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à l’instant, (PS4)Tomplexthis a dit :

well eh, today people do "good" deeds to get on cameras for fame and fortune

youtubers do good stuff on film and make money off it, disingenuous things. its not really good

Pride of humility or humility of pride.

Regardless of what you do, there will always be someone aproving or disaproving what you do.

We do live in society but that doesn't mean that you have to... Vivre dans le regard des autres... That mean living in and for the opinion of others.

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il y a 2 minutes, (PS4)Tomplexthis a dit :

i guess my overall concept of reality would be the basis of light, to rainbow to shadows.

a white light, beaming out into the darkness, of all colors to one. 

when lit into a prism, which is life itself, we become a color. singular. but in death, do we fall to the shadows, or return to the light

do we choose our colors, do we choose this life, and become light or shadow. or are we all part of the rainbows whole?

You are the universe has much has i am. This statement is inacurrate but not false, even if there is contradiction and misleading information.

Choosing is at the same time a gift and a Burden. We always choose but all the option aren't allways known or understood.

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On 2019-08-23 at 1:34 AM, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

The God people preach is just a set of rules written by a man and his ideals. 

The God given to us, is just a conformation of someone else's beliefs about who or what God is.

Devils give into basis desires, but "gods people" follow a preacher, and not God.

For every religion is with God. but those without, are just followers.

It is outlawed to follow life in your own way, and only righteous to follow what is popular. strength in numbers, not in soul

Good and Evil, it takes both to say what is right and wrong, the balance of positive, and negative, and humans as neutral, in between. the trinity

we are free to do what we want, but the universe consists of these 3. us, our vision of god, and the universe around us watching. 

If there was a God, then why do bads things happen, it conflicts to show that there is a devil. demons. and no real angels. other than men doing good to please a "God"

as long as we do good things, we will not be sent to a "hell" for eternity, and we all want a heaven.

Religion isn't always a formed place, it isn't a church, that is just a congregation. religion is our own view, or organized into a set of laws, rules, and beliefs we choose to follow

this becomes a faith in the belief of a being that we cannot see, but that sees us, suffering in pain, crying alone in a corner, at all the wicked things we are forced to witness

we endure, because we wish for something better, we say it will get better, but it never does, all we get, is age, we get older, then die, a carcass, like all others.

in the end, no religion matters, because all things die, do you die with a clear happy conscious, go into the light, or guilt, horror, shame, regrets, falling into the darkness. 

if you see the balance of God of light, and Devil of darkness. you see we need both. too much light, everything burns, too much darkness, everything freezes.

but the religion that is most practiced, is the one of pride. 

I'm sorry, you think God set the rules to be unfair, it is simple to be in the book of Job he didn't "Cause evil" for evil wanted do, for sometime the stories goes what or who goal is settled in the book, For example from the start Adam's 2nd son Cain, he disobey God everytime a zealot for he rebel he said and was not killed by anyone for his people as well sons and daughter pushes to the point to lived in sins and enjoy being evil for they worship other gods (which demonic spirit and empty shell idols) for  you seek for that, but the people ignore God himself why do you think people being such sinners today because of the fact "They Don't Want To Change" but the sinners who wanted to change are given a chance if they choose to be.  I am guessing you probably hear it from Mormen, cathlic, or some other church and end up having information wrong and you been wondering what the heck is going on for the devil's always plays his chess game with human who will think it is their own thoughts and shear wills for the devil encourage people form the rich, the poor or the neutral even the Atheist to do one thing "Hide the Trails what God had made the path that are given" for it is common for the devil to deceived because we cannot see in the spirit who is enslave by sins. Sins is like a spirit but cannot be bound for they are free like how these things are and it be wrong of God to send them right away into the lake of fire.  Men will not understand the rules because the way is heavy as Havel.

You only see havel in the mist because the devil cover what is truth and there is never too much light that burns in fact you limited God of his meaning and you think pride is religion for bare truthfully that is you make up that lie and how it is a lie for it is just "Men Who Chose To Boast In Lies or In Pride" for in the bible God never boasted how much pride he has but show how great that he made.  Your the other people who think God has an limited but you don't know meaning "what is of his own power".  God is always been Good no matter what for you think he is not there but he see everything you did and everything he did try help you like example you had car accident and you pray to God that you'll get a new car and will you get new car for the answer is "Yes and No" for it could be long term or short term because either you are suffering under because your own sins, someone cruses you or either you go a place that someone told you in ritual "your going have accident" for that is you have to pray and hope it is removed but at the time being, there is people who are getting helped.  The devil uses different religions aren't belong to 1 God, for he developed every religions best he could do even witchcraft is a secret religions but no one want talk about it because Atheist think it just magic but it is religions made by the devil in disguised even the hex people are bunch religions people who wanted curse people without knowing for Atheist people believed that karma but no that is just a curse made by hex people who pretend to be Atheist which there was a priest went undercover to see his profile and everything it was same guy who doing the same BS and explain it why he was cursing his own fellow man-kind because he wanted the power form the devil but for the truth they only hold authorities that is limited by the devil because he is using his authorities that is burrow from God for it didn't said in the bible he lost the authorities.  For keep this in mind for the devil wanted this earth to be rotten from the inside out and look how much people are rotten, people being well...negative in life and you cannot side with neutral for you have no positive because you think in physically but you have to see it in mentally for you aren't ready to know the spirit because your spirit is like infant that hasn't even been born because you chose follow that path and not being obedient to listen.  Why do you think the devil work so hard to make everyone to fall because he is that crafty and that good as he know the old trick in the book will no matter work because he wanted those under him to die with him.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:

God is gullible, God is jealous, God is angry, vengeful, wrathful. for we are made in Gods image, and literally even in the -Biblee, the devil tricked God into hurting people.

Book of Job, the devil made a bet with God, about his faith, Job, being tortured, tormented, messed with by God, still asks why in faith.

People look at God and the devil, and think they are pure enemies, but its more like a weird friendship or something. 

Beyond most reasoning, comes logic, the bible, was purported to NOT be messed with, the bible curses all those who alter its words, and meanings

But through translations, and 2000 years, the meaning is lost in time, but the love, logic, stories, remain. the heart is there, the words are changed.

people are not evil, for following their own style of life, living, wicca, paganism, is not evil, it is older than the bible. 13000 years or so. bible is around 6000-3000 years old

the thing was, the story of Jesus was at first adapted from old Egyptian stories, and texts, Jesus was real, but in fact, it seems cyclical. the events

The bible pulled from many a tale told around the world, based on fact or fictitious events. 

A person is not evil because they follow a religion they great up with, it is how they are raised and chose to act. judging them based on their religion is wrong.

It is their character, their actions that speak in true measure, you can not judge them for that, but what they have done, and choose to do

But no man bears the burden to judge another mans soul, for we do not know them, we have not seen them, and therefore, we will never know

it is God and the Devil that see you hear you speak to you, and you choose who to listen to, you choose what to be. even if it feels like we dont

religion is interesting, because from a scientific standpoint, even science proves their existence. 

but most religions are based on a collective knowledge of books, stories, teachings, rules, laws, and beliefs, written by men, created by men. taught by men.

passed down into the generations, until another religion, with more followers takes its place, saying It is the only way, the only path, join me, or die. 

and for 2000 years, we see the flow in time, the wars fought over the controlled masses, following a preacher with a stick, telling them to do wrong, in the name of "their" God

in true religion, you'd see love, not war, but people fight for whatever reason they do, they follow what they believe, and act upon it. 

A man may be great, but his followers are weak, he may be his own self, but the followers practice a religion, that falls into a cult. 

it kind of sucks, but going into too much detail is meh, people think we need a middle man to speak to God, but i always thought, God was always listening.

whatever name people choose to call their Gods, is up to them. just let them be

Yet it is humanity chose the road giving meaningless chose, it is just God is listening and no there is no more then 1 gods which there is always different between a cap G and low g because look how many idols try shape their own figure to be gods even they said these stupid stones and woods "Be our gods" for they painted their eyes and every bits they are pointless even thou without the paint because these stones and woods are just idols that doesn't exist, why do you think God said he don't want man kind make statues to pray to, God is not in stones or woods, he is not bound to the earth he made.  It just human follow faults hope in themselves end up with bunch load broken promise they made but the one who already for filled the promise Jesus had for he will keep on going what is Good and yes he is an innocent man who humanity nailed him to the cross because of prophecy to be for filled.  We have Prophets people (NOT MONEY MAKER) who is actually can hear God in the bible and do you think we still have them today?  Yes because God didn't said "I'm done choosing a prophets people" or neither God didn't said "I'm done and not coming back" for no one know about the napkin when Jesus rose from the dead for it fold nice and neat which in old ways when the Master fold napkin for he is will be returning back to the dinner table for the servant is not to touch the food or plate or anything on the table.  For everyone will always miss every meaning and never think of why and ask other people why then ask other things.  Because Humanity is not asking God enough and humanity is not patient enough for the humanity think it the world should revolved around them only and only them for why do you think we got selfish people who want to keep money and wanted more money, why do you think humanity chose to be rebellious and always seek for liberation that is bad, these are humanity issues and their own grief because the spirit of zealot roam in men to do what is wrong.

In fact spirits are not bound to death for they work so hard in groups to make men to have lost in faith, hope even the things they believed as soon humanity break into the point they can't handle it they find that drowning in sorrows.  It is the devil work so hard no demons had not rested for they work every miller-meter second to try so hard make men not to see God.  I pointed out the simple terms and you may not released when God call for his sheep they will come for they know the shepherd's voice.  In fact you wanted to for it is your chose try go deeper and figure out what is real, scientist had no clue what is going on or neither know what to be for they all random guesser no matter what for they'll say "That flash big light in the sky is rip of random spark" and people going ask "what cause this" then those egg heads will make up more saying "oh atoms or pushing one another to make spark" simple term and not stupid long term trying sound smart for it is meaningless, the fact someone stated this but another egg head will stated different way as then another egg head will say they are wrong for all the knowledge you try obtain in this universe is meaningless for it is just the same size of the world you try figure out meaning and try discover the fact.  Humanity I will let them be but know the warning of God what he will do for he can make whole world to cry as simple as to be.  For truth will be harsh and it will hurt as the havel will be lifted.

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I'm somewhat optimistic as I want to see the "good in people" and that we are capable of greater good and all but I'm also a realist and aware of all the horrible stuff we are capable of. It's sad to see that there is still so much ignorance, intolerance, primitivism, malice and greed out there. Probably explains why in general I avoid other people.


Religion is an entire different topic but one that somewhat fits within this, I rejected religion for I see for what it is, a means to control the masses, to pollute peoples minds with values created by certain individuals, mostly with self-interest and gain. While not all of it's values are bad there are the ones which drive people to some of the previously mentioned problems that are present in our society or use it as an excuse to do their ill intentions. After seeing some of this disgusting behavior I decided to leave it for good.

If there is a God, one thing I'm sure of is that most of these if not all religions don't represent him. Therefore I live by these values only, be kind to each other and treat others like you want to be treated yourself.

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