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Solo interception fissures are a waste of time


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I don't think once in my life was i ever able to get all the reactant in the 5 minutes a round lasts. Because of the stupid solo adjustments that make the game spawn less enemies i legit just don't get enough reactant to open a relic (i think i only ever managed to do it once in 2 years of playing this game) even i take every measure possible to ensure as many corrupted kills as i can. There are just SO LITTLE enemy spawns in solo that 90% of the time the game is just pure silence while the progress on the towers goes up. I feel like the only way to actually get all reactant is let enemies "win" for a bit: letting them get at least 50% progress seems to be the only way to get enough reactant with these horrid spawns + garbage reactant drop rates. I don't think i need to explain why this is terrible game design. I'm literally forced to leave interception fissure missions whenever my squad wants to leave because i know that if i stay i won't be able to open anything at all without playing the game in a boring, counterproductive way and relying on trash AI. It's just a terrible, frustrating experience, a true waste of time.

Does anyone know how to increase solo spawn rates or make more reactant drop? I know Nekros doesn't help at all since reactant isn't affected by Desecrate. If not then can we make a thread on feedback and draw attention to it so DE can fix this mess? Seriously, it's literally just a number adjustment, not a huge revamp. It can't be that hard.

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... I know what you mean. I tend to keep my capture score only 1% ahead of the enemy faction's score. They did consider increasing the spawns, and I hope I get armies of grineer spawning like some time ago, where every inch of the map was more populated than a live music concert show on an Exterminate mission...

... Good times, hope they return... Those lvl80 Grineer spawning like that sure sounds like a decent challenge for me...

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There's such a huge discrepancy between fissure types regarding reactant drop in general that it's honestly baffling.

Exterminate it's practically impossible to NOT get enough reactant.  You can easily get enough reactant within the first 30 kills, even in an Axi fissure.
Survival or interception?  You can kill 200 enemies in the round, and end up with 9 or fewer reactant.  It doesn't help if you join mid round and everyone already has 6 reactant.  An exterminate you could spawn in late, everyone has 10 reactant, the mission is 75% done, and you'll still probably get your 10.

Minimum reactant drops need to be based on mission progress.  Otherwise it's easily one of those "you failed through no fault of your own" situations, and nobody likes those.

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Yeah, why limit the spawn numbers in solo? 

I'm waiting since forever for DE to rise up the number of spawns while being in a full squad and also in solo. Why the need for so few timid enemies to come when we are alone? They should always be swarming and with a higher amount of top tier enemies among them. 

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Found this out yesterday. Did an interception, got 3 reactant and I gave up. Defense fissures are equally as bad solo. Keep hoping in one of these mainline updates, they'll realize solo players aren't as weak as they think we are and stop scaling everything down so much.

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17 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

Why are you even doing Solo Interception as your fissure of Choice anyway ?

I enjoy Interception, it's my favorite game mode, i play it everytime i can. I don't choose to do them solo, i always go public then my squad leaves after the first round...

Yeah sure i could always go to recruit chat for a long run if i want but that's not the point of the thread, the point is that enemy spawns shouldn't be this low to begin with.

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