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Loot deletion on crashes


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Okay, so I have played for a few hours on Plains of Eidolon, and when day started went to farm ghoul stuff. I farmed well, for like entire Eidolon day. Many rare resources, many new rare mods. I was quite happy, as those resources were quite what I needed most urgently. And then it all crashed. I frantically restarted game, got the squad rejoin thing only to see entire loot, results of entire hour of farming, lost.


Come on, DE! You made this squad rejoin system so people can quickly rejoin missions on crash, but made it still erase entire loot? I understand loot erasure on willingly exiting mission, but this... gosh. Simply trashing all the rewards because game video memory consumption suddenly spiked to some insane levels!

What I ask for is simple: make rejoining squad via on-crash rejoin system get you loot back. Like just catch up with what other players have, dunno.

Loosing such a vast amount of resources is infuriating and I am quite salty right now, only barely restraining myself from degrading to angry rant with no constructive content whatsoever..

Also, although it may sound scummy, I would like to request some kind of refund for such events, as they have been happening to me repedeately, every time trashing vast amounts of valuable loot. I do play game for fun of it, but crashes usually hit me when I am farming. Not to say losing rewards wrecks the pleasure of playing when expecting them.

Edited by BrainJacker
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2 часа назад, Erikhungary1 сказал:

It took me almost 2 hours to take down the Exploiter Orb solo, and in the end i crashed and lost the entire loot, no clue if i can contact somehow a support and got at least the Hildryn part and the toroids back.

Yeah, same feelings. I didn't lose the valuable expendables only gettable via events... oh wait I did but that was when I farmed it. Like, 12 thermia! Anyway, I hope this can be somehow elevated so DE see theese crashes and no-loot-returns being a massive issue.

Edited by BrainJacker
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