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Loot UI bug in Gas City


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I've noticed this from Gas City Amalgam enemies only. Sometimes it happens when they drop a resource, it takes a mod appearance, but no mod picked up.

I made a video (sorry for low quality and that double cursor, it's my first time and I didn't bother making it properly, also due to lack of english language, because options in program I used were in english).

You can see 2 things:

1. Amalgam drops something that looks like a mod via Prowl, but it's Hexenon.

2. Then he gets killed and drops another 'mod', but it's Orokin Cell.

Happens with Amalgams from Secret Labs as well (those with orange doors).


You can see 2 things:

1. Amalgam drops something that looks like a mod via Prowl, but it's Hexenon.

2. Then he gets killed and drops another 'mod', but it's Orokin Cell.

Happens with Amalgams from Secret Labs as well (these with orange doors).

Edited by bl1te
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