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Power Carriers Stopped Spawning after some of them got stuck in the ground(Excavation)


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So we were doing arbitration(excavation) on earth,and after some time we were noticing that the power carriers(infested) werent spawning anymore.

Then i told my teammates that i go search for them,and i found them, they got stuck in the ground somehow with the arbitration drones.

Sadly i didnt managed to capture a picture of them being stuck in there,but i do have a picture of the area where they were stuck.


Here is some data:

Faction we played against:Infested.

Location: Earth - Tikal

Gamemode: Arbitration - Excavation

Warframes used : 2 Limbos,1 Saryn 1 Frost

Time played: 1 hour

Rewards from arbitration: 8 Endo/Mods/Cosmetic Rewards(8 vitus essence)

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