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Weird Equilibrium Mod Bug


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Hello Tennos!

Yesterday i was farming Lephantis for Nekros parts and got some mods aswell. And today i was looking through my mod list and saw this odd bug



As you can see, one of the Equilibrium mod does not cost as much endo and credits to max as the other Equilibrium mods. I rarely use this mod since i use Energy/Health pizzas instead. So is this a bug or have you guys seen something like this before with other mods?

Have a great day Tenno!

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Just now, AndouRaiton said:

It's a FLAWED equilibrium, you get it from killing Vor in Vor's prize, which is why it costs less, has less ranks and a weaker effect.

That might be it! I still have a flawed Fast Deflection but that one says it's flawed. Almost forgot Flawed mods still existed 😄

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am 11.8.2019 um 07:56 schrieb AndouRaiton:

It's a FLAWED equilibrium, you get it from killing Vor in Vor's prize, which is why it costs less, has less ranks and a weaker effect.

Doesn't say "flawed", that's why its confusing. Should be fixed to have the "flawed mod" cracks.

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