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I don't hate Rhino


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6 hours ago, cmacq said:

The fact is Rhino is hard to beat when it comes to solo index. Ofc that does dictate that you look into builds etc. which I have certainly done with mine, including acquiring the right mods. I do not die first but then I also know how to play him correctly.

You can do solo index with every frame. Do you know you have your operator? i did last time 1 hour (hardest)index with a guy using equinox and me with ivara and we got the prodman autograph.

Edited by bibmobello
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I think Rhino is a stepping stone for new players to be able to go places.  They use Rhino to kill dem bosses to obtain other frames. You don't expect them to one shot everything in higher level planets with that sweet Heat dagger? It's a great frame to give them chances to explore deeper into the content without getting shot down every 5 seconds. 


Once they are ready, most will put Rhino at the back. If you don't mod your Rhino correctly, you will still get one shot by enemies as a Rhino WITH IRON SKIN ON. These players will learn that "Oh, this isn't working, my Rhino is kinda weak in sorties/arbitrations, let's try something new."


It's still essential for them to learn how to mod their guns/frames properly, don't you think? So that's another way they pursue alternative paths to try and solve problem. Don't worry about it. 

Edited by HappyFishxas
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42 minutes ago, HappyFishxas said:

I think Rhino is a stepping stone for new players to be able to go places.  They use Rhino to kill dem bosses to obtain other frames. You don't expect them to one shot everything in higher level planets with that sweet Heat dagger? It's a great frame to give them chances to explore deeper into the content without getting shot down every 5 seconds. 


Once they are ready, most will put Rhino at the back. If you don't mod your Rhino correctly, you will still get one shot by enemies as a Rhino WITH IRON SKIN ON. These players will learn that "Oh, this isn't working, my Rhino is kinda weak in sorties/arbitrations, let's try something new."


It's still essential for them to learn how to mod their guns/frames properly, don't you think? So that's another way they pursue alternative paths to try and solve problem. Don't worry about it. 

I have no problem in sorties with Rhino. If you know how to mod for iron skin you will not get one shot at that level....

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1 hour ago, bibmobello said:

You can do solo index with every frame. Do you know you have your operator? i did last time 1 hour (hardest)index with a guy using equinox and me with ivara and we got the prodman autograph.

Maybe you can....newbies certainly can't and I did talk about solo not duo....or you're telling me you use your operator the whole time?

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17 hours ago, withinmyself said:

I just feel that his existence in Warframe limits players to a certain extent in which they feel "safe" therefore they don't pursue any alternative paths to try and solve problems that will help them in late endgame content. Content that even a seasoned Rhino player will consistently fail at. And I feel like this is an extreme decrement to the growth of endgame players. Or at least the growth of enjoyment in the common Warframe player.

same goes for really any frame with insane amount of damage reduction. Rhino is just the tip of the iceberg, and he's actually quite mediocre. With god frames like Mesa, Nova, Nidus and many others you can basically kill lvl 200 mobs while sipping on a cold beer and playing with one hand. Do you think this community is ready to have their favorite "power fantasy" frames nerfed to the ground? lel.

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21 hours ago, withinmyself said:

blah blah blah limits player"safe" therefore they don't pursue any alternative paths to try and solve problems that will help them in late endgame content. Content that even a seasoned Rhino player will consistently fail at. And I feel like this is an extreme decrement to the growth of endgame players. Or at least the growth o

You realized you don't speak for the rest of the playerbase right?

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15 hours ago, Cloudyvisage said:

I think you're under-estimating people wanting to try out new things. Rhino is just one frame, if he's your favorite frame, well, then whatever, presumably you're working on figuring out all the specific niches he performs well at and how to build him to suit your playstyle. If you're just grabbing Rhino because you need to tank and you don't usually run tank frames, such as when you're going to Arbitrations, well, I'm not sure what is to be expected there.

Rhino is a crutch but unless people get fixated on him for some reason he's a crutch they don't need so they will move on. As an example, I used Valkyr as a crutch for quite a while, she let me do sorties with the vets and survive in situations that I had no right to live through, I knew I could be relevant because hysteria let me fight alongside those vets because I didn't need to worry about death for the next minute and a half. I played her quite a bit while I was at that in-between stage of competency and gear effectiveness. I barely use Valkyr at all anymore, I've always been a Volt main, a squishy character, then they nerfed him, buffed him and ESO came out and now he is somehow meta, times change.

Same as me, but whith Rhino! He is a very good starter frame, specially if you are playing whith vets/powerfull friends ( l started playing, whith my Clan, almost all a MR27 ), and when i started sorties, it helped a lot, because at MR8 you don't have the best Mods and weapons (i didn't), and Rhino is a very "cheap" build and he whith is ROAR and IRON SKIN, helps a lot doing the damagae, and survavibility. Now i play whit Squishier and FUNNIER frames, because now i can survie, and my gameplay/parkour/experience is better.
I know there are a lot of Hate to Rhino, but i think is because it can make a bad player, a medium player, but it doen't make you an awsome player. You need more to became that.

Sry for my salty comments, but Rhino has a place in my heart! He helped me a lot in the eartly stages of game (and he stills does, but not that often) and how can everybody not like that gorgious and agressive looks?? 🙂


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8 hours ago, bibmobello said:

You can do solo index with every frame. Do you know you have your operator? i did last time 1 hour (hardest)index with a guy using equinox and me with ivara and we got the prodman autograph.

I am tired of using Rhino in Index ( but still ❤️ Rhino!) I would love to use other tactics. but how can you mange survivability, whith equinox? Or is Ivara who grabs the points? Would love to know differente aproaches to INDEX farming..!

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4 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

I am tired of using Rhino in Index ( but still ❤️ Rhino!) I would love to use other tactics. but how can you mange survivability, whith equinox? Or is Ivara who grabs the points? Would love to know differente aproaches to INDEX farming..!

I grab the points and made almost more damage than equinox... After a while The bursa is the worst enemy considering my mutalist quanta+sancti castanas+riven+12X navigator can't kill him with 5 shots , i have to try  with magnetic+radiation next time or shield reduction aura. For fast index sometime i used baruuk but it's not very good considering he can't use his exalted very often, we need to stay 1 hour if you need a fast speed index Rhino is the fastest but not for 1 hour with the 50.000 index. Revenant and Hyldrin should be good but i don't like them.

Edited by bibmobello
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5 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

Sry for my salty comments, but Rhino has a place in my heart! He helped me a lot in the eartly stages of game (and he stills does, but not that often) and how can everybody not like that gorgious and agressive looks?? 🙂

I'm glad you had a positive experience with Rhino and you think of him that way.  I think this comment out of all the others has gotten closest to swaying my opinion. 🙂

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5 hours ago, Alexcavalera said:

I am tired of using Rhino in Index ( but still ❤️ Rhino!) I would love to use other tactics. but how can you mange survivability, whith equinox? Or is Ivara who grabs the points? Would love to know differente aproaches to INDEX farming..!

My top frames for doing Index are Trinity and Ivara.  I'm not saying they are better than Rhino but they can definitely stand toe to toe.

Ivara can stay invis the entire time and I move around the tileset using her dashwire as you can set up 4 of these and move quickly from one end to the other.  Her passive is enemy radar so you'll see enemies on the map without using an extra mod.  I run 2 Arcane Guardians on her just in case.  I always turn in at 10 (so +14)  As long as you have a silencer Mod on your weapon you can use any weapon in the game with her.  Fortunately for us the Fulmin came out and is silenced right off the bat so that's my go-to weapon with Ivara.

My Trinity build is high duration, high efficiency and a bit of range.  I build for her Link ability which turns her into a tank.  Plus it makes it easy to find enemies.  I also use Energy Vampire as needed so I don't have to rely on energy orbs throughout the tileset.  Her 4 just for emergencies and I can't really recall using her 1 that much in this situation.  As with Ivara I always turn in at 10(+14)  I can't stand having the clock get under 60 seconds.  There just isn't any need for it.  I usually use my Rubico Prime with Trinity just because I have a nice Riven for it.  

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21 hours ago, sleepychewbacca said:

In this case if a player has 90% playtime on Rhino and ignores all other frames, and they're happy with that, I see nothing wrong. If I'm helping someone and they don't want to use anything other than Rhino that's fine too. 

I think my biggest concern is that they actually stick around.  But I agree.  If they've enjoyed that frame and continue to enjoy that frame I have no reason to say one thing or the other about it.  

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14 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

Uhm, I'm new and still need rhino. I've been playing like a month gimme a break. I'm building Limbo right now but I have to wait 11hrs....hows that my fault. 


I still need 87,000 Ayatan Sculptures so I can mod, and I still have to wait every week for Baro to get Primed mods. I only have 2 riven mods, need endo and credits for those as well...


And I only have so many frame space, I had to delete my level 30 mag to make room for other frames lol.


I'm sorry we can't all be prodigies like you 😋

You're absolutely correct.  I didn't mean to come off as being elitist but I suppose I did 🙂

Although I'm gonna tell you right here and right now that deleting that Mag was a poor choice I don't care where you are in Warframe!! <- Highly Biased Comment

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Rhino is just a middle of pack frame. Yeah he may lead to a lazy approach early on but players can transition to other far more survivable frames over time anyways, frames that makes Rhino look like a glass cannon without the cannon.

Rev and Hildryn far outperform the survivability of Rhino when it comes to skills and Inaros is near immortal without having to do anything but slap on a few mods and bring a kitten with him. Sure you can deck him out in grace too but that is overdoing it imo.

I think the people that keep playing Rhino simply arent interested in pushing "endgame" eitherway. If they were they'd look into other frames that fit their tank criteria and survive much better aswell.

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Personally i love Rhino! Sure i hardly play him anymore and havent even bothered to fully upgrade my Rhino prime since he was unvaulted but why is there this hatred towards him? All this "its a crutch frame" stories trying to belittle newer players that are overwhelmed by the whole WF experience as is. Rhino helps players get their foot in the door. Yes later on they will need to learn more and understand the more intricate delicies and ways that WF has to offer but come on...

When early on, Rhino made me not quit right away! Its daunting to say the least, i still find out new things daily and rhino gave me that room to make mistakes and learn. And as many have pointed out, hardly anyone stays a Rhino main for very long, its helps you through the starchart but after that, you'll eventually and automatically branch out. Its a solid frame, easy to get, has some decent powers without being completely dependant on them so you feel levelling weapons has a purpose etc..

Why not just celebrate this frame for what it is!? Many players' first love and most definately a frame that kept players playing... How is this a bad thing? I say we need a national Rhino day and no more of these posts that somehow reek of elitism.

Edited by Crasharr
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