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Not interested in new frames....


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you know why? because at this point new frames are just props, they don't have any lore or meaning behind them, Im sorry DE, I want to care for this new frames but you are giving nothing here but props, at this point just released then a new props because that's what they are.

There is a disconnection on what is important on warframe and has been for a while, I love this game universe but i can't be invested on it, if you dont give me, give us a reason to care, so whats the point of releasing new mods,frames or weapons? what is? when at the end will be using them to do the same stuff, nothing has changed, when Steve was asked about the quest for the new frames and he made that sound, I die a little inside, better graphics are not going to sustain the game Steve, the games looks good so what? its like a plastic cherry pie, its looks good but that's it, there is nothing to feel invested when new stuff is released, nothing.

Edited by -NightmareMoon-
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What you're experiencing is a symptom of last year's "content drought." 

They pledged at the end of 2018 that they had 6 frames ready to drop on us to keep us distracted while they made real content... that always meant they were going to be filler frames without much lore.

If we're being honest though I don't think all frames should have quest lore or anything like that - in fact I would argue it was a mistake to give ANY frames quests because now it's almost an unspoken expectation that frames drop with lore or story... and with a roster the size of Warframe's, they can't meet that expectation.  Don't get me wrong, the stories have been great - but now we face exactly what you say, some frames have alot more intent and purpose behind them in terms of story.

I think many vets, myself included, find the majority of our investment in the actual gameplay and our accounts, more so than the universe surrounding it.  Warframe isn't the type of game I would recommend to a story gamer who is only invested in that way.  Especially with the long delays between updates, and especially lore updates.  You almost have to forget there even is a universe at some point and just play to play.  Otherwise you are stuck in a rut of waiting months for a tinge of satisfaction.    

Edited by (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z
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This. ^

I am happy to see new frames, don't get me wrong, but what happened to the Quests and Lores?

I keep getting told that this needs more work and less content, but is this really any content at all?

No worldbuilding? No important NPC's?

Instead we get new frames which of course are fun to play but connection to the world itself not exists.

Same goes for Nightwave, those little side storys basicly are not existent, Nora is a uninteressign character and feels like a dumbed down Lotus replacemant.

Those Open world Areas we do meaningless bountys without much story and then those worlds are tossed aside again to make room for the next big thing, why not expand on it and put actual content in it? I know this game grows but this all feels following a dumb trend.

Open world as example i never liked as example, there are good games of course with Open world but most end up, big empty maps wtih nothing much to do with it, all peple care about is map size and how big a update is, while the game itself barely changes.

I want the old Warframe back, looking forward to new Quests, new frames with actual lore behind them, now i basically just collect action figures that sit in my arsenal/shelf and get dust on, as said new frames are fun still but the speed and the amount they get released hurts the game, no building up, just equipment after equipment that outdates things way to fast.

Edited by Marine027
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24 minutes ago, (PS4)Zuzu_with_a_Z said:

What you're experiencing is a symptom of last year's "content drought." 

They pledged at the end of 2018 that they had 6 frames ready to drop on us to keep us distracted while they made real content... that always meant they were going to be filler frames without much lore.

If we're being honest though I don't think all frames should have quest lore or anything like that - in fact I would argue it was a mistake to give ANY frames quests because now it's almost an unspoken expectation that frames drop with lore or story... and with a roster the size of Warframe's, they can't meet that expectation.  Don't get me wrong, the stories have been great - but now we face exactly what you say, some frames have alot more intent and purpose behind them in terms of story.

I think many vets, myself included, find the majority of our investment in the actual gameplay and our accounts, more so than the universe surrounding it.  Warframe isn't the type of game I would recommend to a story gamer who is only invested in that way.  Especially with the long delays between updates, and especially lore updates.  You almost have to forget there even is a universe at some point and just play to play.  Otherwise you are stuck in a rut of waiting months for a tinge of satisfaction.    

im sorry, but writing some text does not take long. 

take mag primes codex entry for example. its one of the coolest pieces of lore in this game. all de has to do is actually care. its not even them not having writers, cus they very much do. they were bragging about hiring one not that long ago. 

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36 minutes ago, -NightmareMoon- said:

because at this point new frames are just props, they don't have any lore or meaning behind them

Reminds me of 2013-2014... seems normal. In any case, while I won't deny I would like frames to have some lore behind them, I get why DE needed to really tone it down/stop at this point. If anything, a Codex Fragments-style would suffice.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)GaussPrime said:

Not for me 😤 they'd probably do it by searching even more fragments and scanning them.. I hate that 😤 

I also hate reading 😤

Me want spoken lore!

Would Revenant's approach suffice? You don't have to scan fragments, you get them almost automatically as you play his quest. So maybe get fragments as you level up the new frames at certain levels.

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Can't say I agree.  I mean, would I like to know the origins of the frames i'm using? sure.  Would I like a trailer showing off my favorite frames in their glory ala prime trailers?  Absolutely.  But neither things are staying points for me.  DE is working on an over arching story line with the big cinematic quests.  Which more than enough quenches my desire for story.  And I can always go look at DK if I want more lore theories/tidbits.

What I care more about is gameplay.  What's fun to do is what gets me to come back.  I actually haven't been playing much WF this nightwave despite it being infested themed just because I couldn't be bothered to play the same stuff over and over.  Big new content pieces and warframes are what bring me back.  (and fashion obv.)  Both of the new frames look fun and actually rather unique compared to some not too distant releases in the past several months.  Wisp alone regenerated my love for playing with builds.  So I am 100% interested in them.

And i'd rather DE keep finding new ways for me to play the game/add new content in rather than go heavy on the lore outside the quests.  The only thing I could tollerate over new content would be big changes/updates to core systems.  You revamp mission structure/enemy AI?  I'm there in a heartbeat.

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As a former vet and elitist from other games, I urge all vets to take a step back and breathe. 


You already made it. Bask in your glory, take pride in what you've earned and have some fun playing around. I wish I had half the stuff you guys have now lol.

Edited by (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu
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DE has indeed given up on the lore part of the frames , 

It feels like they have lost the passion for world building around frames and now it's just a chore with no benefit, so why do it at all?  

Garuda, baruuk, hildryn were possibly the most poorly introduced frames in the game, 

I would rather have a properly fleshed out frame than one slapped together just to keep the players occupied. 


I am greatly disappointed with the direction for frame introduction recently. 

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Ok, what's Excalibur's lore?

Nyx's? Nekros?

Where did Wukong wukome from?


If we're being really honest, most frames don't have lore. Even the frames with quests don't - Harrow himself has almost no connection to the quest he's in, since Rell is the Main Character of CoH. Inaros might have been the God-King of Baro's people, but it's Baro who's the main event of that story. Octavia is a Warframe who happens to be related to Suda, but Suda is the one we learn about. And all these characters are side characters to us - we don't really learn much about them.

The side-stories have been on Fortuna, Cetus and Nightwave of late, and whilst not directly connected to us,  do expand the world. I really like how most of the random Nightwave transmissions have absolutely nothing to do with us. That builds more world than any event we directly take part in. Knowing that there are Rail Pirates going around, about the haulers and the weird cults that crop up... all the Grineer defectors that aren't automatically Heroic. The little stories like Legs's desires to become a ventkid, and his acceptance by Boon and the others - and Roky's mixed feelings. These aren't our story - they're the stories of the world. That's what worldbuilding is.


I do agree that items should have more lore, but I think that's honestly a job for the Codex. Pulling a trick from Destiny 2 and adding lore tabs to upgraded variants once you acquire them, or for particularly special items like the Daily Tribute weapons or quest items. Imagine pulling up the Prisma Tetra or Dera Vandal entries and gaining insight into the deep infighting between Corpus production companies.

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I hardly doubt doing a story for every frame is a) worth the effort, b) is even healthy for the universe.

Remember such game called Overwatch? That one has a story for every hero in it. Which totally doesn't help it not to be vomit-inducing family-friendly rainbow-colored carnival for children under the age of 12, with every new hero story causing the world to be less integral and less believable.

Proper universe should focus on the worldbuilding, not on silly superhero stories. Nothing wrong with having them for some most outstanding frames like Umbra or Gara, but some frames just exist as a part of the world, and their visual style and abilities can be enough to tell about them.

However this approach to the universe makes it possible to create some really important lore - about factions, characters of the past and the present, that's why in Chains of Harrow we are told about Rell - the founder of Red Veil, but not about some poor cultist who happened to be transformed into his warframe.

By the way,

1 час назад, Loza03 сказал:

Octavia is a Warframe who happens to be related to Suda, but Suda is the one we learn about.

We actually learn something important about her. Octavia was the coordinator during the Tenno betrayal. Apart from being a part of cephalon creation process, her music was a signal for them to begin killing the Orokin, a lore wide enough for a frame imo.

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4 hours ago, -NightmareMoon- said:

better graphics are not going to sustain the game Steve, the games looks good so what? 

You say that but I still have the bug where some rooms just become a void until you walk through the door and finally see what's on the other side. But the room you just came from looks like a void as well. And besides, there are a lot of visual bugs and a lot of clipping when it comes to some things (in game/enemy clipping doesn't count Cu its normal sort of)

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20 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

Remember such game called Overwatch? That one has a story for every hero in it. Which totally doesn't help it not to be vomit-inducing family-friendly rainbow-colored carnival for children under the age of 12, with every new hero story causing the world to be less integral and less believable.

I think it's more the former than the latter. With enough work, you could make it so that the heroes all have distinct personalities. The Archie Sonic comics managed it pretty well, although admittedly they had much more time to do it. I'd put more blame on the 'Destiny effect'. Lore: Fun, interesting, and good. In-game characterisation? Bland and one-note. 

Take the most recent hero, Sigma. In his announcement, he's portrayed as this broken man - shattered by his own experiments. Struggling with several fractured parts of himself, he is unaware of his actions as a monstrous killer. In-game? Cocky science guy number... three? I think? Technically four if you count Sombra and her hacking stuff? Except he comments about music sometimes. I get that action lines can't get across as much as a cinematic short, but they could definitely do more with the concept. And I reckon it's the whole 'characters have to be nice to each other' thing. Especially his whole 'violent sociopath' side, it just doesn't fit with that. and it's a shame.

44 minutes ago, ant99999 said:

We actually learn something important about her. Octavia was the coordinator during the Tenno betrayal. Apart from being a part of cephalon creation process, her music was a signal for them to begin killing the Orokin, a lore wide enough for a frame imo.

I suppose, although it's still not really her story. Suda and Ordis are definitely the main protagonists of it.

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I moved over to the Prime schedule...

Tossed all my non-primes and the game was pretty fun just being forced to use year 1-2 frames...But I did missed Ivara..so I made a new one...and a couple of the new frames have been crafted like Khora and Revenant due to just getting all the parts and Cephalon Samaris having something to dump standing into..But I find myself ready to toss them out again (Except Ivara until her Prime drops)

I've just reached the point where if they show up..they show up...For example take Hyldryn...Don't care..If I get a 75% coupon and I have the plat to burn I'll pick her up..or when I finally get around to her boss fight..then sure...I'll craft her, level her to 30 and If I don't feel anything clicking she's on the dust bin...

Wisp...she actually had a fair farm that was not hidden behind a whole bunch of standing in some obscure syndicate that I have to get to eventually while I'm still messing around with the prior obscure syndicate on earth...

I'm not mad at DE..but I'm just sorta like whatever I'm having fun still and....if it happens it happens which is so unlike me  from like three years ago where I had to have every frame and every weapon...Which was a waste of time....but that's how it goes...


Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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It's because lore is something on the side, most people care about warframe for the gameplay which new frames introduce regardless of whether they have lore behind them or not.  It's better to have a new frame with no lore then to have no new frame and no new lore as well, which is the alternative.  Something people complain about is lack of new content, well, new frames are new content.  End of story.  

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Design in powers and the look are nothing special...there is much more  different directions that they can go,and I just don't understand why they are not. For example demon,vampire dark power or ninja samurai with whip melee power and tricks that they can have that we don't have in the game... Or imagine something totally different like some beast master. And its not fear for some reason DE is creating female frames much better from male frames in every possible way.... example if we have 25 female frame only 1 or 2 are bad but in look or power but not bout,but for male frame if we have 25 male frame half or little more are bad not in just powers but in look a the same time. That is why 1 of more reasons why Excalibur is the best,not because he is first...but because he look normal/good and he have fun powers. And we just need more in good direction,we have bad enough and we just don't need more like those. Can you remember some new male frames that you can say wow for cool powers and look design,of course not....but for female frames you can say that they are all good. Sometimes we don't care about frame quest as long he is interested to play with him for a long run,and that every new frame need to bee better from the old ones... then you will have reason to playe more. Because we don't care about Excalibur that dont have quest, but he is top frame to playe with so we are not thinking about that much... is better to have cool frame then bad 1 with some random looking qust on him.

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43 минуты назад, Loza03 сказал:

I think it's more the former than the latter. With enough work, you could make it so that the heroes all have distinct personalities. The Archie Sonic comics managed it pretty well, although admittedly they had much more time to do it. I'd put more blame on the 'Destiny effect'. Lore: Fun, interesting, and good. In-game characterisation? Bland and one-note. 

What you say is also true but it's more a problem of a particular universe. What I was trying to point out is a bit different.

I might very possibly be biased towards games that have some details I hate (Destiny and Overwatch being the examples), hence my exaggerated characteristic of the game, but there's clearly an issue with hero-based games, that happens to be clearly noticeable in Overwatch.

When you intent your game to be revolving around a crowd of playable heroes, you want to make them as diverse in their characters as possible. But when trying to differentiate them from one another most games end up making each of the characters absurd or even vulgar to an extent so they could squeeze more personalities inbetween the existing ones later.

The example that's coming to mind is Winston, who is a "polite outside, barbaric within" kind of character. But to diversify him further from the other characters and leave a spot for another possible character with similar personaliry they had to make him an intelligent gorilla-scientist.

Now, some other games that have similar concept in their base typically approach it with a bit of irony. For example in Super Monday Night Combat game there was also an intelligent gorilla named Cheston (who Winston was most likely plagiated from, but it is more a topic about Blizzard's ethics). But there the whole game concept was built on adsurdity boosted to an extreme (there was Leonardo da Vinci as a playable character for instance). This to an extent helped to smooth the issue.

Overwatch on the other hand tries hard to appear as a serious game with some morals to teach. But considering the vulgarity of its characters, the world degrades into a farce where the relationship between opressed sapient robots and humans is dramatically decided by two girls in tight colorful leggings, one of which got mad about her fear of spiders and the other is a product of a failed time travel.

Warframe is already positioned as a fairly dark world, where billions once died and the humanity is on the brink of extinction. Following the easy way and introducing distinct personalities like we see in Overwatch will lead to the same problem of absurd condradictions in setting. And choosing the hard one and writing deep and worked through characters is simply not worth it, especially for a small company like DE.

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