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Nidus Phryke Visual and Animation Bugs


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Since the Phryke Skin was added, the Face mask has always delayed behind the movements you make. In mission and in the orbiter, if you crouch, the mask moves on a delay with the rest of Nidus, making his face go through the mask or making the mask move weirdly in time with Nidus. A link to a Gyazo video below as an example of this happening.


And with the addition of the Bloodshed Sigil, it applies over the mutation armor when it isn't there, and it will linger until you leave the mission or the orbiter. The same goes for the newly added Spore Ephemera. Link below to Gyazo video of an example with the Spore Ephemera.


I don't know if these issues are apparent on PC or PS4, but they have been on Xbox for a bit.

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