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Can something be done with bundles in this game?


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So as the title says:

Lets take nidus Phyrke Bundle..It costs 375 plat.. Which of course i dont want to spend.
The only thing im interested in that bundle are the nidus skin and its syandana, WHY am i not able to buy them seperately? (ok ok they gotta make some money by persuading us blahblah)
Can we at least get a discount on the bundle if we buy just the skin?? So i dont have to repurchase it again incase i ever want the other stuff in the bundle..??

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Il y a 8 heures, -HoB-KurtOn a dit :

So as the title says:

Lets take nidus Phyrke Bundle..It costs 375 plat.. Which of course i dont want to spend.
The only thing im interested in that bundle are the nidus skin and its syandana, WHY am i not able to buy them seperately? (ok ok they gotta make some money by persuading us blahblah)
Can we at least get a discount on the bundle if we buy just the skin?? So i dont have to repurchase it again incase i ever want the other stuff in the bundle..??

I would have picked Ember Vermillion bundle as an example :) This warframe is one of the weakest and less played in the game. Yet we need to buy the pack to get her cool short syandana...

I'm 100% with you, Not a huge fan with prime accessories either, spending 45 € to get one syandana is overpriced, i'd love to buy them around tennogen price...

From what i can remember DE asked what the community was willing to buy and we ended up with this.

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I posted much the same recently in a response to this thread:


Got a 50% off plat voucher today, and I'm really struggling to not buy the Ember Deluxe at the moment. Luckily my financial sense is holding out, and I'm also hoping that enough people will see this thread, and help push for a better option when it comes to bundles.


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I'm okay with the bundles. But not with the stupid fact that if you buy something from it and find yourself wanting to buy the entire bundle after some time, you'll be charged at full price for the same item. Like if you haven't bought it before. 

Also the fact that discounts don't affect bundles...like, WTF? What's the purpose behind it...?

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I am down for a discount--probably not 100% though, if you already own things from the in house bundle. As in no tennogen bundles. 

However I suspect that the bundles have a set price because some of it goes to Sony and the rest to DE, same with the skins. So discounts would come out of DE's pocket. 

However, what about a reimbursement of rolling Nightwave credits?

Why not plat? Because I figure that plat purchases have real cash value that is split between DE and Sony while Nightwave doesn't.

So special Nightwave credits that you can use with any Nightwave would limit purchases to things DE is willing to let us have for 'free' and not interefere with revenue. (or lots of dukats?)

If it was plat, even untraceable plat, that would be a loss for DE. This way DE keeps their full income and we have a currency to spend on at least some plat items. Like potatoes, or aura mods we could then trade for plat. 

Edited by (PS4)NemitheNem
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7 hours ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

???? What does Sony have to do with DE?????? Now i'm curious.

When a ps4 player buys, say, a Tennogen skin, 1/3 of the real money value goes to the Tenno, 1/3 goes to DE, and 1/3 to Sony. On X-box replace Sony with Microsoft. 

Meanwhile on PC they don't use plat for that, they use real money for deluxe and tennogen stuff. It's why we can't use discounts on bundles like that, or Tennogen. 

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