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I've noticed a lot of quality of life updates recently and something that i feel is needed is the ability to mark favorite equipment so that it can't be sold.

Would be a nice addition to probably eliminate the chance of selling a warframe or a weapon by accident.


Marking equipment as favorite would be certainly good for sorting purposes. But I can't imagine how careless someone has to be to sell a frame or a weapon by accident, especially considering the fact that you have to select them by hand and confirm your action.


When you talk about 'selling items' do you trading with other players?

My main issue is when it comes to selling parts for ducats I can't remember exactly how much of everything I have. Hovering over any item should show all the associated parts and how many you own, whether they are blueprints or just parts. I think you only see how many associated parts you own when you look at the blueprint, and only if those parts have been built.


13 hours ago, zioxei said:

Marking equipment as favorite would be certainly good for sorting purposes. But I can't imagine how careless someone has to be to sell a frame or a weapon by accident, especially considering the fact that you have to select them by hand and confirm your action.

Not necessarily careless, only because you've never experienced that problem before doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

But i really don't see any cons to it only pros


11 hours ago, TheMostFrench said:

When you talk about 'selling items' do you trading with other players?

My main issue is when it comes to selling parts for ducats I can't remember exactly how much of everything I have. Hovering over any item should show all the associated parts and how many you own, whether they are blueprints or just parts. I think you only see how many associated parts you own when you look at the blueprint, and only if those parts have been built.


When i talk about selling items i mean for credits. 

For example when you start selling all those oberon or harrow parts.

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