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Well, I'm a misanthrope and "universal but measured" cynic (as opposed to the more common "selective but absolute" cynic), so I don't have much love to display. Sorry.

That said, I am also, perhaps paradoxically, a bit of a dreamer, so I suppose I could at least give this video a quick and meritorious thumb up.

Edited by KnossosTNC
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I don't love or hate humanity. We're dumb and cruel, don't get me wrong. But we're also wise and kind. Often the same person.

In other words, grand sweeping statements and sentiments are rife with inaccuracies and exceptions, so it's impossible to really take stock in them.

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The true irony is "We're like sheep and yet we ignore the call of the shepherd".  Fact: sheep aren't the smartest animal for they always find themselves getting mow down by wolves, yet we got goat fight each other and sometime they murder each other just simple as that.

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I honestly wish i wasnt human. i wanted to be a blue scaled 3 red flaming eyed guy, with a flaming tail, black claws and fangs. and fireball tail. 

its been my inner self, i can feel it when iam mad, but id rather be that than the other. i drew all this stuff, the blue one, in my dreams was a giant buff dragon. blue scales

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

you know what animal is really smart? Crows, those are like my favorite animal. on the other hand, you get some california girls who lock themselves out of the car...

With their keys in their hands.

Not having enough drink causes loss of concentration and focus

Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday folks

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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

you know what animal is really smart? Crows, those are like my favorite animal. on the other hand, you get some california girls who lock themselves out of the car...

With their keys in their hands.

Yea I think I heard funny news about that for I say "Humanity greatest Irony is their stupidity and their sins" (cause your will choose sin to be greedy, lusty, gluttony, prideful, sloth, wraith, and jealousy can cause to die in such in way stupidity).  Pretty much she just being dumb for the time being.  Crows are good animals but I find it funny about crows they steal people's food which 1 time my buddy of mine who once lived in India the crows are smart and they know good time to swoop down and steal someone's food, also the seagulls are doing it too swooping down and stealing ppl food, I find them the trolling animal's group.

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

the thing with humans is their pride, as the "intelligent" or most "dominant" we overlook the funny way animals simply exist within our cities.

Animals adapt, it is adapt or die. just wish animals would understand roads and cars. i watched this interesting series called Zoo, on netflix where animals fought back. 

it just got really dumb at the end though, with humans basically exterminating themselves, while a cow stares at them chewing grass.

life in general is an intriguing thing, the behavioral patterns that every species exhibits, can also be interred into our own social habits, but since we make stuff, we seem "smarter"

its blatant objectivity, its just weird to see our own genetics, like we are 99% similar to apes, but 98% similar to trees, dna wise. 

it really is fascinating if you are into science, the society things, genetics, rna dna, ancestry, behaviors, attitudes. .... i have no idea, i just like to think


Sometime knowledge doesn't grant us always good thing, for those people who like to use evil things for example guns for they both have good and evil in them but only those wield it and use it their own will to choose to be good or evil.  This is where humanity lack where wisdom as knowledge is the other side the coin, it's not like they 1 side shouldn't exist but they all need exist to understand the morals for for both must exist even it comes to emotional touches.

I know science is fun stuff but I know everything doesn't flow the way how we always to think, for example the doctor think they know the best but if we look back then where people wear knightly armor and hadn't even had a gun in their hands for everything falls believing leeches will solved the problem for people who are sick but what it did made the problem even worst then ever before.  The fact we see this happening things cannot even explain well even thou it is famous scientist for they will not know all the way for everyone cannot hold a widely of knowledge for humanity will let their sins run wild within.  Humanity let their sins run wild and enjoy the stay as sinner for they don't think proper way advance for such to be but it is their will to chose it is their will to chose.  For humanity will fall behind in wisdom and go forward with technology that has no safety adding into it, we do it so smart but the stupidity always find a way to bite back.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

the thing with humans is their pride, as the "intelligent" or most "dominant" we overlook the funny way animals simply exist within our cities.

Society Behavior studies are quite interesting if you are into "dismantling systems" like that. 

As someone who worked with "customers" face to face for 10 years, I have my share of good and bad moments with the "human kind". As such, I tend to get somewhat reluctant to categorize any individual, discarding things as sex, age or religion as minor details that say jack about the individual, keeping my impressions of said individual from the interactions we have.

Every one is different, we can only choose who we get to continue meeting, not who we meet. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

it was a madhouse every day, every day there were fights, and arguments, it was interesting at times, but always dangerous, like 4-5 people died there. 

That... I genuinely feel for you, luckily for me the "worst" I had to endure was working at a bar in a low-end area near the docks. Lots of drunkards/people with addiction problems (mostly heavy drugs) wich would turn up every single night just to try to piss me off or trying to get free drinks... Annoying, but tolerable. 

After a wile I got to know most of them, their back stories, their problems, their personalities... Some were actually pretty good people who got a bad hand at life, some would accept that hand and actually try to change, outers were already too deep to be able to lift themselves up but refused anything given to them. 

It was hard not being able to do much for that community, eventually had to leave but kept some of the contacts made there, they did teach me a lot and I won't ever forget the time spent or the faces of those I was able to give a better hand. 



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5 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

There is no God without the Devil.

i used to work in the worst place ever, walmart, it was the busiest store, and the #1 highest theft rate in the city store. busiest+worst criminal activities.

i once cashierd like 100 people in an hour or so. by myself, that store had no employees they got fired for stealing from it, or doing drugs in the back.

i was like number 781. when i started, after 5 years, they were at 1300. about 400+ employees had been in and out in 5 years there, fired. some in a week.

it was a meth rehab area, a high homeless area, and drug area. with a veterans hospital as well as mental hospital right around the corner.

it was a madhouse every day, every day there were fights, and arguments, it was interesting at times, but always dangerous, like 4-5 people died there. 

Only you think there is no God without the Devil, basically God can lived without the Devil for he doesn't share same boat or neither side help each other out for no one want read carefully how the stories goes because everyone step into narrowed path way because they only see one path and don't wait patiently because they only see havel make the road looks like it is narrowed path.

At the time it is people who chose to do evil because God isn't forcing anyone to be evil or line them up to be destine to be evil, only those who follow that path only will find regrets along with the road how the irony and how far they fall.

Days always get worst because God knows zealot's hearts but roam in their zealot way because they think they can fight a God who made countless universes, time, space, and everything else for men we understood so little for we humanity limited what we think what God can do but yet our thoughts all together is still a grain of sand, a tiny pebbled and no matter how much we think that is a God should be bound by men for he cannot be bound no matter how much you try physically, mentally, or spiritually for you cannot hook a Leviathan's mouth and create your own little universe to make your own logic for it make sense.

One thing I only enjoy humanity or find it glimmer of hope is humanity being obedient to God's command for it is human chose if they want to be obedient or not for it is better taste the fruit that way so humanity can be fruitful towards each others. 

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