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Get Rhino Early? Yeah Right!


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So everyone said the second frame you should build is Rhino as soon as you finish Venus, but Rhino's materials aren't gained till way later. I'm only wrighting to ask if there are ways to get him early and if not inform new players so they are not as dissapointed as I was.

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I faced the same problem years ago. Which materials, exactly? Neural sensors? Because that's needed for most neuroptics out there.

Ask a fellow player in recruit to take you to Jupiter Assassination and you'll be set for the rest of the game, regarding absolute need for carry.

Edited by (PS4)Hikuro-93
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Rhino needs:

  • Alloy Plates (Venus)
  • Morphics (Mercury)
  • Polymer (Venus, Mercury)
  • Rubedo (Earth)
  • Ferrite (Earth, Mercury)
  • Salvage  (Mars)
  • Plastids (Cetus T1 Bounty, Phobos)
  • Control Module (while Archwing Quest)

So Mars is still pretty early compared to other frames who need Neural Sensors from Jupiter

Just now, Ham_Grenabe said:

I think I just bought the sensors from the market when I saw the situation. 

Rhino doesn't need Neural Sensors...that's why many people do say he is some good early frame

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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You can ask to get taxied to where the materials come from. You can get everything you need from Earth, Venus, Mercury, but you also need Gallium, salvage (both on Mars), a control module (very common in the Void) and Plastids (Phobos). You're actually pretty close to being able to build him, but you have to fight through Mercury, Mars, Phobos, and get to the first void node. In the process you'll get all you need.

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3 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

Rhino needs:

  • Alloy Plates (Venus)
  • Morphics (Mercury)
  • Polymer (Venus, Mercury)
  • Rubedo (Earth)
  • Ferrite (Earth, Mercury)
  • Salvage  (Mars)
  • Plastids (Cetus T1 Bounty, Phobos)
  • Control Module (while Archwing Quest)

So Mars is still pretty early compared to other frames who need Neural Sensors from Jupiter

Rhino doesn't need Neural Sensors...that's why many people do say he is some good early frame

That's seriously weird. Did he used to need them (like, 3-4 years ago)? I know there was an early frame that I got held up on by Neural Sensors.

Maybe it was Frost. 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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6 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

That's seriously weird. Did he used to need them (like, 3-4 years ago)? I know there was an early frame that I got held up on by Neural Sensors.

Same here. Granted, I got him back in Starchart 1.0 but I think he DID use to need neural sensors.
Also. Tbh I'd say not to farm bounties for resources unless you want to get a burn out from the game during your first weeks in it. Plastids (200) drop from stage 1 (20%) and stage 2 (15%), and you need at least 3 of these rewards to get enough (600) plastids for the warframe.

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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You think thats bad.... (it actually is bad).... Chroma's Worse....

You get his parts from Junctions.... LOOOOOOOOOOONG Before you are able to craft him.... and then you think to yourself...".hmmmmm.... I need Credits.... let me sell this Chroma Chassis...."

And just like that....No Chroma for you... and how many years did it take for DE to finally address this problem ? 

Also doesn't Rhino need Nano Spores ? 

In any case you can aquire NanoSpores without making it to Saturn... if you can make it to The Stolen Dreams quest you'l have access to the derelict without needing a key via the Ayatan Treasure Hunts.... technically you can also reach the void this way but im pretty sure you would have already unlocked it by the time Stolen Dreams is available....


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39 minutes ago, Ham_Grenabe said:

That's seriously weird. Did he used to need them (like, 3-4 years ago)? I know there was an early frame that I got held up on by Neural Sensors.

It was Rhino, then DE changed for him to need Neurodes instead.

Because neural Sensors are only avalible in Jupiter at the earliest.

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2 hours ago, AlexDr04 said:

So everyone said the second frame you should build is Rhino as soon as you finish Venus, but Rhino's materials aren't gained till way later. I'm only wrighting to ask if there are ways to get him early and if not inform new players so they are not as dissapointed as I was.

Join clan.  Get fast-tracked.  It’s a thing.

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7 hours ago, AlexDr04 said:

So everyone said the second frame you should build is Rhino as soon as you finish Venus, but Rhino's materials aren't gained till way later. I'm only wrighting to ask if there are ways to get him early and if not inform new players so they are not as dissapointed as I was.

It is possible. The latest thing you have to get is a control module.

Which you can either get taxi'd to the void or just finish phobos.

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7 hours ago, AlexDr04 said:

So everyone said the second frame you should build is Rhino as soon as you finish Venus, but Rhino's materials aren't gained till way later. I'm only wrighting to ask if there are ways to get him early and if not inform new players so they are not as dissapointed as I was.

He's typically the second frame in the progression that you can get all the blueprints for. 

The early progression is Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Phobos. Rhino is a good generalist frame, perhaps too good. 

7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

You shouldn't be disappointed. Rhino is a crutch that teaches new players bad habits. You'll do fine without him.

He is a crutch, but sometimes people who are weak need to use a crutch until they are able to learn to walk on their own. Yeah "sink or swim" is a very effective strategy for getting people to get better faster, but I don't agree that he teaches bad habits. He is just more forgiving of our bad habits. 

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7 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

You shouldn't be disappointed. Rhino is a crutch that teaches new players bad habits. You'll do fine without him.

Sorry but I just don't agree with that at all. Rhino is a very tanky frame that everyone should have early in the game. He allows you to participate in sorties etc. without being a drag on the group until you learn more about things.

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50 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

He is a crutch, but sometimes people who are weak need to use a crutch until they are able to learn to walk on their own. Yeah "sink or swim" is a very effective strategy for getting people to get better faster, but I don't agree that he teaches bad habits. He is just more forgiving of our bad habits. 

Eh. The fact that you can ignore door lasers, knockdowns and damage teaches bad habits imo, as you end up hurting the team by running right through doors and you don't learn how effective parkour is at avoiding damage. There are crucial parts of the gameplay that Rhino neglects.

40 minutes ago, cmacq said:

Rhino is a very tanky frame 

That's why he's a crutch.

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8 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

You shouldn't be disappointed. Rhino is a crutch that teaches new players bad habits. You'll do fine without him.

Yup. Rhino is a crutch. 100% agree. He trivializes the whole star chart,to OP, needs nerf.... 

So nerf Mesa! /s j/k (nudge nudge) lol



Edited by (XB1)SixGunLove
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21 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Eh. The fact that you can ignore door lasers, knockdowns and damage teaches bad habits imo, as you end up hurting the team by running right through doors and you don't learn how effective parkour is at avoiding damage. There are crucial parts of the gameplay that Rhino neglects.

That's why he's a crutch.

Oh but newbs do all of those things on their own. I was yelled at by a newb doing spy in Chroma who kept insisting that he would do A and that everyone should stay away. So I held back until he tripped the alarms and then bullet jumped through all the lasers and barriers. He blamed me, but I explained that I didn't move until he tripped the alarm, and that he was just slow. 

Then we moved to B and repeated the sequence. He started cussing, so I told him where he could get off and left the squad. If he wasn't a toxic punk, I would have been happy to give him pointers on how to get through it without the brute force, but he figured he already knew all there was to know. 

I didn't intend go in with a Rhino, I was invited to the mission by another newb that I have helped in the past. I went in blind, but Rhino's kit allowed me to go all out where others would have had to tread more carefully. 

Oh did I mention that I popped an air support to give him a chance to get through it after tripping that first alarm? Didn't help. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


Oh there's certainly a place for Rhino, and there are certainly newer players who make you want to bang a head against a wall.

I just personally feel a lot more can be learnt about the game by not playing Rhino, as opposed to... you know... playing Rhino.

If players need him, by all means, but I think you're holding yourself back.

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I honestly don't think Rhino's a Crutch....

That specific honor goes to *Wukong....

Rhino is actually good.... only reason I don't reccomend him until later on is because he's such an Energy Whore....

Iron Skin isn't a crutch.... It falls off way too easily to be a crutch.... 

Edit: sorry... meant to say Inaros... not Wukong. 

Edited by Lutesque
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