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Nyx re-rework


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Mind Control

  • Nyx can control up to 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 targets. Mind Controlling another target refreshes the ability duration on existing target(s). If 2 or more targets are currently under the effects of Mind Control, holding the ability key releases all targets. All targets receive a 1.25x / 1.3x / 1.4x / 1.5x speed bonus.
    • Speed bonus scales off of Strength. Target limit does not.
  • After the initial 4 second damage conversion duration, a Mind Controlled target's damage output can increase further by "Damage Absorbed from Enemies x 2", for the rest of their duration.

Psychic Bolts

  • Enemies hit by Psychic Bolts become marked. Mind Controlled targets will immediately go to attack marked targets.


  • Enemies affect by Chaos are unable to see or hear Nyx and allied Tenno.


  • Damage conversion that boosts weapon damage, increases from 0.03% to 0.1%
  • Range increases from 10m to 20m
  • Duration increases from 8s to 10s

Assimilate Augment

  • Nyx can now fly around in Assimilate like Hildryn's Aegis Storm

A.N. I was in Hydron, Sedna one day with a Speedva and was pleasantly surprised when my Mind Controlled target actually started to murder some stuff. Couple that with a weaker version of Octavia's Mallet's dmg conversion, in exchange for multiple targets, and Mind Control has potential. If the ability seems too good for a 1 then the "multiple targets" thing can be discarded. In another similar post I also mentioned Nyx controlling her target like Khora and Venari, but a simpler idea is to just let her Psychic Bolts mark enemies for her Mind Controlled target to focus on, since that's how these two abilities were supposed to work anyway (it doesn't now because your target goes around fighting whatever instead of focusing on specific enemies). Chaos is a clunky cc but a thought occurred to me: "if Nyx can change enemies' perception of their allies, she could realistically change their perception of Tenno as well". It's no Metronome cloak buff or Quiver cloak arrow, but I can imagine this will work great in patching Chaos's problems and a good way to make it (more) relevant again. Supporting with pseudo invisibility but in a big range seems beautifully balanced imo. And the buffs to Absorb are my take on playing with it for a week, and how to fix the ability's issues fairly, both with and without the Assimilate augment.

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  • 1 month later...

So I was browsing through the forums and stumbled upon this little gem. I'm surprised it hasn't been archived yet but whatevs.

I got carried away for a while and before I knew it, I wrote up another whole rework. I figured I'd copy/paste what I wrote in there, in here. This is a 'polishing up' of Nyx's capabilities and potential right now, as well as two new abilities that I think would suit her extremely well in today's Warframe. Also, I recently realized that Mag is already sort of a "psychic themed" frame, with almost her entire kit revolving around controlling the enemy without directly touching them. So as I'm sure you'll be able to tell, in this version, I dumped Nyx's hybrid theme of a mind manipulator/psychic powerhouse, and went all in on her mind manipulator theme.

*Get rid of the 4-second window for boosting damage
*Increase Mind Control target's threat level
*Target stores damage it receives and multiplies it by ? / ? / ? / ?x (scaling with Strength) to boost its own damage. Similar to Octavia's Mallet, though the multiplier might need to be higher than Mallet's because Mallet has the advantage in distributing its damage to all enemies around it, while the Mind Control target can only attack one enemy at a time.
-Instead of a multiplier higher than Mallet, another (imo better) idea is to raise Mind Control's cap to maybe 3 enemies. Press 1 again to Mind Control your 2nd and 3rd target. Hold 1 to release all targets.
*Increase Mind Control's target(s)' priority for staying close to Nyx.
*Instead of boosted damage, target(s) now speed up by ? / ? / ? / 25% (scaling with Strength)

"Stimulating their minds, Nyx encourages allies to increase their physical capability"
*50 energy cost. Buff allies ? / ? / ? / 25m (scaling with Range) around you for ? / ? / ? / 15s (scaling with Duration) with ? / ? / ? / 100 bonus armor, ? / ? / ? / +20% melee attack speed, and ? / ? / ? / +20% reload speed (bonus armor, melee attack speed, and reload speed, scale with Strength)
*Instead of allies, Nyx hypnotizes herself with ? / ? / ? / 200 bonus armor, ? / ? / ? / +30% melee attack speed, and ? / ? / ? / +30% reload speed

(3) CHAOS)
*Affected enemies now have 20 / 40 / 60 / 80% (scaling with Strength) of their shields and armor removed, and auras for Ancient Infested are disabled, for 10 / 13 / 16 / 20s (scaling with Duration).
*Chaos Duration reduced to 10 / 13 / 16 / 20s
*Radius no longer shrinks

"Nyx channels her mind to perceive the presence of all those around her"
*25 energy cost. Additional 10 energy/second drain. All enemies and allies within ? / ? / ? / 30m (scaling with Range) that are not within line of sight can now be seen through obstacles, while outlined in red and blue, respectively.
*Priority targets (e.g. Arbitration Shield Drones, invisible Capture target, Disruption Demolysts, etc.) will be highlighted in red. Priority allies (e.g. Rescue hostage, Sortie Defense operative, etc.) will be highlighted in blue.
*Allies within the ability's Range can see what Nyx sees.

Edited by Blacky
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Tbh they could solve any nyx problem with three very simple changes

1) mc target gets excluded from the enemy count like the thralls and no longer take dmg at the end of its duration

2) uncap bolts targets, remove the stuff they added and give back the AoE rad procs

3) make hold cast absorb drop a singularity on the map that acts as a decoy with increased aggro. 


Boom, done. Nyx is good again. 

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On 2019-07-27 at 10:28 PM, Blacky said:

After the initial 4 second damage conversion duration, a Mind Controlled target's damage output can increase further by "Damage Absorbed from Enemies x 2", for the rest of their duration.

I like your changes to Mind Control, but this is the best part for me. Ever since her rework, I've been suggesting that MC targets continue to be able to increase their output based on damage they receive from enemies throughout the duration.

On 2019-07-27 at 10:28 PM, Blacky said:

Psychic Bolts

  • Enemies hit by Psychic Bolts become marked. Mind Controlled targets will immediately go to attack marked targets.

This is great, and it's the kind of suggestion that was mentioned repeatedly during the Nyx Rework Dev Council thread, but was never implemented. There needs to be a way to effectively sic our poor AI minions on weakened foes to maximize the damage they can do, especially considering the endless issue of enemy scaling against each other. +1

On 2019-07-27 at 10:28 PM, Blacky said:


  • Enemies affect by Chaos are unable to see or hear Nyx and allied Tenno.

This is a nice addition. I'm not sure if it would be too powerful or not, considering we can have it on almost indefinitely. But there is always still the risk of AoE, and Ancient and Eximus Auras I suppose. If nothing else they could make these enemies deal less damage to allies for the duration, as they are hesitant to attack us for reasons unknown to them.

On 2019-07-27 at 10:28 PM, Blacky said:


  • Damage conversion that boosts weapon damage, increases from 0.03% to 0.1%
  • Range increases from 10m to 20m
  • Duration increases from 8s to 10s

Assimilate Augment

  • Nyx can now fly around in Assimilate like Hildryn's Aegis Storm

I like these additions, but it's not enough.

Maps are too big to reliably put the aggro feature to use to protect allies a lot of the time. Allies wipe the map before the damage portion could be used. The damage cap of 10% absorbed is a joke, since enemy damage doesn't scale enough to hurt each other anyway at 100%. The increasing energy drain is a joke, again considering the amount of absorbed damage it takes to hurt enemies. And enemies continue shooting when deactivating the bubble which gets you killed, so it's not even a good emergency defensive ability.

  • At minimum, the added ability to fly around should be given to the base form. This game is far too active and fast paced for her to have an ability that requires and allows you to go idle. Movement like Hildryn's 4 would help with that, but, realistically her current augment should be the base form so she can continue actively using weapons and abilities as usual with all of the normal drawbacks of combat with a toggle on.
  • Remove the 10% damage cap and increasing energy drain..there's better ways to limit the damage if necessary. 
  • The way the damage calculated needs to be changed or replaced. After her rework, when they improved the damage types for the ability I immediately made a mod loadout for her with max power strength. I was also fortunate enough to get a Nyx Arbitration Bonus to test with. With max strength, and +300% power strength from the Nyx Arbitration Bonus I was still unable to kill anything with her 4th power throughout the hour I was in the run proving that the damage flat out does not work. 
    • There's a lot of ways it could be improved that I've suggested over the years.
      • Increase the rate of damage increase over time (this portion can be divided between multiple damage types if needed), and convert all absorbed damage to true damage (like they should do with all damage reflection in the game). There's not appropriate "psionic" damage type in this game, but with enemy scaling any other damage type couldn't possibly be useful.
      • And/Or, add a button to hold down to consume energy faster while multiplying the damage meter (like Garuda's 1) and explode immediately upon release. With this ability on - in the current base form none of your buttons are used for anything else, and with the current augment on none of the acrobatic buttons do anything, so any of them could be used for this. 
      • Or, using the idea of Hydroid's undertow (another ability that is meant to be a slow, but effective killer) have the damage increase over time be a % of enemy max health (for example, 5% per second in Absorb would still take 12 seconds just to do 60% of enemy max health) as true damage, plus the dynamic absorbed damages from enemies in that duration. They could cap how much % of enemy max health is obtainable if they really wanted, but since it would take 20 seconds at 5% per second to fully kill enemies upon release it would still be one of the least broken nukes in the game. That % can be adjusted up or down as needed, I wasn't focusing on the numbers as much as the mechanics.
      • Optionally, It'd be nice if they allowed sprinting in Assimilate absorb, even if they still lock out acrobatics. And it would be nice if detonating would also affect all enemies that contributed to the absorb, even if for whatever reason they were no longer in range upon deactivation. Neither of those are a big issue for me though, just a thought.

She is my 2nd most used frame since Warframe launched on PS4. It was sad to see her fall so far as CC became more and more useless across the game, and when it got to the point where Assimilate was a mandatory mod on her due to her 4th ability no longer serving a function. The recent rework, with the changes to Psychic Bolts has really improved her ability to contribute in high level content, but overall she still needs work. Most of your changes are great and will fix most of those issues, but Absorb just needs so much more...or if necessarily entirely replaced.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Ozymandias-13- said:


She's my 2nd most used too 🙂 I really like her indirect approach to combat, and with the general build I have for her, it feels good once I have all of her abilities working together. Not gonna lie though, it's a lot of setup for what it accomplishes.

I like the 2nd version of her rework that I wrote up today, better. It gets rid of unnecessary setup, helps Chaos perform its intended function, and ditches her half-and-half identity crisis between mind manipulation and psychic destruction, to go all-in on her mental warfare capability.

Cool thing is that it gives her new abilities. What sucks is that it gives her...well, new abilities. From what I can tell so far, DE likes changing numbers rather than making whole new abilities/animations. So for now, my hopes lie in wait behind the other four Nyx mains lol.

EDIT: I like running Adaptation for her Absorb rather Assimilate. Combined with Redirection and Arcane Aegis, and surprisingly enough it actually feels pretty good to use her 4 to charge up her defenses (my mind does a little dance whenever I see all those buffs stacking lol). Yes, it's nowhere near as tanky as Assimilate, but the freedom of mobility just makes it way too good not to use over Assimilate imo. Plus it holds up okay in Sortie as long as you make a half-assed effort to avoid enemy fire, so I've been doing just fine.

Edited by Blacky
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