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please, what is Wolf of Saturn 6 spawn rate now, during Night Wave season 2?

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please, what is Wolf of Saturn 6 spawn rate now, during Night Wave season 2?

DE said it is still around, but neither me or my friends have seen him since the end of Night Wave Series 1. So, we started wondering if its spawn rate is really smal (infinitesimal) or if because of Night Wave Season 2, he isn't spawning.


Thank you

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4 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

2% on missions below lv 20 and 6% above lv 20 is the normal rate

Wasn't that the normal rate *last* season of Nightwave?  I'm not sure that the Wolf naturally spawns at all right now.  People saying they've seen him could have been teamed with someone who used a beacon and didn't realize that's what happened.  I mean, I don't know for sure he *isn't,* but the current storyline is all about Arlo.

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Wolf Beacons are too expensive at 50 creds a pop. Especially if the drop rates on the mask and Wolf Sledge parts are unchanged from last season.

EDIT: I actually do have the mask and weapon from him. I'm mostly speaking on behalf of those who weren't as fortunate. 

Edited by (NSW)Ace-Bounty-Hunter
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First, you have to sign into each type of Warframe available (PC, PS4, XBOX, SWITCH). Then you have to do the Dark Sector on Jupiter while also getting a Nora Nightwave finished. As soon as you get her to appear, do the Wolf Howl Emote.

After this, do 25 melee finishers on each account and find at least one Ayatan Star or Scupture in the level. Fall off a ledge to get your Warframe to rise and the Wolf will come to fight you.


Or you can get a Wolf Beacon and drop it in a mission.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Dishinshoryuken said:


First, you have to sign into each type of Warframe available (PC, PS4, XBOX, SWITCH). Then you have to do the Dark Sector on Jupiter while also getting a Nora Nightwave finished. As soon as you get her to appear, do the Wolf Howl Emote.

After this, do 25 melee finishers on each account and find at least one Ayatan Star or Scupture in the level. Fall off a ledge to get your Warframe to rise and the Wolf will come to fight you.


Or you can get a Wolf Beacon and drop it in a mission.

You forgot the part where you go to the castle fountain and read the plaque which says "L is Real 2401" to unlock Luigi as a playable character.

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