opinion already back then 1 year ago with Rhino and Nyx, and with Loki and Volt this year and now this time again Rhino and Nyx that hopefully DE learns this time, not to do Void exclusive unvaults only since Void T4 still has this terrible buff of the old Void key era Warframe.


Looks like I will keep waiting till Abbera Prime and Acanthus Prime comes bak.

Imugi is just too far.


yep, called it couple month ago to some random user's comment on youtube that the next unvaulted would be another nyx and rhino, as if there are no other primed frames and weapons to be unvaulted. can't wait for another ember and frost unvaulted (again) 

5 hours ago, Unimira said:

Isn't it time to make some sort of predictable rotation with unvaulting? A lot of gear is stuck in the vault with no way to get it without essentially buying it for real cash (you or someone else is paying for the platinum), the amount is also increasing every three months.

Personally I only miss the dual kamas (like so many others) but new player may get overwhelmed by the sheer number of items that are unobtainable just by playing the game.

There is a predictable rotation. The problem is that vaulted stuff, especially the accessories, which are only available for 3 months, takes a long time to be brought back (usually around 2 years after the vaulting, which is 2 years after the initial release, so you have to wait 4 years for the accessories to come back).

17 hours ago, [DE]Helen said:


The Prime Vault has opened once more and Orokin treasures are yours for the taking Tenno! Get instant access to the previously unavailable Prime Warframes Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime, as well as their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, and more!

Nyx and Rhino Dual Prime Pack Features:

  • 1200 Platinum
  • Rhino Prime
  • Nyx Prime
  • Ankyros Prime
  • Boltor Prime
  • Hikou Prime
  • Scindo Prime
  • Noru Prime Syandana
  • Distilling Extractor Prime and Blueprint
  • Targis Prime Armor Set
  • Vala Sugatra Prime
  • Prime Glyphs


Nyx Prime Pack Features

  • 400 Platinum
  • Nyx Prime
  • Hikou Prime
  • Scindo Prime
  • Targis Prime Armor Set
  • Vala Sugatra Prime
  • Prime Glyphs


Rhino Prime Pack Features:

  • 400 Platinum
  • Rhino Prime
  • Ankyros Prime
  • Boltor Prime
  • Noru Prime Syandana
  • Distilling Extractor Prime and Blueprint
  • Prime Glyphs


Nyx Prime Accessory Pack Features:

  • 200 Platinum
  • Targis Prime Armor Set
  • Vala Sugatra Prime


Rhino Prime Accessory Pack Features:

  • 200 Platinum
  • Noru Prime Syandana
  • Distilling Extractor Prime and Blueprint

The Prime Vault opens on July 16 for PC and Xbox One.

See below for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch regional launch dates:

  • North and South America – July 16
  • Europe – July 17
  • Asia – July 17
  • Japan – July 19

The Prime Vault closes on September 17 for PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

PlayStation 4 regional end dates:

  • North and South America – September 17
  • Europe – September 18
  • Asia – September 18
  • Japan – September 19


I would say if you are going to get one of the frames choose rhino because of what comes with him (boltor prime)


Honestly at this point they should allow you to just Cherry pick what accessories you want to purchase with real money with each unvaulting, its clear they are favoring the newer players with this repeat of the same accessories over and over again and frankly I'm getting fed up with it to the point where I rarely put money into the game now.

Just now, Knight_Ex said:

Honestly at this point they should allow you to just Cherry pick what accessories you want to purchase with real money with each unvaulting, its clear they are favoring the newer players with this repeat of the same accessories over and over again and frankly I'm getting fed up with it to the point where I rarely put money into the game now.

I have two opinions on this, most of the veterans have the packs already so why not give new players a chance too and on the other side i feel annoyed since its not even a year ago since Rhino and Nyx were vaulted again (September 25th was the re-Vaulting date) but at the other hand its a good thing since i could get the pack for them too this time.


You'll still get the players that buy the prime accessories pack that first comes out, and I don't mean put a pack out a month after it just releases, maybe 4-5 months down the road give the players an option, have it setup that you can't purchase one prime accessories bundle, still do the same unvault packs, but add a cherry pick accessories pack to the mix and charge and additional 5-10$, to allow players to choose ONE accessories pack that they want, you could call it "Prime Cherry picking Bundle"


Why cant you leave Rhino Prime vaulted for longer? how is his price supposed to go up if you keep unvaulting him. Not to mention there are a few other frames i wanna see get unvaulted for the accessories that I have yet to see like Valkyr


Nyx Prime !


I was not expecting this. Very good. I just hope that the relics to farm her will be everywhere, not exclusive of void's mission. Because I was not able to build Volt Prime : ( 

I opened 5 AXI L4 and got no Volt Prime Systems, and I bought 12  Neo O1 from Baro Ki'Teer  relay, and nothing. Just forma, Blueprint and Odona Prime stuff.

On 2019-07-11 at 2:31 PM, Zahnny said:

Rhinos accessories could do with being lowered in price, no offense.

Comparatively speaking, it's not a good syandana for the price, and I don't even know if people use extractors anymore. (plus still can't automate them)

I mean personally i still use extractors, but yah


I am very excited for this un-vaulting, Rhino has been my fave frame and I always wanted  to get its prime version.

Now is my chance 😃

Il y a 22 heures, (XB1)WhiteAngelWingz a dit :

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

I agree.

There's a bunch of problem with the current unvaulting :

- There's too many prime frame : 2 unvault per year of 2/3 frames on a 25ish roaster: that's ways too few. Put the number of rotation at  5 years to get everything.

- Some people like me are only interested by the prime accesories (as I have all the prime weapon/warframe) that's mean that I'm out of luck to get any of those.

I think DE shall rework the unvault at this point, like unvault 6 frame instead of 2 every 6 months or something else.


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