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Curious damages


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I started getting interest in Damage Calculation (made my own formula).
But when I started experiencing on a poor Corrupted Ancient level 100 on Simulacrum with my Lanka (because it has 100% Electrical damage part), things flew weird.
I first modded it with only an Unranked Serration (+15% Base Damage), then shot* on the Ancient's body part (the 1x Multiplier).
Time came to try it with a Specific Damage mod, such as an Elemental mod : Unranked Stormbringer (+15% Electricity), shooting sequence*, screenshots.

*Of course I shot around 50 times for each mod. I also ran the same instance of Simulacrum, since You need to reload it to make Madurai's passives effective.

The stats are below (exact number is 603.75, dunno why it rounds differently).
But damage on target are Top-left corners, and as you can see, 12 points of damage are missing.
That may be ridiculously Nothing, but it is still a math error; Remember : my Lanka was ONLY modded by these.

Thanks for the reading. Tell me if this post should belong in the PC Bugs section.

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4 часа назад, Sol-styx сказал:

I also ran the same instance of Simulacrum, since You need to reload it to make Madurai's passives effective.

I didn't understand this part, but it gave me a thought about actually your Madurai passives. Have you deactivated them before shooting? Maybe they mess things up because of one being +physical damage and another being +elemental damage?

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Il y a 8 heures, bl1te a dit :

I didn't understand this part, but it gave me a thought about actually your Madurai passives. Have you deactivated them before shooting? Maybe they mess things up because of one being +physical damage and another being +elemental damage?

I Indeed have done tests with Madurai passives.
Results are that I hit around 722 with, and screenshots are without.

For the "reload" part, Simulacrum is somehow glitchy when it comes to introduce new Non-Equipment passives, so you have to exit Simulacrum, then re-enter to get the damage boost.

"Maybe they mess things up because of one being +physical damage and another being +elemental damage?" Nope, because Lanka.

Edited by Sol-styx
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It's Madurai I guess. It's elemental bonus is additive alongside other elemental buffing mods.

Basically it should look like this... I think. 


(Base damage*(Serration15%+1))*(Madurai passive +1)




Base damage*(Stormbringer15%+ Madurai passive +1)


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1 minute ago, Sol-styx said:

Read my last post again.

Apologies. Your thread becomes convoluted with the addition of Madurai, and at a simple glance it's not easy to tell what is and what isn't with the bonus, especially when you don't say it isn't with the bonus in the OP, despite mentioning it.

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