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Orb Vallis Hunting


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The most broken and annoying open world garbage I've experienced. The Hunting alone is annoying as enemies have a fun tendency to spawn out of nowhere and kill the animal you want to hunt as well as spawn in extra enemies.
I'll start off from the beginning to the end of the end of the garbage execution of Hunting


The scat piles sometimes don't spawn when you go to their location and the game also likes to say that they are inside a cave sometimes but still doesn't spawn them so I end up getting annoyed for wasting my time then head off to a different spot only to experience the same thing. It doesn't spawn in. 

Next up, following the tracks (when you eventually find the scat pile) you'll sometimes notice the tracks have a seizure and go into each other and lead to nowhere most of the time. The amount of times my tracks lead into a wall or on the ceiling is aggravating.  

Then, when I eventually find an animal feeding pile, I use the lure, yada yada. When the time comes for the animal to spawn, it either takes forever, the animals don't spawn, the animals get killed or the animals fall out of the world or get stuck under/behind a rock


Have preset spawns, not random ones. Have better, outside, preset and more visible spawn locations for the animal scat. Don't make enemies so aggressive while hunting and don't have enemies spawn while hunting. Easy as that.

And before anyone goes and says "Oh just get better" I have put my time into this game. Max standing with Solaris. I put in hundreds of hours into Vallis alone and I'm really regretting it if I'm forced to play such a buggy mess

DE: It's not a bug, it's a feature

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31 minutes ago, -Prodygy- said:

the same thing happens to me, the mission of capturing 6 animals of nora, it is impossible to complete it, for all these errors, it also does not count for nightware, even so and got 2/6 but the hunt is fatal

I completed it a bit ago. I just ended up entering and leaving Orb Vallis about a billion times and then the spots started working


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I use Ivara because her sleep arrow doesn't produce noise and you don't have to be accurate if you have good range. The bird is the only creature that you can't use the sleep arrow on tho since it will sink into the mushroom. Then you have to wait till it wakes up and then you have to shoot it with a tranq. 



Loki trash

Edited by Phoenix42Lord42
Can't delete. Cool
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18 hours ago, hellodownthere said:

use Loki, not once has enemies killed the animal or me. I would say Ivara but IIRC the tranq produces noise.

I use Ivara because her sleep arrow doesn't produce noise and you don't have to be accurate if you have good range. The bird is the only creature that you can't use the sleep arrow on tho since it will sink into the mushroom. Then you have to wait till it wakes up and then you have to shoot it with a tranq

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On 2019-08-03 at 7:32 PM, etherghost said:

Yeah, it is broken on PC as well.  Either the animals don't actually show and then I get the Business telling me that they got away, or I hit them several different times and they don't fall asleep.  This is garbage.

Welcome to warframe 

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