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Hystrix & Elemental Damage


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I'm here again trying some Hystrix after I found [Fire Damage] on my Riven.

The result of this change is that I produce [Gas Damage] when I use Poison Quills, but nothing change when I use Ice or Electric Quills.

How Hystrix should work? Probably it should mix elements even with other Quills but actually only first one (Toxin) is coded properly so I'm here to report it as bug.

Thanks and have fun.

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The Hystrix is working as intended. 

"Quill elements are not affected by elemental mods of different elements. For example, using Mod TT 20pxJolt with the Fire Quill will not combine to either deal Radiation b Radiation damage or a Radiation proc, even when both the Heat b Heat and Electricity b Electricity procs occur simultaneously.

  • However, elemental mods of the same type will combine. For example, using Mod TT 20pxScorch with the Fire Quill will add to the guaranteed Heat b Heat proc's damage over time as if Scorch were a base damage mod.
    • Elemental mods of the same type will still combine even when paired with a different elemental mod too. For example, using Mod TT 20pxScorch and Mod TT 20pxJolt with the Fire Quill will add to the guaranteed Heat b Heat proc's damage over time as if Scorch were a base damage mod, though Jolt will not be factored into the damage."

Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Hystrix

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