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my fears on cross save when/if it ever happens


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so when i started warframe i played on xbox and throughout the years i have gotten many exclusives on xbox the anniversary noggles for xbox, tennocon 2016 syandana, tennocon 2017 poster and some of the emblems from past operations and my horrid monstrosities of pets when cats were first introduced. But i also have many other things on pc, operation emblems and many other thing but when it comes to them i have sunk many hours and money into them both and would hope/wish that i could merge them into one account and could keep both my xbox and pc inventories but i feel like that's highly unlikely to those of you who have multiple accounts what's your opinion on cross save and what would you do 

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First off. This isn't something they're going to force on people, you would have to specifically choose to link your accounts together, they don't have psychic powers to know that "(XB1)CryHard001" is also "(PC)Toxic_Prime" unless the user specifically tells them and links those accounts together.

Second. Almost every game that is going this rout has a "upload" system. For instance in Destiny 2, in order to migrate your ps4 account over to pc, you're going to have to go into options and actually select a feature named "Cross save" which will upload your save to other platforms. You will have to do this. Every. Time. So if you upload your save to pc because you're going out of town for a few weeks, you'll have to reupload from your pc and download on your ps4 when you get home. 

Third. It's about 90% likely that this is only in game content, your focus level, your unlocked warframes, weapons, mastery stats, things like that..... I strongly doubt that any cosmetics are going to migrate except for those which are made by DE, mostly those that are unlocked by game play... so emblems and such will probably stay where ever you earned them...While I would like them to just kinda combine all your profiles into one big stew, so that if you had a maxed serration on all platforms for instance, you'd end up with just one account with four serrations.... im not sure how they're going to manage that....

Probably they're going to be embedding tags into each mod with a specific designation to prevent item duplication...

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