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The key is created and automatically disappears when I'm in a clan.


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I apologize in advance, I use a translator. It was like this. I started creating the key and left the clan. At this time, the forge did not display the creation of the key and I thought that it was canceled automatically. But as soon as I entered the new clan creation continued. I was glad and left the game. The next day, thinking I had a key, I tried to enter the dojo. But I did not have the key and craft was not displayed in the forge. Happened so, that the key as only over good craft automatically has vanished. Because I started his craft, sitting in another clan. Happened is very disappointing, because I no longer had morfed for the key, and I was hoping that today I'll have the key. Because of this bug I lost 1 day and 1 morphids that I no longer. I ask you to automatically cancel the crafting of the key when leaving the clan and not to give false hope to players.
PS to write this I was faced with many challenges. Here is a wrong link to the forum: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200039839-Contacting-Customer-Service
Here is the correct: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203729140-How-can-I-report-a-bug-
Also, if before going to the forum people are already logged in, like me, on the forum he won't be allowed to enter. The link at the top right "log in" on this forum I was forwarded to the main website of warframe, where I was already authorized. I had to go through another browser. Also very it's a shame, that not all on forum translated. Even the top panel of the site with links remains in English when you change the language.
Thank you for your attention!

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