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(All Platforms) The Missing Nekros Prime Twitch Drop from TennoLive 2019 - Script Complete


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24 minutes ago, (XB1)JustOneParsec said:

What about for those who couldn't link their accounts during the Tennocon? I would have linked my account during Tennocon but your website crashed. You should have made it if you recieved the simalaris codes you should get both primes. I claimed those prizes but they can't tell if I didnt watch? Bummer. I do enjoy the game though! 

That's one of the problems. They will have to address this eventually. But eventually might be next year...


With time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much for something to cause a user to miss out on the rewards and we are constantly working at improving this system with Twitch/Mixer/Steam in order to simplify the process and to solidify the connection to prevent users from missing out.

here's the part where they said it "doesnt take much for something to cause a user TO MISS OUT REWARDS  

Con promociones de tiempo limitado y complejas como ésta, entendemos que no es difícil que algo cause que el usuario se pierda de la recompensa y estamos trabajando continuamente para mejorar este sistema con Twitch/Mixer/Steam para poder simplificar el proceso y solidificar la conexión para prevenir que los usuarios se pierdan de la promoción.


I didnt get either one really only wanted the lotus slightly i know my account is linked as gotten previous drops but given i only lack the fortuna stuff and the 2 new prime weapons to master not getting it not huge issue just slightly disapointing


On 2019-07-21 at 6:54 PM, Nibelhim said:

Yes it is where we claim according to support. 

 We are still waiting for de response however and according to support, we should be patient.

According to my support response if you don't have it now you won't be receiving them, nothing about more patience at all.

10 minutes ago, (PS4)karasu1991 said:

I've answered him and they re-opened my ticket 

They pretty much told me to stop with the tickets and wait here. The problem is that they dont actually answer in here which is a thing in itself. I've messaged de bear and have not gotten  a reply either. Still waiting for answers or confirmations that it is forever a lost cause and I should stop because there is no hope.

This thread is depressing because of the silence.

Il y a 5 heures, (PS4)karasu1991 a dit :

With time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much for something to cause a user to miss out on the rewards and we are constantly working at improving this system with Twitch/Mixer/Steam in order to simplify the process and to solidify the connection to prevent users from missing out.

Here's the part where they said it "does not take much for something to cause a user TO MISS OUT REWARDS  

With limited time and complex promotions like this one, we understand that it is not difficult for something to cause the user to miss the reward and we are working Continuously to improve this system with Twitch / Mixer / Steam to simplify the process and solidify the connection to prevent users from losing the promotion.

They pulled that on me when I had to open a support ticket for receiving neither the Ephemera or Nekros, despite having been in the chat since before stream started until after it was done and all the spam kept up. Never once dropped connection or even had playback errors, had made sure my accounts were connected/linked, and had even refreshed the page at a few points to ensure I was connected to chat so it didn't glitch. Still hardcore failed


Support unsurprisingly replied with the "with time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much" yadda yadda copy-paste so many others have got. Lackluster. Reopened the ticket somewhat out of spite because of the sub-par DE reaction to this issue. Disappointing and definitely not cool.


I think what we are all waiting for is this:


DE: "Please be patient, we are working to solve the problem"

What we are getting right now:

DE: " "


DE, please answer use with anything regarding the situation. 


Sorry to hear, that DE dropped the ball on this.

At least we now know, that there's no way for DE to prove that you had 1. your account linked or 2. that you watched at the correct times...

Hold your heads high, Tenno.


are you sure that there are no way to prove it? because there are some people showing screenshots on the tennocon with the hour,chat and logs,and people that was talking on chat and send MP to nightbot

13 minutes ago, (PS4)karasu1991 said:

are you sure that there are no way to prove it? because there are some people showing screenshots on the tennocon with the hour,chat and logs,and people that was talking on chat and send MP to nightbot

Even a full video and they can still say photoshopped. It's totally up to them right now

1 hour ago, Nibelhim said:

Even a full video and they can still say photoshopped. It's totally up to them right now

Anyone that would edit a whole video deserves it!  

I wish I took screenshots but I figured my account was linked (verified before start) so why bother.  I even typed a few times to "price" I was there.  

Guess none of that matters and customers are treated like scum instead of given benefit of doubt.  

15 hours ago, (PS4)Umbramancer7 said:

Was this your message?:

"Thank you for contacting us and please note that we really do appreciate your patience. With time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much for something to cause a user to miss out on the rewards and we are constantly working at improving this system with Twitch/Mixer/Steam in order to simplify the process and to solidify the connection to prevent users from missing out.

We can officially confirm that all drops have been sent out to all eligible accounts. If you find yourself missing the Nekros Prime and/or the Lotus Ephemera drop, we can assist you in ensuring your connection is solid for future promotions; but unfortunately we are not able to add this item to your account. It is possible a disconnect may have occurred due to overloaded twitch/mixer/steam servers, which could have lead users to not receive any of the drops. Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do regarding this once it's happened.

Now, while support cannot add any Twitch Drop items to player accounts manually, we can help you confirm the Twitch link is working on both ends for future drops. If you have trouble receiving Twitch drops please UN-link your Twitch and Warframe accounts from BOTH ENDS. It is very important you disconnect both sides, not just one side."


And then followed by a bit about how to make sure your Twitch/Warframe account is connected from both ends in a step-by-step guide. I already checked mine, and both ends were fully connected, and yet I got neither reward.

If this is true then shouldn't this thread be shut down or something 


So I finally sent in a support ticket, and the response was simple,


"Thank you for contacting us and please note that we really do appreciate your patience. With time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much for something to cause a user to miss out on the rewards and we are constantly working at improving this system with Twitch/Mixer/Steam in order to simplify the process and to solidify the connection to prevent users from missing out.

We can officially confirm that all drops have been sent out to all eligible accounts. If you find yourself missing the Nekros Prime and/or the Lotus Ephemera drop, we can assist you in ensuring your connection is solid for future promotions; but unfortunately we are not able to add this item to your account. It is possible a disconnect may have occurred due to overloaded twitch/mixer/steam servers, which could have lead users to not receive any of the drops. Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do regarding this once it's happened.

Now, while support cannot add any Twitch Drop items to player accounts manually, we can help you confirm the Twitch link is working on both ends for future drops. If you have trouble receiving Twitch drops please UN-link your Twitch and Warframe accounts from BOTH ENDS. It is very important you disconnect both sides, not just one side."

It's our fault but..

we are not going to do anything about it.

What are you bethesda ?

Is this Fallout 76 ?

Is this DE's Nylon bag ?


If you didn't get it, FORGET IT


Thanks for literally nothing.

Great way to incentivise your player base.



4 hours ago, Krmizykillz890 said:

If this is true then shouldn't this thread be shut down or something 

Why would they do that? All the people complaining about this issue, despite the validity, are all corralled in this thread. Hell, even support is apparently sending people here. It's deliberately left open because if they closed it down then the people inside it would meander out into the rest of the forums. This is quarantine.

7 minutes ago, Caloss2 said:

So I finally sent in a support ticket, and the response was simple,

It's our fault but..

we are not going to do anything about it.

What are you bethesda ?

Is this Fallout 76 ?

Is this DE's Nylon bag ?


If you didn't get it, FORGET IT


Thanks for literally nothing.

Great way to incentivise your player base.



That was their bog standard response. Engaging further only puts them.more on the defensive and them accusing you specifically. Basically, its their version of "Better luck next time". Why one would willingly put themselves up for a "next time" is unbelievable after this botch-job.

But, hey, we gotta push towards that 1 million followers milestone on Twitch. Seems like a good way to do that. Follow through, though, and make sure your followers stay following because you did what you promised? Nah.

3 hours ago, (PS4)NefariousNemesis said:

That was their bog standard response. Engaging further only puts them.more on the defensive and them accusing you specifically. Basically, its their version of "Better luck next time". Why one would willingly put themselves up for a "next time" is unbelievable after this botch-job.

But, hey, we gotta push towards that 1 million followers milestone on Twitch. Seems like a good way to do that. Follow through, though, and make sure your followers stay following because you did what you promised? Nah.

What would happen if they started losing followers instead?

1 hour ago, Nibelhim said:

What would happen if they started losing followers instead?

Don't know but they care more about that than this issue. I do know that they have talked more about the million followers on Twitch more than they have addressed the Tennocon drops. And this was before they "researched" the problem that led to the script being implemented.

59 minutes ago, (PS4)NefariousNemesis said:

Don't know but they care more about that than this issue. I do know that they have talked more about the million followers on Twitch more than they have addressed the Tennocon drops. And this was before they "researched" the problem that led to the script being implemented.

It appears that they aren't even reading these posts anymore. 

I have already messaged a member of de and maybe others should too till they notice.


Well... I get it.... is extremely frustrating to not get answers in this issue, even more when twitch drops still fails from time to time for a lot fo people, but leaving that aside for a second people, just think in these:

1. Its complicated. Since its something from their end and also from the users end. I know well what one factor are things like ads blockers, vpns, proxys, etc. All small things what make this a huge headacher from the tech viewpoint. At least they were able to quickly solve one of the multiple escenarios.

2. People.. are you acting angry like the mob wanting to burn Dr. Frankstein castle about... free loot, FREE LOOT, something what DE dont have to do in the first place and what you can get anyway eventually or just by trading. In my case I was about to get my set complete after playing with people with old relics and was only missing the bp, decided to just wait since I was having no reason to rush but recived the Nekros from the drop. I was lucky, but if the case was the contrary I just buy the missing bp and done.

3. Conclusion: DE, could be nice to do a more in detail explanation of the issue so people can know. People: just calm down, its just free stuff anyway.


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