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I would like to know how many of you actually like this game.


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Ever since I first saw the game, it became my dream third-person shooter along with Mass Effect.

Even though I've been playing for two years, there are many things to do to keep myself fun in times of "content drought" like making your own content to mess around which involves:

  • Looting the map
  • Stealth runs with silent weapons and no frames with anything related to Invisibility
  • Rebuilding weapons I sold before like the Drakgoon and Harpak
  • Finding any Caches I see regardless of team's opinion or on solo
  • Simulacrum AI battles or using Capture to examine enemy details (eh the Amalgam Alkonosts)
  • Most importantly, diversify loadouts that strays away from the more popular weapons/frames.
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I still play warframe without break from 2014, 2000 hours and still going

What I love from warframe is that there's no limit of how far you can push yourself and your power. You want to have a balance between survivability and power cast? You can. You want to be thanos that wipe a map with a snap? You have it. That makes warframe really different than any games you see because you're not limited

Now, not every negative post is bad, some of them are actual valid criticism and have suggestions on fixing it, but the rest? More often than not people asking something nonsensical like "endgame" but against any kind of change, or making it to be similar to other game with "trimmed numbers" and such

(DE shouldn't make any nerf, they should make actual endgame content. What the actual f is considered actual endgame content?)

And more than asking something nonsensical is outright complaining about something trivial or just complain over something that isn't a problem from the start that the solution is either reading a bit or getting good

Well, that's what human is, and internet is one place where you can complain and moan over small things and call others with names like snowflake or white knight if someone disagrees so don't overthink about it

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I dare you to make an imagination exercise and think of what Warframe would look like without people complaining. And also... anything else in life, because no, this has nothing to do with the "internet". 

Warframe is fun, but it had, has and will continue to have many issues. 

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Uh, do you get what the forums are for? They are for people to talk about stuff, most of the time people feel the need to talk because they find something they don't like, it actually shows how much people like the game that they are willing to come here and make a post about the issue, rather than just silently leaving the game. People are allowed to complain and discuss how something could be made better/different, don't claim they don't like the game because they want to change it.

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This game is honestly one of the very best out there, in my humble opinion.   DE puts a lot of love into the Warframe community (Which is one of the very best, by the way) and they get a lot of love back.  

With that being said, tough love is a thing, and people wouldn't spend their time criticizing something they absolutely hated on the forums of the game they supposedly hate.  I think it's just natural, honestly.

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What a lot of people like about Warframe is that it has the most exciting core gameplay of virtually any game made and it's all 100% optional based on your style of play. Maximum speed, maneuverability AND precision with guns, gundam flight and fights with archwings, hover board tricks, Metal Gear level stealthand even a heck of a stortline. It's a dream game actually...and that's the problem. It's human nature to crave more of such an addictive "drug". The game is more than half a decade old! If you started playing at 15 years old, you're 21 now! Think about that: the same game took you from kid to adult! With that much potential devotion, from DE and the players, it's expected that anyone would want to never let it end and always improve.

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I think most if not all game forums will be filled more with people who want to whinge about something they dont like than be informative or positive. I do my share too. But then it only represents a small fraction of player bases.

Fwiw i like this game a lot. Its positives imho outweigh negatives . it is what it is 🙂

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It depends on the context, but generally, I think the most constructive way you can use the forums is to point out certain flaws in the game and criticise it. It is for the betterment of the game. A forum post that kisses Digital Extreme's ass offers nothing useful to either the developer's nor the audience, so yeah, you usually won't be seeing praise here.

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1 hour ago, xxFalconArasxx said:

It depends on the context, but generally, I think the most constructive way you can use the forums is to point out certain flaws in the game and criticise it. It is for the betterment of the game. A forum post that kisses Digital Extreme's ass offers nothing useful to either the developer's nor the audience, so yeah, you usually won't be seeing praise here.

I know. However negative comments or "i hate this" type of threads are helluva lot more common and its nice once in a while to actually praise, even if its for something small.

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I enjoy the game for its mechanics only at this point its core game play loops are starting to show their age and DE's current plans don't align with my personal preferences. 


I like the games bullet jumps operator dashes and its handling of abilities but I only liked melee 2.0, 3.0 broke alot of hold up combos, the L3 combos are pretty much  undoable for me. 


As for the loop the go to missions collect the thing and build the thing is fine, but I'm getting to a point now where I don't have a use for them and having no way to convert them into resources I'd value is becoming a thing. Games like path of exile handle this well with its recipe system and ya can recycle and up cycle things. 

I joined  warframe 4 1/2 years ago for it's trials and corridor dungeony gameplay with an emphasis on coop, 3yrs later all I've done is play solo and I'm getting extremely bored and frustrated with de's choices. Eidolons were fun but not sustainable. I definitely won't be playing rail jack I hard dislike no man sky eve online style space stuff. I also hard dislike fashion frame and don't play games for their music or story. 

Edited by (PS4)FeFiFoeFlo
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The game is not perfect by any means, and I complain where I feel it could improve. And praise it where I already find it perfect.

That said, this game is 90% great and 10% bad and lazy imo. For context I was never a multiplayer guy. I always liked Single Players, tried Warframe once in 2014 because my PS4 was new but I had very few games and no PS+. Warframe was free to play, and free to play online. I didn't like it then, dropped it and came back 2 years later with a resolve to better understand it.

"Hey, if others can understand it and have fun why can't I?", and here we are today. Warframe is my main game and I play it mostly everyday. I'll eventually want to play other games, naturally, but if the wallet is a bit light I can freely say "No worries, I'll keep myself busy with Warframe until I can buy x". So in a sense Warframe has prevented me from spending money on gaming, or at least spend it out of "hype".

Of course the game can and will still improve, stuff changes and evolves. Both the game and the players, actually. From the fact that the game might change in such a way that a given group of players don't enjoy it anymore, or the players themselves burn themselves out and think in their frustration that since they dedicated themselves so much the game should bow down to their whims.

So I do like the game. Even though it still gets frustrating at times, even though I dislike some of the changes. But so far I learned to either learn about them and try to like them, or simply ignore them. If by any chance someday the game is changed in such a way I can't enjoy it at all I'll just drop it. Maybe some friendly feedback on what I think that failed, but never imposing my own will. Because what I dislike might be liked by others and vice-versa. And that in the end this a business and DE will pursue whatever is best for them in the end.

Can't please all, won't please all and mostly everyone ends up drawing the short straw and one point or another. And players should know that even if they dislike that truth.

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