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Smeeta and Adarza Kavats for sale~ one beautiful tufted ear/ leaf tail Smeeta ~


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Smeeta Kavat: (Ellie) Fennec Fox Head, Guppy (Beta) tail. Colors: Hexis Black, Mesa Yellow, Asteroid Grey, Dragonlily Pink, Yellow energy. Asking 120 plat for the set.



~~~~SOLD~~~~Smeeta Kavat: (Francine) Smeeta: PC: Tufted ears/ leaf tail. Colors: Anti Moa Purple, Loka Brown, Dragonlily Pink, Mesa Yellow. Her energy is a bright Green Asking 130 plat for the set of both imprints.



Adarza Kavat: (Bob) I am unsure of the colors because when I made the imprints I did not yet know how to discover what they were. However this kavat has ball ears and a mermaid tail. I believe he has cyan energy but am uncertain. Because I cannot tell you the colors for certain I am selling the set for 60 plat.



Adarza Kavat: (Charlie) I am unsure of the colors because when I made the imprints I did not yet know how to discover what they were. However this kavat has a Persian head and arrow tail. I believe he has yellow energy. Because I cannot tell you the colors I am selling the set for 20 plat.




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