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I got this bug when i was playing doing sortie and stuff, suddenly i crashed. Tried re-opening Warframe, then a message popped up like this:


Update failed!

The contents servers are temporarily unavailabe


The update will be restarted shortly...


I thought its just some random bug that always happens, but no... i usually can fix most of the bugs in warframe, but this one bug i dont know how to fix it, i tried many ways from youtube, forums, and others. Im having this problem for 5 days so far, i hope i can get any help soon. Sad on missing some events that warframe offered to us and i can't get them (like baro). I would highly appreciate the support.



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yeah... i think the update process rendered the game fubar... never found out how exactly that can happen, but to some people it happens sometimes to others even regulary... i'm pretty sure it has multiple factors playing together (and running background processes are very likely being a major factor here).

in any case, there are several methods already described in the forum over the many years this happen, so start reading through them and test them. you shouldn't do anything to the installation at this point, or you'll just end up reinstalling the game  (which, if you have a good bandwidth might be still the fastest way to solve this ^^)

my first try whenever i got such error is deleting/moving/renaming the the two config files, the EE.cfg (which is more or less of no importance for the seemingly launcher probelm, but just to be sure, do it too) and the launcher config file named 'settings' - no extentions with this one... it's in the subfolder with the long, hexadecimal name where the EE.cfg also is stored.

i guess you already checked for any network related issues on your end already (and no, just because you have internet connectivity doesn't mean there can't be any issue leading to connection problems to the login server) - so if you have an exotic network setup or did some changes in hard or software and/or network settings (router, firewall, NAT-settings etc...), you probably should look into this changes again.

oh, and DON'T do any verification from steam (if you use it) - if you do or did, you'll end up (again) with reinstalling the game... verifying via the launcher setting is ok though - and while in there, you might want to play around with the settings there too - especially the directX settings were sources or problems and also solutions in the past (though they had this fixed last year afair).

and one more thing...you might want deactivate discord and any other overlaying program until the update problem is fixed - those 'addons' sure are some of "those" above mentioned factors - not only in warframe, but in other games too... so remove or at least stop them until warframe is running correctly again.

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