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Players able to get outside the map in Lephantis assassination mission


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As the title says i was running some Lephantis farm and I've discovered by case that, after completing the fight and while taking the elevator, the player is capable of getting outside the map by performing a bullet-jump through the ceiling as the elevator reaches the upper floor. The elevator has some overgrowth before the ceiling which makes the bug somewhat hard to replicate but if the player were to thread the needle through the two golden rings (which only took me ~6 attempts to replicate) it has a 100% success rate.

In addition to that I've noticed that if the player were to fall back in the map bounds and get himself stuck in the cylindrical slot of the "cone-shaped" decoration placed on the ceiling of the upper corridor and used /unstuck he would get teleported back in the elevator shaft at ground level while the elevator platform would be at the upper level, leaving him pretty much soft-locked. I am uncertain whether or not the behavior of /unstuck was a rare occur but i thought I'd mention it.

I include a imgur album with some screenshots, including the rough area of where the player must bullet-jump. https://imgur.com/a/npK9ZhS

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